Pope hints at possible ordination of married men

Pope Francis said the idea of relaxing celibacy rules was “not a solution.” Getty Images

Pope Francis has said he may consider ordaining married men – under very specific circumstances – to address the shortage of Catholic priests.

He was speaking about the possibility of viri probati (men of proven faith) carrying out some duties.

“We have to give a thought to whether viri probati are a possibility,” he told German newspaper Der Zeit, his words translated by Reuters.

Such men, he said, could possibly work in isolated areas.

The Latin phrase viri probati is used to refer to married men of strong faith, who are often older with grown children.


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  1. March 14, 2017

    Talk about hypocrites? I know of Catholics who are married to divorces. Their priests married them, the bride and her family are devout Catholic, she is still Catholic. Big ceremony in church, even communion. It was no secret the man was divorced. So come again. Catholic hypocrites. I’m saying what I know.

  2. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 13, 2017

    You non-Catholics will never leave the Catholic Church alone. You try to profess that you are know-how experts of Holy Scripture. You who say you go by the Bible, show me where it is in the Bible and it is not in the Bible, you contradict yourselves and do not live by it.
    Our Lord Jesus Christ chose his disciples. Who were they and what was their status? If you are such an expert, surely, you should know.
    Another question for you. Did Our Lord say that priests should be married? Did he give a mandate to the Church that priests should be married?
    He spoke of marriage and divorce when the Pharisees said to him, Moses gave them a bill of divorce.
    Our Lord replied: “It was not so. Moses gave you a bill of divorce because of the hardness of your hearts.”
    Note, all non Catholic churches marry divorcees with no questions asked and no counseling as long as they got a divorce from the city government.
    You are just a bunch of hypocrites and contradictions.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 13, 2017

      Confusing too. Just as you falsely indoctrinate people with your false teachings, also going after practicing Catholics to encourage them to renounce Catholicism and join your church (for what?), you lead people astray with your spiritual ignorance and unenlightened minds. God knows that.

  3. March 12, 2017


    You have given us two reasons for ordaining married men.

    Here is a third reason. The Bible approves of ordaining married men.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

  4. March 12, 2017

    This shows that the pope and his followers are a cult, that can change their rules at any time. That shows that something is so wrong with this religion. They haven’t been following the bible, but tradition

    • out of south city
      March 13, 2017

      All religion is deception. Religion has been used to captivate the masses’ minds so that they won’t be able to think CREATIVELY (with their birth- minds). One person said, “why should I wear an emblem (the cross) around my neck which signifies death?” He continued to say, if a sledge hammer was used to kill someone, would that also be used around the neck?

      Why are we, especially people with melanin (the pigment that gives us our colour), be so caught up and entwined in religion that caused our ancestors their lives and continue to do us the same? Why are we afraid to let that go? How has that helped us? Instead, things have and are getting worse by the day yet we continue to worship massa.

      WAKE UP MY PEOPLE and let all religions go and your eyes will be opened and you will be able to think cleary and let no man cloud your mind!

      The pope has too much control over people the world over.


  5. Ghetto Man
    March 11, 2017

    Alvin Knight in the morning Alvin Knight in the morning number one candidate.

  6. jalee
    March 11, 2017

    As a member of the catholic Church, I always said, Priests should have been married from the inception of priesthood. Pastors and deacons are married and they all do the work of God

  7. The Eel
    March 11, 2017

    Good idea but only those men that keep to their vows. Look it. Read Ruth and ESRA in the Holy Bible. They were being nice to men. The Lord told them you have 12 husbands.

  8. anonymous
    March 11, 2017

    The Catholics should now ask themselves questions. Is the church built on the foundation of the Word of God or on the beliefs of the pope. Is the pope God? The Bible clearly states that the pastor should be married yet the church disregard God’s Word and have their own rituals.
    What next will they change? What about those who have gone before and led to believe that this teaching was correct? What next will they change? So sorry that they have led many astray with teachings that doesn’t come from the word of God e.g the teaching about purgatory and praying for the dead and for angels to carry them to heaven. There is no teaching like this in the Bible. Truth does not change. Wake up, people and search the scriptures for yourselves.

    • Amarossa
      March 13, 2017


      You doh realize is the same Catholic Church that put the bible together in the order it currently is??

      You trying to revere the bible as if is Creflo Dollar or T.D. Jakes that compile it…Is de same Vatican that have you all reading bible and can make ignorant comments.


      • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
        March 13, 2017

        They are also spiritually ignorant and lack enlightenment. Their leaders have watered-down some words of the Holy Bible. Some have taken out some chapters and passages from it. Their bible is not the original one. They act as if the Bible originated from them and they put it together and that whatever church they go to, it is the one and only true church.

  9. Nonetheless, it is still a fact that man is choosing what he feels like choosing, so then God has nothing to do with it.

    If the Catholic Church believed that celibacy for their priests and nuns was God’s ordinance from since the stone ages ago, now that they want to consider changing it; is that God’s plan as well?

    What people fail to realize is that God is Holy and wants nothing to do with the flesh; that is the reason for faith and the blood of Christ Jesus. Celibacy is a gift of God to man, but not every man has that gift, that is why Jesus said at Matthew 19: verses 11-12 pertaining to celibacy:

    “All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given: For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it”

    • Notice that Jesus is in favor of those who can live a celibate Life as he said: “He who is able to accept it let, him accept”. He is saying point blank that Life of celibacy is higher than that of marriage.

      At Revelation 14: Verse 4, upon speaking about the 144 000 men who will rule with Jesus, in the new days to come, it is said: “These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins”

      I am stating is that, the Catholic Church was not wrong to call men to live a celibate Life as their priests and nuns; the mistake they made was not to follow carefully, the Lifestyle of the men and women whom they ordained, as they continued the works of religion, instead of the work of faith. That is why God said: “For in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandment of men

      The Catholic Church will not stop this, as they continue to ordain men and women, who has no understanding of the righteousness of God, so to serve Him.

      • So once again, man flawed through his relationship with God because of his fleshly passion and lust, he doesn’t understand that living with Jesus means he must die to the flesh–especially services–like that of a priest, even the pastor, preacher, and the whole Church for that matter

        But God knows a man’s heart; He knows man’s weakness of the flesh, but Jesus says to him: “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness” If only mankind would allow Jesus to make His strength perfect in his weakness–for the Glory of God.!

  10. Let The Truth Be Told - Original
    March 10, 2017

    As always the Pope’s words could be misinterpreted. Non Catholics are not Catholic experts. They can talk which is solely their opinion but they cannot speak for and on behalf of the Catholic Church about what it should do and not do. They should know their non-Catholic views do not count and are null and void and obviously will never be taken into consideration for they do not suit nor conform to the Catholic Church, Its Doctrines, religious teachings and practice.
    The Media of course will distort what the Pope states. We Catholics are fully aware of that and are accustomed to it.
    Celibacy of Priests is based on Our Lord Jesus Christ’s life. He was never married.
    There are some Priests in the US who are married. They are not young men. Their married life must be exemplary, a stable one.
    Some are widowers. They must also have lived an exemplary married life. These are the types of men the Pope is referring to and will consider for the priesthood, if ever.

  11. ....
    March 10, 2017

    Uninterested Catholic. The Hinting Pope.

  12. Really
    March 10, 2017


  13. March 10, 2017

    Pope Francis said he may consider ordaining married men. This is not the same as saying he is going to ordain married men. May consider :?: However, many agree it is something he should consider.

    Any policy that is contrary to the Bible is not going to work. Mandatory priestly celibacy obviously has not worked well. Why did the Roman Catholic Church not stay with what we have in the Bible :?: Why did they ever bring in forced celibacy for their priests when they it is so obviously contrary to the Word of God?

    In the Old Testament the priests were married.

    In the New Testament the priests and rabbis were married.

    In the New Testament the apostles of Christ were married including Peter. The elders (pastors) and deacons of the churches were married. This is what God wanted in most cases. Paul made it clear there are exceptions. Some servants of God are called to a single life but this is a personal matter between the individual and God.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald…

    • Leakfreak
      March 11, 2017

      For the first time ever, something of real truth comes from a pastor though some words are incorrect, I’ll accept the MESSAGE for what it’s worth!!

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 11, 2017

      What do you know? First of all, you and those other churches did not get the Bible first. The First Church which got the Holy Bible, information which It put together and made it into a Bible, is the Catholic Church, If it were not for the Catholic Church you and the other non-Catholics would not have had a Bible.
      Think of Martin Luther and Henry VIII who were Catholics and who had the Bible. They took it and watered it down according to their mentality and lifestyle and other churches as yours followed suite.
      If you read/study the Holy Bible as it should and fully comprehended it, you will find that there are passages in it which refer to celibacy of the Priesthood.
      In those days whatever the Catholic Church decided on the celibacy of Priests, it was not without praying to God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. It did not occur overnight but through prayers of a certain duration. This ensured the approval of the Heavenly Holy Ones.

      • March 13, 2017

        Eastern Orthodoxy is as old as Roman Catholicism, A.D. 33, and they have married clergy.

      • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
        March 13, 2017

        Steve, that church is not to be compared to the Catholic Church and vice versa. They are not one and the same. They separated from the Catholic Church which is why they have their own church. They are not in Communion with the Catholic Church. Whatever their reasons it is their business.
        Everyone is answerable to God, how they wish to operate their church. The Catholic Church does not look at what they do nor should Its members. It also does not interfere in what other churches do nor does It condemn and judge them.
        If only all non-Catholics of all would practice this as they regard themselves Christians, they would show respect for the Catholic Church and its religious practice. At this point, they project lack of love and respect to the point of hatred which are ungodly traits – unChristian-like. God is taking note.

      • March 14, 2017

        In reference to your last paragraph.

        When people reject the plain statements of the Holy Scriptures it will not help no matter how much they pray. God is not going to change His mind because of their prayers, and all their prayers will not cancel out what is written in the book.

        If God wanted priests to be single men why did it not work? The very fact that priestly celibacy
        did not work is proof the idea did not come from God. Why did it erupt into sex scandals world wide? Why has it led to a shortage of priests? Why has it attracted so many homosexuals and who know they do not plan to marry and so many pedophiles wanting easy access to boys?

        If the church could be wrong in such an important matter how can you be sure they are not wrong in other matters? What about purgatory, limbo, prayers for the dead, the intercession of the saints, praying to Mary, indulgences, infant baptism, confession to the priest, and much more :?:

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      How much do you and other non-Catholics really know what is contained in Holy Scripture as you profess to know it and quote from it?
      As we all know, think twice before you speak/comment. Will marriage help them to be better Priests and to serve God and the Church better? Note the numerous bad marriages in the world and the number of separations and divorce and breakdown of family life. This is what is also wrong with some people and the world. You should know that these are displeasing to God.
      How many marriages have weathered the storms of life? How many marriage partners have been faithful to their spouses? How many should know what it entails to make a happy marriage, to remain in it and to have a happy one? Some of those marriages have proved fatal. Is this the mess you want for the Catholic Church?

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      St. Paul knew how devoted they were to God and to the Church why he stated the following:
      1 Corinthians 7:32-35 – Status in Life – I should like you to be free of anxieties.
      An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord.
      But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided.
      An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit.
      A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband.
      I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord “without distraction”.

      • March 14, 2017

        Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 7 to Christians in every walk of life nor only to those who were contemplating going into full time religious work. It was the intention of the Apostle to point out that both marriage and the single state were callings from God who gave the needed grace for each, yet both had advantages and disadvantages. Paul was seeking to help believers discern the will of God for their lives, and make the right decision.

        It is obvious that some of the apostles including Peter were married yet it seems others were not.

        Paul said he had the same right to travel with a wife who was a sister meaning a believer as did
        other apostles yet it seems for the sake of his ministry he chose not to.

        Also Paul wrote that a bishop (a pastor or local church leader) must be the husband of one wife.
        This does not mean he could not be single. It means assuming he would be married he could only have one wife. He could not be a polygamist.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      So they were married in the ancient days. So what? Did Our Lord issue directives that Priests should continue to be married?
      You people know nothing about the Catholic Church. You merely flap your mouths/ tongues and put your fingers to the keyboard and state whatever comes to your unenlightened minds.
      The Church does not force them to be Priests nor remain in the Priesthood. They felt “The Call” and decided to join voluntarily. They must first attend the Seminary to prepare for the priesthood. Prior to taking their last vow, they have the option to leave or to remain.
      These days, some people do not marry permanently, “for better or for worse; ’til death do we part.” Most of them do not honor their marriage vows
      God knows their hearts. There are some who could not maintain a loving, stable marriage. Some got married for the sake of getting married but had no intention of adhering to the marriage vows. In some cases it resulted in separation and divorce.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      Ecclesiastes 5:3-6 – When you make a vow to God, delay not its fulfillment. For God has no pleasure in fools; fulfill what you have vowed. You had better not make a vow than make it and not fulfill it. Let not your utterances make you guilty, and say not before, his representative, “It was a mistake,” lest God be angered by such words and destroy the works of your hands. Rather fear God!
      Watch your words which do not serve the Catholic Church. It does not need the advice of non-Catholics, its enemies, some of whom renounced their Catholic Faith. They should keep their mouths out of the business of the Catholic Church and mind their own business. God knows they have much to mind. Just because they read/study./quote from the Holy Bible they will enter Heaven.
      Sensible people know there is a reason for all things. If you understand that you will know, not be surprised and criticize why the Catholic Church has Its Dogmas/Doctrines, traditions and devotions.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      There are some people who are not happy in their marriage.
      You should know the saying, your mind can either make you sick or well. It all depends what people think, on their mentality and want out of life. They have the option to choose the path. As it says, God gave us a mind and will not touch it. The path we choose, is the path we follow to eternity,one way or the other.
      There are many priests who are happy serving the Lord as a celibate. It did not harm them in any manner. It was a sacrifice they made for the Lord.
      Those who have predeceased us are now reaping what they sowed, the sacrifice they made for the Lord, to serve him wholly.
      Our Lord said: “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” He helped them along to remain faithful to their vows. Among them in our times, is The Great Saint Pope John Paul II. They received their Heavenly reward and happy forever and ever.
      Oh Happy Day for those who honor their vows, be it the priesthood or marital.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      Your criticism of the Catholic Church asked for it which you deserve. I hope this information will change your adverse mentality. If it does not change, it does not matter one bit. The Catholic Church has Its religious principles and teaching. It will not change, no matter what and by no means to suit its enemies
      In a Church there are sinners. Our Lord did not leave us a Church for nothing. He knew we would be in need of one but not as those thousands of churches in the world.
      As a host of the US Catholic Radio program stated, “The Church is a hospital for sinners.”
      The late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen stated, “Before God cleanses the world, He will first cleanse His Church.” God is not blind, deaf nor sleeping. He knew all what was and is occurring.
      Sadly for those who are not of the faith they choose to criticize the Catholic Church. They will do well to see about their souls and try to save it. It is presumptuous to believe that those alive are saved.

  14. Yes I
    March 10, 2017

    Wow! That’s a change. I think many Catholics welcome the idea.

  15. Mother
    March 10, 2017

    Why not? It would make priests more understanding of the daily struggles other people feel, who are in regular relationships and take a lot of paedophiles out of the system.

    • March 11, 2017


      You have given us two good reasons why priests should be allowed to marry.

      Here is a third reason. The Bible approves!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      What makes you think they are not understanding? They fully understand. Those who know what is contained in Holy Scripture know this well. The problem with some as you is, you want to follow your own ways, not that of God and do not want to listen to “The Gospel Teachings ” which is what the Priests preach and advise.
      You should know the difference of living a godly life and an ungodly one. Read/study Holy Scripture especially the New Testament, the Word of the Lord and the writings of the disciples, as inspired by the Holy Spirit. If you do, in that godly spirit, You cannot go wrong.
      You do not need a Priest or anyone else to tell you that. If you are an adult and were taught accordingly, you should know, if you are fully conformed to what is contained in Holy Scripture.
      If it is legal advice you seek, then go to a Lawyer. However, the advice the Priests give is based on the Word of the Lord as contained in Holy Scripture. It costs nothing.

    • Let The Truth Be Told - Original
      March 12, 2017

      1 Corinthians 2:14-15 – The True Wisdom – . . . Now the natural person does not accept what pertains to the Spirit of God, for to him it is foolishness, and he cannot understand it because it is judged spiritually. The spiritual person, however, can judge everything but is not subject to judgment by anyone.
      This is how some of you feel when the Priest speaks and when you ask him for advice. Some of you are dissatisfied and leave the Catholic Church, taking short-cuts.
      Matthew 7 and John 10:1.
      I am a Christian Catholic, faithful to my Church/Faith which Our Lord Jesus Christ established, He, being the Cornerstone of this Church.
      There is nothing wrong with this Church and what the Priests teach. Our lifestyle and manner of thinking will either make us a faithful Catholic or not and remain in practicing this Faith or not;.
      Our Lord said, those who persevere to the end will be saved. He definitely meant, in also the teaching and devotions of the Catholic Church.

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