Religious minister calls for Dominicans to get back to ‘order’


A strong call is being issued for citizens in Dominica to get back to the ‘order’ that God established in the earth, in order to see prosperity.

The call came from Dr. Leon Collymore, a minister and founder and CEO of the World Outreach Ministries (WOMB), a nonprofit organization that assist churches, pastors, and Parachurch organizations by maximizing resources and networking the mind, body, and spirit.

Dr. Collymore will be the featured speaker at a three day seminar on the topic ‘Divine Order’, which will be held at the New Wing of the Dominica Grammar School from November 14th to 16th from 7:00pm.

Dr. Collymore believes that because man has deviated from God’s Divine Order, this has caused a lot of unrest in the world today; a problem that many top experts cannot solve or get answers to.

“Divine Order is a topic that we are dealing with because men have strayed away from the order that God had established in the earth. You see today in the world there is economic instability, unemployment, social unrest, there are so many problems that the world is faced with right now, people do not know what to do. Just look at the bigger nations in Europe, they don’t have the answers, but God has the answer. And God wants to bring us back to the place where we go back to his original plan that he established when he made the earth. We see that when God established order, he established authority, government, law, rule and order. We need to get back to that.”

Recent data shows that authority or the rule of law is now becoming a big issue for many governments around the world. Record shows increased changes in governments’ leadership, the rule of law and their respective constitutions while grappling with the many societal problems affecting nations.

Dr. Collymore said that the seminar will speak directly to leaders and those placed in authority.

“We are also looking at the whole concept of Government. We need to realize that Government is very important. Do you know that Government really is a ministry of God? God made them His ministers in the earth to put laws in place, to put us under control and to establish law and order. And during the seminar we will look at the concept of law, and why Government is there in the earth to keep us in control so that we can leave healthy pleasing lives. In fact the Bible says that when the righteous rule, we will have peace in the earth.”

Dr. Collymore said that while the head of the family and the family itself is responsible for the decrease in order at the home, citizens have a personal responsibility to take control of their lives and be good citizens.

“The family is critical to the earth, we have marriage; male and female, and then out of marriage you have a family and in the family you have children. The family is the psychological, the emotional, educational and the social incubator for development. After you have the family, you have the community followed by the nation or the society. Everyone comes from a family and if we could get ourselves back in order, that’s what God would want. But also too, we’re looking at the personal order in our lives. Every human being must get themselves in order.

The Coordinator for the Seminar, Mr Hansel Valerie is encouraging Dominicans to turn out in large numbers at the event which promises to leave a lasting impact on the lives of the participants.

“There is a focus on the spiritual aspect of order, however the order that we speak of comprises order in society, not only order in the church but order in the home, the family, the workplace, in government, in the secular sector. It is open to everyone and anyone who has a desire to develop or inform himself, or has a desire for personal growth and personal development. We would encourage as many people as possible to attend.”

Persons wishing to attend the seminar can contact Mr Hansel Valerie at 4482217, Mrs. Alice Dalrymple at 3176635 or Mrs. Kathleen Cornelius at the Dominica Grammar School.  Transportation is also provided for participants after the seminar.

A contribution fee of $20.00 will be required for participation.

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  1. June 27, 2014

    This news is three year old. It has come and gone. But I have just read it today while surfing the internet and want offer a few comments for others who like myself are late comers.

    I have never met Dr. Collymore and know nothing about the actual content of his teachings on Divine order. However, as a full time evangelist/Bible teacher I can tell you the Bible has much to say – in fact everything we need to know – about God’s order for every department of our lives. It does indeed tell us there is much to gain from honoring God’s order, and sad consequences if we ignoring His blueprints.

    People should be hearing these teachings and learning these truths from week to week in their own churches. Any outside speaker ideally comes in to reinforce the ongoing work of the church. He is expected to present old truths in a new and refreshing way, and share any new insights God has given him.

    Ministries decide their own financial policies. Some charge an admission fee for certain types of seminars and conferences. I do not fault them for this. They know what works for them.

    When we established LIVING HOPE MINISTRIES in 1996 we felt God wanted it to be within the reach of those who need it most. I have never conducted a meeting of any kind where we charged admission. We refuse to even suggest a particular amount for a crusade, seminar, conference, or a single Sunday service. In our meetings I do not mention money. The host pastor receives the offering in the service. I am well treated by the churches where I minister. This is a full time work. We are able to mail out our tracts, books, CDs, and DVDs around he world, and conduct well attended evangelistic crusades in foreign nations usually to capacity and overflowing crowds.

    The pastors I serve are honest caring people. They know I am a missionary evangelist and they do their best to help me continue reaching around the world with the gospel. My foreign missionary trips are made possible by the voluntary giving of our faithful partners and mission minded churches in Canada. I do not take money from churches I serve outside Canada and the U.S.A. I am there to assist them in any way I can.

    I am appalled at the performance of Bishop T. D. Jakes. It is shocking but not surprising. I have heard such things about him but this is the worst yet. History will not be kind to him. Most of these men do not even have a good clear salvation message yet there are enough foolish people out there to give them the money to go on T.V.

    If you attend a Christ centered, Bible believing, gospel preaching church, be faithful to it. Support your pastor! He (or she) is God’s messenger to that community.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  2. November 10, 2011

    Liz, the Bible teaches ” by their fruits you shall know them ” in this case you need to use your commonsense there is a written word of God, which any one of us alive today can use to our benefit for free, anybody can buy a Bible, and become familiar with the word of God.

    There is a part of scripture in (2 Timothy vs 15:), which reads: ” Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” when one knows the truth of God word, we do not have to worry about this trust that you are talking about, and all this that he is from a nonprofit, sixty, and twenty dollars, and organization: what does that have to do with God and the truth of his word?

    You fall for everything as long as the name God, is mentioned, a lot of these people are thieves, and they use the name of God to steal from the poor, that is his motive, that is his, and his Dominica counterpart game.

    Money is the name of the game!

    You fall for their crap every time!

    The other day when that man from here in Califorina, came with his nonsense talking about world was going to end, you believed him. I spoke with you about that, your contention was God gave him a message, and he messed it up, the day he said the would end, came and passed, the fool returned though he suffered a stroke shortly after his first prediction, stating he made a mistake in his calculation, and he revised his prediction to be this past October, 2011.

    As you should know God world is still here, unless it ended I am alone in this universe, and have not yet recognized that yet!

    Jesus, who is the Son of God, said only his father Jehovah, knows the time he will end his world, it is written in the Bible, so I do not understand someone like you would believe this Califorina idiot when you have God word to guide you, you are doing it again in regards to Collymore who I know is out for the money, and the money only!

    By their fruit you shall know them, keep that in mind.

    Go ahead send your money to him, or fly from Canada to go and give him your sixty or twenty dollars, because he is going to talk about God.

    You need to ask him which God he represents; you might find he has no answer for you!

    If it involves $60, and $20, dollars, and he is from a nonprofit organization, it is not real, it reminds of the conversation we had where the one in Canada suggest advertisement to attract costumers to his Church, if he has to do all that his church is not of God, okay!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • 1979
      November 11, 2011

      standing ovation! bravo, encore! 8)

  3. justice to be served
    November 10, 2011

    Dominicans, stay in all you house, and prayer, all u dont need no preacher to come and fool all you. Dominica have too much religion as it is. God did not make any religion. So stay home, save all you little money, send all you children to school. love one another, that is all. Look I tell all you for free. Save your money, love yourself, love your neighbour, that is it, and you will go to heaven. Jesus died already so no more guilt trip. Keep your money most importantly keep all you money and send all you children to school. Sa tout, all u need to know.

  4. November 10, 2011

    “A strong call for citizens of Dominica to get back to the “order” that God established in the Earth”.

    That is a indeed, a fact. God did establish “order” by which mankind would function in this world, for their growth and development, as they would give Him the glory.

    But today, we are like sheep gone astray, everyone has turned his own way. Pride, arrogance, and pomposity, continue to keep our minds in the state of confusion, doubt, and uncertainty.

    We refuse to allow faith, by which we can receive the vision of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge; for we are all like Job, who thought he knew enough, even thinking that he knew more than God, Himself, much less for the fellow man or woman, whom God is using to teach us–regardless of his status.

    • Abu Sulayman
      November 11, 2011

      Who told you Job thought he knew more than God? Why do you people insult the integrity of the prophets?

  5. Reader
    November 10, 2011

    Let’s be honest … what’s new with what this guy is going to say? Haven’t we all heard it all before? I say rather than having people spend $20.00 to hear the thing ole same ole, bring someone who can talk to us about how to be self suficient, start a business, grow wealth, make sound investment decisions, get out of debt and poverty, sustainable business models, good public health principles, etc., etc., etc.

    • November 10, 2011

      Are you certain that people have to pay money to listen to that man?

      Where do they come from, if that’s the case he reminds me of one here who is T. D Jakes the man was invited to preach in the Los Angeles Sports Arena, they offered him a certain amount of money before he came, the night of the so called service, the place was packed.

      When it was time for Jakes to preach, he refused stating the money they offered him was not enough, therefore he was not going out on the stage and preach.

      You see that sucker on TBN Television everyday, swindling people out of their money, it is the same this culprit Collimore and his Dominica counterpart intends to do in Dominicans. No one should have to pay to listen to the word, of God if someone is actually preaching the word of God.

      Someone need to protest what these people are doing, and spread the word, and ask people not to go out to listen to him.

      They are all wolves in sheep clothing, thieves and liars they are, there is no place in the Bible where it is said people must pay to here the word of God. However, there is a way that if a person goes somewhere to preach, there is a principal set out in God word by Paul the Apostle which can be followed.

      His expenses should be paid, nonetheless when people do not have a job, they use the name of God, to rob people of their money so that they can survive!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • November 10, 2011


        We have to learn to apply a reasonable doubt before we judge people. It is true that there are many ravens out there, or wolves in sheep’s clothing, but once again, I need to say; We have to trust God.

        People are not forced to attend that seminar or whatever it is. But if they can afford the $20 and they wish to go that is their choice.

        I am reading that this Dr. Collymore is from a nonprofit organization, assisting churches, pastors and so on. This may be a method by which they build the financial resource for their cause.

        There is all sorts of unfairness taking place in this world–that only God can put a stop to it.

        I have a small church with a yearly budget of only $5,000. The Pastor once told me that him and his wife are rich. But his yearly salary, as pastor of our church, is over $60,000.00.

        That money comes to him personally in the name of our church, with whom he spends 2 hours on Sundays, and 2 days in the church office during the week. There is not justice in this world, unless mankind can go back to the “Divine order of God”.

  6. true
    November 10, 2011

    “Do you know that Government really is a ministry of God? God made them His ministers in the earth to put laws in place, to put us under control and to establish law and order”

    Really? so you condone what takes place in places like Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, and all the other brutal dictators around the world and all the corruption in DA as well, this is a bunch of siht. Life is free will and he gave us all what we needed to make good decisions. You don’t need some religious leader to tell you that, GOD does not get involve in our daily life or else we would not have all that crime and poverty in this world, all man made

  7. imhotep
    November 10, 2011

    what divine order,the one that cause all the war and genocides.pleassssss the bible was given to the slave to control them and the same thing has past on to us africans today thru not controled,i am a free minded person bless

    • Woodford Hill girl
      November 11, 2011

      So where did you get the word “bless” from? let your yea be yea and your nay be nay

  8. November 10, 2011

    ” A strong call is being issued for citizens in Dominica to get back to the ‘order’ that God established in the earth, in order to see prosperity.”

    To the preacher I say Dominicans have remained in the order of God for longer than you can imagine, more than half of our problem in Dominica is religion, and people like you who failed to actually preach thus said the Lord to the people.

    Your kind preach the philosophy of man, and you religion, rather than what is in the Bible.

    Fore instance God gave the blueprint in his word to follow as to how one is supposed to gain wealth, instead of preaching prosperity, and that it was never the intention of God that anyone should live in poverty; you people taught us ” money is the root of all evil,” you have misquoted what the word said!

    For the Bible teaches that ” for the love of money is the root of all evils,” and that plays out in the streets of Dominica everyday.

    The fact that some in our country believed for so long that it is a sin to be rich, such thoughts were handed down from generation to generation for quite a while, that is why so many people in our country is contented to live on handouts, contending ” God will provide.

    Religious brainwashing is the most dangerous under the Sun!

    When I grew up as a kid in my country, I heard people quoted the Lord prayer which he taught his disciples: “Give us this day our daily bread.” I heard one man said when God said our daily bread, he was not talking about getting rich, so he does not mind been poor, meanwhile he and all his children walked with their feet on the ground, and no more cloths they had on their backs.

    I went to the roman Catholic Church, I never heard any priests preach that Jesus said I come that you will have life, and have it more abundantly!

    If ever some mentioned that they relate it to ” biological or physical life.” you preachers has done the damage, by the same token you do not struggle at all because of the collection, you collect, by so doing you are able to dressed up in your expensive suits at the congregation expense, so talk becomes cheap to because you live off the blood of the poor.

    How then shall the uninformed make an effort to free themselves from poverty, when the so called man of God the clergy impressed upon them that money is the root of all evil?

    What is your Job, you so called doctor: Dr. of what may I ask?

    Luke in the Bible was a medical doctor by profession, however, he was never referred to as Dr. Luke, except that one time when someone was invited to some place, they were told to bring the young physician Luke along, that is how we manage to know he was in the medical profession of that day.

    Paul had a job, he was a tent maker, what is your profession from which you earn a living besides talking crap, and live off the sweet of your congregation, and mind you none of the disciples of God was ever called reverent!

    For only Jesus Christ is Reverend; Dr. my foot, who cares!

    What order of God Dominicans have to get back into to prosper; our people live in an undeveloped country, because they prefer to dwell under the name Nature Island, rather than industrialize their country, so even if Jesus lived in Dominica, and told our people all they need to do is industrialize the country, in order to produce jobs, thus by the sweet of their face they shall eat bread, our people would tell him flat out he does not know what he is talking about.

    So if you believe you and your religious rhetoric rings a bell, let’s wait and see the results.

    And Mouth of the South, here I go again singing my name below my submission; is my name given by my parents, and in a situation like this when people write some they endorsed it by singing under what they wrote.


    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • true
      November 10, 2011

      “Do unto to others as you would like them to do unto you”, that is all you need to know. Religion can be called exploitation and again one of the most divisive institution in the world. Them people like pastor collymore and just making money and don’t care a bit about anything happening in the world. How many people does he help feed with the money he makes that are not his family members?

    • 1979
      November 10, 2011

      Franco, AMEN to that!, I love the book of Ezekiel it says “woe unto you who preach, saying the lord sayeth when the lord hast not spoken”.

      respect due franco

    • November 10, 2011



      Here I go again signing my name–not singing.

      They endorse it by signing–not singing–under what they wrote.

      However we all make mistakes, unfortunately we do not notice our own mistakes but we notice others. I have corrected yours for you, because you know who I am.

      • November 10, 2011

        Well, to error is to be human!

        I am human, am I not?

        Check you E-mail, and fight with me all night if you chose to about what I told you!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  9. just woundering
    November 9, 2011

    This is the same pastor who was pastoring a chuch in st.thomas, and devorce his wife to married his secetary.oh yes, its him.

    • Abu Sulayman
      November 11, 2011

      Busted! :-D

      Guess he broke his vow and has made a decision based on pleasures of the flesh. :-D

  10. READ IT
    November 9, 2011

    BUT there is a participation fee of $20.00

  11. Child of God
    November 9, 2011

    Thank you so much Dr. Collymore, for your courage in calling us to Divine Order. Jesus is Lord over heaven and earth and we are very sadly deceived when we believe that there will be no adverse consequences when we arrogantly disobey his principles and do not order our lives in accordance with his Divine will.

    May God bless you Dr. Collymore and this seminar and may he use it to bring to order the lives of all individuals who attend and through them our families, churches, institutions and nations.

  12. forreal
    November 9, 2011

    when you speak of government you right,but which government, that’s the question,you see god did established a government for man through a covenant,a covenant in the bloodline of judah,his laws and kingship,was placed in judah,his kings were people like david,solomon,but man again chose to lived through a period without the kings and the laws and established government of god and the ark of the covenant,it was shifted to ephiopia,with the queen of sheba,when christ came,he was the rightful heir to that throne and the government,but the priesthood,the pharisees,the rich class,because they were enjoying the privilege of first class citizens under the roman empire,they conspired and crucified him,the last king and government of god was haile sellasie,but today’s modern black man,who born and grew up in the west do not know that,they even accept being called west indians and they know that they are not indians,in fact they had to attain liberty from under a queen,imagine that,that’s how much government of god we do not have,we exist in a cycle that only god can restore.

    • Francis Chicago
      November 10, 2011


      • November 10, 2011

        @Francis Chicago

        “Jesus Christ is God–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is One” Amen!

        Christ is not a surname for Jesus. But Christ is Eternal Spirit of Love, who gave Himself a physical Body, through whom He made Himself known to mankind, who is not able see Him in Spirit and Truth.

        Jesus said to His disciples; “A Spirit does not have flesh and bones” So is God Almighty; He needs a physical body and a voice through whom He can execute His work. Jesus is the Body of Almighty God, we are the body of His Holy Spirit, when He indwells us by our faith.

        God Almighty said; Let there be Light–the four words that formed Life for the world, but the work was done through the Body of the Son–the offsrpring of Eternal Spirit, Love. “Nothing was done without Him”

        And the Word became flesh, and we beheld His glory–the glory of the only begotton Son of God.

        John said: “In Him there was Life and the Life was the Light of men”.

        The stature of Love, Life in Jesus Christ, is the Light that quickens our soul, awakening us from our spiritual sleep of death; to live the Life of Love–the Ways of God.

        Jesus said: “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Those who have seen Me, have seen the Father also”.

      • forreal
        November 10, 2011

        @chicago you look at christ to much from a majical point of view,christ achieved perfection through the example of his forefathers and the holy law which meditated on night and day,don’t you know that david was called lord and that he was seen as god,because he was representing god on earth,in his kingly ship,he was god after god,like the almighty said,i will make you little gods after me,he said i will make man in my own likeness,as long as you obey god and keep his law and commandments you to are gods,stop mixing up yourself about sellasie,the blood line of judah,is a real life family,not majic,christ is not going to jump from the sky,the throne of judah and government is going rise up again,this is a promise of god an everlasting covenant,if you do not know anything about the ephiopains,you need to inquire,ephiopia is a prophecy fulfilled,she has reached out for her children,east west north and south,are you blind,why do think that you have rastafarian movement,where do think that knowledge came from,this a calling,from the bloodline of judah david,solomon,christ,selassie,that is the work of god are you deaf,or to cut up in superficial majic,that you can not hear,see or love being dumb,bro just follow gods commandments and it will lead to gods throne and government.

  13. youngster
    November 9, 2011

    getting back to god would be good but yet the system is killing us. sometimes i sit & wonder how our government is developing our country? so many students graduate from college n secondary schools n cant get a job. sometimes i feel like there’s no hope for us :cry:

    • Francis Chicago
      November 9, 2011

      [youngster][@ 21 days of fasting and praying.if you do that you see great things. With God all things are possible .MATTHEW;19;26.

      • true
        November 10, 2011

        like what? fighting poverty, hunger and bringing peace?
        No he left it us to us to do my friend, he gave us what we need to make us happen. he does not get involve. hwy does the human race blame god for everything when they are the ones doing it and causing all the pain and not realizing they are also the ones to fix it. Stop blaming god

  14. Francis Chicago
    November 9, 2011


  15. Sewo
    November 9, 2011

    There’s will be no peace.. where there’s no justice..
    Amen to men of wisdom…we must be fearless in our action as well.. drive them away from the temple.

  16. Francis Chicago
    November 9, 2011

    Dominican need to get back in order for real. Abomination like all sins is rising on the double.The bible shows us how to live.Teach me your principles understand the meaning of your commandments; The problem;SIN The human heart is the most deceiful and desperately wicked.who really knows how bad it is;JEREMIAH;17;9.]King David say i was born as a sinner from the moment my mother conceived me;The solution;JESUS CHRIST.We are made right in God sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.And we can all be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done.

  17. mouth of the south
    November 9, 2011

    “God made them His ministers in the earth to put laws in place, to put us under control and to establish law and order”

    so is that right… no wonder the constitution is for us alone to follow and not them…hhhmmmm i see…. i don’t think the men in power are ministers of God…

    i’m not tryna be like DODS TELEMACQUE… posting long hallelujah but i’ll simply say that we mustn’t say God put so and so gov’t… God gave us free will to do as we please… so when a gov’t does bad don’t blame God… he had no part in telling YOU who to vote for…. God wouldn’t put wicked men to govern his people… what part does God have when politicians bribe the children of God… WE the people forced by our hunger. dishonesty… lack of pride and to a great extent GREED… we are the ones who put these dishonorable men in power NOT God….

    Mouth of the South….

    “i really wonder why Dods T put his name at the end of the comments when it’s already in the name handle.. and he calling me fool… dude tries to hard to ‘seem’ intelligent… u climbing the wrong tree”

    check out the Dr Conrad Murray article in the search… the guy came out swinging like i know him personally….

    • November 10, 2011

      Mouth of the South I am here in Los Angeles, in me bed sleeping, just woke up to get a snack, and go back to bed, only to be greeted with something I do not know what you are talking about ” doh” burden me with this because I will tell you again you are not as educated as I discovered you state under another caption. I responded to you,if you click on All News, you will find where I gave you hell.


      Take that, you have no name oui!

      You are fictitious, I am real thus, I am the one and only!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  18. Zandoli
    November 9, 2011



  19. Law and order
    November 9, 2011

    Dr. Collymore,which God are you talking about. The one who forgot black people during slavery. The one who sold them into slavery or The one who would like them to remain stupid, ignorant and afraid.
    Whether you are a christian or not, you will suffer, it s called life.

    • November 9, 2011

      u need JESUS!!!!!!

    • Francis Chicago
      November 9, 2011

      [LAW AND ORDER] @ mr man do you know that there is no forgiveness for blaspheming the holy spirit or you puting a curse on your self.

    • Woodford Hill girl
      November 9, 2011

      No law and order,he’s not talking about that god, the God he’s talking about is the Almighty God who created heaven and earth and all that is in them,The God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life,the God who knew you before you were concieved in your mother’s womb,the God who sent His Son to die for your sins and mine,and oh I almost forgot, the God who is coming back soon for all who love and serve Him,and cast all those who do not believe in the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels,that’s the God he’s talking about,but you already knew that didn’t you? may that same God continue to bless you,He loves you in spite of and don’t you forget that!

  20. mouth of the south
    November 9, 2011

    dr collymore with all due respect… i don’t think u was referring to the present leading officials in gov’t of dominica right now… go ahead and tell it to them… our religious leaders talking sideways too much

  21. tiny
    November 9, 2011

    well there is a devil………….life on earth can never be heaven………… seems like Christians suffer more…..stop making people believe that once you serve God everything will be alright…..a lot of times it is the exact opposite

    • tiny
      November 9, 2011

      ……….what is turning to God…..i was born to christian parents who i consider two of the most wicked people I’ve known…..I hated God because of them…they were controlling wicked abusive people who preached constantly about God……bottom line, some people are gonna remain evil….God has given up on them…. you are right the family is critical….the government is supposed to provide for their citizens but instead they oppress you and i can accept that….but when your parents are your oppressors when your parents is the ones causing you the most pain………….

      • Sout Man
        November 9, 2011

        I empathize with you, Tiny. Blessings!!

        (PS: I almost thought that was Humanist!)

      • Woodford Hill girl
        November 9, 2011

        Wow @ Tiny and double wow,I feel your pain, parents should be the ones to protect thier children and not abuse them sorry to hear that you were abused by your parents,however we humans are all wicked until the spirit of God dwells within us,but even in our wicked state God never gives up on us NEVER,we are the ones who give up on Him,please find it in your heart to forgive your parents,for in their ignorance they probably thought that they diciplining you,they were probably brought up that way,I’ve heard some horror stories of “old time”dicipline,although it produced great citizens for our nation we still view it as wicked but that’s all they knew,in order for you to put those fellings of resentment to rest”unhealthy for you” you must forgive your parents God requires that in order for you to be forgiven for your sins,for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,blessings to you my dear! :wink:

    • November 10, 2011


      One of God’s nature is endurance, which He gives to us, whom He has chosen, because He knows the things we must suffer because we choose to follow Him.

      That is what Jesus means when He told us “Take up your cross and follow Me” If we do not want to carry our cross with Jesus, we do not want to follow Him either.

      Remember Jesus, Himself, the grief He suffered, not desiring to drink the bitter cup–even pleading with the Father: “Take this cup away from Me”

      But He realized it was not His will but the will of the Father He was doing, so He sincerely obeyed.

      The record showed, Jesus took the blows, that man might stand in the presence and Holiness of God Almighty, Eternal Spirit, with no fear of destruction.

      But our journey to the presence of God is not a smooth journey. For we must undergo discipline and training to know God and His Ways of Life; we must learn to be steadfast in faith, trust, obedience, and humility; we must fight against rejection, opposition, and discouragement; before we are able to stand in His presence–our destiny of Life

      • Abu Sulayman
        November 11, 2011


        I feel pity for you, you are really lost! Speak sense so that Tiny can understand you. You cannot use that analogy regarding the sufferings of the messiah peace be upon him and Tiny’s case.

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