We are joking on child abuse – Bishop of Roseau

Bishop Malzaire believes more must be done on the matter of child abuse
Bishop Malzaire believes more must be done on the matter of child abuse

While commending efforts to curb incidents of child abuse in Dominica, Bishop of the Diocese of Roseau, His Lordship Gabriel Malzaire, believes enough is not being done to put a halt to what he described as a “scourge” which is threatening children on the island.

As a matter of fact the Bishop, in his strongest statement since the subject has been at the center of public discourse, believes Dominica is “joking with the issue.”

He was addressing a mass attended by hundreds of Catholics from across Dominica at the Botanic Gardens in Roseau on Sunday.

“For the past year or two we have been having seminars and media programs on the issue of child abuse, sexual or otherwise,” he said. “I certainly commends all these efforts being made to raise the consciousness of the nation regarding this scourge which threatens the security of our little ones. However, I cannot help but feel sometimes that we are spinning top in mud, in that front. I think to a significant extent we are joking with the issue.”

He lamented that too many people accused of abusing children are getting away.

“And we expect our society to change,” he said. “Unless people, big or small, are brought to justice our society is doomed to decadence. I certainly commend the efforts to pass legislation to protect the abused and to deter potential abusers of our children, however, unless laws are enforced, we will become the laughing stock of others.”

Malzaire said if the issue of child abuse is researched at schools and social institutions, the results would be appalling.

“Although I believe you know exactly what is going on,” he stated. “Only that we try to shove it under the carpet because it is Mr. This and Mr. That whose name is mentioned. Brothers and sisters, unless crime is punished in a society, no matter who does it, our country is in jeopardy.”

The mass was attended by Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit and his wife, the President of Dominica, His Excellency Charles Savarin and his wife and other government dignitaries.

At the ceremony over 150 young Catholics received the Sacrament of Confirmation, the highest number in the history of the Catholic Church in Dominica.

In recent times the matter of child sex abuse has been the center of discussion in Dominica.

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  1. Anthony Ismael
    May 27, 2015

    It’s about time we open up on this issue. I am happy to see so many people from different walks of life advocating on behalf of the innocent. This silent monster called child molestation has been reeking havoc on our children and destroying their lives before they have a chance to grow and mature.

    This must be the beginning and not the end. There is much work to be done.

  2. Sars
    May 27, 2015

    Here is someone who champions the rights of the abused!

  3. Truth
    May 27, 2015

    “Unless crime is punished” is not a statement for child abuse only. I am happy that both the President and the Prime Minister were present. I am sure it crossed their minds of the corruption and trampling of the election process/laws, just to hold on to power. They must lead by example and come clean, condemn all manner of wrong in Dominica. Wrong is wrong!
    I wish to commend his Lordship the Bishop for his strong condemnation of Child abuse in Dominica. We need to change and protect our children. Anyone who sexually abuse a child, (imagine a 7, 8, 9 year old, magwesa) is a REAL SICK PERSON that should not return to society for a long time.

  4. May 27, 2015

    Beware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing…..

  5. anonymous2
    May 27, 2015

    The Catholic church (Vatican) and the Royals along with top leaders have also been joking with this subject for hundreds of years. The scandals and prostitution of children are still very much alive at the top levels, let alone at the lower ones.

  6. May 26, 2015

    Good for you Mr. Bishop! But do we, in Dominica, clearly understand the term “child abuse”? I noticed that a commentator quickly jumped on to “young ladies and parliamentarians”–this is has nothing to do with “child abuse”. Unless it is rape–a young lady says “yes” or “no”–unless a child.

    So let us not address “child abuse” as only the confrontation of sexual conduct–many children are “physically abused” in the home; this would mean they receive no love there, to begin with.

    But Love is the basic food in Life, hence there should be no debate; many of those children who meet persons outside of the home; trained in persuading them for the sake of their wicked need, those children may to cling to those wicked men and women too, believing they are sharing Love with them.

    Then as we speak about “child abuse”–let us remember it is about “sexual abuse” and “physical abuse”–both may even be in the home–or else as the Bishop says, we are simply joke!

    • Shameless
      May 28, 2015

      Dear Liz, please STOP making yourself look like a KOONOOMOONOO. While you are at it please remove the political blinders from your eyes and get real. Apparently FET was right all along. I am watching :twisted: !

      Assertive, NOT Aggressive! :twisted:

      • May 30, 2015

        @Shameless May 28, 2015

        By any chance you are Shirley Allan or are you her friends–I ask because she and you sound so much alike–but why are you or her hiding behind fake names–are you two afraid of something?–Not me anyway!

  7. May 26, 2015

    lord Bishop my compliments to you and we are looking forward to you speaking with the same boldness and courage on the other social ills which are permeating the fabric of the nation.

  8. hmm
    May 26, 2015

    Well, we are really joking. It seems the bishop might be the biggest joker. Please kindly explain this article bishop. Why was this never reported in the Dominica media? Think its time for you to speak out on this specific issue: http://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/headline-Letter:-Second-victim-of-Dominica-priest-comes-forward;-SNAP-responds-23918.html

  9. Erasmus B Black
    May 26, 2015

    “This scourge threatens the security of our little ones”. I concur. Recently we heard allegations about parliamentarians involved in abuse of young ladies. They too are a threat to national security. How do we expect them to enact legislation to deal with this scourge? The cases hbwe hear about may be just the tip of the iceberg. But the only thing worse than the abusers including pedophile priests are those people including the bishops who cover up for them.

    • The Facts
      May 26, 2015

      If you are an adult, I am wondering if you did not do your share in those days. A thief is not a thief until caught.
      Once and for all, you can leave those priests alone. The Church has suffered enough. Steps are in place to ensure this does not occur. If it recurs, Pope Francis will see to it that they are immediately defrocked and will face the Court.
      One thing, some priests were innocent. The Court proved it. Therefore, take care not to judge.all priests. There are some good ones.

  10. May 26, 2015

    Bishop Malzaire is to be commended for speaking out against sexual child abuse.

    He bravely mentioned two factors that contribute to the spread of sexual child abuse not only in Dominica but also in my own nation, Canada.

    (1) The matter is often hushed when certain important individuals are allegedly involved.

    (2) There is a weakness in enforcement sometimes – not always – for the same reason.

    Obviously these factors must be faced and overcome :!: Those who rule our nations must do it :!:

    The occasion the Bishop chose to address the problem must not go unnoticed. It was the largest Confirmation Service in the history of his church in Dominica when over 150 young people were present to celebrate their Confirmation, along with Prime Minister Skerrit, President Savarin, and their wives, and other dignitaries in the congregation!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D., International Evangelist.

    • The Authorities
      May 26, 2015

      Just over 1 year ago today at the United Nations General Assembly in Geneva, The Vatican revealed that over the past decade, it has defrocked 848 priests who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties, providing the first ever breakdown of how it handled the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.


      The Churches in Dominica owe it to the people of Dominica to come clean before pointing a finger at anyone else and accept some responsibility for creating a culture of child abuse here.

      You cannot heal the world until you heal yourself.

      • The Facts
        May 26, 2015

        You need to come clean with your lifestyle. Too often people as you judge others when your life is in no good shape especially with the Lord. Judge not as the Lord said. God knows everything about you. Nothing is hidden from him and no one can deceive him. Each one will receive his/her just recompense as deserved.

      • May 28, 2015

        The Authorities :?:

        Who are The Authorities? I suspect behind this august title is one individual.

        For somebody making such profound comments you Sir (or Madame) are obviously afraid to identify yourself. :oops: You have taken a title to create a false impression because you are not an “authority” nor do you speak for “The Authorities”.

        You once challenged my authority to comment on situations in Dominica because I am not a Dominican. I speak and write on many issues world wide as an international evangelist. My articles have been published in over 40 newspapers and magazine in Canada and the U.S.A. My
        books have gone around the world, even into Russia. I speak with authority because what I say is not my personal opinion. It is based entirely on the Bible which is the inspired and infallible Word of God. What I say applies to the people of every nation.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D. International Evangelist. http://www.livinghopeministries.ca

  11. The Authorities
    May 26, 2015

    We The Authorities have cautioned His Lordship Gabriel Malzaire that he should first make public the names of all the members of his clergy past and present who were credibly accused of child abuse. Some were even transferred to different diocese thinking that a pedophile could be cured but instead, they were merely provided with new victims.

    A recent study has revealed that child abuse victims actually grow up to become child abusers themselves. In other words the church has been the institution where many pedophiles in our society were cultivated.

    Accepting responsibility should be the first item on the agenda for the church. Otherwise, His Lordship Gabriel Malzaire is correct in saying we are “joking with the issue.”

  12. Babylon
    May 26, 2015

    ….but we doh joking when it comes to MARIJUANA……… :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Tj
      May 26, 2015

      For once screw your marijuana Babylon. How does that compare with the abuse of children?
      That is far more important than your g.d..m..d weed.

    • May 28, 2015

      Marijuana and sexual child abuse? Both are illegal. It is not surprising to find that both are popular among
      many of the same people. Marijuana in itself does not create sexual child abuse. But if a person has an inclination to sexually abuse children smoking marijuana lowers his inhibitions and turns the beast loose.

      Cocaine and especially crack cocaine are even worse. Crack damages the brain and so alters the personality that even successful business men who were pillars in the community have been known to become weird and embark upon a life of crime after smoking a short time.

      To battle child abuse of any kind we must also fight the war on drugs.

      These are serious issues. Intelligent people are not going to take either lightly.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  13. sailsbury farmer
    May 26, 2015

    Its easy to solve the problems short trial , found guilty execute in one week

    • Sunday Islander
      May 26, 2015

      Farmers don’t abuse children, only animals. :lol:

    • May 26, 2015

      Nonsense comment!We no longer live in prehistoric,ancient times,and as such to recommend death for child abuse is nonesense.We need tougher sentencing guidelines,no doubt,among other ways to help the victims.Also there needs to be continued public education on the issue of respect for underage children.We should shame them by having them dress in conspicuous clothes to identify them as child molesters,so the public can be aware of them from afar and so take extra precautions in a timely way to keep children safe.

      • Intransigent One
        May 26, 2015

        Just added to bs list of silly comments.
        Another ambassador like one on Kairi

    • May 26, 2015

      Based upon the comments I have read in DNO I expect there is a significant number of people in Dominica who believe capital punishment is called for in cases of proven sexual child abuse when the rape of a child has been established.

      Some have said if anybody hurt their child they would take care of it themselves and not let it go to the police. It is not always clear how they would punish the offender but it is frightening. One thing is clear.
      Patience is running out as anger mounts throughout the nation. Nations like my own that do not have capital punishment for any crime are at the greatest risk of vigilante justice. If the people know their government does not provide capital punishment they sometimes interpret this as an absence of justice if a loved one is murdered.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  14. May 26, 2015

    I must say it was about time that Bishop Malzaire face the hot seat better late than never, he was the one to lead but for whatever reason he didn’t but let us look and see if he will continue speaking out on the ills of or Nation because their are so many, I wouldn’t say it’s the time to bash the Bishop as someone said he is reformed maybe it was just a load he couldn’t carry any more , therefor we can all speak out against the abuse of our ” children ” these children are not ready for that force of abuse on their bodies. The laws must be changed and examples must be carried out for my people to see how serious it is .
    The children must be respected and we should continue the discussion about sex at homes, schools, churches etc . Koodoes to the Bishop

    • The Facts
      May 26, 2015

      Be careful of stones that you throw. If you have children, ensure you nurture them in godliness, protect them and they do not go astray, even as adults. For when you attack others and forget yourself and that of your household, sooner or later it will revert to you.

    • sas
      May 27, 2015

      It is unfair to say that Bishop has not led. He led on the Fr. Reggie issue but was vilified for it. Yes we must take a stance! We must continue to applaud his efforts. Way to go Bishop!

      • Titiwi
        May 27, 2015

        So why was Reggie Lafleur not reported to the police and prosecuted in a court of law like anyone else? Why was the alleged victim sent out of island by the church and Reggie judged by a panel of his own church? Is the bishop’s church subject to another law than those that have not received the priesthood? I’m getting sick of that kind of brotherhood.

    • May 28, 2015

      The Bishop made a needed statement at an ideal time. He was not on the “hot seat”. He was fulfilling his duty towards his church and Dominican society.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  15. May 26, 2015

    The abuse of children is a very, very serious matter. It is a pleasure to see His Holiness, Bishop Malzaire giving voice to this issue plaguing Dominica. The truth is that this abuse is not prevalent among members of high society. Wealthy people do not molest or abuse young children. It is the relatives and friends of the poor who perpetrate these crimes. I wish people would stop insinuating that Government and influential members of society are the ones responsible for the scourge of such crimes. This is clearly misleading. These poor families are selling their young and covering up for the Perpetrators and Pedophiles in exchange for cash. It is only because children are innocent and precious why we as a society continue to address the issue and call for amendments to the laws making sentencing stiffer for those accused of rape and molestation. The real issue still rests with the parents who sweep these abuses under the rug for money. Don’t blame Government and the wealthy!

    • Views Expressed
      May 27, 2015

      “Labouroflove”????? please wake up……YOU need to listen more top the reality of the situation…
      We have to point fingers at where it is to be and the government, like the churches we need to keep the fingers pointed at them because of their high role and responsibility in the country. The influence and execute power with authority and we must keep them on their toes. They , especially government are accountable to us.
      Check the Red Clinic….wake up and scrutinise and NOT protect the powers that be………
      Fingers pointed at you ……we are watching you with eyes wide open

  16. jodi
    May 26, 2015

    I do agree with the bishop!! It is Mr SO and Mr DO!!! Put a mark on their forheads please!!!

  17. KIP
    May 26, 2015

    The hypocrisy of this here Dominica society is so alarming it’s scary.

  18. CYRIL Volney
    May 26, 2015

    “…unless crime is punished in a society, no matter who does it, our country is in jeopardy.”

    Well said, your Lordship!

    It is not only sexual predation. The beating of innocent children must STOP! There is no such thing as a bad child. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is anti social and criminal thinking. Beating a child is violence, and should be prosecuted.

    • Erickson Fabien
      May 26, 2015

      That’s a rather extreme position to take.

  19. mydominicatradehouse.com
    May 26, 2015

    mr bishop, please, you have remain silent so long. I don’t think you have any credibility with right thinking people.

    • May 26, 2015

      The problem of clergy sexual child abuse within the Roman Catholic Church is complex. It is not timely to bring this subject up within the broader discussion of sexual child abuse in society at large because the dynamics are altogether different.

      I did not hear the Bishop’s homily. But I read the news article in DNO and it seems to me Bishop Malzaire was addressing general sexual child abuse in society. Clergy sexual child abuse is another issue altogether. To inject this subject into a discussion of the Bishop’s speech on Sunday is inappropriate. It confuses the issues and shows a lack of understanding when it comes to the complex nature of clergy sex abuse which involves factors not part of the broader problem. The clergy problem can be dealt with at another time.

      It does not appear to me that the Bishop has lost credibility. He is not a man to use words lightly.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      • Badbaje
        February 26, 2017

        I read a few of your comments before this one and though, OK, this individual seems to be sensible, fair and honest, then I read this one.

        All I can say is, I am sorry I have misjudged you. You are indeed not sensible, not fair, and not honest. You want non members of the clergy to be processed one way, and members of the clergy to be processed another.
        This is not fair, because if the crime committed is the same, the criminal should be treated the same, if not people would have the right to think and say one group is getting preferential treatment.
        This is not sensible because it would indicate you think one group of people have different rights to others.
        This is not honest it gives the appearance of saying one thing, but practicing another.

      • Badbaje
        February 26, 2017

        Well I do agree with you that the Bishop has not lost any credibility, but not for the same reason. I think he has not lost any credibility, because he did not have any to begin with. How can someone lose something they never had!

    • Yes I
      May 27, 2015

      Please do not be so bias! Bishop took a stance on the Fr Reggie issue and we almost killed him for it! We need to wake! Stop spinning our top in mud!

  20. JoJo
    May 26, 2015

    The bishop is right in his condemnation but I hope this not being used to draw attention away from the underlying corruption at all levels of government, going right to the top. If we don’t fix that first and allow the institutions to their work without interference the bishop’s lamentation will be no more than spittle in the wind.

  21. bell beff
    May 26, 2015

    What the Bishop said is very true, let us stop saying the bishop needs to talk on other issues, yes I totally argue, but l think the Bishop should be commended. People were calling for the bishop to speak, now he has spoken we are crying, do we know what we want? Who is the hypocrite, the ones calling on the bishop but when the bishop speaks they are crying, isn’t that hypocrisy, you are blowing hot and cold together. Dominicans make up your mind on what you want.

    • Titiwi
      May 26, 2015

      Cow, I think people are rightly concerned that this sudden outburst is not designed to divert any criticism of abuse of power and disregard of the law that we see every day in high places. Poverty, ignorance, unemployment, and breakdown of the law all contribute to the state we find ourselves in. Child abuse is a product of that. People in high places should set a better example.

  22. Truth be Told
    May 26, 2015

    “Brothers and sisters, unless crime is punished in a society, no matter who does it, our country is in jeopardy.” His Grace Gabriel Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau, Dominica. My dear Bishop you well late, but better late than never! Dominica is neck deep in the mud of vice, corruption, dishonesty and malice. The question now is how do we turn this stinking karkar around and save our beloved country?

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