Why sex and lust keep destroying powerful men?

Greetings in the name of my Master, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Why great and powerful men keep destroying their marriages, careers, lives,etc.by sleeping with the maid, babysitter, nanny, secretary, etc….?

Why do men work so hard for 20, 30 or 40 years to build their career,and for a few minutes of pleasure give it all away?

You ruin  your career for something you have at home, which is much better and you don’t have to be afraid. Sometimes you’re so afraid you last only a few minutes. Shame on you big boy!

You lost respect, your wife, sometimes your children, job and so on. It has always been so with great men in power (Job-32 vs 9).

Great men are not always wise. Most of them are not wise only educated. They only think with their baby ‘wewie’ not their brain. Take a look at the IMF president and there are pastors, priest, politicians, CEO of big companies, etc who, as I’m  writing this, are ruining their lives and their career right this moment for a  little sex and lust.

Love and best wishes.

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  1. TheRealHonestTruth
    May 10, 2016

    Many career women have Destroyed many of us Good men already and will Continue to do so do to their Greed And Selfishness that they carry around with them Everywhere they go.

  2. April
    February 8, 2013

    You dont have to be rich or the president to go flapping your banana around. Men on all levels, rich or poor do it. Important men make good news. You never hear about the bum down the road whos been peeling back miss jone and her daughter who live under the bridge. Its human nature to spread the seed. Nature cares not about your job, position, or status. The presevation of the species is all it wants

  3. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    May 23, 2011


    Weakness of the flesh is obviously the cause of this. Keep in mind it takes two.
    Our Lord did say what is said and done in the dark will (eventually) come out in the light. Nothing is hidden and not for long.
    We have seen and heard this through the years. Many men have lost their important jobs and status including their wives all because of sex, relations with other women. Men are not always to be blamed; likewise women. Nevertheless, one of them is to be blamed, the perpetrator and the one who agrees to it. We conclude that both are to be blamed. Sounds like a melee. :)
    I wish to further state that a few years ago I happened to tune in to a talk show. I personally heard Maria Shriver state that her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger loves sex and many times a day.
    I did not give it a further thought until I heard about his saga with their woman helper.
    When I heard they were getting married I thought that they were mismatched. Somehow by instinct I did not have confidence in Arnold making Maria a good and faithful husband. I further thought that he married her for status and furthering his status.
    I am not a fan of talk shows and so at this moment I cannot recall the title of the show. Maria knew that her husband was a sex addict although she may not have regarded it as such.
    Throughout the years there were innuendos about him having other relationships with women. She overlooked it. We have no idea if she spoke to him about him but I do think she would have done so. This last revelation he kept it a secret from her for 14 years.
    A man who wants to have sex a few times a day certainly is addicted to sex. Sex is his God.
    Pastor, what do you (we) expect when those men ignore God, some may be atheists although they may be baptized Christians, pursue fame, fortune and status? In the end they fail and badly. Who knows in the future what their lives may be reduced to with all their money?
    We do know what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” This is my message for them and for the world.

  4. Anonymous
    May 23, 2011

    well well well pastor touch a nerve, dno fans in a frenzy.

  5. hi
    May 23, 2011


  6. ft
    May 23, 2011

    yes jah

  7. anonymous
    May 23, 2011

    That’s what happens when the devil take over lives. I myself have a similar situation and I realize that this is no more than the devil’s work. It can be fixed by trusting in the Almighty GOD, through praye, faith and hope.

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2011

      and admitting u have a problem ,seek help and deal with the problem. the worst person 4 someone 2 fool is themselves. trusting in God and still doing the thing is not effective. you have 2 determine 2 stop, or else u loose your conscience and fear of God. fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. 2 many excuses, we have lost the fear of God.”christianity gone wild”

  8. J.J.John-Charles
    May 23, 2011

    Samson was suppose to be a leader of Israel.This man was blessed by the Lord,and God’s Spirit move upon him.He was able to kill a thousand men with a jaw bone of a donkey, Judges 15:16 but women brought him to his knees like a weakling.

    We are told in Judges 14:1 “..And he SAW A WOMAN…..” and again “Now Samson went down to Gaza and SAW A HARLOT” chap.16:1
    No need to say what happened after seeing them.

    David a man of God, king over the nation of Israel and a great warrior. As a matter of fact there was a giant named Goliath everyone was afraid of him.Yet he was defeated by David with a sling and a smooth stone.Like Samson we read.

    “And from his roof he SAW A WOMAN BATHING and the woman was very beautiful”.2 Samuel 11:2.

    Samson and David could not resist. The arm of flesh will fail you,you dare not trust your own.
    Joseph was victorious,he asked
    “How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” Genesis 39:9″
    He was thrown in the dungeon,but he kept his dignity.

    We all need Joseph’s strength, which can be found in the Lord Jesus

  9. Muslim_always - an "infidel's" worst nightmare
    May 23, 2011

    Pastor, I understand what you are trying to communicate but please be deeper and more insightful than that man.

    Too many blanket statements and your choice of words.

  10. Why not...
    May 22, 2011

    Guess men cheat because they think they can…..and for you all’s information, MEN will ALWAYS cheat, this has been happening LONG time ago, REMEMBER THE DAYS WHEN WE COULD NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT SEX, BUT TODAY IT BECAME PART OF OUR VOCABULARY! guess there’ are no more hiding places to many paparazzy. and the ones writing those comments they too cheat…. MAN / WOMAN…people don’t cheat without reason, and not without the other persons consent, I don’t mind cheating it is much sweeter hahaha….and if one cheats for the sake of love why not a moment of pleasure is an everlasting one…

    We should stop lying to ourselves, cheating and lying about it, that’s two lies..


  11. Ling Ling
    May 22, 2011

    S Craving … Listening to Taurus Riley song … S Craving. The smartest people do the dumbest thing and the strongest people do the weakest thing all for s cravings. Smh

  12. Draco
    May 22, 2011

    Next article: “Why does makeup and fashion destroy beautiful women?”

    • hahaha
      May 23, 2011


  13. gorillaz
    May 22, 2011

    Pastor , you title this article , ” why sex and lust keep destroying powerful men ? ” Truly ghost that’s happen and is common however ghost , much more is missing ghost .
    what is meant when you say , ” you ruin your career for something you have home , secondly , ” king are you insenuating that the powerful man with the illegal woman in house is better and as such the powerful man ruined his career for what is better another woaman ?
    What do you mean by , ” sometimes you’re so afraid , you only last a few minutes ? Last in what ghost are saying the powerful man should last longer and not be afraid to enjoy the illegal affair ?
    You say shame on you . why shame on the big boy ! because he didn’t last long enough ?
    Brethren honestly , i need to ask you , cause it appears from your writing that you’re suffering and is maybe hurt . You know sometime year before last and it’s still occuring so as we speak , that there’s a pastor called woman snatcher and sundering counsellor in D/ca . Did he snatch that angel you have away , cause i praying for you all now ghost ?
    Anyway , i don’t feel you , your title is not supported , no scriptural backup either and king i just feel sorry to know that you’re in so much pain . re-read and rewrite this article with definitions , scriptural backup and recommendations . i’m there listening . praises

  14. real
    May 22, 2011

    It’s typical of us humans to find faults in anything a person in authority says, especially a pastor …..put’s us on the defense…..as he reminds us of how immoral and unGodly we are.
    I personally is not under the teaching of any Pastor, I’m not even a church goer; but my God, why all this unnecessary criticism? The pastor gave his point of view….his contribution, why can’t we just add our views and have an open discussion threat without the bashing?

    The man spoke ‘generally speaking’, in his own style of writing; even this has to be judged too? come on!! It’s a discussion forum not a written exam.

    The dam point the pastor made is generally soo true.
    That men in high position who jeopardize so much for a litlle moment of pleasure are usually very academically inclined(intelligent), but UNWISE.
    That it is commonly known, in situations of these sinful acts, especially when it’s a crime, the man is afraid and so doesn’t take the length of time a man under normal circumstances would take.
    And it’s quite normal for him (the pastor) to say they have better at home, after alll, it’s the chosen woman one marries ,no? of cause this is all debatable, so add your views, agree or disagree, and leave the personal attacking aside, typical Dominicans!

    Infact these men DO think with their ‘penis’….. so to speak
    In this recent occurrence where it involved a ‘white’ man of age, it doesn’t surprise me that out of disgust one may easily refer to his penis as ‘baby wewie’. no statistic necessary,WE ARE NOT IN THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY HERE. it’s a known fact that GENERALLY speaking the white men have small wewei .
    Thanks to the Pastor I just learnt that this problem of men in high places(powerful men) ‘falling’ because of sex and lust ,is age old ,from since before christ as written in the book of JOB.

    Pastor feel free to share your views as there are many of us out there who understand and agree with you quite well and don’t feel the need to find fault in every thing you say, as we get the picture…no need for analogy and statistics , we are not in the court of law, exercice your rights to express yourself in your own style of writing.

  15. DR
    May 22, 2011

    May be its the smell according to the mighty sparrow some will drive to BathEstate, Cane field and the length of Dominica including flying to NEWJERSEY and FarRockaway NEWYORK to get it. NO name no warrant every body “PEEPING!

  16. sadist
    May 22, 2011

    pastor you just told the world how long you can last and what you are afraid of :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  17. LCM
    May 22, 2011

    As a supposedly spiritual leader pastors approach is wrong and shows his incompetence. I am sorry for his flock. He should stress on the need for all men to make their role as head of the household an important. It is essential in creating good role models and offer up payers to theses men because we all have sinned and made mistakes big or small.

  18. Francis Francis chicago
    May 22, 2011

    Why sex and lust keep destroying powerful men ? Those who belong to Jesus Christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation.

  19. tiny
    May 22, 2011

    yes mr perfect…it’s people like you that keep people way from God. acting like you are a perfect human being, well the rest of of sinners just can’t seem to meeet your standards so we just tink that maybe we are too evil for God. but the truth of the matter is that you have this urges too or elselyou are not a human being. some people are tempted by a certaain sin moer than the orther………some are just plain perverts…………

    your belly fully full of sex …………..your testosterone level have significant’y deccreased ….so you can criticize right now………..it is true that god said be ye perfict like he is pefect………….. but we can only do it through his strengh…………i do not like your tone………..are you a man? now i’ve heard pators wo are not as hypocrite as you are preach infont of ther wives that the naked women on telvision comercials are tempting………..at first i thougt he was a pevert to think like tht……but i’m not a man…..a man simply looks at a woman and he gets an erection

    a man get turned on by sight ………can you immagine how difficult is is……a woman needs to be touched to get aroused………

  20. girl
    May 22, 2011


    • man in power
      May 22, 2011


  21. Pastor Lou Rawles
    May 22, 2011

    “You’ll never find another outside woman like me you’ll keep searching ur whole life” do you this line pastor? maybe yes maybe no.
    Pastor the last few articles you attempted to write certainly did not go down wll with readers on this site.You received numerous insults etc. A few folks labeled your articles useless,dumb,a waste of time to name a few. Pastor I tend to concur with those sentiments. apparently you did not spend 20,30,40,years horning the art of narrative,nor descriptive writing and it shows.
    Your articles lack conceptualization, supporting facts,anaology and statisitcs-” body”(even though the latter tell lies)and your conclusions seem to leave us in susupended animation.
    Let’s just examine a few of your statement rather than points,cause that’s what they are statement.
    “For something you have at home which is much better and you don’t have to be afraid”
    Mr.Rawles: How do arrive at such a conclusion? have you ever considered that this is the cause it may not be nowhere near good basis for cheating. Mr.Rawles do people do things that they are afraid of doing.I guess not unlike you.
    Now, you stated: “Smetimes you’re so afraid you last only a few minutes.Shame on you big boy!”
    How do you know how long they last Mr.Rawles,are you a fly onn the wall? If so being devil’s advocate(your nemesis) how long is one suppose to last?What do you consider a few minutes? Are you indirectly stating from personal experience? a few minutes is all realtive Mr.Rawles.
    Now how can you make a bold statement like ” They only think with their baby wewie not their brain.”
    Mr.Rawles here is where statisitics come in- what research have you done on the sizes of the men in high places wewies? Again I ask are you a fly on the wall? You seem to lost in generalization.
    Stats has terms such as, mean ,mode, prevalence etc hence it is clear to all and sundry that Pastor rawles is not the person to lecture us on such intimate, sociological and global phenomena.
    Mr.Rawles you can only make an impact on a certain audiance /congregation.Just like in politics Mr.Rawles certain leaders rule not only by Force/Dictatoshipbut by the intellectual levels of its population.Leaders ,Pastors fly because of where.( the level be it the next level the lower level your take)the population happens to be. Mr.Rawles you not ready yet.I suppose infidelity of powerful men& women was the topic at you service today. I hope were able to modify it before you preached.If you hppen to read this you caan make alterations at tonight’s service as once is never enough for guys to preach your narrow simplistic point of view and think you got it right.

    • Dr.Finger
      May 22, 2011

      “What research have you done on the sizes of the men in high places wewies?”

      Garson you have peepeeing on me there you know. But you are 100% correct. The said pastor lacks credence in this article and others before. :lol:

      • joker
        May 22, 2011

        looks like you are one of the men the pastor is talking about,what about john Edwards and the many more and both of you can add your names to the list.

        • charmed
          May 23, 2011

          agree with the statememt and this is not an article it sounds like he is giving on someone. where did this pastor get his statistics to bring out such an article.. it sounds like he is talking froom his own experiences.

  22. Looking in from the outside.
    May 22, 2011

    So who gave you the right to judge others Mr. pastor? Who?
    Lets hope you are talking from experience, because everything is nice and dandy,
    until it comes out in the open.
    God bless.

  23. Unbelievable
    May 22, 2011

    I can’t believe you are a pastor, instructing people on how to live their life properly. The title of your article is Why sex and lust keep destroying powerful men? Yet you only colloquially describe the situation without offering any real reasons.

    Great men are not always wise, not always educated, that sir is a load over simplified crap. These men are at forefront of their fields largely due to decision making. Steve Tappin, who is a personal confidant for 13 FTSE-100 bosses in Britain, plus leading CEO’s in China and India offers real reasons for this. He suggest these men become too dedicated with ther jobs that they ignore other important aspects of life such as family. To put it simply they become detached from reality. And extramarital affairs are just another way to satisfy a very human desire in their relentlessly busy lives.

    Do a little research next time pastor though you always feel like you know and perfectly positioned to instruct. If not your overconfidence puts you in danger of falling ungloriously like these men.

    • Correction
      May 22, 2011

      That should be ingloriously as oppose to ungloriously.

    • Shake-n-Bake
      May 22, 2011

      Please reread the pastor’s comments. He said Great men are not always wise. Most of them are not wise only educated. I agree that just because if you are educated that doesn’t always make you wise. The rest of what the pastor said I could take or leave.

    • real
      May 22, 2011

      If their life is so relentlessly busy , as you said, ‘unbelievable’, isn’t this more the reason why they SHOUL NOT have TIME for extramarital activities?

    • april sun shine
      May 23, 2011

      if they were reading the bible they would know that it is God that said in Job,that Great men are not always wise.Job-32 vs 9.

  24. Earl
    May 22, 2011

    No matter how good a woman is or looks, a man is going to get tired of having sex with that same woman for the rest of his life. Some women have 2 moves: lay down and get up. Plus some men want 3somes…

    • pat
      May 22, 2011

      you are using youself as an example

  25. vip
    May 22, 2011

    The issue is not great men.It is simply human beings and our weakness to fall prey to the wiles of the devil.These people are face with every day issues just like me and you ,the only difference is that their lives are in the open and everyone one can read.If we were infallible and spotless then there would be no need for a savior.For Jesus came to seek and save the lost.David was the man after Gods own heart yet still he rock the world at that time with his transgression that is not even mention among the heathens.Paul was a killer of God’s people and he later becomes the greatest pioneer of the gospel.If GOD had to reveal on a big screen what is in our thoughts and mind .Everyone would be found guilty and the nation would see all the mental pedophiles ,rapist,thieves,liers ,murderers, and as the bible says such were some of you.So our perfection comes only through the death of christ and in and of ourselves we are weak but God makes us strong.

    • ??
      May 22, 2011

      well said VIP, that is exactly what the woman who was caught prostituting had to go through with Jesus’s diciples, when they wanted to bring her down, and Jesus was o smart, he tell them if they havent got sins, stone her, yoh toute pwer kouwee all i can say is, WHEN YOUR COMERADE BEARD CATCH FIRE TAKE WATER AND WOEZAY YOURS. It is sad what Strauss Khan did, and sin has its consequences, but none is perfect, no not one,

  26. shatta
    May 22, 2011

    Women are like chocolate u unwrap them ,taste them, and move to the next one,remember tourism is everybody business so don’t litter,find a garbage bin

  27. outrage
    May 22, 2011

    it is because those young girls see money money money, and the poor fello cant resist a girl 20/30 years younger,some men just cant help it, the pull of a young attractive young woman, those men dont realise dey being hunted man

    • sadist
      May 22, 2011

      stupid comment

      • Reader
        May 23, 2011

        Beyond stupid! Sounds like someone who got burnt so s/he is blaming the young woman and not his/her man!

      • outrage
        May 23, 2011

        stupid stupid, really, so why all those woman sell there story, monica lewiski even keep a dam dress in de frezzer to preserve sperm from clinton, if it love she would have got de brezze out on it the next day. young woman know what dey want now, you not know the saying? ,one man for cockey and another man for bills, de cockey man usally broke, and der is no love with de wealthy usally older man its just about money wit him,,,,so now is that stupid?????

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