$25,000 reward offered for information on killer(s) of Dominican in Antigua

Richardo Christmas

The family of Gibson Ricardo Christmas of Marigot who lived in Antigua and Barbuda is  offering a reward of $25,000 to anyone who can provide information leading to the arrests of those who killed him.

The police have confirmed that the 32yr old died last night.

It was reported that around 9:40 pm the deceased was sitting in the vicinity of Country Pond, along with two other males, when an unknown assailant walked up to the area and discharged a firearm.

Gibson, whose home was situated in the Green Bay, received gunshot wounds to his back and head, and was pronounced dead on the spot by a medical doctor around 11:55 pm.

Meanwhile, Police in St Johns say another man is nursing a gunshot wound to his left arm; he allegedly received it during the said shooting incident.

The 44yr old was reportedly sitting in the company of Christmas and another male playing domino, when he was shot.

He is at the hospital receiving medical treatment, and is said to be stable.

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  1. Kimo
    August 30, 2021

    The difference here is American English vs British English. a collective noun is a singular in American English but it is a plural in British English. Eg. British English the government are making laws or the family are seeking an attorney. You had it correct the first time around. You should research your own grammar errors. Many readers are based in the U.S. and don’t know or have forgotten British English.

  2. jaded
    August 27, 2021

    “The family of Gibson Ricardo Christmas of Marigot who lived in Antigua and Barbuda are offering a reward of $25,000. . .”

    DNO, correct English is – “The family. . . IS offering a reward. . . “. Singular noun.

    ADMIN: Thank you for taking the time to point that out. The correction has been made.

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