Senator Henderson-Reid raises questions about Government’s EC$ 13.5 Million bank guarantee for geothermal power plant


Sen. Lorraine Henderson-Reid

Opposition Senator Lorraine Henderson-Reid has questioned the government’s decision to seek parliamentary approval to obtain a bank guarantee from the National Bank of Dominica for EC$ 13.5 million to secure the commitment for the construction of the geothermal power plant.

Minister for Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience and Social Security, Hon. Dr. Irving McIntyre tabled a motion for the authorization of a bank guarantee to secure the commitment made in the project financing agreement between the Government of Dominica and Geothermal Power Company of Dominica (2023) Limited, owned by Ormat Technologies, Inc during the Eighth Meeting of the First Session of the Eleventh Parliament, today.

“Mr. Speaker, in the absence of information, I ask questions. Question number one: where is the copy of the project finance agreement?” Reid-Henderson asked.  “I like to see things, touch it, read it.”

She continued, “Why are we not privy to this information which will help make an informed decision to support or provide recommendations to this resolution?”

Henderson-Reid added, “Question number two: what commitment are we securing? I want to read it, I want to see it.”

Additionally, she raised questions as it relates to the risks involved.

“At what cost will DOMLEC buy energy from Ormat Technologies Inc and where will DOMLEC growth come from to meet its power supply commitment when the government has taken away DOMLEC’s production capability, thereby excluding it from the management of production it is required to sell?” Henderson-Reid asked.

Furthermore, Henderson-Reid said while the government continues to announce its efforts to reduce costs and have renewable energy, “how are we going to achieve these reduced costs?”

“This is what consumers of Dominica would like to know,” she remarked. “How will we benefit?”

She also asked if there is a possibility that Ormat Technologies Inc will eventually take control of DOMLEC within years from the commencement of geothermal power production.

“Mr. Speaker, in the absence of information I ask questions,” Reid-Henderson stated. “With the availability of the project financing agreement document for my review and understanding, the necessary information would have made things clear for my colleagues and myself, and Dominicans by extension.”

She went on to state that the government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars through grants and loans thus far to achieve the drilling of the seventh geothermal well, providing a geothermal resource capable of supporting 10 megawatts of electricity generation in Laudat. This is designed and tendered for the construction of the new efficient and resilient electricity transmission network connecting the geothermal power plant to the hydroelectric power plant, and the national grid from Roseau Valley to Fond Cole.

However, in the absence of information, Henderson-Reid asked, “From what profits will we pay these loans back?”

She pointed out that the revenues that are expected from these projects for 25 years from January 6, 2026, will go to Ormat Technologies Inc.

“What revenues will the government receive to contribute to the payment of these loans?” she asked.” And how long will they wait for a [Return on Investment] ROI?”

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    January 16, 2024

    If I did not have the privilege of seeing in that Shop on Steber street in 1964; the way you keep saying “Black people” I would have thought you are a white dog eh!

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    January 8, 2024

    Gary, it’s a very dengerous thing when people are not quite familiar with the English language! In linguistics, we find that English is the hardest language to be spoken: i,e “what faculty you are employing”(Gary).
    Where it pertains to humans the term faculty is a singular inherent mental-physical potential.
    Then again a group of academic institutions; such as universities departments with division of knowledge: your question would apply in reference to a faculty of arts and sciences or some other!

  3. Ibo France
    January 2, 2024

    You have returned after your protracted respite with your usual accusatory, inconsequential and insensate comments.

    All information about this geothermal energy agreement should be in the pubic domain and be subjected to scrutiny. It is taxpayers who will have to repay this $13 500 000. Another financial burden on the backs of even the unborn.

    No matter how noble the cause, once public funds are involved, the citizens have a right to know every minute detail as to how every cent of their money is spent. We badly need sunshine in government. Sunlight in government is the best disinfectant for corruption. No transaction by the government unless it would jeopardise national security should be shrouded in secrecy.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 2
    • Gary
      January 2, 2024

      Why you write such hypocritical comments, masquerading as someone who
      is passionate about transparency, when in reality you are not worthy of the true when it is presented to you. Have you heard the phrase, Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it. You are a propagandist but a lousy one. so long.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 14
  4. Martha
    January 2, 2024

    This is my reply to Gary: first let me quote your opening sentence, ‘What do you mean questions will remain unanswered, Lol’. Now my answer to you, MARY, YOU are as thick as a plank of wood when it suits you, or in other words a political corrupt parasite. I hope you refrain spreading your Skerrit Propaganda on here in the New Year. Mam, get a grip!!! A common earth worm has more spine then you and your political masters and friends.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 2
    • Gary
      January 2, 2024

      I’m very disappointed at your reply to me with your useless, meaningless rhetoric, worthless. It just shows how silly you are, so long.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 14
  5. RastarMarn
    January 1, 2024

    So wait nuh,,,

    So Skerrit-dem going to NCB and asking for a Loan to give to a foreigner to come do a construction project in Dominica,,,

    A project that according to dem is guaranteed to make profit and is economically sound, just to turn around and let that company manage that entity until such time when the parts start breaking???

    Dats like going to the bank and asking for a loan on behalf of a developer to come build a house on your land, and then turning around and renting the property from the Bank manager or whomever your facilitated the Loan for,,,

    Something is really wrong with Dominicans for allyou to let dat blatant Treasonous act to happen,,,

    But why doesn’t the Government of Dominica just manage the project from start nuh and just do it themselves like a Homeowner who does a construction project by themselves,,,

    Sounds like somebody or group of people is fraudulently mismanaging Dominica’s affairs!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
    • Gary
      January 2, 2024

      Wow, what gross ignorance on your part. How do you arrive at the such understanding, expressing such opinion, so long.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 14
    • Kalinago Justice
      January 3, 2024

      Every time I read or listen to a slave plantation mentality island defender of the one-man rogue regime, their response is like that of a cornered dog 🐕!!! Always choosing to compare the evil deeds of the one-man rogue regime to another evil 😈, instead of trying to correct what’s wrong!!! Don’t you see after wasting $300,000.000.00 on the fraudulent money siphoning and laundering scheme on a so-called geothermal that will never produce anything for the slave plantation mentality island and its people, that your one-man rogue regime is continuing to bleed what’s left in the poor bank? If after all that selling of citizenship/passports, there’s no money to finance that scam project, that $13,000.000.00 won’t achieve anything profitable from that money laundering scheme?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0
  6. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    December 31, 2023

    In any event Man Dog or Woman Dog, according to your observation, that should make you aware that something is radically wrong about the thought of borrowing more than thirteen ($13,000,000.00) to be be wasted on something which been talked about for more than twenty years!

    Sir, Dog that is just another way of getting money out of a government owned and operated local bank, to divide among thieves operating as government ministers.
    The reason this thing cannot complete is because it serves as a piggy bank to some in government, and their corroborators!
    I don’t remember hearing of any geothermal scientists and engineers working on the project, the question is if he is still involved, where did Ambrous son got his geothermal education to be head of the project?
    Can you explain Man Dog or woman Dog.
    Well, I hope you enjoy the holidays, and like my final insult of 2023, if you wish tomorrow to us a good day for you to fire your 2024 insult at me ole dog.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  7. Ibo France
    December 31, 2023

    This question has always baffle me. How could a population of seventy thousand (70 000) people remain unperturbed and indifferent while one corrupt individual lives in bliss from taxes of the state, while the vast majority of citizens live in shocking poverty.

    Dominica is a wealthy country, a country with billions of dollars at its disposal. The problem is that one man, along with his corrupt lackeys, has plundered the public resources exclusively for themselves.

    The saddest thing is that the overwhelming number of Dominicans remain mind-blogglingly nonchalant while this ravenous group of vultures eats the lion share..

    Dominicans! Don’t ever settle for less than you deserve. Demand that which is rightfully yours and nothing less.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
  8. Ibo France
    December 30, 2023

    @Dog Molester

    Your comments about the goodly senator reflect ignorance, absurdity, idiocy, cognitive dissonance and irrationality. They are precisely who you are an empty, soiled, rotting, oil drum. Just noise.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  9. December 30, 2023

    Madam I’m on board with you this mal-administration still has not provided answers to the questions asked about 1) D/ca- China mou, 2) pie in the sky airport, 3) Dca- Venezuela mou, 4) electoral reform and the list goes on until we get rid of that sh.. passing for a government we will never get any answers.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  10. Martin
    December 30, 2023

    Wow, someone smart in the Theatre of the Absurd (aka parliament). Things are looking up.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 2
  11. December 30, 2023

    Why all these stupid, pointless, unnecessary political questions? Don’t you have something better to do with your lives? What is seemingly wrong with you UWP political idiots and bums? You all behave like parrots repeating the same nonsense that comes out of other people’s mouth. Think of something better to talk about and leave politics alone. Damn it. You all behave like fishmongers and ghetto rats beginning with Lorraine Reid. I am sick of all that sh.. everyday like as if Dominica is the worst country on the world map. Don’t you all hear and see what is happening in other countries. You all make all those complaints; it is funny that you all are still surviving and living. At least things are not that bad as you make others to believe it is bad. I am sure you had a nice breakfast today watching and listening to Ugly Lenny who is worth not a Penny.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 33
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      January 1, 2024

      ds, the reason the questions appear pointless to you is simply!
      Whereas you like corruption and thevery, anything that appears honest, you hate. You revere the politician thieves in the country, and show repugnance and contempt for the guardians of the nations interest.
      You hate the guardians of the nation treasury, those who protect against those who must find a way to steal government money in order to maintain a lifestyle that the honest money they are entitled to cannot afford.
      So what they done recently is to give themselves a hike in pay, their annual, weakly, monthly salary seems to be more than ten times that of the average worker on the island.
      We know the reason for going to grab the money in the pretence that it is to go geothermal plant, something they know will never come to fruition!,
      The same as the so called, Int. Airport: asks about the underground bunkers the Chinese are building between Wesley, and Woodford Hill, smart ds.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
    • January 1, 2024

      mr d’s..your wickidness and insults, i once had a vile mum as you are, she was both earhly and materially dirty and refuse every good advice and i could see all her dirtynessvin you..but you all always end bad…you are an insultive being bcus , u are such

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  12. Ibo France
    December 30, 2023

    Senator Lorraine Henderson-Reid, I must admit she asked some very probing questions. The disappointment is that Roosevelt, McIntyre and the other hypocritical parasites, would continue to withhold the real issues and the pertinent information from the citizens.

    TRANSPARENCY is one of the most important asset in a true democracy. This scandal plagued regime hides information and consistently distorts the truth. Inevitably, the people suffer.

    The grassroots people, in fact, the whole of civil society must stand up and demand better in terms of public information and services from this opaque, overly secretive government. Protests accompanied by civil disobedience should be activated if the government continues with its errant and secretive ways and polices.

    Whatever the dangers of the action we take, the dangers of inaction are far, far greater. The time for acton is Now!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 4
  13. Man bite dogs
    December 30, 2023

    Black people are a joke, this woman is just recording the same idiot questions ugly lenny, has just said, boy boy these people are a waste of space 😒 thinking that they are politicians.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 57
    • December 30, 2023

      man bite dogs; i hear your bite which is louder than your bark, well just answer the questions nah jacka….

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  14. Martha
    December 30, 2023

    Very good questions indeed. However, questions that will remain unanswered, because the Lord of Morne Daniel has something to hide again. By the way, is Lorraine the only Dominican who asks these questions?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 55 Thumb down 10
    • Gary
      December 30, 2023

      What do you mean questions will remain unanswered, Lol. The comprehension of building a Geothermal plant as it relates to the future development of Dominica is a far more rational choice, than making nonsensical assumption and asking questions based on ignorance driven by partisan politics, so sad. To ask where is the copy of the project finance agreement, is it not clearly stated, that the finance agreement is to secure the commitment for the construction of the geothermal power plant. Don’t you know The National Bank of Dominica, like all banks, has agreements which stipulates the financing agreements to lending monies.

      As to the other questions asked by Senator Loraine, it shows reason-less accusation coupled with laziness on her part to understand the agreement of Dominica and Geothermal Power Company of Dominica (2023) Limited, owned by Ormat Technologies Inc.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 23
  15. Where has 20 years of money gone and who has been getting the money. So far all the talk about electricity and all the people of Dominica have seen is a lot of steam coming from the mountain. Someone and some people are taking the Dominicans for a ride and putting the money in their bank account.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 42 Thumb down 10
    • Gary
      January 2, 2024

      What faculty you are employing, when you are asking where has 20 years of money gone and who has been getting the money, lol. Do you understand
      what Geothermal energy is, well if you did you would not be making such silly statements, “So far all the talk about electricity and all the people of Dominica have seen is a lot of steam coming from the mountain.” be content
      with your belief and perception.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 16
  16. December 29, 2023

    very good observation…dat empty head government love to spend but never produces…tark tark largen yo nee, ir choo yo…the word sarlop, means not satisfied, when you should….dlp is a sarlop regime

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 8
  17. Speaker
    December 29, 2023

    dam good question….how comes Issac did not stop het? when they buy u…u can do almost anything..he is such an idiot.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 8

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