Shooting in Portsmouth

DNO has learned of another shooting incident in which a young man from Portsmouth is reported to have been shot in the mouth earlier tonight.

Details are very sketchy, but our Portsmouth correspondent is reporting that earlier, the injured man was taken to the Portsmouth Hospital and a large crowd of onlookers had gathered there.

DNO will bring more information as it becomes available.

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  1. January 1, 2013

    But where d rest news nuh…DNO lapsing boi

  2. January 1, 2013

    all those bias comments make no sense bout it good for him all those hypocrites better you all jus shut all u asses. pays backs a bitch nd he take wha he get i hope when he revolt nobody doe say nothin. all u will play fren wit him nd smile up nd on dno all u have so much to say. but i like him how he be who vex burst. hope you feel better cube!!

  3. Anonymous
    December 30, 2012

    I dont see how Dominica can be compared to America come on people be realistic act like you went to school smh.

  4. December 30, 2012

    well i think we can do something to help de rest of them they need our help i love possie :lol:

  5. Big Head
    December 28, 2012


  6. papala
    December 27, 2012

    B everbody want to c u fall or look forward to ur down fall but blood from stone they all those possi haterz will never see it. all u satisfaction will not access denied…

  7. unknown
    December 27, 2012

    julian julian julian they shoot u in ur mouth it lookin like gouti hunting u an his his wifetears reaching u boy…. but u live by the gun u will die by ak47

    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2012

      Ya you sure about that send all your old talk but I know if this lil nigga die today or tomorrow the hold of Dominica going and feel the heat trust me :twisted: :twisted: all cat and dog getting it old and young as well

    • hmmm
      December 31, 2012

      non sense. gouti wasnt no saint so stop make as if all know for sure is he that kill him. nobody knows where gouti b. noone knows if he dead or alive

    • canefield
      January 6, 2013

      that is so didnt know ur turn wud come boy..stupid little boyz playing gang star.u better go n hide..

  8. Mystical
    December 27, 2012

    Put a serious cash reward for his capture and in no time you’ll get him.

  9. outlaw
    December 27, 2012

    well thats not the end of the gun story in possie, it look like it just started , #beef

  10. jungle king
    December 27, 2012

    the beginning of the end… :twisted:

  11. concerned
    December 27, 2012

    Why isn’t the Government and the head of the Police department going on the Radio and the villages denouncing these wave of violance. Is it that they and their reletives and friends are all involved?. Dominica is a small place and everybody knows everybody’s business. When your children come home with a car, fancy clothing, shoes etc, have you ever ask them where they get these things if you know that they are not working? Remember if you stay silent, you are just as bad. Don’t forget what the ‘Holy Bible’ say, what you sow that is what you will reap. Dominica is coming just like Trinidad, Jamaica and the USA. But in the USA, eventually they will carch you. And remember, these countries are bigger than Dominica. Don’t forget, the guy they caught coming to Dominica in Antigua with the gun and ammos, was on a mission. Dominican’s remember all the positive songs ‘Chubby’ made years ago. English version. (instead of going up, we are going down by our rail). Go back to our roots and “GOD”. When the foundation goes, so goes the country. This is no laughing matter.

  12. truth is
    December 27, 2012

    Dominica is becoming some of us worst nightmare

  13. fried dasheen
    December 27, 2012

    stupes. is d same set of worthless fellas dat terrorizing d town. they just come out jail on bail for robbery at marigot credit union and now they start back shooting and marjee.

  14. unknown
    December 27, 2012


  15. Righteous
    December 27, 2012

    A Bunch of scared punks who feel that they have a gun so they are bad and brave…Stop the nonsense and let us set up community watches and send a strong message to these punks.. “We are not going to leave in fear in our own communities. Those of you who know that these idiots have guns (illegal guns at that) should report it to the proper authorities. Do not wait till it hit closer to home..

    Enough of this senseless shooting… Enough is Enough!!!

  16. No Probs
    December 27, 2012

    Blame the legal system. It is only a handful of individuals committing these crimes. Yes, the police are doing a commendable job in tracking the illegal drug running, but what about tracking the known criminals and paying them random visits.

    I’m not sure of the age range of these gun slingers. However, the parents should be held accountable if the criminals lives with them.

  17. dont care
    December 27, 2012

    Somebody had to shut him up…mr. Too foolish

    • December 28, 2012

      please do not say he is foolish my god possie people just feel sorry for me and pray for the family nuh jesus

    • hmmm
      December 28, 2012

      somebody had to shut him up. he too foolish. u know wat he go through in life for u too open ur ignorant @$$. wat he eva do u in life. dont worry wish bad for pple it come rite back at you.

  18. Concern citizen
    December 27, 2012

    Once again that’s the kind of behavior we bring in our country. Its a real shame.

  19. colorblind
    December 27, 2012

    Sad, very sad. That’s why when people have info where know individuals have illegal guns, dealing drugs, or any criminaly activity, they should call crime stoppers at 1800 4468 and let the Police know. You can do it and not have to give your name if it is your neigbour etc. and you are afraid. We all have to play our part to protect our community now. More and more innocent people will be killed with these guns.

  20. not nice
    December 27, 2012

    you all stop being naive you all know a whole tonne of guns in da

  21. Dominican Queen
    December 26, 2012

    All who live by the gun, will die by the gun. Some putting blame on everybody except those “sooteweh” families who know that their children, brothers are carrying a gun. When they get shot they want the police to do soomething about it.

    If you don’t want your boys to die take the gun and give it to the police yourself. If not, when they get in trouble, just shut up, and chabay doolew. They just like the blood money those guns bringing home. WICKED!!

    • hmmm
      December 28, 2012

      i hope when a family member of yours get in a problem u whill chabay your doolew.

  22. nonsense
    December 26, 2012

    Why compare America to Dominica as it relates to crime? Before making such comparism remember that America is the largest melting port consisting of every culture, race and other ethnicity. In Dominica, everyone knows everyhone….

  23. king
    December 26, 2012

    if you live by the guns you will die by the guns…… is he self that kill the guy the other day and burry him…. his turn come now.. is time they kill all them little boys that have the country untidy.. ask for that dish there….

    • papala
      December 27, 2012

      papa ur future bright

    • hmmm
      December 28, 2012

      he that kill which guy. u see him kill somebody. allu to like to bring down pple.

  24. Yoland Jno Jules
    December 26, 2012

    Who say Christmas is a time for love and sharing it is a time when more criminals are desperate more thives,more drugs more crime that is when the devil is more out rageous that is his real time he is SANTA scrambeled un scramble it u find SATAN so his servants doing his work allot of our young people working for the Devil Xmas have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus the Christ he was not born in December farless on the 25th lie lie lie that is a pagan feast followed by a lot of crimes,we look for the return of Jesus not his birth

  25. Peace Be with You
    December 26, 2012

    1. Despite the high publicity crimes, the crime rate in America is going down. Is it going down in DA?
    2. The population of the US is close to 400 million and people from all over the world fighting to move to the US everyday. The US is not in danger of loosing a whole generation to crime. Can the same be said about Dominica?
    3. Tourism in the US is not threatened by crime. Can the same be said for Dominica?
    4. Comparing Dominica to the US in anyway does not make sense to me. Dominica is a small country with a big crime problem. Dominica needs more solutions and less finger pointing. Unless that process starts, we will not be taken seriously.

  26. Jail-corrupt-leaders
    December 26, 2012

    Most problems are the result of bad politics.

  27. bee
    December 26, 2012

    Every cat and dog in DA have guns they think is a joke. Well unless the goverment take this gun business seriously these guns will keep using as toys.

    • pinky and the brain
      December 28, 2012

      ever hear guns dont kill, people kill… what if people started dying from cutlas wounds, would you say?.

      Well unless the goverment take this cutlas business seriously these cutlases will keep using as toys.

  28. Fig Root
    December 26, 2012

    But Dominicans are pretty much blind as usual.
    why cry about what’s happening on the island..

    The Majority of Dominicans just sit back in their Comfort and do NOTHING…


  29. hope
    December 26, 2012

    DNO I fed up wif d way you giving news man!!! Is best you say, they say they shot a man in possie lasnite wi n they bring him in d hospital. DNo you not giving no name nothing if u doe hav proper news doe give!!!! Details are always sketchy for Dno jus like d news b4 3 men was shot n transported to PMh details sketchy!!

  30. somebody
    December 26, 2012

    what again befor nothing like that use to happen now any time any where is a crime you hereing about that person kill who this person abuse that person.booy ooo boyyy oooo boyy this place changing

  31. saddam
    December 26, 2012

    i myself going and stockup

  32. saddam
    December 26, 2012

    a little shooting allu crying?and allu want developement?stop comenting foolishly and speack to your children,your children children and your friends children.bunch of hipocrites

  33. somebody
    December 26, 2012

    our nice nature island want to come like india

  34. BOwSS
    December 26, 2012

    Anada yout ah get shot…sombady, tell me wat ah gwan ina di system

    December 26, 2012

    Since the PM talk about DRAGON LAWS, more guns are out more than before. PM stick to your word.

  36. Cza
    December 26, 2012

    50 cent

  37. Anonymous
    December 26, 2012

    The devil seem to be busy building his weapons….and the foolish gives him a helping hand….while he smiles…..

  38. Sam
    December 26, 2012

    There are way too many guns in the streets of Dominica lately. Even worse, is that police officers are being found with illegal guns, so are they selling them to drug dealers? One has to ask.

  39. Anonymous
    December 26, 2012

    DNO is that the new gun? What is it called?

  40. Mr Biggs
    December 26, 2012

    why do people bail theses animals?

  41. December 26, 2012

    That is the next level so we come

  42. faithfulness
    December 26, 2012

    Just cover us with your blood lord from the crown of our heads to the sole of our feets !

  43. Anonymous
    December 26, 2012

    Hmmm dats life

  44. On my own
    December 26, 2012

    God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human race, O Lord; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth.

    That, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


  45. Morihei Ueshiba
    December 26, 2012

    Why is everyone surprised? So u have a pm saying no law or constitution can stop him and u all expect to have a peaceful loving society, look at history, WHEN COUNTRIES HAVE BAD LEADERS THE PEOPLE SUFFER! :-P Peep on this peeping tom :lol: :lol:

  46. :-(
    December 26, 2012

    All our decent young men are vanishing… what is going on in Dominica? People are getting desparate(no money).

  47. December 26, 2012


    alu love to point fingers on people but who alu guy think doing the shoting is not them. Tell those so call gangstars shot met man and slapping them up in public.

    Dish and them out in public but the secret sin of the gangstars will come out , the missing man family and his child he never got to see born, so if you don’t know anything shut your smelling mouth.

    camar will come for him one day so shut your smelling mouth

  48. Flyer
    December 26, 2012

    Excuse me I must say that Portsmouth is not the only place where this stuff happen,don’t make everyone in Portsmouth feel like they bad,only low minded and uneducated …….get shot because they sit around not doing nothing than causing problem in society…but still Portsmouth isn’t a bad place…I bet if these jackasses had a job and goals in life portsmouth and dominica wouldn’t have so much level of violence…an that lil brother is a very snicky nigga so no love for them,they should have a proper mindset and stop playing bad, A real bad man fights with their hands not with weapons,anyhow I hope he learnt a lesson

  49. Simplicity
    December 26, 2012

    What is our sweet Dominica coming to.

    • Dom-niche'
      December 26, 2012

      We’re simply catching up with the rest of the world. Didn’t you know that development had it’s cons also?

    • Justice and Truth
      December 27, 2012

      What are some people coming to? This is the question you should ask and is the correct question to ask. We do know there is absolutely nothing wrong with Dominica as and island.

      • Justice and Truth
        December 27, 2012

        :oops: “an island.” Sent it too quickly.

  50. strange
    December 26, 2012

    Another young man shot.

  51. Fed up
    December 26, 2012

    well Dominica have in it papa.. everyday is a story

  52. willis dew
    December 26, 2012


  53. omg
    December 26, 2012

    omg! People Christmas time is a time for love and togetherness, not for hatred and shooting! smh

    • budman
      December 26, 2012

      i gave you a thumbs down because EVERYDAY not Christmas, is a time for love and togetherness. there is no special time you suppose to be more brotherly. if you bad all year round , its silly and naive to expect saintly behaviour at a specific time of year. its hypocrisy actually.

    • dominican
      December 26, 2012

      that is why government needs to stop carnival at sunset. 6 pm sharp.

  54. December 26, 2012


    • budman
      December 26, 2012

      that’s expected year round not just this season.

    • kahval
      December 26, 2012

      CHRISTMAS means pow pow…… portsmouth is pow pow day kill somebody jus no one didnt die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  55. poe-ki-toe
    December 26, 2012

    I agree with a million percent “poosette di fay”

  56. lang sal
    December 26, 2012

    why mr. dem doh go back jail nuh….since dem man come out possie have all kind of sine again enuh, d town was quiet when dish dem was inside

    • always positive
      December 26, 2012

      you a quite right. it has been said that desh had a fing wit de be not too long ago. i see smoke and there most be fire. the police should look into that.

    • Anonymous
      December 26, 2012

      Dish better hide

    • outlaw
      December 27, 2012

      true bout that

  57. blueblue
    December 26, 2012


  58. jlowa
    December 26, 2012

    not again another one ? lord help us

  59. Rastafari
    December 26, 2012

    Dominicans, when there’s a shooting, please run in the other direction, don’t gather around like it’s story telling time. “…and a large crowd of onlookers had gathered there…” LOL! Every crime scene reported by DNO in Dominica identifies a gathering of onlookers. pourquoi la curiosité.

    • Peeping Tom
      December 26, 2012

      :lol: :lol:

    • Distured
      December 26, 2012

      Potential victims, hostages and so on… Sigh…

  60. Unbiased Successor.
    December 26, 2012

    I didn’t realize Clint Eastwood resides in Dominica. Reading this news embark on the days of watching western movies in days of Yaw.

    • think right
      December 26, 2012

      Did you mean “days of yore”. In the field of ballistics the term YAW has a characteristic meaning with reference to the dynamics of travel of projectiles from a firearm.

    • Malgraysa
      December 26, 2012

      Not Clint Eastwood we have but plenty of “Dirty Harrys”.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 27, 2012

      “days of yore”
      Definition of YORE: time past and especially long past —usually used in the phrase of yore.

  61. country bookie
    December 26, 2012

    like its the wild wild west thing in da now,,,,
    every where they shoot somebody,,,,,

  62. living aboard
    December 26, 2012

    Hmm Dominica is no different from America.

    • Distured
      December 26, 2012

      How dare you~!

      America? You dare compare us to that evil land? Is there where i suspect the devil “fell” from grace and landed.

      Most psycos are formulated in America.

      Laws created in America are by passed in the most stupidest of ways. In another country, we just laugh at it and believe it to be funny.
      Example. Woman/Man sets up themself to fall in a bathroom of a hotel, sues them and wins. After they endorse in soaps and soapy products.

      Only in America, the land of the “free”, where everywhere u walk, u smell death, feel unease and worry about another day, since your leaders decide they can interfere in every other country’s business, while saying its for “their”, the other guy’s, protection, and claim their “goods” under the score sheet.

      America is NOT to be used as comparison to any other country. The price of freedom is death, despair, destruction…Don’t you all forget, since after all, you follow what “America taught it”.

      Who vex loss~!!

      Cuz i know, u vex since i sell u out~!!

      Please NOTE: The only things D/ca and America have in common are the fact they both OWE China ALOT and their leaders are both the same, figure heads.


    • Justice and Truth
      December 27, 2012

      No exception in Canada. So far I have not yet heard of a murder in Toronto for Christmas. It appears all the troublemakers are in prison; some drug addicts and gun-toting ones. I hope it remains so. Let us wait and hear for New Year’s.
      A strange occurrence, a man went into a funeral parlour and stole a hearse in a suburb of Toronto. People asked what he expected to do with it. I ask how far he intended to go with it.
      As he tried to escape with the hearse, he drove it into a pole. The police pursued him and gunshots rang out. He was injured and is now in the hospital. There are really some strange people in the world. They are also idle and full of wickedness.

  63. acgc
    December 26, 2012

    I blame the police force and the Government to a certain extent for the shootings going on. Reasoning – DA is a small place with police stations in villages. Most likely the local assigned policemen know who are the possible suspects holding illegal guns (e.g DRUG DEALERS). Why dont the police do some suprise visits on this individual homes using the DOG they got. But again the few past illegal guns were found with their own.
    Mr. Commissioner and the Minister responsible unless these crimes dont touch home then you might want to take steps like recommended. It might be too late cause your love ones, wife, sons or daughter may be dead.
    Take Warning

    • budman
      December 26, 2012

      i can’t blame police for the malice in a man’s heart. police isn’t assigned to raise our children.

    • Distured
      December 26, 2012

      Hmm… You forgot to account for people who can obtain guns through other methods you would not be able to begin imagining.

      Police nor the government are to blame in this case.

      Are you to say we should say “fk it” to the law and then have police bursting down random doors, while pausing your daily life for a couple hours or so? Inconveniencing yourself, your pride and respect among others in you neighborhood?

      If one were able to completely rule out the existence of guns in a country, then that would be both stupid and nearly impossible…

      Stupid, because if we got invaded randomly…need i say more? Invasion(by anything…use your discretion)

      Nearly Impossible; since you can’t search every nook n’ cranny. The possible part would be to having…say an electromagnetic field was setup to react to only bullets. Problem is, new weapons are made everyday, so… there goes your gun problem and here comes something else…

      In all, we still have it nice…For now T_T.


    • dafriend
      December 27, 2012

      I could not agree more. This problem needs to be tackled now! Target the known drug dealers relentlessly and without mercy and the gun problem will take care of itself. Do it before it is to late. Put some money and resources behind it. It’s going to be the best investment Dominica has ever made. This can not go on for any longer!!

    • joe
      December 27, 2012

      First of all, Before you begin about surprise visits, the police can’t just enter someone house as a surprise visit. They need to have a search warrant to enter your place. I don’t condone violence neither do i support it the drug rampage that is going around, however, the police need to have a reason to enter and search your premises.

  64. beautiful
    December 26, 2012

    guns. guns. guns. that is all i am hearing about for that christmas season. the police must do something about that.

  65. live fast_die fast
    December 26, 2012

    weh weh weh.what is going on in this country?

  66. December 26, 2012

    Look like he was chatting to much or someone deceided to shut him up. lol They could have oted to cut his tonuge instead if they wanted to shut him up.
    Anyway that joke was just to lighten the situation but in all fairness is it not too much for DA? If guys don’t die from natural causes it something else (as is expected) But Da have seen too many over the last month Tourists riders, good bad and ugly people.
    Is this a sign of development in the wrong direction? Except for Tom and Allyene?

  67. omg
    December 26, 2012

    omg… hope this is not an indication of what is to come in the new year… :?:

    • Distured
      December 26, 2012

      I blame 2012 entirely…=_=.

      If it happens in the new year, then people who thought like you, believed in it too much.

      Positive thinking can save lives…

  68. sadist
    December 26, 2012

    we cana avoid the NEXT LEVEL

  69. concerned
    December 26, 2012

    Here we go again. Dominicans, these shootings are not a joke. If we don’t do something serious about guns and criminals, we will definitely live in a lawless society, and all of us will pay for it. If the authorities are not paying attention, the criminals will go and attack the core of the country which is the government. Please do something quickly. Dominica is not America. We are poor with a handful of people.

    • Distured
      December 26, 2012

      How badly do u want something done?

      If say…I offer you all a solution, would you all accept and bear the consequences?

      Will you be able to pay Basil for the fares of others?

  70. Annonymouse
    December 25, 2012

    Portsmouth again. Is it not the same place Dr. Andre is from nah?

    • Justice and Truth
      December 27, 2012

      There are some prominent people from Portsmouth. However, they are not to be compared with those thugs and idle ones. Do not place them in such a category. They do not deserve it. Note their careers. Those other men should learn from them and make something good of themselves.
      Let me further inform you. When I resided in DA I would visit Portsmouth and had an enjoyable time with my friends who are prominent ones. I walked especially on the main street and all was well. It was a safe place without gun-totters and thieves. Some youths of today who are non-law abiding are the ones who make Portsmouth an unsafe place and give it a bad name. This includes the other areas in Dominica.
      I wished something could be done for them in the form of counseling and rehabilitation which could eradicate crimes/murders in Dominica.

  71. waitukubuli-original
    December 25, 2012

    Looks like Dominica has more guns than people. How sad that these are in the hands of so man “little” boys who are trapped in adult bodies.

  72. Anonymous
    December 25, 2012

    jah help da

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