Skerrit recommends reclassification over salary increases for public officers

Skerrit addressing the DLP’s rally at Delices

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has said salary increases should be replaced by the reclassification of jobs as he believes this would be a better route to take for public workers.

Skerrit said at a Dominica Labour Party (DLP) Rally in Delices last night, that an increase in salaries would not be very beneficial to public officers.

“I am the first person in Dominica who will admit that salaries should be higher in Dominica. I accept that; I agree with that. There is no argument about this but what would a two per cent increase in your salary of two thousand dollars mean to you?” he asked.

“My proposal is that let us go through a process of reclassification; we believe that through reclassification exercise you can elevate yourself on the position where you are to a higher position and in the process, you will get a higher salary.”

He added that after Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria, the government ensured that persons’ jobs were secured and did not send one person home, including those that are temporary in the service.

The prime minister said public workers were kept at their jobs because the government understood that people needed a salary more than ever during that difficult time and ensured that every public officer got their salary on time.

Skerrit said he does not play politics with people’s future and added that because of the policies and programs of the DLP, more public officers have received educational degrees rather than certificates.

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  1. Queen of the North
    December 4, 2019

    Skerrit, you are a con man. You can’t fool us anymore…

  2. Teacher
    December 3, 2019

    All I want is my increase and end of story :evil: reclassificate yourself your 10,000 too low but our 1 or 2 thousand enough to care a family?

  3. jaded
    December 3, 2019

    Public workers, do not be misled by foolish comments. The PM is right. Do not sacrifice a long term benefit for a short term gain. Yes, the 2% today sounds great. But if you are elevated to a higher level based on your job description, you will not only get an increase higher than 2% today, but you will, in the future, get increases based on that higher pay base. So your futures increases will be compounded. Do not just think of today. Think of tomorrow. The unions should work with Skerrit on this. It will benefit you all.

    • Braindamage
      December 3, 2019

      But Jaded, how long you think the public workers waiting for a little 2 pense.
      Skerrit always coming up to give them a 6 for a 9.
      But in Al Jazdera’s report; 90% is his and the country benefits only 10%… wicked..

    • Toto
      December 4, 2019

      You don’t get it do you. Skerrit has lost all credibility and can not be trusted in any way. Tomorrow, tomorrow. Chupes man, there is always tomorrow. They used to trick us like that as a child. Well, the child grow up and wants to eat today, tomorrow you can be dead long time.

  4. pureblackmagic
    December 3, 2019

    It’s so sad that after twenty years in power that’s the best you can come up with.sad sad sorry sorry

  5. RastarMarn
    December 2, 2019
  6. Jim Jones
    December 2, 2019

    Fellow Dominicans Friday is a time not only to vote out Skerrit but also a time to remember Jim Jones. A time to be very careful not to take the advice of spirit of Jim Jones . Remember “In 1978, media reports surfaced of human rights abuses in the Peoples Temple in Jonestown. US Representative Leo Ryan led a delegation to the commune to investigate. Ryan and others were murdered by gunfire while boarding a return flight with some former cult members who had wished to leave. Jones then ordered and likely coerced a mass suicide and mass murder of 918 commune members, 304 of them children, almost all by cyanide-poisoned Flavor Aid.”
    Remember Jim Jones was only 47 when he ordered that mass killing and later he committed Suicide because he was scared of the consequences of his evil life. Dear Jim Jones, it would have been better to serve in jail than to commit suicide. I know people that chose jail than suicide. Dominicans like NG Lap Seng, Alireza Monfared chose jail over suicide ok

  7. Remember Jim Jones?
    December 2, 2019

    Since I am a laborite who fought for that same thing in 1978, I will not respond to Skerrit. I will only remind him that he only has three more days in office. Next subject:
    Apart from the 48 days strike that Savarin used to get rid of Patrick John DLP, something even more serious happened in our backdoor:
    “In 1978, media reports surfaced of human rights abuses in the Peoples Temple in Jonestown. US Representative Leo Ryan led a delegation to the commune to investigate. Ryan and others were murdered by gunfire while boarding a return flight with some former cult members who had wished to leave. Jones then ordered and likely coerced a mass suicide and mass murder of 918 commune members, 304 of them children, almost all by cyanide-poisoned Flavor Aid.”
    Later Jim Jones killed himself. I just hope come Friday night, we don’t have a repeat of what Jim Jones did to himself when he was only 47. Jim Jones likes to talk but they are coward and to avoid jail time Jim Jones took his life…

  8. joseph charles
    December 2, 2019

    I am convinced the “THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES”

  9. Make me understand
    December 2, 2019

    But what kind of people we have supporting Skerrit there nuh? Do you breathe with lungs? 8-O

  10. Jaso
    December 2, 2019

    Ha ha ha. Skerritt will be back so continue huffing n puffing. No LL but RS .

  11. Tobby
    December 2, 2019

    I would prefer a salary review though, than 2% of 2000 ec which would just be about 40 ec extra. Is not every body can be elevated on a job or own a degree Mr. Pm. Revisite Dca salary scale and bring it to a minimum of 3000 to start and min wage at least 500 per week. Dca can afford it my friend, more money will spend and revenue will accumulate.

  12. Ibo France
    December 2, 2019

    Every public servant needs an increase in salary now. Does changing one’s job title serve everyone well. Keep it simple and give all government employees a raise. Veering off the topic at hand. Mr. Skerrit your foul, vulgar, indecent words about Mr. Linton’s boxer shorts and holding his testicles are unbecoming of a prime minister. It shows that you are just an uneducated bumpkin in an office that is too decent for street bandits like you.

  13. Wavet dovan pool
    December 2, 2019

    Too little too late! Why was the reclassification rejected in the first place? After hiring consultants and going through a tideous exercise, you rejected it like many other recommendations. Your arrogance is the cause of your downfall. Your smiles are no longer effective. You have exhausted all your strategies. Is that the best you could come up with? Alas!

  14. Craig Charles
    December 2, 2019

    But bu but (Stammering) wait. You telling me every single Civil servant should try to get into higher positions for their salaries to be increased while those in those higher position still want an increase? A country with the highest rate of unemployment and the lowest minimum wage?

  15. Kalinago Justice
    December 2, 2019

    :?: This con has been holding power for 20 years and he now talks pit-latrine waste!? That liar and thief always try playing with words with trickery to find himself holding on to power! The people just need to revolt against that one-man rogue regime and get him out of the way!!!

  16. Teacher
    December 2, 2019

    Mr. Skerrit.
    I want my 2%, now. Reclassification will come after.
    I know 2% looks like nothing to you, but to me it is plenty.

  17. The Truth Be Told
    December 2, 2019

    Do u guys & dudes understand what is reclssification of jobs? The PM himself has admitted & quote above “I am the first person in Dominica who will admit that salaries should be higher in Dominica. I accept that; I agree with that. There is no argument about this but what would a two per cent increase in your salary of two thousand dollars mean to you?” he asked. Now all of you who just do not like the man for absolutely no reason seem to forget that after Maria, Civil Servants were paid double salary (Bonus), a 1st for the Civil Servants. all of u including the Union Leader has forgotten that just like u all have forgotten hurricane Maria. Is this a man who does not like his people? U guys I always say God does not like ugly, ungratefulness, sin. All of u does only bash, cannot make a suggestion, hatred is portrayed in all your words. U look 4 all kinds of names to call the man. Let your consciences be your guide. You all know the truth yet you thrive on the lies. look…

  18. Watcher on the Wall
    December 2, 2019

    At this point of your political career, Skerrit Your campaigns and the words uttered from your mouth should be evidence or processes in action, NOT plans. This is lame and you need to change your strategy and speech writers. You are starting to become unworthy of listening…. save your breath.

  19. Ibo France
    December 2, 2019

    What ridiculous nonsense is Skerrit chatting? This man is losing his mind. The pressure is having a very adverse effect on him to think rationally. He has found money , millions to be exact, to finance his re-election campaign but can’t give deserving civil servants not even one cent increase on their starvation salaries. This is precisely what CORRUPTION does. Could you imagine what life will be like in this country if Skerrit returns to government for a next five years? Take a few seconds and ponder on that. He will turn Dominica into a living HELL HOLE country. No teacher, no nurse, no police officer, no custom officer, no port worker, no public servant should even consider voting for this abysmal ruling military junta. The people ask for electoral reforms and a raise of salary, Skerrit gives them rubber bullets and tear gas. He reminds me of Papa Doc and Baby Doc. His police force is an exact replica of the Tonton Macoute of the Papa Doc’s era.

  20. Braindamage
    December 2, 2019

    Sir, your salary is going to be decreased after December 6th 2019.
    What do you have to say about that?

    • Eddy A
      December 3, 2019

      He could not care less, he has savings accounts in Switzerland and Panama that are bursting in the seems…

  21. I spying on Linton & Skerrit
    December 2, 2019

    As Policeman, you giving whom you want to raise and give special gifts… and you even talking about higher wages while most of us around have special benefits.

    You fool me the last two elections, not again!
    instead, we out fighting crims you, have us doing a private security job for you and your family.

    I can’t wait for a change even if i’m back in traffic.

    How much you getting for your self!!

    get ready for the shock from the honest policemen!


  22. dissident
    December 2, 2019

    Is you we going to reclassify!
    I don’t know who you does cry to about your low salary

    A liar is a thief!!!!!!

  23. Outside looking in
    December 2, 2019

    Dominicans the answer is in your hands when you go to the voting polls. It’s time for change. JUST DO IT!!!!

  24. jamie
    December 2, 2019

    Such a scam,this is the best you can do,CBI money in full swing,your hat is part of the uniform.Three more days dude.

  25. redpunch
    December 2, 2019

    This fooling of people has to stop. This was done 2010, 12 or 13. YOU never implemented it as minister of finance. DAT knows, PSU knows Police knows. so do not come with your rubbish now. cockroach maybe eat the document.

  26. zandoli
    December 2, 2019

    What a load of BS. Did Skerrit just wake up and suddenly came up with nonsense? People want higher salaries regardless of how you slice it. Giving them different titles might make some people feel good, but in the end the bank does not want to know your job description. They are only interested in your ability to service your loan. In other words, money talks…….everything else is just BS.

    • Janet
      December 2, 2019

      I have been laughing, laughing loudly as i read this stufff. Yes, nice name and more responsibility can pay mounting bills. Ha ha ha.

  27. Ernest
    December 2, 2019

    It to late sir we going with a better option

  28. Skerrit cannot fool me
    December 2, 2019

    That’s a whole bunch of talking and not doing. So what he is suggesting is changing the job titles but not changing the salary. Makes no sense. #votehimout

  29. Boyzie
    December 2, 2019

    That job reclassification may benifit all public officers except police officers. A junior constable is going to be downgraded to a class of a junior clerk. A police officer works weekends somerimes 24hrs at a time and night time. A clerk does not have to work those hours. Further more a junior constable salary is going to be cut by almost $400.00

    • The Truth Be Told
      December 2, 2019

      Well Boyzie I se your point but maybe we can suggest a different way be done with the police officers. Taking into account the points you made re 24 hour service. Reclassification for the Police Officers be followed by the Police Legislation done differently than the normal 8 – 4.00 Civil Service.

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