Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit who has held the position of political party leader of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) for the past 20 years said at the appointed time he will make his departure from politics to return to a “less busy life.”
He made the disclosure on DBS Radio ‘Talking Point’ Program held recently. Skerrit was re-elected as Prime Minister of Dominica for a fifth successive term following the December 6, 2022 general election
“I am doing a job for the people of Dominica…I came into government as a young person to serve the country and this is what I have tried to do and this is what I will continue to do,” Skerrit said. “There is no person who has occupied the office of Prime Minister who has shown more concern for the welfare and well-being of Dominica.”
He continued, “I do not think that there is anybody in this country, any person walking the streets of Dominica and I say so with the greatest sense of humanity who has made the greater sacrifice of this country than myself.”
According to him, there will always be challenges that one has to confront, challenges one has no control over, “but you have to navigate them.”
“And I think sometimes people don’t understand how difficult it is to run a country like this,” Skerrit stated. “So, at the appointed time I will make my departure and return to a less busy life. That is still on the cards and we will see when it happens.”
Meanwhile, Skerrit wants Dominicans to remember him for his love for the country and its people.
“What I would like Dominicans to remember me for is that I have loved this country and the people who live in it and I have done the best to make their lives better during the years I am there,” he noted. “If you were to look at what we have done in those 20 years, it is really unprecedented.”
He added, “You may have little challenges when you go to the hospital in terms of attitude and so forth, but when you look at the hospital then and now and you look at healthcare then and now, in terms of infrastructure, access to specialized care it is really historic in nature.”
Skerrit, before you go don’t forget to account for our missing money. There is no place on earth where you could go and be hunted down. You will account to your people, make no mistake about that.
Self I praise is a sure sign of insecurity and low self-esteem.
Let’s remind Roosevelt that well done is always better than well said. Talk is cheap. A lying tongue doesn’t get things done.
Roosevelt you are a man of words and not a man of deeds. Therefore, you are like a garden full of weeds.
Self-praise is no recommendation
I wonder how many people believe that windbag: all Roosevelt is trying to do is use some pseudo psychology on those who falls for his corrupted lies; in that he is trying to see how many of his stupid will say (alas doh go) we want you for twenty more years!
Roosevelt has long decided to remain in politics if he can as prime minister of the country, because he knows that the day he quit he will be going to jail!
He knows he will be investigated, and his wealth will be confiscated, he knows Montreal Management will be investigated to find out if he owns all the houses and apartment this so called Montreal Management built in the country.
That balled-head sucker has long made up his mind to die in office rather than go and spend the rest of his life at Stock Farm as an animal in a cage!
He might have already prepared a hole in the ground like Saddam Hosane did in Iraq to hide into; he need to remember Saddam was caught in his hole covered with crab louse.
Wow, what a wow! How sick does a person have to be to self-aggrandize like this? Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, just like Donald Trump, you are narcissism on steroids and you are so eager to put it on public display for all to see!
Let others assess, analyze and speak of your performance. You do not get to play a sport and be the competitor, referee, umpire, commentator and decision arbitrator all at once, you should know that but you don’t because your entire time in office have been based on cheating, and cheating and bending rules to favour you and your Labour party is all that you know! Who does that!? What a sad and shallow man you are! Poor Dominica have had to suffer such humiliation with you as its Prime Minister! What a wow!
greetings…in the year 2012 at macoushrie dis empty head ,in the position of p.m better know as starboy of stupidity, said and i quote,i i want to be your prime minister till 2050…that was skerrit words and request in 2012…mr skerrit..doh never belief the salsbury massacre is for bro..the salsbury early morning is not for free
Like the late Vere Cornwall Bird, Skerrit remains the grandfather of Dominica Politics, Papa Skerrit. Most Dominicans have and will continue to cherish you for all the good you have done for this great country of us, DOMINCA. I can surely attest to all the good you have done and continue to do. As I have always said, put all the Chief Ministers, Premiers, Prime Ministers together, you have done far better than they have done put together. You are the Prime Minister of the 21st century. All these negative comments on DNO except for Lin Clown’s comes from no other than the disgruntled, low life, bums UWP Dominicans. They are all batimen and batiwomen that the Bishop has refused to bless in church in defiance of Pope Francis’ preaching on the podium.
List it. all the good. We will list all the bad. lets see if there is common ground
Only “if we knew better”.
This to me sounds more like a man who’s repenting of his Sins in a hypocritical way. Who will forget and forgive him?
Did Skerritt say sacrifice? For whom? You mean for himself, he is the one who has enriched himself.
Now a great Daughter of Dominica has gone to meet her maker due to the lack of medical supplies and mal-governance of this once proud nation.
I really do hope that the eyes that be “voters” really do what is necessary to reclaim this Nation.
I really do hope that your brother Fami (Grandbay Bus Driver) sees beyond party color and do what is right next election.
I really do hope that the “close” friends and coworkers of Ferdina look beyond party colors and do what is right at the polls.
I really do hope this unfortunate loss of life become the turning point in the electoral and political life of Dominica.
I really do hope that Dominicans can begin to look within and rise up against this below par governance and mismanagement .
I really do hope that Skerrit lives to be old and grey so as to face the Karma which he has created .
I really do hope ……
For Dominica’s sake I really Do hope, for hope is running thin..
“Now a great Daughter of Dominica has gone to meet her maker due to the lack of medical supplies and mal-governance of this once proud nation.” Wow, you mean the Hospital has already had the autopsy completed and, shockingly, disseminated the report to the public?!
I really do hope that you get help for your sick obsession with Skerrit and mischief-making.
Self praise is no praise! Results based on our successes and failures will ultimately determine whether we triumphed or failed.
Declaring a self-proclaimed state of kingship of humanity invariably short circuits any modicum of humility.
There is no denying that public service is often a thankless vocation; however, regardless of your age of entry into the political arena, you were not forced to sign up for this gig.
Believe me you, a lot of Dominicans have caught a severe case of the blues while waiting for you to give up the reins while the eyes of others have become bloodshot red over the past two decades.
I hear some jubilant naysayers are in the midst of collecting funds to send you on a one way, “thank you” send off to a destination of your choice!
Its not just packing up and going nuh Skerrit. You have to account for all the ills u did to ure non supporters. U have to account for all Dca billions that are out there. And like Patrick John, u will be given a fair trial various offences uve committed agains the state and upon conviction u will serve no more than life time in the States Prison at Stockfarm. A man reap what he sows. God cannot be deceived or mocked.
so when the country falls into ruins and beyond repair, dilapidated and over run by Chinese, you wanna take flight?! I yet to see the so called development rather that the new roads that needs reconstruction every 3 hrs with then tired bypasses and them huge hotels being built and over run with ghosts because it can never reach to completion. na man! better must be done.
That was the plan all along. Live is easy everywhere in the world, in particular if one has put away US$500 million for a rainy day.
I don’t even want to hear this man because we all know he can’t leave politics where he must hide behind. I won’t say more because according to Dice I know I am wanted
The UK, having opened all elections to all its citizens, I think we should take a page from their book and allow all Dominican citizens to vote wherever they live. But they should be able to register and vote online in the constituency of their choice.
If Skerrit wants to bring some down by plane, let him. But online voting would level the playing field. That would also negate the advantage he has by giving away free turkeys to his supporters.
Then ALL Dominicans will judge the level of sacrifice that he has done for the country.
UWP should stop fighting that 5 year rule. Call his bluff and go all the way. All or nothing.
no lie can live for boy of studity ,speaks of living politics but here you are about voting online..are you blind followers of blind skerrit, crazy? are you mad?…things crashing ..please extend a crash helmit to dr dr chou poul, bcus time is riping on the p.m…he have to pay…
“If Skerrit wants to bring some down by plane, let him. But online voting would level the playing field. That would also negate the advantage he has by giving away free turkeys to his supporters.” What’s stopping the UWPwee from delivering pork, ham, and turkey as well? Brokeness, incompetence, or lack of popular support? Huh? What?
Oh, by the way, online voting, pwee pwee voting, any kind of voting and Dominicans will still reject the current opposition whether it is UPWwee, DFP, or any other P. As yet, there simply is no alternative to the DL:P. None! The Dominican electorate has been saying this repeatedly for the past decades.
Its not a race of who can treat and bribe more. That in itself is not allowed or encouraged by the law. but yet, people like you do not care for rules regulations or laws, only when it suits you. until then you smile at blatant manipulation and lawlessness because it doesnt hurt you and it benefits you.
“If you were to look at what we have done in those 20 years, it is really unprecedented.” What a bunch of horse manure!
The only thing unprecedented is the amount of wealth you and the cabal have acquired, the amount of people you have victimized and the volume of young girls it is ALLEGED that you all have violated. Why don’t you just resign and save yourself the embarassment of being booted out soon?
SKERRIT brought Clear harbor to Dominica there are more that 1.000 employed.Skerrit invented the NEP,more than 4,500 employed.Skerrit started the housing revolution more than 5,000 people have profited from the $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 FREE houses.Skerrit started the Yes We Care programme more than 200 employed.Skerrit invented the $300 monthly for senior citizens.The school bus service is Skerrit baby.Skerrit removed the hospital user fee.Now thousands of Dominicans use the hospital without paying.Skerrit sold land to the poor at $1 a square foot.The emergency medical care(Sam Christian) was started by Skerrit. In 2021 Skerrit increased the minimum wage from $4.50 to $7.50.In 2023 Skerrit increased 2,900 public servants salaries.Skerrit employed more police officers,more nurses,more firemen and more teachers into the service.So all you blind blue bedbugs think the majority of Dominicans are blind.UWP RAN Grace Tung and close the Layou 5 Star Hotel in 1997 just to sell passports.
You are fantasising again! You just make it up as you go along. Your political master has taught you well!!!
let us See!!
Hope soon.
Skerrit……Just pack up and go spend time with your family.
We would love you once you made this decision immediately.
The country had more than enough of you my brother……Dominicans needs to come off Life Support.
The tenure of the prolific Liar, the pm by default, has been so disastrous that not even the chickens, the gravely sick, the ballooning vagrant population, the farmers with no or impassable feeder roads, the public servants who are paid starvation wages and salaries, have escaped his toxic incompetence.
If Roosevelt were in school, and a fair and highly qualified teacher was to grade his performance, he would get a Z-.
Roosevelt represents or better still, is a personification of greed, selfishness, dishonesty, arrogance, immaturity, narcissism, manipulation, callousness, evil, hypocrisy, ignorance, laziness, mediocrity, the list is truly infinite.
Roosevelt’s legacy would be the man who devalued the lives of 99% of Dominicans.
So sad that all your hogwash never resonates at election time. You are totally ignored on election day. Have you ever realized that?
Love for country??? and you and the fx×÷€ chinese killing Dominican in the state of the arse hospital..
You must release the contents in your hand if you want to pull your hand out of that monkey trap.
Very good news!!!
SKERRIT is not going anywhere untill we decide he will.Full retirement is 65,Skerrit is 52,do the maths.
Papa God retired Hugo Chavez at 58. People thought he would never leave too
@Lie Clown
You can keep him for yourself. If you do that it she the best New Year’s gift to the Dominican people.
who is we!
Skerrit’s departure would cause some people to suddenly go broke for sure
But………….are you saying that you and some others OWN SKERRIT!?
Skerrit needs you!!!!????
De truth is Skerrit will have to stay close to dat seat for as long as possible to avoid proper electoral reform and prosecution for de ills of his leadership.
Things will fall apart long before he gets to be 65……..this might disappoint you.
It’s not like he going to open a supermarket for he and Melissa.
you call some dlp slack …..Skerrit call dem lazy
go figure
What happen your lies catch up with you? you thought you would get away with them all the time, that what you call karma, we will hear more later, i am waiting.
Even if Pm Skerrit, walk away tomorrow we will still make sure ugly Lenny, and his booboo yeahs never to win another general election in Dominica again, and let that be written in stone!! Otherwise all the good work Pm Skerrit, has done will goes for nothing, and Dominica will become a Banana Republic as it once was before Pm Skerrit, and his administrations.
The only thing this habitual, pathological LIAR can boast about is his two artificial doctorates. Every word off his tongue is a LIE in a vain attempt to boost his low self-esteem/fragile ego. Nothing about this man is authentic. Even Dr. Dr. Roosevelt’s double doctorates are fictitious.
The narcissist will try to rust in government. He knows once he exits from government JAIL in it.
But I very much doubt that he plans to remain in Dominica when he leaves politics. He has not been banking his money in Dominica specifically because he plans to run when he gets out of government. I can’t see him taking the risk of staying in Dominica after raping the country for so many years.
Roosevelt’s utterance in this article prove that he suffers from the mental disease of megalomania. The man is delusional to think that he is indispensable – the most important person in the history of Dominica. For him to believe that, he needs to be institutionalised in a psychiatric ward.
Here is a reality check for this psychotic patient who corruptly sits in the apex office of power in the country:
*He has presided over the worst economy in Dominica
*He has created the largest number of ultra poor citizens
*He singlehandedly has caused irreparable moral injuries to the once pristine image of the island
*He has spent and still continues to extract $millions from public funds on himself (rental palace, unnecessary overseas travel, $millions from the state to persecute Messrs Lennox Linton et alia.
* He has Dominica at the bottom of the OECS in terms of economic and infrastructural development
Is this scandalous,discreditable record anything to boast about?
this labor party has gotten lazy…bankrupt of moving Dominica to better level…you all travel all around the world…do you not compare? do you ever see their sea ports..? resign…I know u are well off to retire… labor is now Leaving a bitter taste in Dominican mouth….health care is a total mess….we cannot go to England as we want without a visa…imagine… taxing even the credit union….having young abled bodied young people leaving in an apartment rent free…because they are chanting labor…d County must doe have money…get out and leave fast…run…corrupt bunch
After you kill the country now you talking your Bs, you have to stay and feel the pressure ,the miniute you leave they suppose to take your passport ,skerrit you have to pay for what you did to the people of dominica( Killer) every time that fool under pressure he always looking for sympathy karma is a B skerrit just a matter of time.
Two pepole got murder in Scotts head you stayed momo days after you come talking about investigation, because the people who did the crime is your friend the passport seller thats just the beginning.
Skerrit you have the entire opposition in court you have the hole villiage of salisbury in court for standing for their farm roads, you came back with your goons and tear gas them while they were sleeping man you have to pay. Prayers move mountain and the people from salisbury know how to pray, the prayers will torment you.
The day you leave there will carinval for days in salisbury and then they will find you where every you are.
If granting yourself a $64,000 monthly stipend plus housing allowance, plus all the millions you allegedly have waiting for you after you leave office is what you describe as love for country and sacrifice, I don’t know what real sacrifice is.
Sacrifice is when you have children and you have no money to take them to see a doctor, unlike you and your gang who will quickly jump on a plane to seek medical care outside the country.
Sacrifice is not having enough food to feed your children. Sacrifice is subjecting your body to being a sexual object to get a scholarship.
Skerrit, having lived in your bubble for 20 years; you have long forgotten what sacrifice is.
There is no other Person/PM
1. Who has stolen more from this country;
2. Who has been involved in so much corruption;
3. who has maligned, tricked and purchased the citizens
4. who has placed the financial resources in the hands of crooks and criminals;
5. who has been the richest Person in the country and richest PM in the OECS;
6. who has failed Dominica more;
In Dominica!
Crime has also been the highest under him
Employment has also been the highest under him
First time i ever see banks close one after the other was when he was Minister of Finance.
You’ll be remembered for corruption and selling nationhood.
we all know you want a way out use your other passport to hide Skerrit
skerrit you kill Dominica country idiot Portsmouth dead visa waiver gone you and your people take out all the goodness from D/a you are not a Dominican skerrit
you show no respect for Dominicans you don’t even like yourself (heritage)
finally you kill the Dominican good character of honor with your cool out
young man killing young man for nothing that;s your legacy Skerrit
As he scores his own report card, what different can we expect?
The country lack jobs, the economy was never built in 20 years, Passports monies unaccounted for, Chinese take over Roseau, Agriculture in shambles, now we all need Visas to travel to England, Ross packed up and left spurring the biggest housing mortgage foreclosure in Dominica History, people afraid to get sick, and yet he say this is the best Dominica has even been! #sick
Dem fellas living in their heads bro.
“I do not think that there is anybody in this country, any person walking the streets of Dominica and I say so with the greatest sense of humanity who has made the greater sacrifice of this country than myself.”
Even when he’s compelled to lie the truth comes out “…who has made the greater sacrifice of this country than myself.”
Of course Dominica has been sacrificed under you sir.
lets look at the grammar used (remember he taught English at sifocol).
He said, “…greatest sense of humanity who has made a greater sacrifice OF this country than myself”.
In truth he didnt lie. This country has been sacrificed. An i dont think there is anyone else walking the streets who has offered Dominica up for sacrifice more than this man. we need to read between the lines and know what he really means. That he has sold us all. Otherwise, this “Dr.”, “English scholar”, and a “gentleman” would have made sure to say, “sacrifice TO this country than myself.”
if you love dominica so much and it people I think you should step down with immediate effect stop your cheap talk man up step down Dominica is in the worse state sense you take over
Patiently waiting for the comments …..
There’s so much in that article to comment on I don’t even know where to start. This man is clearly a sociopath because I highly doubt he is oblivious of all the BS that comes out of his mouth
No comment papa.
we will see when it happens.
Free up yourself
i will take your cabinet reshuffle of lazy retired recycled ministers as an example……..because you said you were going to leave already yet you still there.
you already announced that you are a recycled dynamic reset group of de original bunch
less busy life?
you taking too much credit for yourself
are you taking credit for de downturn in de economy to
and de state of healthcare
de debt owed
remember Moroccan Hotel?
some people actually compare themselves to de Christ…………be careful……you setting your own downfall Skerrit
we will see when that happens eh
“Eventual departure”. I mean noone lives forever you know. The 2nd house in Morne Daniel have to finish build first.
“There is no person who has occupied the office of Prime Minister who has shown more concern for the welfare and well-being of Dominica.”
“I do not think that there is anybody in this country, any person walking the streets of Dominica and I say so with the greatest sense of humanity who has made the greater sacrifice of this country than myself.”
“You may have little challenges when you go to the hospital in terms of attitude and so forth, but when you look at the hospital then and now and you look at healthcare then and now, in terms of infrastructure, access to specialized care it is really historic in nature.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the words of a narcissist, a liar and a mad man. Oh and a thief. Feller say nobody made a greater sacrifice than himself. It was ALL profit for you wi doctor. When you came in you didnt even have a jacket to go Parliament…
Skerrit lies in profusion. It’s a million times now i am hearing this talk from Skerrit’s lying tongue. He can’t leave, because politics has him walking, lying and forming the fool with the country, while he is untouchable. When he is out of politics the liar knows what awaits him.
According to Cheko:
A LIAR is a thief!
Liar Liar pants on fire!!