Social Security’s role in protecting locals and migrants in Dominica

Ensuring migrant access to social security is closely tied to the concept of social protection. Social protection refers to a range of policies and programs that are designed to provide individuals and families with economic security and support in times of need or vulnerability. This concept encompasses various aspects, including social insurance, social assistance, and social inclusion measures. Ensuring migrant access to social security is a crucial component of social protection.

The primary goal of social protection is to ensure that all members of a society have access to essential services and resources, allowing them to maintain a basic standard of living and protect themselves from the adverse effects of various life events and circumstances. Migrants often face vulnerabilities related to their legal status, language barriers, and limited access to information about their rights. These vulnerabilities can make them more susceptible to exploitation, abuse, and poverty.

Social security benefits can play a pivotal role in the integration of migrants into their host societies. When migrants have access to healthcare, education, and financial support, they are better positioned to become active and contributing members of their communities. This integration benefits both the migrants and the host society, as it fosters a sense of belonging and reduces the potential for social exclusion and turmoil.

Many countries have legal and ethical obligations to provide social security to migrants. Upholding these obligations not only strengthens a country’s reputation but also reinforces the principles of the rule of law. By honouring these responsibilities, nations not only enhance their global standing but also bolster the foundations of the rule of law. In Dominica, social security is accessible to all migrants once they have a work permit, their original birth certificate, and identification.

Why it is important to have access to Social Security?

• According to OHCHR and UNHCR access to social security is a fundamental human right. It is enshrined in several international agreements and treaties, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. Denying migrants access to social security is a violation of their basic rights and undermines the principles of human dignity and equality. Treating migrants as equal members of society promotes social cohesion and reinforces the values of justice and fairness.

• Social security can provide a safety net for migrants, protecting them from falling into destitution in times of need. This is particularly crucial for migrant families who may have children to support. When migrants are excluded from social security systems, it can create divisions within society and lead to resentment and discrimination. In contrast, when migrants have access to social benefits, it sends a powerful message of inclusion, promoting social harmony and unity.

• Healthcare is a vital component of social security, and it is in the interest of public health to ensure that all residents, regardless of their migration status, have access to medical services. Failure to provide healthcare to migrants can lead to untreated illnesses, increased healthcare costs, and the spread of infectious diseases, posing a risk to both migrants and the wider community.

Contrary to the misconception that migrants burden host countries’ social systems, research has consistently shown that migrants often contribute more to social security systems than they receive in benefits. Migrants frequently fill labour gaps in host countries, pay taxes, and contribute to economic growth. By providing them with access to social security, countries can further enhance the economic contributions of migrants which means they can work legally and pay taxes without fear of exploitation or deportation. With social security benefits, host countries can reduce vulnerabilities, promote integration, bolster their economies, and enhance social cohesion. Ultimately, the importance of migrants accessing social security cannot be overstated, as it is a testament to a more humane and prosperous future for all.

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  1. November 25, 2023

    Hello and good afternoon my people. It’s very simple if you didn’t pay into the social security fund then you aren’t entitled to any payment . The only exception I will accept is is someone is disabled then our government should give that person a stipend to make sure they have food to eat.

  2. Accountant
    November 25, 2023

    Why you all worrying with DSS Dominica?? For all you know this institution is bankrupt for quite a while. Anybody recently seen audited accounts for this entity? I surely haven’t. Keep on allowing Roosevelt to fool you. Soon the great awakening will take place in DA. Mark my words!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0
  3. I-doh-support-nonesense
    November 25, 2023

    Nonesense. they don’t waste time to take the money from ur salary but they take forever to give you what’s yours when u fall ill.

  4. disident
    November 23, 2023

    My brother de majority of Haitians working in Dominica do not pay social security.
    I have worked on enough construction jobs alongside Haitians who sometimes disappear after getting paid.
    I have been hired by foreigner who wasn’t paying social security for me and i went to you all office ……….de employer wasn’t even fined…..on a government project even…..just told to do the right thing.
    some people figure without the deductions they will have more disposable cash to deal with……some employers joyfully comply
    personally i prefer a national health insurance
    imagine a government job with 30 construction workers
    25 are Haitians…none of them pay SS……i have seen their payslip

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
    • November 24, 2023

      if you are in the country illegally you should not benefit from DSS. For you to benifit you must legalize your stay and pay your SS contributions. Certain people just want to avoid paying SS hoping to benefit from the contributions of others. People must shoulder their responsibility.

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