Cricket commentator advocates for naming of stadium stands

BILLY DOCTROVE: Cricket commentator Joseph Thomas suggests that a stand in the stadium should be named after Doctrove.Cricket commentator Joseph Thomas has reiterated calls for the naming of stands at the Windsor Park Stadium.

Thomas says the matter has come up several times, and moves should be made to have it done early in light of the two one-day international matches to be held in Dominica.

“I don’t know if it has fallen on death ears but I would like to think it is not. I would like to see the stands be named so the names could be transferred unto the tickets so it won’t be like the north stand or the south stand,” he said.

Joseph said names like Billy Doctrove could be a perfect example of a name of a stand.


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  1. wayne
    March 7, 2010

    As a past cricketer i think it is a good idea to name the stands. I think we could go as far to included umpires names as part of the stands too. Naming the stand and numbering could help anyone to find there way during pick- time of a game. By and large some new names should be added to the stands. Let’s come out of that third world attitude.

  2. jah Edwards
    March 5, 2010

    Give some people a forum and they become dumb…cricket…not politics.
    there are Dominicans and there are “Dumb-e-nicans”

    what does red, green, blue have to do with cricket, everything does not have to be politics

    Irvin and Grayson Shillingford, Norbert Phillip and Billie Doctrove, all played and represented Dominica at the highest level where cricket is concern; including umpiring.

  3. Righteous
    March 5, 2010

    How about involving other Sports such as track and field and Football. I guess that will never cross ur minds since the stadium was mainly built for Cricket.

  4. C.I.H
    March 4, 2010

    We make everything and issue. At the right time, the stands and the stadium will be named. Nothing comes before its time. Just chill out!!!!

  5. Diabless
    March 4, 2010

    Using Colors?… Hmmmm.. Then we have the Red Section, Yellow, Blue,Green, White…….It starting to sound like political sections to me. And knowing Dminicans… you wouldnt see a freedomite in the Red section or labourite in the Blue section.

    Giving people their flowers while they are alive is one thing, but I dont think its appropriate to name sections after persons still alive. Our departed heroes are so many that some are bound to be left out.

    Also naming sections after sports figures (which seems to be the consensus here) might be biassed towards a particular sport. If the stadium is used primarily for Cricket, I recommend that the stadium itself be named something like “CLEM JOHN STADIUM”, but not the individual sections.

    However, one person mentioned assigning Numbers to the various sections. What a great idea.!

    Whichever system is used it is so easy and convenient to tell someone.. “meet me in Section (ONE)” or, “Please buy two tickets for me in Section (EIGHT)”.

    But dont fear, we are still going through some growing pains with development. So all you diasporans bear with us and meet me at the gate where we all gather 2 minutes before the event starts!

    • Bond
      May 17, 2010

      Clem John Stadium/ Did you smoke something this morning or are you on crack? Be real

  6. Its cricket
    March 4, 2010

    What does Opehelia Marie has to do with cricket?

  7. Sout Man
    March 4, 2010

    Great idea!! While we are at it, why not change the name, Windsor Park. We know where that comes from. Unless there is a damn good rationale for keeping it. I suggest $10 000 000 . 00 fees for a 20 year contract to the corporation that wants the stadium to bear its name. Good publicity for them and revenue for us. Use that revenue for the development of sports on the island. That will keep the youth off the streets if we have junior leagues every. Am I seeing a bias towards cricket? Just an observation.

  8. Anonymous
    March 4, 2010

    first of all change de name of windsor “park” stadium to the xxxxxxxxxxxx and then we can talk about naming stands and booths

  9. DA Man
    March 4, 2010

    Since I have not yet been to the new sports stadium and is not certain of the type of sports being played there, it is a bit difficult to support the naming of the sitting sections all after cricketers. For all I know, it is referred to as a sports stadium and not a cricket ground or oval. It would be fitting, however, to have the sitting sections named after prominent sports men and women of Dominica.

    After all, the naming of the sitting sections can be made to be a valuable asset for the management team and to a wider extent, Dominicans. Therefore, I am suggesting that the naming rights for the sitting sections be sold to business entities for two reasons, 1) as a means to generate revenue for the up keep and operation of the facility and 2) as means to eliminate the confusion and politics associated with name selection of possible individuals.

  10. de caribbean change
    March 4, 2010

    Please name the new media center at the Windsor Park Stadium “The Jeff Charles and Reginald St. Havis Shillingford New Media Center” and the pavilion “The Phillip Alleyne Cricket Pavilion”. The southern end of the pitch “the cocacola end” and the northern end “the river end”.

  11. Fae
    March 4, 2010

    What about the Henry (Sharpe) Elwin stand? Clem John should not be left out either and do not forget Phillip Alleyne, noteworthy umpire.

    March 4, 2010

    DVT, your name sounds like a cold syrup..lololol..Stay warm out there.

    Dem fellas have to stop with that politics shortsightedness and do the right thing.

  13. Emil Ti Kwen
    March 4, 2010

    What about Phillip Gregory Alleyne , Dominica’s greatest cricket umpire, who discovered Billy Doctrove and taught him all about cricket umpiring. Mr. Alleyne is still alive and well, living at Citronier.

  14. Bawi Boy
    March 4, 2010

    As you can see there is no shortage of names for the stands. What are we waiting for? I would suggest Grayson, Irving Nobert Phillip and Billy Doctrove. It is a pity that it was not done before Grayson passed away. Allowing the others to get that flower before they go.

  15. Loubiere
    March 4, 2010

    This is an excellent idea and I agree with LMAO in honoring our local heroes. Mr. Billy Doctrove, Mrs. Ophelia Marie, Cissy Caudieron, Liam Sebastien, just to name a few. Ask the public to to give their input and the names which come up the most should be used or do a survey.

  16. D V T
    March 4, 2010

    the perfect names for the stands so far, Doctrove Stand, G I Stand (Grayson and Irving), Phillip Stand and the TK/ Sebo Players Pavillion (Thomas Kentish and Lockhart Sebastian). Just my suggestions. We also have many other guys who deserve equal recognition in particular Kaleb Laurent , Roy Marshall etc.

    March 4, 2010

    well on that note :;

    in honor of the late GRAYSON SHILLINGFORD for his contribution to Dominica’s cricket and the WI.

    any seconders?

  18. Anonymous
    March 4, 2010

    so long !!!!!…. everybody has been saying at least one should be havis shillingford from since the opening…. give the man his “flowers” while he’s alive

  19. Remind Me
    March 4, 2010

    The Ole Windsor Park had the Norbert Phillip and Irving Shillingford stands already. Why their names were not kept? Small Minded People in High Office…

  20. spookie
    March 4, 2010

    yes yes… give those ppl there flowers while they alive… i know it’s my uncle (billy Doctrove) but there should nt be a debate on stuff like that… D/ca’s rise…

  21. john
    March 4, 2010

    very good idea. that should be done immediately

    March 4, 2010

    yeah whats up with that. the names should be in place already , someone could tell a friend iwll be at the left side of the T K stand, or the ABU stand or what ever name they choose.

  23. i-owe
    March 4, 2010

    Mr.Thomas this is a very good idea…continue to make that push so the stands could be named….i do not know how possible woud it be to have the names placed before the May 6-7 games…

    all the best.

  24. LMAO
    March 4, 2010

    Why does every thing in D/ca turn controversial? Isn’t that something that should have been decided during construction of the stadium? What other way to honor D/ca’s national heroes, even if they name it by sections. I’ve been to theaters with names like “blue section” etc… why the delay? these people should start making decisions and keep things moving on….!..


  25. Young Man in Dominica
    March 4, 2010

    i think this is a good idea

  26. lightbulb
    March 4, 2010

    Havis Shillingford !!

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