DFA, FIFA back on good terms

A football match in Dominica

The Dominica Football Association appears to be back in the good graces of football’s world governing body FIFA.

The organisation’s development officer for the Caribbean region, Howard McIntosh, has had high praise for DFA’s Glen Etienne-led executive.

Jamaican McIntosh, a former FIFA match Commissioner and instructor, has just concluded a visit to Dominica.

He expects a local project known as the Goal two project at Stock Farm to resume shortly – it has been at a standstill because of lack of funds.

“I have gone across the country and listened to various people and it seems to me that based on the things that I have heard, the president has the full support of the people and that is very good for the sport and FIFA is happy for that,” McIntosh said.

He told reporters here that he has had good discussions with the executive and his report to FIFA will reflect that.

“Very soon you will see different things happening from training and all. Also from the end of July to the middle of August you will also see work being done on the Goal two projects,” McIntosh stated.

Howard McIntosh at a press conference

He also expressed concern about an alleged lack of government involvement in the upkeep of playing fields in Dominica and the rest of the region.

“I am very concerned that like the rest of the region Dominica is also suffering from the lack of facilities, and the onus is on the government who are not doing any work to assist,” the FIFA official said.

“Government needs to help the Football Association to develop football structures in the region. FIFA is willing to help, that is critical, we need more playing fields because those that are available across the region are bad and injury prone, government needs to urgently intervene,” he said.

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  1. J/A
    July 17, 2012

    what fifa need to do is dissolve dfa and get there own people to run football in d/a let’s face it football in d/a is a joke it’s not going no where because all them so call executive past,present and even future is just a group of fellers [friends] coming together to see what they can get from fifa[money]

  2. Supporter
    July 17, 2012

    Stop being bias, Etienne has been in the job for nine months now. He has done all he can. The project came to and end because that phase had been concluded and more money had to be negotiated. Glen was successful with the negotiation and the funds will be released soon. Of course, Dominica is back if FIFA’s good books.Stop hating. You heard it from the FIFA man himself.

    July 17, 2012

    Will the DFA indicate whether Mr McIntosh met any Goverment Official. There is a tendency for FIFA Officials to visit DA and never speak to Government. Since Mr McIntosh mentioned the Govt I am asking that question.

    July 17, 2012

    Mr. McKintosh, will all due respect. While it is true that “Governments” need to do more to help the Football Association to develop football structures in the region, FIFA and the associations must realize that in countries like Dominica we do not have a population where a significant number can play various disciplines independent of each other and survive in relation to the fields. FIFA should invest in more GOLD 2 projects to enable a country like Dominica to have at least 4 fields around the island that will focus specifically on football and allow Government and the communities to focus on fields for other community sports. FIFA cannot expect GOVERNMENT/COMMUNITIES TO INVEST IN COMMUNITY FIELDS SPECIFICALLY FOR FOOTBALL. I hope the DFA can share my point of view.

  5. Friend
    July 17, 2012

    @cHOICE x. yOU SOunding like an old record player of the 60’s. Please listen to yourself!

  6. future
    July 16, 2012

    Look at the writing on the wall. FIFA plan is to remove all those close to Jack Warner. CFU development officer gone, Jack Warner son gone, all members that were on CFU board together with Jack gone from the board.

  7. Choice X
    July 16, 2012

    Back on good terms? DFA was never in bad light with Fifa that is an exageration. Fifa has its misunderstandings with a former president and suspended him and that was the end of the matter.

    It now looking like fifa was blackmailing the DFA to exile Mr. John in order to get more funding. That sounds like modern day slavery, this time it is self inflicted.

    Mr Ettiene has been running this outfit for about a year or more and only now he gets the green light. Something not right there.

    The gold 2 project was initiated under John and it was only when Glen took over that it slowed down so this shows who was really working.

    • citizen
      July 16, 2012

      you are the one exaggerating when you say glen has been running the outfit for over a year. PJ time has expired get used to it and move on.

    • Malgraysa
      July 17, 2012

      Sour grapes….??

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