NJ Football: Stephensons do it all for Sayreville

Daryl Stephenson (left) and his brother, Delon, form a dangerous duo for Sayreville. - (Noah K. Murray/The Star Ledger)

Note: This story is about two Dominican-born brothers from Laplaine and Riviere Cyrique, who are playing in an American football championship in New Jersey. The article is first published in the  The Star Ledger newspaper and found on nj.com. See link to full article below this excerpt.

They come in two different shapes, two different sizes and they have different styles, but make no mistake, on every single snap of Saturday’s 7 p.m. Central Jersey, Group 4 championship game at Rutgers, Brick Memorial will have to be concerned with a Sayreville player named Stephenson.

Daryl Stephenson is a 6-3, 265-pound senior lineman headed to Rutgers, while Delon Stephenson is a 5-10, 165-pound junior running back/defensive back who is expected to be a Division 1 recruit.

They are brothers separated by one year and 100 pounds.

“It’s hard to explain the difference in size,’’ said Agnes Lawrence, the mother of Daryl and Delon. “I’m 5-foot-9 and my dad is 6-2, but their father, who is also named Daryl Stephenson, is 5-6, 180 pounds.

“It’s funny because Delon was nine pounds when he was born and Daryl was only 7 1/2. But obviously, that was turned around.’’

Between Daryl and Delon, who moved here from the Caribbean Island of Dominica while in elementary school, Sayreville, ranked No. 7 in The Star-Ledger Top 20, has every single facet of the game covered.


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  1. No Name 2
    December 4, 2010

    cool :-D

  2. Proud
    December 4, 2010

    congrats guys… there were several kids of dominican parentage played football at that level..in that very stadium which i attended 2 of these games…

  3. Queen
    December 3, 2010

    Good job guys. Keep making yourselves and your country proud. Just be very careful, American football especially proves to be a very dangerous game that can affect the quality of your life after you stopped playing….. KEEP IT UP YAY !!!! :

  4. Good work
    December 3, 2010

    The was another Dominican in the NFL played for the Miami Dolphins. I cant remember his name right now not even sure if he still in the game.. Good to see more and more Dominicans making an impact in sports.

  5. kudossssssssssssssssssssss
    December 3, 2010

    kudos to the boyz, they love their game very much and i believe u guys can do it..

  6. D
    December 3, 2010

    This really great!

  7. fam of the boys.
    December 3, 2010

    Thanks for the support. Keep them in you’ll prayers for the big game on saturday. I’ll try taking some pics too see if it could be posted here online, too give some sort of visual perception. Thanks once again

  8. Laronde
    December 3, 2010

    Big Up La Plaine——-Yes man

  9. Da
    December 3, 2010

    Good jobs guys.
    Congrats to the parents who have molded their kids to what they are today.
    A big plus for Dominica

  10. **La Plaine**
    December 3, 2010

    Great stuff great stuff freat stuff.. South East Massive! Good job boys, positive vibes!.. Great great great

  11. DEE
    December 3, 2010

    Nice stuff. Keep focused and don’t neglect the education aspect of it.

  12. ATL
    December 3, 2010

    I remember when you all were growing up in Riviere Cyrique. Keep up the good work guys, it will pay off. Make family proud!

  13. freddy
    December 3, 2010

    In the midst of much bad press of Caribbean people doing this and doing that, it is heartening to know that Dominicans can stand out doing something great. GO BYS GO. You make not only your family and friends proud but also you native home.

    God Bless.

  14. patriot
    December 3, 2010

    Big Move :-D

  15. just saying
    December 3, 2010

    congrats brothers……keep on doing what yall do best..blessings

  16. Haterz Get Yours
    December 3, 2010

    Big up Dominicans doing big things

  17. just facts
    December 3, 2010

    Good to know that these gentlemen are making a name for themselves and their country in a game not played here. I hope they make it to the NFL.

    There is a player with Dominican roots playing in the NFL. Ironically his name is STevenson Sylvester. He plays for the Pittsburg Steelers with shirt number 55. His father I think comes from Marigot.

    All the best boys.

    • MangoSweet
      December 3, 2010

      Thanks Just Facts for the correction. We never hear of such advancements (It’s not cricket). Hoping that Havis Shillingford, or Brian, or even GIS will pick up the story of the Eastern Boys in American Football on one of their sports programmes on Kairi and DBS respectively. Would be nice to get a voice clip of one or both of them too.

    • Simhahmadre
      December 7, 2010

      Stevenson sylvester plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers (55); his father, Worrell Sylvester is from Dominica in the Caribbean. They also have relatives in Marigot.
      That is very awesome for these youngmen. Excell in school and everything else will come to you much easier. Excellent job to your parent’s.

  18. mouth of the south
    December 3, 2010

    good job keep it up,,,,just stay away from all negativity,,,,i done know n.j kinda kool but new york is real deadly,,,,stay focused n don’t jump up too much in Royalty jam,,,save some for the KKK jam when allu come down lol

    • MangoSweet
      December 3, 2010

      Careful Southern Mouth… KKK in the North American context is certainly NOT what you were referring to, I hope. Perhaps you meant 3K?

      • mouth of the south
        December 3, 2010

        papa met i forget bout dat,,,,definitely tripple kay lol

  19. Correction
    December 3, 2010

    Congratulations to our country men. Dominicans are full of talent in all facets of life and we sometimes fail to realize that with all the back biting and bickering. I am urging the Discover Dominica Authority to try to use these guys as spokesmen at least within Sayreville to promote our beloved country.

  20. MangoSweet
    December 3, 2010

    I believe that Daryl and Delon have made history for Dominica, as possibly the first Nature Islanders to participate in American football at the competitive level. Congratulations guys. You have made the Eastern District – and Dominica by extension – very proud. And at 265, Daryl must be giving Garth Joseph (first and only Dominican to lay in the NBA) compeition. And Delon, a 180 buy only 5’6″ must be very compact and “custo”.

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