Dr. Sam Christian, MD.
Dr. Sam Christian, MD.

A fly strolled jerkily and boldly across my face. And I could do nothing to shoo it off.

It was high noon on Christmas Eve. At 14 years of age, a particularly severe bout of gastroenteritis had laid me low in bed. I was weak, and dehydrated, already bothered by dripping sweat. That’s when it dawned upon me that I could not move a muscle. Strange! I couldn’t even tell if I was breathing. I tried to call for help. Voicebox refused to cooperate. Sounds of hustle and bustle on Didier and Leblanc Lanes filled the air. My father (Papa Zafa) was cooking, but festive food was furthest from my mind. Glimpses of him through the open bedroom and kitchen doors suggested the world was going along merrily without me.

Meanwhile, that fly was having its way with me…

“So this is it? That’s what it is to die, eh” I thought. In a way, it was not as bad as I imagined. Yet, wretched resignation mixed with remorse and regret. There was so much more in life I wanted to experience…

Suddenly, the spell broke. I could move again! I dragged myself out of bed and grunted something to Daddy. He responded! (Only then was I convinced that I had not given up the ghost).

“You don’t look good.” He said. “Go sit down. I’ll bring you some ginger tea.” Well – to this day, I still don’t look good. Nevertheless, I was happy beyond words this sleep paralysis thing was over.

Know anybody with cocmar? Well, let’s compare notes then…

French sculptor Eugene Thivier’s iconic work, Le Cauchemar, best captures the terror one feels during sleep paralysis. . So does the painting of the Nightmare by the Anglo-Swiss artist Henry Fuseli .   They both portray an incubus hallucination where an evil little man sits on the victim’s chest trying to suffocate them.

Cocmar, or sleep paralysis, is complete muscle weakness occurring unpredictably while falling asleep or waking up. Neurologists studying the disease have a good grasp of what is happening, but disagree on the exact pathophysiology and treatment. Basically, when the body is asleep, a protective mechanism ‘disconnects’ the brain so that the body does not carry out all the thoughts and imaginations of dreaming. Occasionally, it still bubbles into unconscious action in various ways, sleep-talking, sleep-walking, even sleep-eating and sleep-sex. In comparison, while sleep-walking can be physically dangerous, (getting out of bed and walking into the open road) these sleep disorders generally are not anywhere as frightful as sleep paralysis. Indeed, for a segment of the population, the world of sleep is a fearful place. First-time cocmar sufferers dread being unable to rest in peace. But hello, we have sleep to survive.

Actually, in cocmar, the body retains very limited movement: the eyes, (including REM: Rapid Eye Movement), breathing and distal extremities: the fingers and toes. But what preoccupies the victim at the time is basically being unable to change position. Normal reflexes fail. At this point, one feels totally, totally helpless and totally, totally vulnerable. Many vividly describe hearing the opening and closing of doors, ghastly sounds, shuffling feet and added weight ominously climbing unto the bed. There is a uniform sense of impending doom. Scientists speculate that this sensation accounts for all those cross-cultural tales of being sucked by soucoyas and other evil intruders, various and sundry out-of-body experiences, alien abductions, and even being probed.

Mankind has come a long way from ascribing any and all unusual events to demons or angry gods. Unfortunately, it still has quite a way to go. Just a few days ago, Caribbean-born French citizens, tortured and crucified a young girl because they believed that she was possessed by demons.  Every now and again we hear such bizarre news around the world and wonder, surely, not in this day and age! As a matter of fact, during the course of the week, I came across readers of this column who teasingly inquired what koshoni I was writing about next. When I revealed the topic, several used almost the same words, exclaiming, “Oh yes; demons!” They would then add something to the effect that they did not see it as a medical topic at all.

My initial reaction was, “You know; why bother.” Then I said to myself, “Look; that’s exactly why I really have to write this.”

In retrospect, that episode described at the beginning was not a total surprise, Listen to my mother describing subsequently how Papa Zafa’s groanings would wake her up:

“Alberta! Alberta! A little man sitting on my chest!”

“Well,” my mother would laugh while shaking him, “If it’s a LITTLE man, just push him off, ner!”

This account of events in our parents’ bedroom, my siblings and I found to be most amusing – until of course, I got it myself. Nowadays, my wife knows ‘when de fing take me’ in the middle of the night, all she has to do is shake me and I get right out of it, perfectly fine. Guaranteed. Now ask yourself, what kind of lavabo demon would allow my poor little wife to get rid of it easy like that – every single time?

Sleep paralysis is a logical, measurable and treatable chronic medical condition. Studies show that at least one third of the population will experience some type of cocmar during their lifetime. Only 3% will have repeated episodes, including possibly somebody you know. For those who have never experienced it, just imagine the alarming accounts of patients waking up from anesthesia in the middle of an operation. They can hear and feel the surgical team working on them while being unable move. Cocmar is more common in males and has a direct inherited component. It tends to occur in times of disrupted sleep schedules, fatigue, stress, sleeping supine (on the back) stimulants, and even some medications. It usually lasts from seconds to minutes, but always feels like an eternity.

Some claim victory through purely spiritual warfare: . That definitely has its place. It would always be appropriate if the true nature was always a generational curse rather than genetics. Nevertheless, its time Caribbean people live up to their reputation of being wise, realistic and productive. At the end of the day, cocmar is basically harmless – apart from the psychological terror permitted. Cocmar generally does not worsen or develop into more serious conditions like schizophrenia or heart attack. Once you keep that in mind, you stand a better chance of staying calm. Focus on the abilities you do retain: eye, finger and toe movements. Try to picture yourself in a relaxing place, sing soothing songs, simple choruses or recite reassuring texts like the 23rd Psalm. When it’s ready, the paralysis evaporates on its own accord. The truth is you can be in control at times; not some specter or monster, neither la diabless nor lougawoo.

If you are troubled by sleep paralysis, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Discuss it frankly with someone with a balanced view who can counsel you. Silent ‘absence’ seizures need to be ruled out. There be some underlying anxiety or other psychopathology warranting medical intervention. If you are burning the candle at both ends, discipline yourself to practice good sleep hygiene. Learn how to cope with cocmar. Don’t feel guilty or allow others to take advantage of you with bad advice and superstitious tricks. Just don’t panic. Even if there’s nobody to shake you; this too shall pass. It always does…

BTW, I recently bought an electronic fly zapper; you know, the type that looks like a tennis racket? Who would have imagined such a simple gadget would give me so much glee?! I just checked myself: my brain and muscles are tightly connected. My reflexes are razor sharp. That fly that walked all over my face back then? …If you happen to see it around, mind giving it a message for me?

Dr. Sam Christian is an American-trained surgeon who runs the newly opened Urgent Care on 137 Bath Road. It offers general medical care, minor surgery, acupuncture and microdermabrasion. To schedule your free wellness visit and tour of the facility, call 440-9133 or write [email protected].

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  1. Bold Face
    October 18, 2013

    Doc, with all due respect to you, you are wrong.

  2. October 15, 2013

    I experience cocmar roughly once a month. I’ve accepted it as a part of my sleep routine and it doesn’t bother me any more. I want to address the scientific vs. spiritual explanation of cocmar for a moment.

    Science vs. Spirits

    This is an example of a false dichotomy. The premise behind the “science vs. spirits” argument presumes that it can only be one or the other. However, in reality both can explain the phenomenon of cocmar.

    We are all familiar with the story of Jesus healing the demon possessed man in Mark 5:1-20. Did the man have demons? Yes. Was he healed when the demons were expelled? Yes.

    Now let’s look at that situation from a 2013 point of view. Today that same demon possessed man would be considered “mentally ill.” That “mental illness” would probably be manifested on psychological/scientific tests. If that man receives prayers and God heals him the mental illness would be gone. It’s the same story with a different explanation. Which is right? They both are.

    Jesus operates in the natural in supernatural ways. What a Christian would call a miracle an atheist would call a coincidence. Technically, both are right. It’s up to the story teller to pick the narrative.

    As a Christian I do believe certain ailments are physical manifestation of supernatural influences. However, I also realize that for the purposes of communication, it is important not to be fearful of the technical jargon of the science community.

    In closing, I encourage you all to continue to be open minded and respectful in your comments. Although some have tried to incite discord, we have a great discussion brewing on this post. I eagerly await your responses.

    God bless! Or, in the words of the author, “Stay Well and Sparkle!”

  3. Goldwings
    October 15, 2013

    Poor little fly!

  4. unbelievable
    October 14, 2013

    Cocmar! scientific name?
    This is demonic and when u learn to take authority against it., u will never experience it again.
    Only the name of Jesus sets u free.

  5. Runawayslave
    October 14, 2013

    Boy doc you will get blows for that one oui.But glad you can attempt to unluck the power of the mind,through understanding,it is clear we are hold down by this religion thing,and not the SPERITUAL strength,but keep trying my boy.WE need a lot of understanding through common sense,in Dominica,we too busy Talking on ourself on our family and every thing that we hear about, with out checking it out.Good Work anyway!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      October 15, 2013

      Since you made that statement, are you ignorant of the fact that God and religion come first to the end of time? God and religion take precedent. Are you another atheist? Who gave you common sense and understanding? Is it science? You cannot be saved and obtain eternal salvation without God and without religion. You need a Christian church which is a religion in itself to assist you to go to Heaven. You cannot do it on your own. However, science will get no one to Heaven.
      Try to comprehend this and cease making silly statements and criticizing God, his religion, those who speak of him and who set the truth of matters straight.

      • Reggie
        October 17, 2013

        what ignorance microcephaly and idiocy!!
        Sometimes keep one’s mouth shut is a good thing. alas others will not be aware of your ignorance.

  6. Justice and Truth
    October 14, 2013

    Dr. Christian, I also, later gave your article much thought and concluded that obviously you are a doctor and the purpose of this article is to medically assist those who experience such sleep activities.
    My comments are by no means a criticism of your medical education, profession, expertise and a deterrence of patients.
    Pertaining to our comments and as some agree the result of these types of sleep activities which scare people could be the workings of the devil and his corteges.

    Taken from the book, “The Last Secret”. This is worth taking note of and passing on:

    Demons could come as seductive men and women or fearsome animals but were more like insects. They crawled in and infested whenever there was a hole in the spiritual armor, and proliferated as long as they were unnoticed (flourishing like cockroaches in the dark). Pride was one of the best signals of their influence. Left alone, they could cause not only mental and societal ills, not only personality disorders like arrogance, but also ailments of the body, as Jesus had shown when He cured so many by first casting out their demons.
    They were like insects, but they could also appear as a crow, a centaur, or a sea monster (Isaiah 27:1). They were bats. They were werewolves. Not a soul lived who had not encountered them, yet few paid attention to Christ’s admonishment that in His Holy and Powerful Name such spirits should be bound, isolated, and cast off or exterminated (Matthew 10:8).
    The Mother of God, Our Dear Blessed Lady refers to the enemy as “flies”. She said: “Do not worry about the flies…”
    The writings of saints have projected how they handled this enemy who will not leave God’s people, even the holy ones alone. The more he goes after them to annoy them and to see how he could affect them.
    Heard on Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) and US Catholic Radio, a Priest said: “He (Satan) with his evil spirits, will annoy you to a serious degree, at times, those people who are doing good in the world. Priests, sisters, brothers, parents, social workers, anybody at all. If they are doing good to keep evil out of things, the devil is going to be on their case.”
    This accounts for what is occurring in the Church today and the adverse comments of some people who are not spiritually-inclined and enlightened.

    They also appear why people are sleeping and vulnerable. Most times, this is the result of nightmares and scary dreams.
    As I have previously stated, prayers to God and my (blest) Holy Water took care of these types of dreams and nightly evil visits and will continue to deter them from intruding. I am always happy to pass along such information and other religious matters which will also aid us in our spiritual walk and progress. Some may denounce it but they cannot change what God knows do take place and has ordained to assist us to live a relatively happy and peaceful life. I have other testimonies to prove that. Thanks be to God!
    Have a great day/evening and may God bless you in your work of assisting your patients, those who visit you for also medical purposes.
    Continue with your excellent and informative articles. We will comment according to our mentality, godly ones or earthly ones. :lol:

  7. Prayer
    October 14, 2013

    Dr. Sam I enjoy reading your articles. I note though that while you are seeking to dispel this phenomenon as a strictly a medical condition and poking fun at those who see it as spiritual warfare you are recommending use of “a reassuring text like Psalms 23” to relax during the experience. As real as cocmar is, so too are demonic attacks and manifestations. You are speaking of separate conditions.

    • October 15, 2013

      I think what Dr. Sam was saying is that although it is a medical condition, we can always seek refuge in prayer. Whether spiritual or physical God conquers all.

      The same way demons can use physical conditions to oppress humans, God can cure physical conditions to relieve humans.

      It doesn’t necessarily need to be science vs. spirits, it can easily be both.

  8. Natural Beauty
    October 14, 2013

    Dr. Christian,

    Thanks for your articles. I just love how you convey your messages with a mix of local dialect and humor! Very enagaging! By the way, I haven’t experienced it but I’ve heard about cocmar. After reading this article, I feel less scared of it now. Great job!

  9. wondering
    October 14, 2013

    Great article as usual Doc. Very informative. I appreciate and agree with your explanation but on the other hand I think there is cocmar as well as demon oppression during sleep. Just a little of my coshonie to add to yours..Lol.. Keep on writing

  10. Cocoy
    October 14, 2013

    Most medical intonation is dull and boring; like a parent trying to get a child to do their homework. Dr. Christian; the way you write make me look forward to what u have to say next. You make me want to try to do the right thing.

    As you can see; you cant win them all. But don’t say why bother. I think your making a big difference. I for one am now more confident about cocmar. Already I feel brave; like you!

  11. Aye
    October 14, 2013

    That you doctor. I am in the 3%…

  12. texan
    October 14, 2013

    Well,i expericed it before,i can’t move,n u feel like u csnt breath in a very deep sleep,then i started praying in my mind,n it let me go,then i opened my eyes but felling very sleepy then holds me again trung to stay awake,i think its evil spirit.

  13. Da.S?M
    October 13, 2013

    Thanks Dr. ..I had one sometimes last month. I told a friend about it, she told the person that had me down family are evil people. I was so afraid, Well I started praying over my life, saying no devil goner hold me down. Boy when you don’t know you can be fooled wee papa.
    Thanks dr.Sam for opener our eyes. I always take time to read your Colom’s.

  14. Erasmus B. Black
    October 13, 2013

    Thank you Doctor. This is very interesting. I never knew there was a medical term for cocmar. I got them randomly during my college years, but to hear my grandmother tell it, cocmars are associated with not praying before going to bed and are the actual spirits of little babies who died and were buried before they were christened. Also, they are triggered by sleeping on one’s back and are always associated the metaphysical including jumbies, spirits, demons, Lou-Garous and soucoyants. It’s a very difficult belief to reconcile in medical terms.

  15. Anonymous
    October 13, 2013

    As soon as I read this story I said to my son ” have you had Quocma?” and he said no so i said that I got it often and he said that it was because I do not relax which is true because I realise that I get it if I just fall on my bed on my back and drift off without relaxing.

    Truely it is a real bad feeling as if one is aware that they are dying but can do nothing to stop it.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 13, 2013

      It has also been stated, it occurs when people are asleep and lying on their back. At such a time they also have nightmares and talk in their sleep. If you are especially a Catholic, bless yourself with Holy Water including your home, your room before going to sleep. It does work! :)

  16. October 13, 2013

    I had a cocmar last night.i could move. I saw the lions tigers woos wolfs and all the dangerous animals trying to harm me. it was terrible. All the cocmars I have experienced I am always in the devil state its like with a ghost after you its like there is always the worst after you and you always feeling that you’re going to die . I am always seems strange ladies in my cocmar these people in see when in cocmar always look evil and always attacking me. If cocmar is not evil? Why it always relate to death and evil? Why cant you be happy in a cocmar? Why cant you be in paradise, on a beach or in some heavenly place.? COCMAR IS EVIL. YOUR ENEMIES

    • Justice and Truth
      October 13, 2013

      No one can feel happy experiencing such. It is not pleasant; no happy occasion. It is scary. Imagine trying to lift your head and move and you can’t. I heard it is the devil trying to keep people down and push them down. If it is possible when you are in such a position, if alert, say a short prayer.
      Call on God and you will be released. You could only say, “Jesus!”
      Recite what you can of Psalm 23rd and after you are awake.

      Psalm 91 – A short version:

      Let God arise.
      Let his enemy scatter.
      Let them that hate him flee from his face.
      As wax is melted, so the wicked will perish in the eternal fire.

      Do you know the Catholic version of I Believe in God? You can simply say: “I believe in God.” Make the Sign of the Cross.
      God protects! He loves that we pray to him.

      As I have stated, Holy Water will ward off this enemy. You must do so often as possible especially in the evening. May you be relieved.
      Men see such women in their sleep. Women see such men in their sleep. Evil spirits roam around especially at nights.
      We must always be armed with the Holy Spirit of God. Say, the word of the Lord: “Get behind me Satan.” Tell him/her to go to Hell. It is OK to say it under this circumstance. :)
      God bless you and help you from experiencing such. This includes others.

    • October 15, 2013

      Cocmar is often associated with hallucinations. I had an experience where I had cocmar and envisioned a spider the size of a small doc slowly creeping on my chest and up to my head. It was very scary.

      The hallucinations are rarely positive because paralyzation is associated with vulnerability. Justice and Truth is right. Praying through it is always the way to go. Dr. Sam also mentioned focusing on moving the parts of the body that are currently movable helps well (eyes, fingers and toes).

  17. papamet
    October 13, 2013

    Dr.Sam, thanks for your insight. But can you tell me whether the environment has anything to do with it. Every time I fall asleep on my children’s bed, I getting cockmar. On my bed this does not happen. My husband makes fun and tells me is because I trying to escape my wifely duties. My first son gets it as well.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 13, 2013

      He is a doctor and can help you by doctors’ standards.
      How old are your children? I hope they are baptized. I suppose you pray with them prior to going to bed. Are you a Catholic Christian? You must bless them, their room and yourself with Holy Water including your entire house.
      Do not be surprised that the enemy surrounds them especially if they are innocent. It will also surround those who are not innocent even in a worst manner.
      What games do they play? What TV programs do they view? What books do they read? What is their conversation like? Their friends and associates?
      Do you read Holy Scripture especially in the evening? Read appropriate chapters/verses out loud.
      Do you play religious music in your home and listen to religious programs which keep the Holy Spirit of God indwelling there, in your house, in your heart and that of your children? If you do these things, you may never experience this type of what we would call a dream and a scary one too which could oppress us especially at nights.
      The thought has crossed my mind. Who are your neighbors and what are they like? Their lifestyle? I leave the rest up to you to think and to act in Jesus Name.
      May the Holy Spirit of God prevail in your home, your heart and your children. His blessing and peace!

  18. JAckBlack
    October 13, 2013

    To anyone who has ever had these experiences, look up lucid dreaming. Having had experiences with sleep paralysis, and being able to recount them vividly already predisposes you to be good at lucid dreaming. You can learn to control a horrible experience and even turn it into an amazing one.

    Also it has been found that SP (sleep paralysis) episodes are related to certain sleeping positions, as a matter of fact there are techniques which can be used to purposefully induce this state which involve sleeping in a certain way. This, for most persons is laying flat on their backs in a relaxed state. Not going to go into much detail but if you’re experiencing SP you can try sleeping in different positions.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 13, 2013

      You’ve made some good points. People have different interpretation and also look at it differently. Mature religious adults view it differently to when they were younger and were children. Also due to what they heard; the stories and experience of others.
      It is also advised not to go to bed with a full stomach, soon after eating. If we eat a heavy meal in the evening, it is advisable to wait approximately two hours prior to going to bed, allowing the food to settle and digest. We should also not drink liquor or coffee or certain drinks with caffeine. We should also not view scary movies and the likes. All these could add to the type of sleep we have and experience or subtract from it.

  19. just saying
    October 12, 2013

    Doc Sam I love your article. As usual your surpass yourself each week end. But I beg to disagree with you on this one. You see I have experience cocmar now for a long time. I would believe that it is a medical condition only if I didn`t experience what I did a good 17 years ago when I was living in the North. One night I went to bed after praying. It was a peaceful night which was suddenly broken by this thing touching my breast and pressing me down. I felt it breath on my face ,I could see it though my eyes and the house was shaking. I wanted to scream,but no sound could get out from my mouth. I wanted to move but my body refused to act out.This thing was just pressing me down ,chocking me and playing with my breast not in any romantic way but hard and rough. I finally started praying because I just wanted this cocmar to end, I could hear myself calling on Jesus but no sound could get out till finally I screamed “Jesus!!!!!” and then it was all over. Guess what doc, I woke up everyone that night when I screamed and one od the occupant of that house had a similar experience that night and her room was two rooms away from mine. was this some coincidence? Both of us experiencing that same sleep paralysis. Hmm.. I doubt it. I believe it is evil spirit roaming at night and only calling on the name of Jesus our deliverer can help us get out of it. By the way I have experience my boyfriend having cocmar. I could hear him mumbling something unintelligible but his lips were not moving,I woke him up. That happen twice that night and then he told me he was having a cocmar and told me thanks for waking him up and he said he was ok now. So you see though your article is quite convincing, I still stand my ground. Can`t wait for your next article next week. One love

    • Justice and Truth
      October 13, 2013

      Some years ago I had similar dreams and I reside all the way in Toronto. One of them was so scary that it had an effect on me; it really scared me. The thought came to me, hopefully through the Holy Spirit, “utilize Holy Water”.
      I had Holy Water in the home but was not using it frequently. Since then, I am not without it and use it frequently.
      Here are a few thoughts. We may not know our neighbors and what they are up to; what type of life they live. Some homes are old and we may not know who lived there prior to moving in and what went on in them.
      I recall when Dominicans built a new house or moved to another house, they would ask the priest to bless their home. Our home in Dominica was blest then.
      Residing abroad, some have not kept up the practice. We become negligent Christians until something occurs or we read about an occurrence or someone related it to us. Then, as the saying goes, “we run for it” :) to the fountain of Holy Water. Of course, no exception, resorting to God in prayer.
      Today, armed with also my Holy Water I do not have such dreams. So far, so good. We are not to give the evil spirit one inch or less.
      I was told that Italians have their homes blest by a priest once a month. Once a month is not too much. We should keep our priests active in this respect. :)
      This is a good way to dialogue with them, get to know them and they get to know us and also invite them to Sunday lunch or dinner or some tea, coffee or soft drinks, biscuits and cake. Those who love homemade baking, so much better. Make some for them. :) This was an afterthought. God bless!

    • JAckBlack
      October 13, 2013

      I have had worse experiences. I have had sleep paralysis like 5 times in a row going to sleep waking up then going to sleep again. I used to pull myself up by struggling with whatever the dream manifested as. It’s all psychological. Your faith is just a way of activating your underlying mental capacity. When I actually did some reading up on this phenomenon and learned about lucid dreaming and stuff I learned how to control it and avoid it, because it turns out that mine were the result of sleep deprivation.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 15, 2013

        The next time you go to bed, try praying to God to also release you of this. Some homes are haunted and as the evil ones roam around especially when people are sleeping. Many have stated and by their testimonies have proved it is the work of the devil.
        Sleep deprivation makes people sleepy, tired and listless. I would not waste my time to read such books. Next time also read chapters of Holy Scripture. This will benefit you more and to get a good night’s peaceful sleep.

    • Anonymous
      October 14, 2013

      Just saying you too damn superstitious and thats what bothers you not even cocmar :mrgreen:

      • Justice and Truth
        October 15, 2013

        :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • just saying
        October 15, 2013

        Anonymous you have no positive contribution to make in this forum so keep your nasty comments to yourself

  20. Creative
    October 12, 2013

    I am scared to go to sleep tonight, Cocmar might hold me. I have had this experience before and it IS NOT pleasant. Its been quite a while since, but I am hoping now that I have read this very informative article, I WILL NOT have another episode of cocmar attack.

    • Justice and Truth
      October 13, 2013

      You made me laugh. :lol: Get out your Holy Water! :lol:
      I heard through Toronto TV that some people are afraid to sleep at nights. No wonder! They are also afraid that they die in their sleep. Well, if we give it all to Jesus, we do not have to worry at all.
      Do you know the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel and to the (your) Guardian Angel? You should pray it when you awake and when you go to sleep.

      This is an interesting topic. All of us have been affected one way or the other. We do have something in common here. Therefore, it is good to share these views and hope for a solution to those bad dreams and whatever else we may call them.
      Sweet dreams in Jesus Name and in His Most Holy Spirit! :lol: The Lord must be smiling at this. God bless!

  21. Anonymous
    October 12, 2013

    i stopped getting cocmar after I found out what is really was lol

  22. Justice and Truth
    October 12, 2013

    Dr. Christian, this is interesting and an interesting topic. Science tries to explain everything but not everything science can explain.
    Pertaining to what you mentioned as ‘cocmar’, for years this is what some people called it.
    Some of us who, today are more spiritually-inclined and enlightened, attribute it to the devil and his evil spirits. I would think that everyone who has ever lived and is presently living has experienced this.
    I have had those experiences and when I resided in D/ca, one of which was while sleeping and trying to lift my head but was unable to do so. It was a horrible feeling, as if dying. I would think that I was between sleep and wake. If in my sleep/dream I could not move, is this not strange that I knew I was praying or muffling the Hail Mary and also the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Then I would wake up.
    In one my so-called dreams, I said, “Jesus! Satan is here!” :lol: This would drive the enemy away.
    Some years ago I was sleeping and felt something heavy fall on my chest. I must have turned during my sleep and this thing fell on me. It woke me up. This scared me. I said out loud: “Jesus would never do something like that and scare me.” Oh, there have been some dreams and not of relatives and friends who passed on which I could relate.
    Today, my solution to these types of dreams is to bless the home, myself and occupants with Holy Water. Since I have been doing that for some years, I have never had those dreams. It goes to show that it is the work of the enemy of our souls. There are many stories about this one. It is also said he can make us sick. You better believe it! It is not Koshoni. I can testify to that. Holy Water gives much peace.
    I get a lot of Holy Water from the Church. I always carry a small bottle of Holy Water. On occasion I give to others, some of this blest Water and also relevant information.
    You do know some people die in their sleep. God knows if this is really a result of a heart attack or brain aneurism or not.
    We Catholics are told to bless ourselves, our family, homes and surroundings with Holy Water. I usually say, it is like the American Express Card (no comparison of course), “Don’t live without it” and “Don’t leave home without it.” :)
    Yes! The Mother of God, the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary in one of her messages to a visionary which is a message for us all: “Restore the use of Holy Water in your home.” God knows what we are doing and not doing on this earth for also our happiness and peace of mind.
    I read that St. Teresa Avila said: “The enemy runs from Holy Water. He cannot stand to be near anyone who is blest with Holy Water.” I perform the blessing with ‘The Sign of The Cross”. I hope all Catholics of all pay heed.
    A non-Catholic friend has asked me for some Holy Water. Some of those who are not Catholics, never were Catholics also know about it. A few use it. This is another proof how effective it is in driving away the enemy far from us even while we are sleeping, a vulnerable time which he takes advantage of. God’s blessing and peace!

    • JAckBlack
      October 13, 2013

      The mind is very powerful and sometimes we underestimate it’s power to our own detriment. You think something capable of creating detailed worlds while it is supposed to be in suspended mode cannot reverse a condition simply because it is heavily inclined to do so? Long story short, your condition most likely stopped because the psychological impact of using your faith-based method had enough of an effect to curb whatever the mechanism was that allowed SP to happen.

      On the other hand you’re missing out by just letting go of such a beautiful gift. Those of us who learn to control it and effectively induce it on purpose and enter into lucid dreams almost at will have opened the doors to enjoying the power of our minds.

      And in respect to your views on science not being able to explain everything, well if the opposite was the case everybody would just hang up their lab coats and stop working. The point is we already know that and accepting that fact doesn’t mean that we have to accept supernatural explanations for phenomena we cannot yet explain. That might be comfortable for some, in an attempt to justify their own beliefs, but it is a deterrent to progress. After all, if we were to still hold to ancient doctrine that all diseases were cause by supernatural entities, we wouldn’t have the study of medicine that has been able to save so many lives.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 13, 2013

        To a certain point science helps. I am not knocking science. Therefore do not take this personally and seriously.
        From time to time science comes up with a solution; a probable cure. We will still get sick. We will die and will vacate this world, sooner or later. How much is accomplished?
        Can science make us happy and peaceful? Can science prevent us from getting sick and really cure us? I do not place my trust in science. I just let science roll on.
        Science tries to but science cannot explain everything. Some scientists even renounce God.
        I am a Christian. Whatever I do, I place my faith, hope and trust in God! I am happier and peaceful for it.
        Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Mercy said, “Place your trust in Me and Me alone.”
        God knows more than you do. Therefore, do not contradict me and downplay and denounce what I stated. They are not stated without reasons. I am not stupid. If you are not that inclined and spiritually so, pray to God for it. He will reveal it to you.
        Who else do we have but our Lord, King and Savior Jesus Christ, the Comforter and Healer of our souls also physically? He will help us and shield us from those terrible dreams which oppress us including our earthly and spiritual enemies.
        God is more powerful! Greater is He who is in me than he – Satan – who is in the world. God is greater than any problem I have.
        Some people do not want to hear the truth. One day the truth will be revealed to you. Just hope it will not be too late.
        Intelligent people never deny and denounce what they cannot prove. This means, do not disprove it for where God is concerned you will never succeed. He does hide the truth and veils the intelligence and eyes of the unbelievers, skeptics and scoffers.
        The power of mind is in the Lord and the Lord alone. What He reveals to me. I cannot go wrong.
        May God bless you and other doubters with enlightenment and graces. His peace and peace of heart be to you!

    • Anonymous
      October 13, 2013

      I always thought you were an idiot. Now you have left no doubt about that. You are an idiot.

      • Justice and Truth
        October 13, 2013

        What do you call yourself? You have depicted that you are on the side of Satan and not God! How sad! I feel sorry for you! :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

        DNO should never allow you to call others idiot. Your type of comment should have been prohibited.
        For one, I do not know what kind of brain you have and in what part of your body it exists that you, a human being, a child whom God created would call another idiot. You are suffering from a mental and spiritual disorder. These are the ones who are idiots and who do not know what is good for them on earth and for all eternity. Make no mistake that you are condemning yourself. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: Keep hiding behind – anonymous. You cannot hide from God. He knows you, who you are and have taken note of your comments, as imbedded in your heart, mind and soul.
        The good we do is written in the Book of Life. The evil done is written in the Book of Damnation. Take this, ingest it and smoke it in your pipe. You may be another atheist. We have jokes about such people. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:
        I am on God’s side. He is on my side. Could tell you more and of the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • Runawayslave
      October 14, 2013

      the MIND is the most POWERFUL tool we have in life.we should not abuse it but use it.even if we Belive who we are or what we Say,doe mean it is call it holy water,others say is normal water SO? glad to know where your head is.J&T,
      ou par febb!!

  23. Oh yes
    October 12, 2013

    Very interesting exposure to something that I have experienced on more than one occasion. Thanks doc.

    October 12, 2013

    I have had experience with Cocma twice, this was not a very nice feeling at all, I could not move nor speak for a good five minutes, until that Cocmar let go off me, thanks for helping me understand what that Cocmar really is Dr. Sam. Keep writing Sir.

  25. watching
    October 12, 2013

    your writing is :wink: hilarious but informative, thanks

  26. Nmc
    October 12, 2013

    I appreciated the medical version of cocmar, because i have experienced it.

  27. Sleepy
    October 12, 2013

    That’s all I can say Dr. Sam. You hit this one out of the stadium! From all I know growing up, is devil that holding those people down. Sorry to hear you have too and you handling it well.
    Keep on writing Dr. Sam. Is not koshoni. Haha

  28. Anonymous
    October 12, 2013

    excellent article , have gotten cocmar several times in my life but until today did not realize it was a harmless medical condition . In my community it is said to be caused by dead babies who were not baptize who came back and hunt the living.I am laughing at myself cause i actually survived them . “They really bad u know” now i know better its sleep paralysis. Thanks Doc

  29. October 12, 2013

    Very informative and a delight to know. The information removes all the doubts that I was lead to believe about this condition. I enjoy reading and learning from u as am working in the health science field myself.

  30. Grotesque
    October 12, 2013

    8-O opener. Interesting

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