STAY WELL & SPARKLE – Mero Spearheads Massive Lifesaver Campaign

I love DAA visiting student gets severely injured by a propeller. A speedboat slams into a fisherman setting his fishpots. A man drowns just off Mero beach shortly after a meal. Fire & Rescue is 5-10 minutes away in Senjo, but the brain dies within 4 minutes without oxygen. What do we do? Do we stand and stare or do we spring into action?

Hello, I am Kerr Pierre of Mero. My village is a top spot for picnics and holidays. We have a lifeguard post but it needs much work to meet standards of modern beaches worldwide. That is why I am so passionate about making my village the tip of the spear in Dominica’s massive grassroots lifesaver campaign.

Kerr Pierre and Beverly Hazel on lifesaving at Mero

Bad things can happen to good people. Tragedy can strike at any moment.  Here in the Nature Isle, we welcome visitors to relax and recharge. What happens when a visitor collapses at Titou Gorge or on the Waitikubli Trail? I sell natural wellness products near Courts. Therefore, it was not hard for Dr. Christian to convince me how Dominica’s reputation as a wellness destination could be enhanced by earning the title of Top Lifesaver Country.

The plan is very simple. First of all we need to thank American-born Pat Rendell residing in Salisbury for generously permitting use of her CPR mannequins (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) for practicing lifesaving. Secondly, we are beginning to work closely with professional stakeholders like the Red Cross, Fire and Rescue Services, Primary Health Clinics and Office of Disaster Management, not to mention the eager medical students at All Saints and Ross Universities. Without their valuable input, there is no way we could have gotten this far.

If something unthinkable happened, would you prefer to be rescued by an ordinary person with some basic knowledge – who just happens to be on the spot? Or would you rather wait for a professional rescuer may be nowhere close? Basic techniques include the Heimlich Maneuver to save someone who is choking. Once you have the training, you overcome that universal fear in an emergency and instinctively do what you have to do. Reviving someone really embodies the Easter message. It exudes the milk of human kindness and tender loving care. Indeed, the idea is to take the training to the masses – because the life you save is likely to be a loved one.

Ordinary people learn CPR
Ordinary people are learning to save lives

The vision was born during a special service at the Kingshill Baptist Church, and took off at the Urgent Care Market Doctor programs. Schools, churches, village councils, businesses, departments and civil society organizations are clamouring to get on board. It’s just a matter who will be the early birds and who will be last cacarat. Dominica is developing a reputation for doing things decently and in order. At the rate we are going, in another year or so, we will achieve our goal. This will be an honour richly deserved for the unflinching determination and all your hard work and mine.

It easier than you think. See the “Each One Teach One” video

Did you hear Beverly Hazel (the vendor) in the first video? Could you tell how proud and excited she is to be involved? I’m sure you will be too! This Top Lifesaver Country (TLC) campaign is a natural outgrowth of the community tourism demonstrated so well in Mero. Such motivation by everyone to keep the beach so neat and tidy! Such hospitality to visitors from near and far! We police each other so that today’s visitors are more likely appreciated and helped as they come to have a good time with us. Now, more than ever before, you can be confident of your own safety and security.

In a year or so, respected international bodies, travel associations and websites may begin designating Dominica as the top lifesaver country. Do not doubt that for one second. Just imagine what that will do for our national self-esteem and tourist industry!

Dr. Sam, Beverly Hazel and Kerr Pierre at Mero gazebo
Dr. Sam, Beverly Hazel and Kerr Pierre at Mero gazebo

Listen – there are just two things holding us back right now: We need you. We cannot do it alone. No matter if you’re a gwo boug, if you know peeps that know peeps, or see yourself as some poor malayway, success cannot be sweeter unless you sign up. Finally, we need more of these expensive pieces of equipment (computerized CPR dummies). Dominicans everywhere – and friends of Dominica, can you help?

Contact us now. Please call Kerr Pierre at (767) 245-3222 or write Dr. Christian at [email protected]

Dominica thanks you and have a Happy Easter!

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  1. fantastic4
    April 7, 2015

    Fantastic work – I know that the Fire and Ambulance and other first responders will be happy for that initiative;

  2. imperial prince
    April 6, 2015

    Excellently done guys. Yes we can become the best life saver in the world, but lets not stop there, little by little lets make our health care department and providers the best, little by little, our clients happy, and this ripple effect and influence today into an enormous wave tomorrow. Good job. Gotta start somewhere.

  3. reflection
    April 6, 2015

    what a great initiative! This should be extended to other villages after evaluation in Mero.

  4. haz
    April 6, 2015

    Kerr way to go keep strong Neva give up mero love you we care about you :lol: :lol: 8) :-o :-D :-D :-D :-D

  5. Patriots United
    April 6, 2015

    Happy to see that Dr Christian continues to dedicate his practice to making meaningful contributions to the health services on island. If we are to grow the tourist trade or avoid needless deaths we must we must embrace this effort to spread CPR technique across the population. Glad to see there are things we can unite on and make progress with. God bless you good doctor! My man of the year!

  6. Peace
    April 6, 2015

    Brilliant initiative.
    I have heard of stories of people dying on this island, in which help could have been given, but everyone just stood around and watched the persons life ebb away instead of helping.
    Including a drowning on Castle Bruce, where the man was alive when he came out of the water, a stabbing where no one tried to stop the blood flow, a car accident, where the man was left alive with the vehicle on his head until he died, a child in school who cut the major artery in his leg, and no one said anything until he almost passed out in class (luckily, he survived)
    With the information available to us all on the Internet, there is no need for such ignorance any more. Practical lessons in schools and on beaches could cement this knowledge.
    We should ALL know what to do if someone is choking, drowning, having a heart attack, bleeding…..
    Well done for taking this initiative, I wish you every success. I aim to be involved in this.

  7. April 6, 2015

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