STAY WELL & SPARKLE: What happened there?!

Dr. Sam Christian
Dr. Sam Christian

It was early morning and a woman was on her way to the shop to buy bread. She paused for a casual conversation with a gentleman when she suddenly announced that she was not feeling well. Before the man could say ‘Papa Met…’ the lady screamed, “Hold me!” and dropped just like that. She was in her 60’s.

Sudden death almost always caused by massive heart attack or catastrophic stroke. And there is no telling when any of us may have such an encounter. Everybody has to go sometime. And everyone has to die of something. However, there is a certain dignity in slipping away from this world at a ripe old age in the peacefulness of your own bed. Unfortunately, we get to choose neither the way nor the hour.

Stroke was first described in the world literature over 2000 BC in what is now Iran and Iraq. However, it was the Greeks such as Hippocrates who coined the term apoplexy (or apoplexic fit). With this sudden loss of brain function, the person appeared like they got a nasty lash from above or “struck down with violence.”

One such description is found in Acts 12:21-23. At a major sports event, King Herod’s silver royal garments reportedly reflected the sun’s rays. The masses responded to the dazzling display in awe and admiration. According to the passage, he sat on his throne and delivered a rousing speech. “The people gave a shout, saying, it is the voice of a god, and not a man. Immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory.” And Herod was history.

In Dominica, stroke is the leading cause of death in females and the second most common cause of death in males. Is it me, or have you noticed that people seem to be getting strokes at a younger and younger age? How can we turn around this troubling trend? How do we recognize the warning signs of stroke? And what is the treatment once it is properly diagnosed?

Somebody is probably having a stroke if they complain of:
• Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body
• Sudden confusion, trouble understanding or speaking
• Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
• Sudden dizziness, loss of coordination or collapse
• Sudden headache more severe than any before
See, just by knowing this, you are already on your way to perhaps saving someone’s life. Well, not this poor lady – a thousand doctors right on the spot would have not made a difference. But by acting quickly, you could change the outcome for most of the more regular kinds of strokes.
Here’s how:
A stroke patient must be brought to the hospital within 3 hours in order to save critical amounts of brain tissue. Stroke interrupts nourishing blood supply to a particular area of the brain, most often by means of clot (80%) or a blood vessel that bursts and causes bleeding into the brain (20%). On a few cases, emergency surgery can be performed for ‘evolving’ strokes. However, that requires specialized hospitals with highly trained teams always ready and waiting. So for all practical purposes, the main treatment of a stroke – if it is a clot – is a quite expensive clot-melting drug call tPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator). But if wrongly given for bleeding (hemorrhagic) stroke, it just makes the bleeding worse, pretty much finishing off the patient. So the doctor must know exactly what kind of stroke it is. The only way to do so is with a CT scan.
Some families waste time giving bush tea, rubbing with bay rum and fanning the patient. Remember, we have only three hours to start effective treatment for a regular stroke. And part of those three hours includes needed in-hospital time up to the point that the radiologist eventually reads the scan and determines what is what.
Now that our CT scan is working again, we no longer have to send patients to neighboring countries just to diagnose the cause of the stroke. If we are lucky, it may be just a small bleed or completed stroke. Now, thanks to the good work of our epidemiologist, Dr. Paul Ricketts and government’s Telecoms Director Bennet Thomas, we are on the verge of being able to get a telemedicine consult in real time. In that way, an overseas specialist can help us decide whether we even have to make the trip or sit tight right here.
Some people may have silent strokes which affect areas of the brain not controlling speech or movement. All they may have felt is that something was not quite right. Otherwise strokes can generally quite disabling. If the person survives, the family may have years of near total care for the patient even after they have re-learned a little bit how to talk or walk. So, at the end of the day, the best treatment for stroke is prevention. There are several risk factors that increase one’s chances of suffering a stroke:

• High blood pressure
• Heart disease
• Smoking
• Diabetes
• High cholesterol
Have you ever blown a balloon and tried to get a little more air in it – and it suddenly bursts? We were increasing pressure in that balloon. High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the silent killer because oftentimes patients feel no strain unlike when over-blowing a balloon. If doctors seem always to be nagging about pressure, then it must be for good reason.
It may sound boring hearing these things repeated, but even the most health-conscious of us fall short at times in one or more of these areas. Each of those risk factors is a separate topic in itself. So if you are interested, how about we talk about it later? In the meantime, feel free to share any experience about stroke your may have in your family. Perhaps your comment today may help someone tomorrow who is about to encounter a stroke in action. By putting our heads together, we can figure out further practical solutions to present questions or concerns.

Dr. Sam Christian is specialist surgeon, speaker and author. He recently opened a Dominica practice.

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  1. CaraW
    July 23, 2013

    If that is not rank advertising, tell me what is!

  2. Doc. Love
    July 22, 2013

    Well come back home Dr. Christian.During your interview with Miss Framption on Q95,you made mention of your intensions to seek help from Government on a project. Please be careful how you approach them fellars for assistance,because they are very famous for reproaching people who they have help and later were to criticise them, case in point, the man at the campus.

  3. Francisco Telemaque
    July 22, 2013

    Anonymous July 21, 2013

    “The effect of noise pollution on the health and wellbeing on older members of a community is greatly overlooked. Noise causes stress which in turn brings on hypertension and the inevitable follows. The abating of chronic non-communicable diseases is NOT only about”

    Anonymous; I don’t know how you manage to deduce that, or where you are getting your information from, but be informed, that thus far medical science has yet to discover what causes high blood pressure; it is suspect, that stress maybe a contributing factor.

    That remains an hypothesis, and not a theory!

    However, there are people who maintain high stress in job position, there are poor people who live very stressful life, yet they do not have any problems with high blood pressure.

    So there again your theory is out the window and down the gutter!

    There are lots of diseases which are treatable, such as hypotension, and hypertension although the actual cause of the disease is not known!

    When we are talking about diminished tension; lowered blood pressure. A consistently low blood pressure with a systolic pressure less than 100 mm of mercury usually is no cause for concern. In fact, low blood pressure often is associated with long life, and old age free of illness; an extremely low blood pressure is occasionally a symptom of a serious condition.

    In shock there is a disproportion between the blood volume, and the capacity of the circulatory system, resulting in greatly reduced blood pressure.

    Hypotension may be associated with Addison’s disease, and inadequate thyroid function, but in both cases the primary disease produces so many other symptoms that the hypotension is considered comparatively unimportant.

    Hypertension, is persistently high blood pressure. In adults, it is generally agreed that a blood pressure is abnormally high when the systolic pressure is equal to, or greater than 140 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure is equal to,or greater than 90 mm Hg. A diagnosis of hypertension should be based on a series of readings rather than a single measurement that could be influenced by emotional state, or physical activity. Hypotension is not a single disease entity in the usual sense, nonetheless, a major indicator of the prognosis for future development of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal disease.

    We know that a diastolic pressure above 90 mm Hg reduces life expectancy in all persons ages and both sex., and that a elevation in systolic pressure is as dangerous, and likely to lead to cardiovascular disease as an elevated diastolic pressure.

    I can go on the subject, but because I “doh” have no medical degree eh, I doh want Dominica people to say I playing doctor, or know too much, dat is what dem say already.

    Anyway I challenged any doctor to refute that.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • July 22, 2013

      ” Hypotension is not a single disease entity in the usual sense, nonetheless, a major indicator of the prognosis for future development of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal disease.”(FET).

      I need to correct something here. At the beginning of the sentence, I meant “hypertension” instead of “hypotension.”

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      July 23, 2013

      “However, there are people who maintain high stress in job position, there are poor people who live very stressful life, yet they do not have any problems with high blood pressure.”

      A high stress job does not mean the person is stressed. People handle situations differently and while you may think the person is under stress he may well be enjoying is time consuming, high stress job. As for poor people they are the least stressed people in the world. For me, when I have less to do that is the time my BP would be elevated, whereas it is fine when I am occupied so here goes YOUR THEORY. One man’s joy is another man’s sorrow.

  4. Annonymoustoyou
    July 22, 2013

    Trust all you wi, to confuse the message. Bringing all allyou “interpretations” about a bible verse instead of understanding how quickly a stroke can kill. FEDT, Lixavier for Jesus, two of all you too like to play holier than thou! Have a seat!

  5. God's way
    July 22, 2013

    Thank you so much Doctor Christian. This was very helpful

  6. Enquirer
    July 21, 2013

    Very well written and informative article. I hope many have taken the time to read it.

  7. Sir Johnson
    July 21, 2013

    Garcon set up your own articles like Dr.Christianyou maybe know mre than these guys lol! they only have one degree you have four

    • July 22, 2013

      Sir Lord Johnson, I suppose he earned his medical degree, whereas I simply had a few classes in the field before I got burnt out and dropped out of school; so I have to respect the man for been able to finish, you as someone who walked in snow in England to get your degree, knows they are not easily obtained, unless you buy one like you!


      Anyway Trevor please don’t shoot the kid you know I joking eh!

      In any event, his account of the first stroke is wrong, because the Bible made no such claims, that is his theory, and philosophy. I know plenty about Health Science Sir, Lord Johnson, but maybe I was not cut out to practice medicine, I am an accomplished Electrical/Electronic Engineer, that is my niche, when I worked in the field I made as much money, and even more than some medical doctors.

      At least I know more than many of them in Dominica.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • unimpressed
        July 22, 2013

        If you have something to share concerning the story that would be helpful please do. Otherwise exhaulting yourself and your pocket, just seems low.

  8. IamHis
    July 21, 2013

    Thanks for the information, Doc.

  9. Really?
    July 21, 2013

    Dr Christian: thank you for your clear and enlightening information on stroke – very informative. It was just a mere hours ago my best friend’s daughter and I were discussing the alarming increase of stroke sufferers in Dominica; the immediate family are here for their mother’s/grandmother’s funeral after she succumbed to a stroke; my uncle’s wife also died from a stroke after 3 weeks in hospital 2 weeks ago; I also visited 3 other stroke sufferers in hospital. And guess what? All 5 of them are from the same village!! I note you totally dismissed ‘bush tea’ but I’ve heard many people swear by the ‘nutmeg under the tongue’ to sroke suffferers – is this also a fly-by-night wife’s tale?

  10. anonymous2
    July 21, 2013

    It’s no wonder medical costs are up. Any Dr. knows the cause of a stroke, which is usually a clot due to inflammatory reactions. You don’t need a CT for that. There are less expensive means of means of dissolving clots (natural means) other than TPS or Streptokinase. Strokes are preventable and I don’t mean via coumadin, which is dangerous. Do some research. The pharmaceutical companies are only out to make money and create dependency. They don’t make you a better Dr. They just control you.

    • unimpressed
      July 22, 2013

      there are more than one etiology for strokes. it could be due to a blood clot, the most common type. or it could be due to a bleed in the brain. Using imaging such as a CT scan does not give the diagnosis, which is stroke, it give the reason.

  11. Solo
    July 21, 2013

    Wow doc, very informative article…thank you!

  12. Anonymous
    July 21, 2013

    The effect of noise pollution on the health and wellbeing on older members of a community is greatly overlooked. Noise causes stress which in turn brings on hypertension and the inevitable follows. The abating of chronic non-communicable diseases is NOT only about diet and exercise.

  13. July 21, 2013

    “One such description is found in Acts 12:21-23. At a major sports event, King Herod’s silver royal garments reportedly reflected the sun’s rays.”

    Mr. Christian, maybe you are better informed, however with a challenge, I must disagree with your interpretation of Acts chapter 12:21-24; because the verses reads: ” And upon a set day Herod, arayed in royal apparal, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them.

    And the people gave a shout, saying, it is the voice of a god, and not a man.

    And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.

    So you see sir, your interpretation of the passage of scriptures you wrote, about God giving Herod a stroke is in accurate.

    “And he was eaten by worms, and gave up the ghost.”

    May question to you is, and I do not know if you are an MD, or you simply have a PhD, thus you earn the title doctor, however, if you are a medical doctor practicing medicine, I would like you to confirm that you have seen someone affected by a stroke, eaten by worms, before they gave up their ghost, which actually is their last breath!

    I mean you no harm, as a matter of fact I like read the piece, however I believe your interpretation of the words in the Book of Acts, in the Bible is wrong!

    And if I was not leaving for Church right at this moment I would break it down word for which might help to shed some light on the matter.

    Elizabeth be careful how you response to this, I can argue with him if I wish, and that is because I know plenty about strokes, there are different types so unless your are simply going to interpret the word to him, be very careful!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Just saying
      July 21, 2013

      Mr telemacque you are just expanding the scripture to let us know what happen after Herod was smitten.But the fact of the matter remain that he was smitten because he gave not God the glory. Definition of to smite [smaɪt]
      vb smites, smiting, smote ; smitten, smit Now archaic in most senses
      1. to strike with a heavy blow or blows
      2. to damage with or as if with blows
      3. to afflict or affect severely smitten with flu
      4. to afflict in order to punish
      5. (intr; foll by on) to strike forcibly or abruptly the sun smote down on him
      [Old English smītan; related to Old High German smīzan to smear, Gothic bismeitan, Old Swedish smēta to daub]
      smiter . After looking up at the different definitions it was clear that Herod suffered a stroke from the hand of an angel because he gave not God the Glory.

      • July 22, 2013

        I do not see your point, but I must tell you that it was not a stroke that killed Herod; or what’s his name. The reason God took him down was because the people worshiped him as a god, remember they said that it is not a man speaking, those are the words of a god!

        The people made him a god, the same as how people look up to politicians in Dominica these days rather than giving God his glory, they thank politicians for every little crap that’s what the people were doing on that day. The Bible teaches the Angel struck him down read it in the Bible for yourself.

        The comments I made is not intended to take anything away from Christian, however, I believe I have to right to identify where he is wrong!

        I reiterate he was not killed by any stroke!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • July 21, 2013

      @Francisco Telemaque July 21, 2013 “Elizabeth be careful how you response to this, I can argue with him if I wish.

      FETe, what are you mentioning my name in this thing of yours for? To tell you the truth I would never respond here, because I cannot be bothered with certain things.

      Except that you did not speak so much about strokes; and so, I agreed with you, concerning this message and the mention of Act 12:21-23; I don’t see what one has to do the other; that the writer even claimed it was an example of strokes–good grief!

      Acts 12: 21-23 “So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting: “The voice of a god and not of a man!” Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died”.

      The passage above is simply describing the effect of God’s wrath or His anger against Herod and the people who declared he was a “god”–not a man.

      Moaes said to the people of anceint Israel –“You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are all around you: for the Lord your God is a jealous God among you, lest the anger of the Lord your God be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth”. Deuteronomy 6: 14-15

      And so, Herod’s death had nothing to do with a stroke, when God’s wrath strikes a person, it because His holiness cannot tolerate the attitude and conduct of that person–just as most of us cannot tolerate dirty and filthy objects around us.

      God’s Holiness is extremely destructive; the reason man is still in existence today, it is because in His Son, Jesus Christ, God is Love, and Love gives people Life, not destruction and death–for the Life in Love is perfect.

      In other words, today, Jesus is the shield between man and the Holiness of Eternal Spirit, God Almighty, Jehovah, who is the Father. Today, Jesus is the mediator between the Holiness of God and the imperfection of mankind, that is what it means at the words of John 3: 16

      But the Israelite of ancient days had Moses as their mediator–God wanted to destroy those people right after He removed them–through Moses– from the bondage of slavery in Egypt–because of their lack of Spiritual sensitivity. SoMoses had to intercede on their behalf all of the time.

      But their was a time when Moses and Aaron, his brother, who was the High priest at the time, was a bit too slow and so God’s wrath came on the congregation of Israel, the force of His Holiness destroyed 14,700 people, before Moses and Aaron could calm Him down, through the burning of incense.

      Those people drop dead instantly; just as it happened to Herod. Read all about it at Numbers Chapter 16: 42-50

      The message of the Bible is God’s inspired words, through His chosen servants–it is a fact that human beings have translated the English without the authority of Holy Spirit; but those of us who are Spiritually sensitive will notice the human errors. That is the4 reason I only use the King James Version of the Bibles.

      For example that idea above is a misinterpretation of God’s word–people are doing that all the time–no wonder most people are confused and uncertain about the Bible.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        July 22, 2013

        You see why I mentioned your name Liz, it is because I knew you were coming, I thought you were going to give it all you’ve got.


      • Gary
        July 22, 2013

        I have always told you that religion can do strange things to the mind of a human being.Why do you have to hijack the forum with your religious mambo jumbo, is that necessary.

      • July 22, 2013

        Well if you did not mention me, I probably would not comment–because, this time you had it right on!

        I only commented to extend your response, pertaining to God’s Word–and that alone.

        But when I speak I do so with evidence that I know what I am saying–only the fools will object, because they cannot understand the “Truth” of God, through the channel of a mind in its carnal condition.

      • July 23, 2013

        @Gary July 22, 2013 “I have always told you that religion can do strange things to the mind of a human being.Why do you have to hijack the forum with your religious mambo jumbo, is that necessary”

        If you believe that you are hijacked try to negotiate with the your father the “devil”–his name is Satan.

        I am sure that it is his demons who have plagued your mind, what you are claiming to be hijack–the count of those demons in your head is certainly more than “legion”–I will not be moved by your Satanic expressions.

        That father of yours is the one who works with religion which you are always talking about–but don’t expect to be freed. Your father knows that he is going down–chained for 1000 years– and he will take you with him; that is what you ought to be concerned about.

  14. Pussinka
    July 21, 2013

    :?: Is he a surgeon? I thought he said General Practitioner. Please clarify for me. I suffer from Hypertension so I am very interested to know if he does the cholesterol check too.

  15. Anonymous
    July 21, 2013

    thanks for the insight. deeply appreciated. ppl must familiarize with these

  16. Tall is her body
    July 21, 2013

    What type of specialist surgeon is Dr. Sam Christian ?

  17. Just saying
    July 21, 2013

    Very interesting and informative article Dr. Christian.Thanks for giving us tips at recognizing the warning signs of stroke.

  18. off island
    July 20, 2013

    Thanks Doc …

  19. an observer
    July 20, 2013

    thanks doctor christian for such great information.

  20. Anonymous
    July 20, 2013

    Very interesting

  21. Gem
    July 20, 2013

    Thanks Doc, you’re doing a great job.

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