Stock Farm man to pay $1000 or go to jail

Timothy Hunt of Stock Farm, has until March 2013, to pay a fine of EC$1,000.00 or face five months in jail. Hunt pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis after he was arrested in Tarish Pit on November 23, 2012 by members of the Task Force who were on patrol in the area.

Reports are that Hunt, who was in the company of other young men from the community, on seeing the police vehicle, threw away a clear plastic bag which contained the illegal drug.

After the police had searched he area and found the substance, Hunt told the police, “officer a little weed I have to smoke, nothing much.” The police also found a marijuana joint in his possession.

His lawyer Darius Jones in mitigation, said that his client had come before the court sorry for his actions and had not wasted “the time of the police and the court.” “He surrendered early, it’s a small amount although we are not making excuses. Yes, he has had issues with the law but he is a young man,” Jones told the court.

Meantime Bradley Joseph of Colihaut, who pleaded not guilty to theft of jewelery, will have to find a suitable surety to stand bail for him.

In another matter, Joseph Solomon Piper of Roseau, who was arrested for possession of cocaine, possession with intent to supply, possession of cannabis, battery, assault and obstruction under the drugs act, was granted bail in the sum of EC$30,000.00 with two sureties Mona Piper and Catherine Robinson. His trial is set for April 23, 2013.

Piper, who was on bail when he allegedly committed those offenses, will have to be on good behaviour, report to the Roseau Police station Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday besides. Piper, who already has to report to the police on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for his previous offense, was also warned that he has to refrain from interfering with witnesses in the matter.

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  1. brack
    November 28, 2012

    is two things live within the law or outside the law you cant have your cake and eat it :-D somke is wrong so thak a drink appleton is legal no police

  2. A Voice
    November 27, 2012

    One joint = $1000, and all you people expect them to try and legalize the weed any time soon?

    The courts making more money on the illegal drug industry than anybody else. In one month just try to add up the amount of money they making on weed and you will see.

    Marijuana is a cash cow for the court system and you think them man going to butcher that cow? How is ‘your honor’ and ‘your lordship’ going to afford that big house and expensive vacation there?

    • Cesare Bonventre
      November 29, 2012


      Even US Law Enforcements readily admits that criminalization only exacerbated problems!

      The reason the USA criminalizes pot is because the prisons cost over $600 Billion dollars per year! Enough to send every American teenager to Harvard University for over 30 years!

      You want to become like America which has imprisoned 1 in 32 people? That is the society you want?

      If that doesn’t bother you, consider this: nearly 100% of those who eventually leave prison never become a productive member of society – Rather they are “hardened” and more likely to commit violence and crime.

    November 27, 2012

    KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Continued……

    Please don’t resist arrest even if you know you are within your rights. They may use force and claim that you resisted arrest and impeded them from doing their job. If you can, have someone record the act. They may ask you to turn it off. Don’t!!You have every right to record.

    The police does not have the right to take away your video camera/phone for recording a public servant in public. If they grab your phone just keep reminding them that you do not consent to them taking your phone. There is no law that states you cannot record a public servant in public.

    Always remember that the police are trained to lie to you to get you to do or say what they want.

    A police officer CANNOT FORCE YOU TO ANSWER ANY QUESTION. Don’t forget they need your permission to talk to you. Do not Consent!!!

    They will use scare tactics/intimidation to get you to do things. They will sometimes even misquote the laws. Always stand your ground..Well if you choose to talk to them or go with them you are giving them consent then it’s all up to you.

    When a police officer comes to search you or your home he is not looking to make friends. He is looking for something on you so that you can be arrested.

    A police officer may question you with regard to your whereabouts…YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RESPOND IF YOU DONT WANT TO. Of course sometimes police officers get mad when you know your rights, they may threaten to arrest you if you don’t respond. This would be false arrest as not responding to an officers questions doesn’t constitute arrests.

    If a police officer comes on your property asking you questions ask them to see a warrant if they don’t ask them to leave as they also need your permission to come on your property unless they have a warrant or probably cause. You can tell them to leave cause they are trespassing and not answer any of their questions.

    The police may approach you to question you and you may be on the phone. They may tell you to turn it off you are disrespecting them. You do not have to and they are NOT withing their powers to have you turn off your phone. Just remember to tell them that you DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO TALK TO THEM OR YOU CHOOSE TO REMAIN SILENT.

    PS…I do not hate the police. I just hate it when they abuse their powers.

  4. me
    November 27, 2012

    i appreciate the tips. and i concur that the “police, they are not your friend” PPl its true!

  5. Malgraysa
    November 27, 2012

    Boy, its amazing how quickly justice can be dispensed in Dominica if you are a poor nobody. Three days from offence to conviction!If you have charges of embezzlement and fraud levied against you involving millions they send armed police to stop people from reaching court. A “tale of two cities” indeed.!

  6. Justice and Truth
    November 26, 2012

    Piper was on bail. He re-offended and his out again on bail? He should have been imprisoned. He may appear remorseful with the help of his lawyer. I believe that this man has no intention of changing his ways. Does Dominica not have a rehab centre? If not, the government should build one to assist those drug addicts. They are wasting their God-given precious allotted time. They must be advised to live a fruitful life. It is not necessary to sniff, snort, smoke and whatever else illegal drugs. They need help.

  7. rescue 911
    November 26, 2012

    i hate that kind of news .charge this for canabis.go to jail for canabis .walk free for murder .not guilty on manslaugter charges

  8. Cesare Bonventre
    November 26, 2012

    I fail to understand why the government of Dominica criminalizes Cannabis?!

    According to the Lancet and NE Journal of Medicine, alcohol is far more dangers to the human physiology than crack, cocaine, PCP, amphetamines, and heroin.

    Why criminalize this herb? Dominica wishes to mimic the USA which has imprisoned 1 in 32 people at an annual cost of over $600 Billion per year?! Why?

    Look at the statistics from USA law enforcement: the criminalization of cannabis has only increased problems & its use continues to go up! Look at the States in the USA and countries that have made it legal – And then contrast that to those that criminalize its use.

    At over $600 Billion for prisons per year, obviously the USA Federal Government criminalizes it simply for profit! After all, former Vice President Dick Cheney has a major monetary interest in the prison system!

    Can someone make a logical case to me why cannabis is criminalized – Yet alcohol is not?!

    • Foreigner
      November 27, 2012

      I completely agree with you. There is some evidence that prolonged cannabis use causes mental problems in later years but this must be balanced against its benefits.
      And being somewhat cynical, in a country with massive youth unemployment (which elsewhere in the world causes social unrest, rioting and violence) shouldn’t the government be promoting the use of a drug that makes people calmer and less troublesome?

      • Cesare Bonventre
        November 29, 2012

        Again – Medical studies have proven that alcohol is far, far more dangerous to the human physiology than any other so-called illicit drug out there!

        So again: Why is it being criminalized?

        Because the ruling classes love the power and money that gives them?!

    • DEA
      November 27, 2012

      becuz it is not a legal drug in Dominica

      • Cesare Bonventre
        November 29, 2012

        To DEA:

        Look around the world – compare and contrast countries that criminalize illicit drugs vs those that treat it as a medical problem (rather than criminal)

        Furthermore, why is it illegal when alcohol is far, far more caustic and toxic to the human physiology than any so-called illicit drug? Shouldn’t alcohol then be illegal as well?

  9. Jahsen-jah
    November 26, 2012

    the system needs to stop arresting people and wasting tax payers money prosecuting young men for crimes that implicates no one.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 26, 2012

      Except to damage their health, eh? Well, overall it is dangerous. When they have some of that in their blood, they could do anything and harm and murder others. It is not only for their use but that of others. They sell it and make money from it.
      Furthermore, it is a crime – is illegal and against the Law. Cease criticizing and complaining. Let them pay the consequences. Such a person is a lawless one. They teach others to do likewise.

      • Anonymous
        November 27, 2012

        Empty barrel makes the most noise….pure ignorance

  10. frenchii
    November 26, 2012

    thats the only job they doin well……the thieves break in…they visit and never come back to follow up on the crime to find the culprits…and they culprits go on robbing sprees…what about the killers….they dont go to the extent to find evidence to get those bastards locked up like how they do the smokers….lawd…this system kills me

  11. anonymous2
    November 26, 2012

    What a circus.

    November 26, 2012

    IF THE POLICE COMES TO YOUR HOUSE. Ask them to see a warrant if they dont. DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR. Once you let them in without a warrant you are giving them consent to search your home.

    Even on a routine traffic control. They do not have the right to search your vehicle without cause or consent. Dont forget that they will lie to you and tell you that you have to..keep telling them that you do not consent.

    If they insist then you can always file a lawsuit.

    Dont forget never argue with the police or resist even if you know they are right.

    November 26, 2012

    FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DONT KNOW….the police needs permission to talk to you. You do not have to answer any of their questions.

    If you an officer approaches you and without cause he goes on to search you please repeat to him/her that you do not consent to a search in the event that the matter goes to court. If they had no cause for the search the case will be thrown out as the police officers need to follow procedure.

    Dont forget that the police officers are trained to lie to you. NEVER CONSENT TO ANYTHING.

    If the police asks you any question…DO NOT ANSWER. Dont forget if the matter goes to the court you can inform the court that you did not give them any consent to search.

    Some police officers like to abuse their powers and they dont want you to know your rights. You can also file a lawsuit if a police officer detains you illegally or arrests you without cause.

    Looking suspicious IS NOT PROBABLE CAUSE.

    • Swagg
      November 26, 2012

      you could keep posting more it helps…

    • B.E.B
      November 27, 2012

      As long as a police officer has reasonable cause or suspects a person to have committed or about to commit a crime, that police officer can arrest on suspicion.
      Once u are arrested u have to be searched, so tell me where the police needs permission to search?

        November 27, 2012

        Sweety…how are you so dumb???? During a routine traffic stop some police officers normally ask you to step out of the vehicle and they proceed to search your vehicle. You are just sitting on your steps police officers approach you and decide to search you. As I keep mentioning there must be reasonable suspicion/probable cause. Can’t you read n understand? Without the above mentioned they need your permission. Sweety please get informed and know your rights. I never said that once you are arrested legally the police dont have the right to search you.


        November 28, 2012

        Police officers can only arrest based on probable cause NOT REASONABLE SUSPICION THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.

        Please review what I wrote carefully.

    November 26, 2012

    I am a bit sick and tired of listening to these petty drug arrests from these POWER HUNGRY POLICE OFFICERS. The powers only have a certain amount of powers with regard to search n seizure and stop and frisk.

    When a police officer asks you to step of the vehicle and proceeds to search your vehicle please ask if he is detaining you, you do not consent to a search and ask if you are free to go. If there is no probable cause or reasonable suspicion the police has no rights to search you or your vehicle. One has the protection against reasonable searches.

    The police officers are quite aware of this. Although some of them are not too bright in determining what reasonable suspicion is or what is probable cause.

    They know very well that without cause it is illegal to search one’s vehicle but yet still they go right ahead and they end up looking stupid when the issue goes to court.

    Don’t forget these three things when an officer asks you to stop and search.

    1. Officer are you detaining me or am I free to go?
    2. I do not consent to a search.

    Don’t forget that you are NOT obligated to talk /answer any questions posed by the offices. Officers need your permission to talk to you.

    If you do not wish to speak to the police officer simple say that you choose to remain silent.

    Do not be tricked by the police. They will tell you that you will have to go with them to the police station for questioning. You DO NOT have to if you are NOT under arrest. Never talk to the police. they are not your friend

    • Justice and Truth
      November 26, 2012

      You are not a good example at all. I will also state, not a patriotic Dominican. You are encouraging the lawless ones to do more drugs and traffic in it, to be disobedient to law authorities. With people like you, no wonder they continue to ply their illegal trade. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

        November 27, 2012

        EXCUSE ME SIR..I guess you are one of them who doesn’t want anyone to know their rights huh!!!

        Well if you want to remain ignorant so be it

        you are mad because I am informing people about their rights? You’re not serious….I just started law school so I am informing the public of what the police dont want you to know..hope you dont get falsely arrested and brutalized by the police would raher have the public remain unaware of what their rights are?? Now what does that say about you.

        I myself have been harassed by the police concerning a civil matter..i was asked to leave..when these people had no rights to even come on my property..if only I knew then what I know now…..they had me go to the police station when I did not have to..they lied to me..I will not continue this longggg story…..but people need to know their rights..if I had known my rights before I would have sued the police

        November 27, 2012

        You are not disobeying the law. It is the law that police need your permission to talk to you. They also need consent , probable cause, reasonable suspicion to search. THAT IS THE LAW!!!!!! GO DO SOME RESEARCH OR BETTER YET GO ASK A LAWYER

        The police are sometimes the ones who break the law.
        You are not too bright now are you??

        November 27, 2012

        What happened to my comments? I posted a response to the above and it seemed to have disappeared.

        I said that people have the rights to know what their rights are. I stated my encounters with the police and it was deleted. Correct procedures were NOT FOLLOWED by law enforcement and I also stated that if I had known then what I had known now I would have filed a lawsuit.

        If you JUSTICE and TRUTH would rather remain in the dark where it concerns your rights then that’s up to you.

        I just started law school so I know what I’m talking about.

      • Anonymous
        November 27, 2012

        Justice and Truth, man, take a hike. Educating the masses about their rights is not being patriotic? FOOL

    • Anonymous
      November 27, 2012

      This comment is very powerfull i think that everyone should take notice of it. I ask of you to keep posting more so people can be enriched with delicate knowledge..

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