Summer Cooler fiesta, village fair, breadfruit brunch, and block-o-rama will all be part of one of the ‘greatest’ lineups for fete St. Anne

Parliamentary Representative for Mahaut Constituency, Hon. Cassani Laville, with members of the Fete St. Anne Organizing Committee

A summer cooler fete, village fair, breadfruit brunch, and block-o-rama are just a few of the festivities planned for what is projected to be one of the  “greatest” celebrations of the feast of St. Anne. The compact lineup, which will run from Saturday, July 22 to Sunday, July 30, was formally unveiled to the media and members of the public on July 10 by the organising committee of Fete St. Anne 2023.

Dariella Polydore, representative of the Mahaut, Jimmit, Tarreau Village council, stated at the official media launch that the event has always been a vital component of the community and that the committee has worked “tirelessly to produce an experience that will linger in the minds and hearts of the attendees.”

While maintaining some events from the past, a member of the organising committee  Sobers Esprit, underlined that new components had been introduced to the programming this year to welcome new ideas and new chances for portraying who the people of the community are.

He emphasised that the “old-time tradition” of commemorating the feast of St. Anne’s is something that residents of the community “hold dear to their heart.”

“It is what embodies the people who were born and raised in this part. It is for us a time of renewal. Because for us, this is a time when people really look at themselves as a community,” Esprit stated.

The festivities will begin on July 22 with a breadfruit brunch at $75.00, with the proceeds to benefit the completion of the Holy Family Chapel in Mahaut, which was wrecked by Hurricane Maria.

Volume two of the Massacre Dwive will take place later that evening from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.

In her remarks at the ceremony, Secretary of the Massacre Events Committee Bianca Thomas stated that the festival will not only showcase the talents of local DJs such as DJ Rio, DJ MJ, and DJ Blend but will also feature the popular signal band. Reeling from the success of the 2022 edition, she noted that this year’s celebration will once again provide an extra stream of income to the small businesses in the community.

On July 26, the official Fete St Anne Day, a church service will be held at St. Martin de Porres Roman Catholic Church in Canefield. On July 27 and 28, the first-ever “Mahaut Market Fair” will be held, featuring products from the forestry divisions, local vendors, and craftsmen from the constituency. The two-day event will also include music from local DJs, a bounce castle, and other daytime activities for both adults and children.

Father Franklin Cuffy, a member of the planning committee, revealed that the primary objective of the inaugural event is to increase the visibility of the parish’s communities, bring residents closer together, and serve as a platform for showcasing local talents and goods and services.

Registration for the fair is still open at $50.00, and those interested can contact a member of the committee for more information.

Another activity scheduled on the 27th is the grand domino league finals.

According to Roger Francis, organiser of the St Paul domino league, 12 teams from around the constituency are now competing in the competition, which began on July 10. Cadence and Calypso fans can look forward to a huge Calypso/Cadence extravaganza at Zaman Park on July 28.

The evening will feature a tribute to the Legendary Belles Combo, as well as music from Dominica’s top Calypso and Cadence musicians, backed up by the swinging Starz band. On July 29, the day will begin with a water sport activity and boat blessing and will conclude with what is being touted as the biggest summer jam, ‘the summer cool out’-a premium cooler fete.

Tridel Edwin, the event organiser, stated that the scene of the buzzing event catering to families and huge groups will be unrivalled. Among the main performers will be the Signal Band, as well as several other local acts and DJs.

A massive block-o-rama will be the climax of the week-long celebration on July 30 at Campbell Road, Mahaut.

A selection of local artists and DJs will set the tone, followed by entertainment from Triple Kay International.

Lauding the committee for the work done so far, Parliamentary Representative for the Mahaut Constituency Cassani Laville voiced his excitement for the event, stating that it will allow the community’s numerous vendors and craftsmen to demonstrate their abilities and skills.

The Mahaut native urged his constituents to participate in all activities, especially the mass, which he described as the highlight of the celebration.

“All of this that we are celebrating today is not by chance, it is the hand of God that allows us to be here that allows us to receive all the talents and the gifts that we can bring forth to this table to benefit the entire community,” Laville stated.

“So I’m encouraging all of you to attend the high mass and let’s make it grand, let’s make it colourful. And let’s make it something that is deep and memorable, so God can continue to bless us and grant favour to us as a community,” he added.

Laville also paid homage to former Mahaut constituency Parliamentary Representative Rayburn Blackmoore, whom he feels has pushed this event to the next level.

He also expressed hope of continuing such a legacy while bringing new flair and favour to the annual celebration.

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  1. Pat
    July 14, 2023

    It’s getting well known that that church has always been detrimental to our people. I thought you knew that’s why we are here :-|

    • Pat
      July 14, 2023

      @We the People below

  2. Bwa-Banday
    July 12, 2023

    Can someone please tell the minister or even his wifey that his clothing is too tight. The man has outgrown his clothing but he continues to wear them instead of giving it to the less fortunate. According to ASAP Weekes it so tight that his “blessed assurance ” is clearly visible and assi-koetay most days. Come on bro go get you some new gabs like your predecessor or better yet ask your nominated PM where he gets his.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  3. We the People
    July 12, 2023

    Such a sad state of affairs when the Roman Catholic Church in Dominica have allowed the Dominica Labour Party crooks to literally take over the church feasts. Shame, shame, shame.

    I hope those pal reps will declare their sponsorships to the IPO. Lay ban more dar rah ki zor yay

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2

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