Temporary crossing opened at Pointe Ronde

Some motor vehicles driving over the temporary bridge

Dominica News Online (DNO) has received information that a temporary bridge which was being constructed at Pointe Ronde is now operational.

The bridge was constructed by the Chinese after the Bailey bridge over that river collapsed last week as a result of heavy rain.

The information reaching DNO indicates that the repairs were completed this morning and that motor vehicles are able to pass. However, the report added that there are some weight restrictions.

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  1. November 14, 2018

    Hello and good evening my people. This river isn’t wide so why is the temporary bridge so low. Also the foundation should start by the blue vehicle depicted in the second photo attached to the article and they wouldn’t need so many pilings in the water. The pilings will obstruct tree branches from flowing down the river and end up causing flooding and damage to the bridge. Where are the civil engineers that our government have on staff.

  2. Neville
    November 13, 2018

    No doubt this ‘temporary bridge’ will be still there next hurricane season.

    • Jheri Curl
      November 13, 2018

      it will be there next decade

  3. Anthony P. Ismael Minister of Free Pampers
    November 13, 2018

    We must all stand at attention and praise the “Almighty Labor Cabal,” for its focus on “Climate Resilience.” This bridge was destroyed two hurricanes ago and to date, no progress. We must also commend the “Engineers” for continuously designing bridges with “Pinch Points” directly into the river, hence creating perfect conditions for washing it away, every time it rains on island. When you keep the masses drunk with cheap cane rum and plywood, you can do as much “Rubbish” as you want. Well Done Labor. Well Done!

  4. Karl Orndem
    November 12, 2018

    This bypass was almost permanent if not for the rains this week.

    • ??
      November 12, 2018

      How can it be permanent when the Chinese are currently constructing the permanent structure on the highway. You haters will never stop. Keep being negative and Lennox and the UWP will save your sorry behind…..

      • Karl Orndem
        November 13, 2018

        ???. And that is the problem with you people. You all sound like ignorant Trump supporters. I live here i pay taxes here i have a say in what is done with my tax paying money. I do not support Lennox nor Roosevelt. I support efficient effective progress. People like you think, because i criticize the government work or lack of work, i am automatically aligned with the United Workers Party. And this is level of absolute ignorance that is bringing the country down. you fool, i have a right, just like every other Dominican to call a spade a spade, even if that spade is the PM. And even if i support Roosevelt OR lennox, i STILL have a right to criticize them because it is ME as well as every other Dominican’s right to. They are there to do my work to represent me and my will. Not to impose their upon me while i praise them blindly. ??? open your eyes and think objectively. Skerrit isnt your mother or your woman or your man. Or maybe he is who knows, but the point is you should be…

  5. asa Banton
    November 12, 2018

    this is jus sigh

    • Jheri Curl
      November 13, 2018

      those old bridges lasted for decades
      I remember the bridge in Grand Bay heading to Stowe Estates
      These new bridges last for a few years and then collapse
      We’re lucky no one has perished

  6. asa Banton
    November 12, 2018


  7. Dominica peeps
    November 12, 2018

    I am embarrassed for these people in power. How can you tell me you are fixing everything on the island except the bridges you need for daily life. You have Pointe Round and Macoucherie bridge on a main road and you don’t fix it? Something is wrong with these people. Engineers of my beautiful Dominica please you cannot build a bridge in a river in 2018. If someone cry in Antigua Dominica is flooding. Please pay attention and stop putting people lives at risk. Get out of Dominica and educate yourself about building and climate change. Get off whatsapp go on google and please help Dominica out of this mess. Everytime it rains you putting people lives in danger in our beautiful country. Don’t build our bridges for today and today only.

  8. Zandoli
    November 11, 2018

    I don’t understand why it takes so long to build such small bridges. These rivers are not very wide. Granted they need to be built to withstand our raging rivers, but these are not kilometer long bridges.

    During my travels I have seen many small bridges and they are nothing more than spans of steel over which a road deck is constructed. Why can’t the government build these simple structures to get our infrastructure back up in shape?

    • Karl Orndem
      November 12, 2018

      why indeed? what is our problem that we cannot execute simple projects in minimum time with maximum effectiveness? is it out insistence of not investing in the proper technilogivcal equipment? but older structures have lasted longer in some cases, so machinery isnt always the answer. Is the lack of skilled labour? But people can be trained. So is the the mentality of the people? the laissez fait, it good so, if you dont lkke it fix it yourself and do it better kind of attitude? Our attitude towards, our country, our communities, our families, our selves is what is keeping our nation back. We have no class or decency here. Everything is good how it is. i personally say the natural disasters show the blunders of the man made disasters (those in charge)

  9. Child of Itassi
    November 11, 2018

    Sad state of affairs that after 40 years of INDEPENDENCE, with so many trained construction workers, engineers and equipment in Dominica, we have to depend on foreign aid to build a simple bridge. What a wasted opportunity for experience.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming the government for this, because they were elected by the majority of us and different parties have been in power over the past 40 years. The blame is all ours.

    Awaiting foreign aid to come and brush my teeth for me.

  10. Possie Direct
    November 11, 2018

    Nanthan was able to build a permanent bridge at Pointe Round in less time that it took Skerrit to get a doctorate? The Nanthan brothers, Lawrence brothers, Livi peters, Reggie, Ian and Skerrit doing wonders in Possie boy. Possie and Dominica is at the best we have ever seen them thanks to doctor Skerrit and his purple turtle boys

  11. 40 years later
    November 11, 2018

    Maria, you played with the wrong country because Skerrit made us RESILIENT. “Just drive around the county to see the amount of concrete work that is going on.” “Things happening around the country.” To those posting negative things: “I will send a ticket to those sitting in the US and posting bad things on face book, about Dominica so they could come and see” just as the queen of Sheba had to come to see the works and wisdom of Solomon. To Ross University: ” I will sue all you”. ” all you are out already, so stay out” of my Chinese country. Ross replacement plan: ” I have four universities that want to come and do business in Dominica.” In fact “One will be coming down later this month”.
    Trust me all these were said during our 40th year independence celebration, though maybe word for word. But the truth is 40 years later we went back by 40 years though this time we do not have Ross University, the Banana industry and Public Works with us, as Roosevelt Skerrit…

    • Karl Orndem
      November 12, 2018

      you sound like a Donald Trump supporter. Skerrit made us resilient? After Maria Skerrit left the island to go and cry to the other world leaders about our misfortune. He made the world feel sorrier for us than they already were. DOminica and its inhabitants by iself are resilient. the infrastructure works being done are ALL mediocre and future disasters will show this.

  12. dissident
    November 11, 2018

    permanent bypass

  13. Made in China
    November 11, 2018

    Under Skerrit Dominica moved from a blessed country to a very CURSED country man. Can you all not see it people? This is not climate change; it’s a damn curse man! Skerrit and Chinese built Stadium but money they spend on it already is enough to build a new one. They build West Coast highway but soon they almost have to build walls on both sides as the road keeps eroding. They built new houses in Belvie but all the houses Maria destroyed. All four west coast bridges are gone, Skerrit decide to go and dump million on night landing but alas! That has been a disaster even for day landing and know that’s the first place to get flooded. He fixed Pond Case road and it’s been a national disaster so to is the Rojay road. Look at the amount of people we lost in storm/ huricane disaster the last 3 years, not even talking about the amount we lost through road fatalities. Can you all not see? Are blind? Boy what I seeing is fruits of a curse land. Do we have to lose Da from the map to believe?

  14. Made in China
    November 11, 2018

    Ever since the west coast road was cut it was safe and solid; all we had to do was maintain it. From the time Skerrit came with his Chinese highway all we have is disaster upon disaster and we calling it climate change. Before Skerrit and his Chinese interfered with our west coast road, we never had a problem except at times with gell Lion (lion mouth). The west coast road always had four main bridges1. Pointe round, Batallie, Macoushrie and Layou. People, since Skerrit and those Chinese interfered, three of those bridges completely disappeared, on the same day in 2014 and the one in Layou disappeared after Maria. Had it not been for either DFP or UWP that built a NB bridge in Layou, we would be stranded today. Is this too hard to understand? Can you all not see it? In 14 years of Skerrit we lost all four bridges that stood the test before Skerrit. Now we like a zoo in this stupid country where Skerrit and Chinese building but mother nature destroying all their evil work!

    • ????????????????
      November 12, 2018

      Stupes! The PM is now causing the fire and loss of life in California?? the PM caused what happened in Indonesia? Are you listening to the news?? It is the PM who is causing all what happens in the world.

      Guys/Dolls and all you hateful people get a life and get back to earth and reality. Dreaming away and playing blame game. Garcon all you will answer to this in due time!

      • Anthony P. Ismael Minister of Free Pampers
        November 13, 2018

        How much passport money are you receiving to be so blind. Do you understand that there is a concept called “Horrible Designs and Engineering?” These bridges are much too low and they should have no pinch points due to continuous heavy rains on the island. The solution is simple, but the politics is dull. Wake up!

  15. Roland Alan Mitchell
    November 11, 2018

    Mr Skerrit


    Check out this website for the environmental design studio, on how to cope with flodding.

    This is not a problem that you must throw money at. You need experetise in managing flooding.

    This mightb help.

    • ?????????????
      November 12, 2018

      Thank you Roland Alan Mitchell

    • ???????????????
      November 12, 2018

      Looked at the site. Very interesting though! Observation the bottom floor columns would have to be made of a very strong material. This I note after seeing what water has done to buildings, Bridges etc.

  16. sisserou
    November 11, 2018

    The information reaching DNO
    DNO, , dont You all have personnelle on the ground to cover at least some news items?

  17. Roland Alan Mitchell
    November 11, 2018

    The government of Dominica woulod be well advised to consult with other governments such as the UK environment department, in how to take measures to hold back rain water from flodding rivers. Since Hurricane Maria, many trees have been destroyed, and the roots system which helped to hold back water and earth is now rotten.
    We have to cleverly plant grasses and trees in strategic areas on hillsides to hold back water.
    The UK environment department have built up expertise in these areas.

    • ???????????????
      November 12, 2018

      Good post Roland Alan Mitchell! Suggestions are good and this is what it should be not bashing one man to blame for all is happening in Dominica.

  18. Ibo France
    November 11, 2018

    I hope that there are no casualties from the ubiquitous flooding and landslides as a result of the consistent and torrential downpours.
    Even though Mother Nature has been unkind to Dominica in recent times, lack of foresight and a colossal failure of common sense has contributed to the sharp decline in living conditions.
    Life in Dominica seems all down hill. Crumpling infrastructure, high joblessness, starvation wages, insufficient housing, political division, environmental degradation, all these contribute to the hopelessness that has gripped the hapless citizens.
    Better can and must be done. Being in the cellar position in economic development in the OECS is unacceptable.

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