Catholic priest Father Herman Sharplis has described the late Ken Richards as a “trusted voice” who delivered accurate and insightful stories to audiences near and far.
Renowned Dominican journalist, former Dominica News Online (DNO) guest editor, and BBC broadcaster, Ken Richards, died on Sunday, May 21, 2023, at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital DCFH) at the age of 67.
The versatile Richards was widely known in practically all forms of media including radio and print.
He was laid to rest on Monday at the La Salette Catholic Church in Pointe Michel.
“He was a trusted voice, and a trusted voice is a voice that speaks truth to power,” Father Sharplis stated. “A trusted voice is a voice that pleases only God and not man.”
He continued “A trusted voice tells the truth at all times because the truth is what sets [him] or [her] free.”
Furthermore, he said Ken’s unwavering commitment to reporting the news and current affairs of the Caribbean region was unparalleled.
According to him, many people who are journalists today are fearful to report the news and most times what they report is, “what may please the master.”
“But when you please the master you please the human master, but your pleasing must be to God, because your first commitment is to tell the truth, as the bible tells us the truth shall set you free,” Father Sharplis remarked.
The late Ken Richards has worked for the Government Information Service (GIS) here in Dominica, at the Dominica Broadcasting Station, Radio Antilles, Voice of the Island Radio, Observer in Antigua, WINN FM Radio St. Kitts, Marpin Telecoms & Broadcasting, DNO, and the BBC Caribbean Service in London.
In the later part of his career, he started his own online radio station and news site, OSAR, which demonstrated his passion for journalism.
However, his passion was not limited to journalism. He is also known as a songwriter and musician.
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