Bonaire management team expected in Dominica for Morocco-funded hotel

View of the hotel under construction. Photo credit: Dr. Lennox Honychurch
View of the hotel under construction. Photo credit: Dr. Lennox Honychurch

A management team from Bonaire is expected in Dominica next week as a Morocco-funded hotel project in Portsmouth moves to the next stage, according to tourism minister, Ian Douglas.

“They should be arriving next week which will allow us to have more detailed discussions with a team of persons from the Invest Dominica Authority and the Ministry of Tourism and the Discover Dominica Authority, to see if we can reach a happy medium as far as what the government would want and what we can expect from them managing the facility,” he stated.

Douglas made it clear that the government has no intention of managing the hotel.

“We recognize to take the tourism industry to the next level, then infrastructures like hotel rooms and export ready rooms, hotel rooms that can meet international standards are to be built and so the government has invested in the hotel,” he said.

Douglas indicated that the Small Business Unit in the Ministry of Trade has also begun conducting training for about 40 young persons from the Portsmouth area on Hospitality because they will be needed to work in the hotel.

The minister pointed out that a smooth transition is expected for the opening of the hotel although many things are being undertaken simultaneously.

Douglas said the project is moving along ‘very nicely and efficiently.’

“All of the concrete works on the project is actually finished, the roof is completed, the guys are working on the ceiling and other things like electrical and plumbing, tiling will begin very soon also some painting will be done in the next three to four weeks and the swimming pools and grounds will come as we approach the end of the year,” he said.

The 50-room hotel will comprise seven major buildings including a conference facility to accommodate 200 people, duty free shops and a Spa and has been touted by the government as a ‘generous gift’ from the government of Morocco.

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  1. aw
    May 8, 2015

    next step, a big mosk for the island……

  2. Alice
    October 11, 2013

    All hotels in Antigua have Dominican employees. However, in Dominica we don’t want foreigners working here. Selfish ignorant trait.

  3. Nudibranch
    October 11, 2013

    Build one near the airport, flight crews can Overnight, and persons stranded have a place to stay instead of trekking back to Roseau at #70 per person for a bus and return at some horribly early time again the next day.

    oops, sorry, Marigot is “blue”, so this hotel will cater to whom? whilst one over the other side would be full.

    Everyone in retail and service in Possie needs training in customer service, it is disgusting the way they deal with customers who… are actually paying their salary.

  4. joy
    October 11, 2013

    management team is good, but more than 40 Dominicans need to be employed there and there should be a Dominican understudy to each of those top positions. so that that when the contract is ended we can run the property effectively .

  5. Just A Thought
    October 11, 2013

    It would be great plus make this more news worthy if we could see more close-up pictures of the hotel. I’m sure Dr Honychurch has plenty he could share.

  6. Anonymous
    October 11, 2013

    Lord help us.

    Some people say to take our country forward we have to build hotels. SMFH. This is upside down developement and economics.
    first of all have we asked our selves these questions.
    what are the major attractions that pull stay over tourist to the area
    How many hotels on the island and what is there anual operating capacity
    what kind of access we have to dominica.
    How is a Gov owned hotel going to compete with private citizens.
    it is my guess that the government will sell off its share as things develop. As far as i am concerned a gift to the government of dominica is a gift to the people therefore all profits from the operation of this resort must go into the treasury department until th gov sells its stake. How are we going to be assured this is going to happen.

    I will never agree with government getting into such ventures. We have demonstated we cannot collect taxes due, a simple government function, we cannot pay back on petro caribe, how am i going to trust you with the finances of the hotel.
    What the Gov should have done is gett hotteliers in dominica to build and provide them with the funds from morocco at a low interest 3%. That way they will get back those funds with time to do other thing and let business be runed by business men.

    I see trouble ahead.

  7. Malatete
    October 11, 2013

    Mr. Douglas’ reference to the company having extensive hotel interests overseas combined with the Bonaire link make me believe that the management company the Govt. are having talks with could be the van der Valk group. This Dutch owned family company certainly has extensive experience in the managemnt of hotels and restaurants and have more than adequate fiancial resources. They are known as tough task-masters and champions of bargaining and one would certainly expect them to strike a no-nonsense deal with the Govt.
    Let’s wait and see. We certainly need the jobs and cash from a steady inflow of tourists. If my assumption is correct and the negotiations are succesful expect them to add their van der Valk flagship moniiker to any name the Govt. may chose to give the hotel itself.
    Let’s hope the outcome will be positive next week.

  8. Malatete
    October 10, 2013

    Pray, who are the GH management team? Can you be more sepcific please or is it a secret?

  9. Anonymous
    October 10, 2013

    We’ll as long as they contrôlée those Maroccans and they don’t contrôlée all you.

  10. Frenz
    October 10, 2013

    Seem like we are all moton Batalli in Dominica. More than $50 Million have been missing and the PM cannot tell us where thee money gone – passport money too. Now this passport money was suppose to bring jobs to the Layou, St Joe area and the PM is yet to tell us where our passport money gone. We the Moton Batalli still waiting on those jobs in layout.

    Today Ian Douglas is telling us about government investment in Morocco Hotel and telling us about jobs. Si ce sort mwen sort qui fen mwen led Castaways close down; according to Skerrit the Hotel lady couldn’t buy a gallon of paint to paint the hotel ; the other hotels have rooms that haven’t seen occupants in years.

    There were those self serving masters in Dominica who had all the reasons why we don’t need an international airport because the airport could affect their businesses in Roseau well what are they saying when GOVERNMENT is directly involved in creating competition in a market that is bone dry and pissing gas. Interesting isn’t it. I wonder what the advisors had to say.

  11. COTS
    October 10, 2013

    WOW the hotel looks good!! Beautiful Scenery!!

  12. October 10, 2013

    Investments like this will definitely bring jobs on the Island, but the employees MUST be our NATIVE citizens.

  13. October 10, 2013


  14. KING-TOT
    October 10, 2013

    Who is funding their trip to Dominica? What is in it for Morocco….certainly not a gift I refuse to believe that. Only 40 jobs….still 460 plus many more are out of work eh! just saying.

    • Me
      October 10, 2013

      KING-SOT, sorry TOT, you will stay so doh.. SMH.

    • Grand Bay Girl
      October 10, 2013


  15. Objectivity
    October 10, 2013

    The Hotel looks very attractive in this photo. Starting with 50 rooms is good – the planners must have planed for future expansion, hopefully. Congratulations to all involved.

    • Objectivity
      October 10, 2013

      I just read another story about this project on a competing web news outlet:

      It the Cabrits’ Hotel and Spa under construction is expected to include 58 rooms and 10 suites, a spa, conference facilities, pool and restaurants.

      Apparently – it is not a “50-room hotel” as stated in the above article.

  16. Gazeete Feille Caco
    October 10, 2013

    Has the Dominican government ever given any thought about the abandon former Castaways Hotel. I think that this hotel would be a damn good investment along the west coast. Mr Douglas just put Castaways hotel on you next agenda. You will not regret it.

    • Tweety Bird
      October 10, 2013

      Couldn’t agree more. Castaways hotel is in a very good location. I think it would be a great investment to turn this beat down ruin hotel around

    • St. Joe Massive
      October 10, 2013

      great suggestion.

  17. naturalistic
    October 10, 2013

    They trying to fool people as the election fever is in the air. This hotel is no where near complete. According to the constructor it will be opened in sometime in 2015. Yet they fooling people into believing they will have a Job. Are they getting paid while they are on training Mr Douglas?

    • coocoomayuck
      October 10, 2013

      u think a hotel taking 6 months to build? sort qi fehw led man

    • bache
      October 10, 2013

      Real ediot.

      • Mr Archbold
        October 11, 2013

        learn to spell before calling another an IDIOT

  18. niceboi/#`
    October 10, 2013

    Read my past comments. What I did tell all you? Morroco and mor will come because skrritt wants to reign and rule us Dominicans till he die – like papa-duck of Haiti. That just will not happen. He don’t stand a chance. I personally think that mister is putting Dominica in a mood for a chaotic situation. We will stand up and not let our belved Country go the the Dogs. Let them come in droves – so they will leave in droves.

    • Malgraysa
      October 10, 2013

      Papa duck?? You really made me laugh. I suppose his wife would be called Mama-duck, his children ducklings and their uncle Donald Duck. You mean Papa-Doc, for sure ( So named because that man, apart from being a voodoo doctor was a qualified medical doctor).

  19. Anthony P. Ismael
    October 10, 2013

    Maybe the next project for the North will be a two-lane road from Portsmouth to Marigot, so that stranded passengers will travel a much shorter distance to a hotel if their flights are cancelled.

    • dafriend
      October 10, 2013

      It is an absolute must to address the road issue to complement this new upmarket hotel facility. If not only for the sake of the guests but also for the sake of all dominicans living in the North as well as all students and tutors of the Ross University that keep travelling from Portsmouth to the Airport.

  20. Pedro
    October 10, 2013

    it would be interesting to find out how the Bonaire company was selected. It does not seem that the government is sure that that company can deliver yet. I would want to think if done the right way, that that there is already a proposal that would have been put forward based on certain requirements and expectations leading up to a contract. Then the on island meeting could have been just to thrash out any details and agreement. Rather it seems that requirements will be framed at the meeting. This could well give the company the upper hand. It would be interesting to find out if the government selected this company based on evaluating proposals from a few potential sources. I would want to think that Dominicans would be given the opportunity, but it does not appear to be the least no transparency regarding that…

  21. Mamizoo
    October 10, 2013

    Ivor and the Nassiefs should be happy with this acts of desperation.

  22. Glanvillia
    October 10, 2013

    “We recognize to take the tourism industry to the next level, then infrastructures like hotel rooms and export ready rooms, hotel rooms that can meet international standards are to be built and so the government has invested in the hotel,”

    If it is a gift how is it then an investment by the government. The very same voices telling us that we don’t need an international airport facility because we don’t have the business is telling us that we need more hotel rooms. Note the existing hotels are operating on “E” empty.

    This is not politics but simple logic. To me any investment by a government towards tourism in Dominica should be centered on increasing tourism traffic and to fill up the existing hotels on the island. There are hundreds of rooms in Picard, hotels in Dominica have shut their doors and others are struggling to keep the door opened. When we put petty politics and politics of deception aside rationalism should prevail and for the good of all.

    What about elevating the tourism product on the island – why didn’t our government shore up the tram facility which was a major tourism product. Instead we let 70 jobs evaporate and not a word from the government – if I say Skerrit the government some people may take offense or say this is partisan politics.

    If the government want to elevate tourism by actually investing in something what about a yacht mariner and then subbing out the facility with possible ownership transfer after a stipulated period of operation. A yacht mariner does not offer competition to existing investment but will in fact help existing investments.

    One can only conclude that our government administration is clueless, incredibly reckless and totally deceptive. It would have been absolutely important for the tourism minister to tell the people of Dominica whether or not the tourism trends and projections makes for a viable Hotel Morocco operation. Prior to the LIAT melt down there was none to negative growth in stay over tourism; needless to say the LIAT fiasco provides or provided the after shock. If the government can show us the statistics that would convince us that this hotel will not be a white elephant then let us see.

    My final observation – if our government wants to boost our hotel rooms what about the concrete structures at the disgraceful Layou River Hotel facility. Hey if we are talking Hotels (not Politics) then Layou River Hotel is guaranteed to be in the conversation.

    • zulu
      October 11, 2013

      @ glanvillia: your comment tells me there are still some level headed people out there. Your comment is so on point its not even funny. Sadly there are those out there who think on emotions not common sense

  23. MahautMan
    October 10, 2013

    What ‘gift’ will Morocco receive in return ?

    • Way Papa
      October 10, 2013

      We are exchanging goats

    • Malatete
      October 10, 2013

      Very good question. In fact, in return for this gift from Morocco (plus scholarships) we recognised their territorial claims to the Western Sahara and withdrew our recognition of Polisario, a movement for the right of self-determination of the (black) population of that territory, recognised by the U.N. (and us) since 1979, and supported by the A.U. (African Union)

  24. Francisco Telemaque
    October 10, 2013

    “We recognize to take the tourism industry to the next level then infrastructures like hotel rooms and export ready rooms, hotel rooms that can meet international standards are to be built and so the government has invested in the hotel,” he said.”( Ian Douglas).

    Talking about taking the tourist industry to the next level without building an International Airport; I don’t see how Ian is going to get to his dream next level without an International Airport on the island!

    When we talk about taking the tourist industry to any level, and mention the “infrastructure” in the same breath, without considering or mentioning the construction, or building of an International Airport, that alone is an indication that the tourist industry will remain at the same level as it is right now.

    Just because a building stands, staffed, and brightly painted does not mean the tourist industry in the country is going to become a success overnight.

    The success of such an industry depends largely on an International Airport, and advertisement, selling Dominica as one of the tourist destination in the world. An International Airport is part of the infrastructure of every nation, the same as hospitals and all governmental institutions.

    Bad politics, and the adhering of bad advise from people such as Gonzalez of St. Vincent, has caused the present government of our country to deprive our nation of something so vital, so necessary, so essential, and imperitieve in the development of our nation.

    I do not understand that our government took the advise of a man whose voice is on a tape recording in Antigua, advising the Antiguan’s that it would be a mistake if they allow the government off Dominica to build an International Airport, because if they do; because of Dominica’s central location in the Caribbean, Antigua would loose the privilege of being the Hub, while Dominica would become the Hub.

    When that man and the Antiguan’s were through plotting against our country he came to Dominica, by invitation of the Labor Party, where he advised them that Dominica, does not require, or need an International Airport; because all we need to do is refurbish Melville Hall Airport, and install landing lights on the runway, as he had in St. Vincent, and our country will be set for life!

    While his advise was taken by our government, the enemy of our country, happily returned to his country, and do exactly what he advised us not to do! Hence, very soon there shall be International flights in and out of St. Vincent.

    To crown it all, he held a weapon to the head of our nation and demanded that we save LIAT from collapse by wasting more than eight million dollars of our taxpayers into a nonprofit operation, which will die when St. Vincent International Airport is up and running.

    Way to go Dominica; something is wrong with our people!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • forreal
      October 10, 2013

      one observation telemaque,it is said that st lucia has intended to shut down their international airport,through lack of proper turn overs in terms of funding and maintenace cost for the facillity,do you strongly believe that dominica will fare better,i mean look at st lucias tourism,way more advance than dominica,my take is,tourism is seasonal,not 365 days,a next fact is,the virgin island tourism,is more effective at the ports,by boat visitation,they get like six ships on some days,and they got an international airport,in fact they got a hotel which closed down for about ten years or more,and no investor is trying to reopen it,imagine that,if you are getting my point,grenada is an other example with an international airport,look at dominica,dominica is better of than grenada,i am not against an international airport,but one has to watch were you place your feet,when crossing a stream,when i mention virgin islands,i failed to mention st thomas,that is where i am taiking about,because outside the bahamas,that is the biggest tourism market in the caribbean.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        October 11, 2013

        “one observation telemaque,it is said that st lucia has intended to shut down their international airport,through lack of proper turn overs in terms of funding and maintenace cost for the facillity,do you strongly believe that dominica will fare better”

        If you believe the claims, and observation in the quote above, which are your words, something is wrong with perhaps your reasoning, or I am totally mad!

        What you observed and hear may have originated in Dominica, there are people in Dominica who vow that an International Airport will never become reality in our country, they have no other reason for not wanting it; but because of the same reasons you pointed out which to is nothing more than total nonsense.

        First of all I do not know of any country in the world which is involved in a prosperous tourist industry which does not have an international airport.

        I know you are going to say “Nevis”. Remember, now Nevis is part of St. Kitts, and sits less than seventy miles from St. Kitts, hence the international airport in St. Kitts serves the purpose in Nevis.

        Secondly, the cry about maintenance of an international airport also originate in Dominica, I have never seen an International airport closed because of high cost of maintenance on any Caribbean Island, nor any part of the world, such thoughts are simply mythical; and only in Dominica.

        Name me one place in the world where you know or Dominica government knows an International Airport closed all due to a lack of business, and high maintenance. Neither you nor any Dominican can point out one single place to me.

        I however can name places in this world, and in the Caribbean, i. e. Antigua, and boldly tell you without Antigua’s International Airport and it tourist industry, Antigua’s economy would have already collapsed; anyone who may have told you that the people of St. Lucia intended to shut down their International Airport, for all of the reasons in the quote, you can tell then I said they are nothing more than a backward Dominica liar.

        Backwardness, and dirty political lies told by the Labor Party dating back to the Rosie Douglas days, and the dose of stupid advise Gonzales of St. Vincent gave to this government, is the reason why we do not have an International Airport, but trust me it is not because of any thing in your observation.

        I can give you, figures on the cost of maintenance of some International Airports, and you can find out on your own if you care too!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • October 10, 2013

      Mr.Telemaque why you dont give the Government the money build it? you out there just running your mouth on matters you dont have a dam clue about,come back home and do something in wesley and then you can run up your mouth..What you do for wesley since you on earth?

      • Francisco Telemaque
        October 11, 2013

        I feel sorry for idiots like you, hey, I could care less if you people want International Airport or not, because I nor any of my children have to return to Dominica ever!

        We do not have to suffer the misery of going to Dominica, you can suffer, at least you are so politically brain washed I am sure they have made you believe Dominica already have an international airport, so there is no need to for me to give my money to the richest government in the world.

        You are so dumb, and backward: you can build all the hotels, or fifty room houses, on the island, without international advertisement, and proper access to the island, you and Ian Douglas, your progeny’s, and siblings will have to occupy the space.

        Nobody can say anything truthful that some of you will accept, all you see is the camera pointing at you but cannot see the picture even when it is developed! That is stupidity at it highest level!

        Ask all those Dominicans in Antigua, changing sheets, and cleaning hotel floors if Antigua did not have an International Airport, what would they be doing in Antigua, since Antigua does not have banana, and dashing plantation!

        In Dominica, we find, and have the money for everything else, except for the most essential.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • October 15, 2013

        “You are so dumb, and backward: you can build all the hotels, or fifty room houses, on the island, without international advertisement, and proper access to the island, you and Ian Douglas, your progeny’s, and siblings will have to occupy the space.”
        I thought one of the forum policy and your policy, is to refraining from personally attacking each other. How did this one slip you guys, when my posting always have to for administrative approval.

    • October 11, 2013

      Judging from your post, do you think that the 3% of the people you mentioned in one of your previous post can maintain an international airport?

  25. grell
    October 10, 2013

    Ian if you guys try to manage it will be pure bobol and failure as we know already.make sure they treat the local with fairness and respect.

  26. Malatete
    October 10, 2013

    Would it be the same family owned company connected with the Plaza Resort by any chance?

  27. Anonymous
    October 10, 2013

    Good Job Mr. Douglas! Hope the people of Dominica and specifically Portsmouth make this venture a true success.

    Kudos to Prime Minister Skerrit!

  28. Anonymous
    October 10, 2013

    The GH family management team is from Portsmouth. Do they have any views/input on this major developement?

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