Dominica to strengthen, amend Tourism Act

Dominica’s Tourism Minister Ian Douglas has disclosed that the government intends amending and strengthening the Tourism Act to address a number of cruise tourism related matters.

Douglas told a news conference on Friday that the changes will include putting in place measures that will allow for disciplinary action “against some of the service providers that want to play outside of the rules”.

He indicated that his ministry was contemplating introducing a ticketing system for violations, and that varying punishment for different offences would be considered.

“Instead of having to wait to take somebody  who violates, one of the guys on the Bayfront probably not following the laws, not adhering to the standards, if we introduce a ticketing system we can really bring some speed to the system so they don’t have to wait for a court date,” the minister said, explaining that this would work like the ticket given to traffic violators.

He said the issue of certification would also be addressed, by targeting private operators on the Bayfront who attempt to provide a service without adhering to the regulations as laid out in the act.

“If we allow them to do that, then it cheapens the product and it jeopardizes our ability to provide the service at the best that we possibly can,” Douglas told reporters at the news conference carried live by the Government Information Service Television Channel.

The minister indicated that the country also had a problem with a number of hotel plants that are not certified.

He said the figure was below 50 per cent.

“We are reviewing the act because at the end of the day what we want to do is we want to facilitate growth and dynamism in the industry and we feel that the act, the Tourism Standard Act should facilitate that rather than hampering it,” Douglas said.

He said the changes can be “done by regulation” without the matter necessarily having to go to parliament.

The minister  said the idea was to have those changes implemented “sooner rather than later”.

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  1. just a suggestion
    February 26, 2012

    If the majority of hotels are not registering there must be a reason. The authorities may have to re-examine the registration process, or a better place to start, ask the businesses why.

  2. ?
    February 26, 2012

    What happened to the plans that Roseau was going to be the most beautiful Capital in the Caribbean with sidewalks etc.

    Also, the new bridge across Roseau river, was’nt this going to be a huge feature as we have the only river flowing through a Capital in the Caribbean. Was’nt there going to be colourful ‘huts’ on it that vendors could rent and sell goods and food to tourists. Have I got that wrong?

  3. hmmmmmmmr
    February 25, 2012

    hotel plants that are not certified?? wat is that?

    • Perhaps...
      February 25, 2012

      Perhaps it’s all to do with the soon to be introduced Fresh Produce Act!!!

  4. Nathaniel Peltier
    February 25, 2012

    Mr. Minister while I agree with you on this one. I think we need to look at the amount of mad and crazy people that are in Roseau more than these guys. There are a lot of tourist who walk around Roseau and are being abused by homeless and mad people. This I think need more immediate attention than the above.

    Last week I pesonally had to stop my car and run after a guy by the west bridge in the middle of Roseau abusing 2 elderly Tourist.

    February 25, 2012

    continue to vote for your party and continue to complain whether you are in govt or opposition upset or buway mad or crazy employed or working involved in obeah or christian rastarfari or catolic supper brain or humbly quiet great thinker or suspicion

    see i seeing hear i hearing and BANNIS i going and checkout

    TAX TAX TAX AND MORE TAX BIG TALK nothing happening or upside down we going or some of us too blind to see or too lazy to work or just cannot find work because its jealouse they jealous of us or i just do not know…..

    we need to do more for tourism to create employment and i think church goers have to pray more and help in unity of family community and country”’

    WE NOT GOING FUNERAL BECAUSE our country went down slowly according to ZANDA OMEGA ALFRED

  6. Charles
    February 25, 2012

    If you want to improve tourism on the island, don’t you think you should first and foremost address the violences againts tourists that happenned recently ? (Salisbury and Calibishie).
    If the criminals continue to have inpunity, the word will sprad and there will simply be no tourists anymore !

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      February 25, 2012

      As we continue to develop and attract more tourist, we have to start examining security more intenselty.
      Addressing safety and security is more involved than simply adding more capable police officers.

      Areas with high tourist volumes should be aided with Closed Circuit Cameras. Building designs, locations of entrances, exits and illumination are all factors that deter criminial activity.

      Adding armed private security officers to these areas will also help.

  7. looking at life
    February 25, 2012

    you see you all people in dominica the problem is there a tomaney of you all that can spell to good thats why you all a so full and why is just one man that can say what he wants and do what he want but time will tell you all as long something is not a problem for you its ok the thing is you all love give me to much so thay took you all out from working for you all self and giving you all food and money fo rnot doing nothing but its ezsy come ezsy go its in time you all will find out those at the top dont take time out to spell nore take time out to know how to talk to the people why dont you see that what about the PM telling the good spelling people like you so its not none of your dam business what he do take time to see that hope your busy working for what you want in life and not one of them going to there offices to help your self and your family

  8. Pedro
    February 25, 2012

    We talk standards, which is good, but we are afraid of doing the right thing. Though everything should not be on the back of governments, it is blatantly clear that one of the most obvious quality issues is right at the bayfront in full view of welcoming tourism officials and tourists. The mishmash tarpaulin and galvanize stalls are not of acceptable standards and can be a turn off to tourists. Granted that the vendors may not care or be able to afford something better, Government must not only seek to raise standards but also provide an incentive for the vendors, perhaps to build appropriate uniform, well designed stalls, and have the vendors rent. We all know that much talk about relocating the vendors to a vendor arcade is just that. Talk. Even if it happens, those standards should still be kept. First impressions is alot. There is just too much talk. The government should first educate and incentivize. The customer service part is for a different forum.

    • U MAD I HEAR
      February 26, 2012

      just like the stadium was talk
      just like the westcoast road was talk
      just like the state college was talk
      just like the yes we care was talk
      just like housing revolution was talk
      just like night landing was talk
      just like the state house was talk
      get pato to write a calypso called talk talk talk

      what else is talk
      no wander alu always talking on talk show
      because no matter what we government do
      allu have a talk mindset

      what time is it 18 minutes to 3

      pretty soon it will be 19 past to 2

  9. Gates
    February 24, 2012

    Fix the Darn Bayfront! The Benches I Mean Come On… So Long!

  10. February 24, 2012

    Mr. Tourism minister and your Gov’t are puting the cat before the horse.
    You first have to set-up the infrastructure of the country to make it more hospitable for people to want to return to Dominica on a longer stay.This is what we are suffering from “stay over tourism.”
    Instead of trying to punish the people on the bayfront who are the law abiding citizens, make it more convenient for them to sell their products.
    Fix-up Roseau and its environs make the place look more mordernized, break all the old houses and cover the drains.
    You are jumping the fence where it is at its lowest.
    What makes me more upset is that all you ministers are always overseas and see how they have developed their places to make it more habitable to attract tourists but for some reason ,you turn a blind eye when you come to your own country.
    Night life in Roseau is zero.
    Before you make more laws give the Police more training to fight crime.

    • Tour Operator
      February 26, 2012

      travelers are not afraid when they see old houses or lack of sewer. they love the island because of the originality and the heavenly nature, and of course the so friendly locals. they avoid dominica, when they hear about cases of crime, attacks again tourists and killing people.

  11. February 24, 2012

    i really do hope that they don’t ‘squeeze’ the poor malaywey eh

  12. Morihei Ueshiba
    February 24, 2012

    What a wicked Govt?
    It costs 241.75 for a flight from Dominica too puerto rick. US190.00 + Taxes
    Passengers pay
    DOM to SJU:
    $14.25 USD Sales Tax
    $7.00 USD Passenger Facility Charge
    $5.00 USD Airport Development Tax
    $5.50 USD Airport Authority Taxes
    $20.00 USD Fuel Surcharge
    $51.75 USD Total Tax

    Why don’t u reduce taxes on the people instead of making there life harder? What a wicked set of people? Why do we pay Airport Development tax and we don’t have an international airport?

    • FED UP
      February 24, 2012

      Learn to spell and coherantly detail your thoughts… that would be better than making a fool of yourself in the above depicted comment. Taxes are paid all over the world; in Developed countries and Developing countries alike. The issue in the article was not to increase taxes but to enhance the tourism product by putting in place rules to ensure that persons within the sector act accordingly. No rules equal Chaous and anarchy.

      • Wesleyman
        February 24, 2012

        wow you are correcting other people’s spelling is “Chaous” an english word?

      • FED UP
        February 24, 2012

        Look to the substance of the comment comrade….

      • FED UP
        February 24, 2012

        Just noticed the error…lol… the irony here eh …thanks for bringing that to my attention *”chaos”

      • Black Nobility
        February 24, 2012

        NOT adhering to the LAW and Constitution also brings anarchy.

      • February 24, 2012


      • make me dwit
        February 25, 2012

        The arrogance of our people Fed Up went on an insult parade whereas he or she had a spelling error. “Stick to the substance “-suchflip hubris.

      February 24, 2012

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but I always thought that ‘Airport Development Tax’ was to help maintain and develope the airport (International or otherwise).

      Anyway, the proposed amendment(s) seems to be geared towards cruise tourism.

      Only last week we overheard two bus drivers aruging because one offered a group of tourists a cheaper deal than the other.

      Nothing wrong with safe guarding and strengthening a product that so many rely on.

    • LULZ
      February 24, 2012

      What wickedness are you preaching? Sales tax is with EVERY country. Airport Development/Passenger Facility/Airport Authority that we pay in is the lowest of all Caribbean countries. Fuel Surcharge is with all airlines. In St. Lucia anyone who has left Vigie can tell you of the USD45 for Airport Dev and the USD35 for Airport Authority. Check your facts before you make a food of yourself.

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