Douglas forsees Roseau taking on tourism role

Douglas said improvements are being made to Roseau
Douglas said improvements are being made to Roseau

Minister for Tourism and Legal Affairs, Ian Douglas, has said that the island’s capital must begin to take on its role as a tourism site.

Speaking at the launching of the 2014 Tourism Awareness Month on Wednesday, Douglas noted that the plans are underway for the improvement of Roseau.

“Plans are ongoing for the development of Roseau. We have spoken a lot of the Roseau River Promenade and the entire makeover of Roseau to provide the infrastructure that will enhance the city. Roseau more and more must take on its role as a tourism site,” he said.

Douglas pointed out that various features of Roseau make the city a tour in itself to include the old creole quarter of Roseau, the Bayfront, the Roseau market, the Cathedral, the Baracoon Building, the Botanic Gardens.

He added further that Dominica should adopt world standards if it is to compete and succeed as a tourism destination, noting that the sector can only grow through more intimate collaboration between the public and the private sector.

“We need to know who our competitors are both regionally and internationally,” Douglas stated. “It will also help us to validate our own unique social and culturally attributes in product development. Dominica continues to develop its eco tourism product along sustainable lines which is in keeping with global trend involving minimal disturbance to our natural environment.”

In the meantime, Douglas added that the vagrancy issue remains a problem especially in the cruise sector.

“One of the more important factors in the ship deciding where they will go depends on how much revenue the ship can make while at the destination, and guest experience if the guests are not flawed by a destination then they are not encouraged to come back,” he stated. “The vagrancy issue has caused our ratings to go down and there is a cross ministerial committee that has been put together to work on that issue and that is headed by the Ministry of Health.”

He pointed out further that a number of suggestions have been brought up and are currently being worked on.

“A number of approaches are being employed as we speak to address that problem. It has to be dealt with if we are to enjoy our market share in the cruise sub sector,” he stated.




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  1. Possie Labourite
    May 1, 2014

    Ian Dog Last b4 u start talking about fixing Roseau why don’t you talk about fixing your potato garden Portsmouth. Here is a list of things you need to do in Portmouth:
    1. Place the lights on Benjamin Park
    2. Fix up Harbour Lane
    3. Fix up Borough Square and fix up the jetty there too
    4. Fix up the groin at Indian River, the hurricane season on us soon and the this time all boat tied up in the Indian River will surely mash up
    5. Complete the public toilet on the Bay Street in Portsmouth
    6. Declare the Indian River a protected reserve and tell those fellas stop encroaching on the wetlands and stop pouring pig water in river
    7. Reorganize Fete Marine in Portsmouth…
    There is more that I can say but I will stop here since the list will be too long… So tell us of your plans for Portsmouth, we do not want to hear about Roseau… OK Mr Dog Last

  2. original
    May 1, 2014

    The truth is all the labour ministers do not have any work experience, we Dom in cans are fools to trust you inexperience empty headed people and put the public purse in your hands
    some of you didn’t have father to buy you Christmas toys and now you guys are seeing money in your hands all you guys are doing is go on a spending spree, and wste the hard earned tax payers money.

  3. chette soilder
    May 1, 2014

    yes thats the last dog to dark :lol: then cry for D/CA

  4. Possie man
    May 1, 2014

    Ian oou pa nome you seem to have forgotten the you tube video, and the last Point Mitchel rally, man, no wounder the Calypso man said your dog came last

  5. Possie man
    May 1, 2014

    Well clearly Ian you made it into parliament on the Douglass legacy but you on your own you have showed the world that you are unable to perform in anything you are aspiring to hold , you certainly not good at law for if you were you would be the Ag. Skerro made you minister of tourism but tourism is swimming in the muddy pool caused by the Geo thermal project you all are trying to use as your trump card for winning the next election, you better start pulling up your boots string for when you loose the up coming election you have to start thinking how are you going to maintain the luxurious life you are accustomed to living on tax payers money, then you will learn what gwaya’ is and you will then realize you have failed the people of D A “CAM-MA MUST COME AROUND”

  6. hmmmm
    May 1, 2014

    After allu ignore Roseau all of a sudden is Roseau. Belle Beff

  7. Pat
    May 1, 2014

    I like Roseau, but first fix the drains and sidewalks to a decent state. Then security patrols on some of the recently eceived motor cycles when ships are in port, instead of police making vary on a few bikes just to ketch fellas smoking marijuana.

  8. Anonymous
    May 1, 2014

    Roseau stinks clean it up FIRST too much talk man

  9. ian
    May 1, 2014

    what is wrong with our government ministers? you guys should be shame of yourselves. After nearly 15 yrs in government why is it only now that all of these promises and sweet talk are being told.
    You have seen the need to implement all of what you have spoken about many years ago but never acted upon.

    we can’t promise your government will ever act upon what you have addressed.

    a promise is a comfort to a fool. Dominican are better able to understand the political games going on.

  10. Truth be Told
    May 1, 2014

    Boy, if you think that a tourist who leaves Europe, the US, Canada, Africa, China, South America and come all the way to Dominica to spend their hard earned salary or sometimes build up credit card debt, is looking forward to seeing Roseau – then you as Tourism Minister should resign right now because this goes to show that you do not understand your market; product and customers! You have been talking a lot of foolishness lately, but this one should be your last! By the way Roseau as an access point for the tourist i.e. being where most tourist ships berth in Dominica is sufficient reason for developing Roseau and taking all the cleanup and renovation and development actions that you and this Labour Government have been talking about for the last 14 years… when will you start to just do it?! Today you are telling us, “The vagrancy issue has caused our ratings to go down…” Dominicans need to hold this Labour Party Government personally responsible for destroying Dominica’s tourism image. How much will this Government destroy before enough is enough? Do Dominicans ever wonder, what will be left of us by the time these fools are gone? We have to start Agriculture all over again. We have to revive a failing tourism industry. We have to build industry and businesses again. We have to grow the economy again. And last but not least, how are we going to repay all the debt that has already been incurred with nothing generating any revenue to pay it back with? Dominicans will have to sell themselves and their children!

  11. pyro
    May 1, 2014

    why should the Tourists come before the people of the country? if the people are treated fairly and well then that would extend to the tourist, no one likes living or visiting those conditions mentioned!

  12. Simply the Truth
    April 30, 2014

    Minister Douglas I wish you encouragement with wanting to turn Roseau into a beautiful site which tourists could also enjoy. Dominican residents and visitors would also appreciate it. I hope this could commence soon since it will take time.
    I foresee the vagrants could pose a problem in getting them out of the streets and out of the presence of tourists. They are too visible and could be annoying to the tourists. They will never cease begging. I hope you have organized a committee to handle this difficult situation. You stated the Minister of Health is involved. I wish all of you good luck.
    Visiting D/cans as well will be happy not to encounter them for they could be aggressive while begging and especially if they are not given funds.
    There are those who think that visitors are rich and have a lot of money to dispense with and at a whim. They never consider that preparation for a visit and the airfare is expensive. In addition they must have funds while they are visiting until they return to their destination.
    I heard through the Toronto Media that the Provincial Premiere will bring down the budget next week. It is already leaked that there will be tax increases. Two of them will be for airline fuel and cigarettes. We can imagine that cost of air travel will increase.
    It is also said that those who earn $150,000 annually and over will also pay higher income tax. The latter is not sitting too well with those high earners. :) Once the budget is publicly released, there is nothing we can do about and that even though the opposition may try to incite an early election since the other Party is in the minority. They have been threatening this for sometime. Being expensive, Ontarians do not want an early election.
    All the same, do what you can for the Roseau vicinity to beautify it and construct proper drainage and sidewalks. Street lights should be installed in heavy traffic areas.
    God bless you with this vision and undertaking. May it commence soon and completed in record time.

  13. Anthony P. Ismael
    April 30, 2014

    If there was 10% action coupled with the minister’s babbling, we would be in great shape.
    Here are a few suggestions:
    1. Build a parking garage close the river side apartments and a bus terminal.
    2. Relocate the Roseau Market to Stock Farm.
    3. Use the market area to construct a multi-story building to include the following:
    A tourism welcome center and an area designated for vendors.
    4. Post the legal fees to the various attractions at the welcome center, to avoid price gouging.
    Cover the sidewalks and provide low interest loans for building owners to upgrade some of the dilapidated buildings in Roseau.

  14. Not a herd follower
    April 30, 2014

    ”He pointed out further that a number of suggestions have been brought up and are currently being worked on.

    A number of approaches are being employed as we speak to address that problem. It has to be dealt with if we are to enjoy our market share in the cruise sub sector,” he stated.

    Two inconsistent statements. If the suggestions are being worked out, then what is being employed (meaning actually being carried out)? Ian is really out of his depth. Ian, retire from government, nuh.

  15. 100% truthful
    April 30, 2014

    I wonder what Ian wife saying when she hear him talk those nonsense he has been talking. He sounds like a man with GWOPWELL.

    • Simply the Truth
      April 30, 2014

      Do you not have a better comment? Write something sensible in future and offer suggestions not such an unbecoming comment. If you have nothing better to state, refrain from doing so. No one can learn anything from your comments. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  16. Catarina
    April 30, 2014

    The tourists are running from the garbage in the streets,the crackheads,drug dealers,prostitutes,and really poor customer service in the majority of stores. Yes most of the people are polite and sweet but that’s not who the tourists meet. I had a drunkard kiss me in my face inside of Courts Dept. store,A drug addict grab my hand and scrape the skin off the palm of my hand till it bleed and a girl offer me sex for a fee? Not all in the same day but that’s just too much man! The tourists want to visit the Nature but Roseau scares them right back from which way they came, trust me.

      April 30, 2014

      fully agree with you…Dominica nature is beautiful (I love it) but every place where Dominicanslive is just terrible…take any village and every normal tourist will be terrified…Roseau, New Town, Mahaut, Massacre….its not a problem of Roseau…its who Dominica people are…you can paint walls and put new windows but it wont prevent from having empty bottles, garbage and urinating guys all over the place…

  17. April 30, 2014

    Warrington u are so right,Roseau is the last place i wanna be when am in D/A.I love the hills,Valleys,mountains and all nature has to offer in my Dominica.That guy is in the wrong department.

  18. ##Dominica.#
    April 30, 2014

    sadly this minister is all over the place looking at him tells me he is not embarrassed that the World is reading and listening to him, there`s so much in the pipe line it already exploded, and washed away. Things like that makes it very easy not to vote persons like that to take care of our countries affairs. SMH.

  19. Bee
    April 30, 2014

    These fellas on the news by turns man? First Walter, Ambrose try a thing and now Ian? Hmmm who’s next?

  20. the fig tree
    April 30, 2014

    Can somebody please tell me how much money Dominica’s tourism industry earns the country approximately annually, what percentage is that of its foreign exchange earnings and what what percentage of all jobs on the island is from Tourism? Just need to get those stats for a project…DNO…Can you help me pls?

    • smh
      May 1, 2014

      try Discover Dominica Authority.

    April 30, 2014

    its interesting idea…I propose to add following attractions for visitors of Roseau in order to make their Dominica experience just unbelievable: 1) insane bus drivers charging tourists 200 EC to show them waterfall 2) half-naked vagrants begging for money 3) dirty tents offering to buy bob marley t-shirts etc 4) very ‘friendly’ local men making dirty derogatory comments about single women and acting as if all visiting women are whores … of course Im Dominica, are you?

    • Simply the Truth
      April 30, 2014

      It sounds like there is a big change in Roseau and not for the best. Let us hope Roseau will be cleaned up from those vagrants. There are such people who lack discipline and respect in every country. The difference is that in some countries if they are observed the police will arrest those who disturb the peace and harass pedestrians/shoppers. Some of them could be known to the police, in that they have a criminal record or more. These dare not come close to these people. They probably will think twice to interfere with others for they may be injured or murdered. In smaller countries it appears that those vagrants are bolder. They should be arrested and if a policeman is visible. Too many times they are not in the vicinity.

    • Simply the Truth
      April 30, 2014

      As for those heartless and greedy bus drivers, it is also avarice to over-charge tourists. It is a downright sin and should be considered a crime.
      This is a matter for Douglas. He should be informed about that and to set a price for tours depending on the distance. If the driver was nice to them, the would surely give him a good tip. I would think most of these tourists, if not all of them tip generously.
      Once when I visited Dominica, I had just left the Roseau Cathedral and was walking along Virgin Lane on my way to the CHS on Bath Road to visit someone. A tourist ship was in the harbor. Two elderly couples who were either in their late 70’s or early 80’s (I assume) asked me for direction to the Botanic Gardens. While talking to them, a bus driver stopped and asked if they wanted transportation for a fee of course. They said no. He persisted. I told him they said “NO!” He drove off.
      I told the couple I am going close to the Botanic Gardens and I will show them the way. I cautioned them not to accept a ride from anyone.
      This bus driver should know that the acceptable place to take tourists on tours is at the area of disembarkation and he has to register his name and vehicle (if I am not mistaken). What he did was illegal.
      Incidentally, the couple told me they resided in Toronto. I told them I reside in Toronto, that I am a Dominican and visiting. I was ever happy to assist them. Fellow D/cans should do likewise. Leave them with a good feeling which will assist to make their stay enjoyable and that they will be happy to return someday.
      If I was not busy, running late, I would have accompanied them during their visit at the Botanic Gardens. I recall those days when we would go to the Botanic Gardens especially on Sunday afternoons. Those were the days. Fond memories. :lol:

  22. Oh Yes
    April 30, 2014

    Excellent move. This is the way to go. There is a lot of history and tourism potential in Roseau.

    • JoJo
      May 1, 2014

      There is a world of difference between talk and action Ian! I really wish we could turn Roseau from a dump into an attraction. Shouldn’t we perhaps have done that Ian before spending so much money on a splendid residence for Charles Savarin first? Skerrit told us with pride that this would be a tourist attraction but all I seeing is tourist taking pictures of the place and of the vagabonds and ruins next to show people back home what? That we got out priorities right and found a way to put hell next to heaven?

  23. Francisco Telemaque
    April 30, 2014

    “Speaking at the launching of the 2014 Tourism Awareness Month on Wednesday, Douglas noted that the plans are underway for the improvement of Roseau.”

    Yes, Mr. !


    It is election time and you all are going to pull out all the stops, leaving no stones unturned; you are going to transform Roseau into a shingling city in a gully; filled with depression, and poverty. Only that you intend to cover the ills of Roseau with nothing more than mouth talk, while you fire off fart from below!

    Ironically, you are going to build a new city with a gallon of red paint. Hear you are once again babbling about tourism awareness month: as usual this awareness applies only to Dominica, how come there are no advertisement in the United States, and Canada, and Europe inviting the tourist to come to visit for the month, luring them by offering them an irresistible discount on hotel rooms which will serve as an incentive to draw them to the country.

    What can you do to a dilapidated place such as Roseau in order to make it look any better unless you tear down all of those three hundred year old buildings and older, and replace them with new ones.

    And my final question to you is this: how can you be so basin to continue to talk about tourism week, which has now gone to month; are you so confounded that you refuse to talk about the construction of an International Airport which is the key to the success of the tourism industry.

    Has Ralph Gonzales brainwashed you and the rest so much that you have no recollection, or concept of the word International Airport. I suppose I must now write you a letter writing from right to left with the hope you will understand anything I convey When I wrote to you suggesting you relay to Skerrit the intentions of that Hollywood producer who intended to hold a annual film festival in Dominica, maybe if I conveyed that to you writing from right to left; boy you would have understood, and run to Skerrit with the message.

    You are not even a messenger never mind a tourism minister. minister, my foot. You are no good!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Simply the Truth
      April 30, 2014

      With all your critics and advice, unwarranted ones which you think are proper and feasible, why do you not get out of your comfort zone in the US and go to your land of birth to assist them be it for a while.

      • JoJo
        May 2, 2014

        Well, well, the kettle calling the pot black.

    • smh
      May 1, 2014

      on the way…not underway

      • D
        May 1, 2014

        underway not on the way. SMH!

  24. Change is a must
    April 30, 2014

    Ian has been the Minister of Tourism for the past 4 years and what has he delivered? All talk and not action. The first thing you must do Mr. Minister is to clean up Roseau. The place is dirty. Also get ride of the vagrants and old run down shacks. Right now vehicles have taken over the side walk and pedestrians walk on the street. What are your plans to address that. It is so sickening that these ministers are paid large salaries monthly to develop the country and all they can show is a big empty speeches. Dominica cannot continue like that . This is total mismanagement of the of the country that was entrusted to the Labour government. We had enough of those fellars. Pack Up…Time Up!!!

    • Positively Dominican
      April 30, 2014

      I support your comment 100%. Elections around the concern, so the heat is on…..Promises promises, statements here and there.

      Change must come! Change is a must!

  25. MAMIE
    April 30, 2014

    You prophetic eyes should also forsee the end of your political career

  26. Sisserou
    April 30, 2014

    Here are 142 recent cruise ship passenger reviews on Dominica. The beauty of the island, not the sites in Roseau, is what the tourists want to see. (hope the link works)dominica,likes&direction=desc&reviews_page=1

  27. Educator
    April 30, 2014

    How come this man is always making speeches talking about what should or should not be done.

    Stop all the talking and (according to Nike), Just Do It.

  28. Anonymous
    April 30, 2014

    If that is the most recent pic of Ian addressing the launching of the 2014 Tourism Awareness Month, then there is NO CONVICTION is his delivery as can be seen on his face!!!!!!

  29. grell
    April 30, 2014

    Here we go again and again Ian singing for his supper,dont know what are you guys vision,backward government,dominica sit on billions in the agriculture sector and you fools just dont get the picture.

  30. warrington
    April 30, 2014

    Roseau, the Bayfront, the Roseau market, the Cathedral, the Baracoon Building, the Botanic Gardens. things like that them tourists running from,in their own country.not including the gardens. y r u going to show it to them again?man sometimes i wonder if all u ministers know what all u are talking about.

    • Simply the Truth
      April 30, 2014

      Warrington, they are not all like you. Be broadminded. I have seen tourists go into the Roseau Cathedral. I also saw a male tourist coming in Church on a Sunday at the Pottersville Church. The tourist ship was launched in the harbor nearby. I had attended the first Sunday Mass. The second had not yet begun and I saw him hurrying in the Church. If I was closer to him I would have informed him of the time of the other Mass.
      Those who are practicing Catholics will take the time to go to Church be it on a short visit. The priests tell them God does not take a holiday even though they are on holidays :lol: and that they should find a nearby Church to go to.
      During another visit to D/ca, I also met a lady going into the Church one Friday. We spoke. She told me she resided in Toronto (another one). She told me she is Catholic.
      Appreciate the Cathedral which at this time is undergoing repairs. I can inform you, this Cathedral is as big, if not bigger than St Michael’s Cathedral in downtown Toronto. The Roseau Cathedral is beautiful with three Altars. St. Michael’s has only one but beautiful in itself. It is also a tourist site.
      As for other sites, they are all worth it. The Botanic Gardens is quiet. Tourists could go for a walk in peace and tranquility. This is what some tourists are looking for especially if they are elderly. They could take pictures.
      There are some who may not go on long tours and wish to tour only the surroundings of Roseau. This is why Roseau should be as attractive a town as possible. One look at an unattractive area could turn people off.
      Offer some concrete suggestions on how this could be done. After all, it is your country and town and you reside there.

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