Vendors along the Roseau Bay front could soon have an official place to conduct business.
Tourism Technical Specialist Sobers Esprit told a tourism stakeholders meeting on Monday that plans are afoot to enhance the city of Roseau and make it more tourism friendly.
According to him one key area which will be addressed is that of vending in the Roseau area.
“The first major area is the area of Roseau and the redevelopment of the city. We are going to be working with the vendors there to develop a more pleasant atmosphere to make it more exquisite. We have studied that process…we are trying to minimize the problem about vending all over Roseau. There are two suggestions. We are trying to see how we can get the current building used by DEXIA to convert that into an artisan mall,” he said.
Esprit said the “artisan mall” would be used to display and sell local items, including herbs and spices.
He said government is also hoping to convert the Ruins bar into a more upscale vendor’s mall.
“We can have shops, boutiques and café’s right in that location,” he told the meeting.
Give the Labour Party Government a chance to do what they are doing. Dominica will look better.
Does anybody know what is going to happen to The Ruins rum bar? Or when this planned renovation will take place? Will it be a year or more or will this happen sooner?
Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Trust me on that one.
I have been around the region and that is a no no , the vendors feel trap the tourist feels restricted, in this kind of setting. that kind of vending is better in an open air area, what I think might best work is to get some nice tents and some order. and mark out an area where these tents can go. When you looking for bargin like this and you dont have a lot of time, you want an open area where you can walk around, where you can see every thing, in a short glance. The vendors make sails on “inpulse buying”
What Mr. Espirit needs to study is buyers behaviour. Toursit on cruise ships likes open area for shopping. They like a open market setting. not an enclosed place. They even like a little hackling if it is done in good taste. Probably the old ruin , but not dexia. Buy the fish market. Its just a few of them that will walk to that area.
Take that from the skeptic.
Very good idea i must say…….we really need to make Roseau more tourism friendly so thats a really great recommendation.I would jus like to see those great ideas coming to reality.
This is a very good idea, I remember 6yrs ago when I lived in D/ca there were vendons all along the street, round kfc area, not to mention going down toward the market… I think its good to gather the vendors and have them in a central location. This will make it more convenient and pleasant on the eyes of prospective buyers and public alike.
I too also think that is a step in the right direction. Now all they have to learn is basic customer service.
They must show and Educate those venders how to keep it clean.
Great job.
yah man keep them ideas coming this is the only way we going to make it if we put those ideas out there yah man its about that time for Dominica lets do something