Piper wants more visitors to Dominica

Colin Piper

Head of the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) Colin Piper, has said part of the authority’s marketing strategy is to convince more people to visit Dominica.

He said a two-day conference on access to Dominica this week allows the DDA to speak about what opportunities exist for partnerships with airlines and explain what exactly has to be done in making Dominica a destination of choice.

Piper is hoping to send a strong message to visiting airline representatives attending this week’s access conference in Dominica.

“One of the things that we are committed to doing from a marketing perspective is to continue to grow the number of visitors into Dominica and to continue to impress upon Dominicans in the diaspora to come back home every now and then,” he stated.

The top tourism official is hoping that domestic travel will improve, thus providing better business for the airline companies.

“It’s not just incumbent upon us to market the people coming for a holiday, but if families start coming back every year as opposed to every other year and domestic travel improves then we will see the numbers that an airline needs to be profitable would have increased.  As a consequence these airlines will now service Dominica to the benefit of visitors coming in and spending additional money on the island,” Piper noted.

Meanwhile Trinidadian access Consultant working with the Discover Dominica Authority, Ian Bertrand, is suggesting that efforts be made by Dominica to improve the facilities at existing airline hubs to encourage passengers to fly to the island.

“Unless you can improve the facilitation of the passengers at those hubs then you are not creating an improved solution. The person coming from New York into Antigua or Barbados doesn’t necessarily want to go through the long hassle of immigration and customs to board another aircraft to come to Dominica. They want a very smooth access where they go straight into the in-transit lounge,” he said.

Bertrand is suggesting that Dominica make financial resources available to upgrade services at in-transit facilities.

“That requires Dominica recognizing that it does have a responsibility for those passengers at those hubs and working with the management of those hubs, probably even contributing money. It’s a lot cheaper to contribute a couple dollars to an in transit facility than to build a new airport,” the consultant noted.

A number of 3rd tier carrier airlines including Kiu and Raddix were represented at the access conference which came to a close at the Fort Young Hotel on Wednesday.

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  1. Justice and Truth
    September 29, 2012

    After development of various industries what is next? There is not one person who addressed the issue of criminality (or did I miss it) which drove some tourists away from Dominica. Prior to ensuring that Dominica gets increased tourism, the government must ensure that it is a safe place to visit.
    Those who were attacked, injured, their vehicle and funds stolen and were raped have returned to their homeland and no doubt spread their experience to their government, their family, friends and travel agencies.
    Convince those agencies who advertise for passeners and who book their flights that Dominica is a safe place to visit. This is important.

  2. Tourism Consultant
    September 28, 2012

    Honorable Minister for Tourism

    How can you allow such a meeting on air access to be held in Dominica with air access consultant, Trinidadian Ian bertrand recommending that Dominica must improve transit facilities at hubs to encourage increased passenger airlift to Dominica…?

    How can you allow your Director of Tourism/CEO of Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) to talk about increasing DOMESTIC passenger travel in Dominica, when he should be talking about increasing INBOUND/INTERNATIONAL travel. If the man at the helm at DDA do not know the difference between Domestic and International passenger travel then he is not suitable to hold that position.

    How can you have a meeting on AIR ACCESS and not place emphasis on DIRECT INTERNATIONAL AIR ACCESS.

    I recall a few years ago Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves telling our late Prime Minister, Hon. Pierre Charles that Dominica does not need an international airport… but today he is building one at Argyle in St. Vincent. St. Vincent has a smaller land mass than Dominica. They now boast of major 4 – 5 star hotel developments taking place… although their airport is still being built.

    In Dominica what can we boast of? closure of the Rain Forest Aerial Tram, halting of servie by American eagle, cutbacks by LIAT, cutbacks from the cruise ship sector, increased crimes against visitors, declining quality of visitor services and products… and the list can go on…

    DIRECT INTERNATIONAL AIR ACCESS is very critical and without itall the products and services we yearn to offer, all the foreign exchange we expect to get will never happen…

    Now I know DNO will not print this and I wont be surprised either…

    • September 30, 2012

      Tourism Consultant, I fully agree with your posting. Dominica is mountainous, but there are many, many areas on the Island suitable to build an International Airport. If we can go to Barbados to catch a flight to Canada, or San Juan for a flight to America we can go to wherever the International Airport is. I do believe to attract tourism and to bring in revenue an International Airport would serve the Island right. Of course, unacceptable behavior of any kind should be punishable and restricted, but without tourism and employment the Island will not make much improvement. By-the-way, the Island also need to be cleaned up, especially in the countryside, the roads, bridges, landscape, and lighting. The lighting on the Island is very poor. The location is most areas are unnecessary. Light where there are no residents and where people reside have no lights. The list goes on and on and on.

  3. Anonymous
    September 28, 2012

    I think it’s time to move World Creole Festival to Portsmouth. The vibes there are so much better and that park is perfect. Minister Douglas, start looking at this. Just put some money into beautify Portsmouth and you will have a gem of a city in the Caribbean.

  4. ?????????
    September 27, 2012

    I remember in high school I did a study on the Canefield Airstrip and my findings revealed that this was a disaster waiting to happen. The planes land horizontal to the winds and that can be a serious issue – I believe this might have been the reason for the closure in the first place. Why look to re-open? THe appropriate persons need to step in and do whats right for the strategic development of our country. STOP PLAYIN POLITICS WITH THIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Dominica is years behind its peers! WHen will we realize this? If an international airport is not critical why do our sister islands invest in one? Oh Lord, help my beautiful country – ignorance is something else.

  5. Opinionated
    September 27, 2012

    All this talking, Piper is afraid to say:

    1. We need a jet strip.

    2. We need to effectively market Dominica

    3. The millions of dollars to upgrade Melville Hall Airport was a waste.

    4. Tourism is down so tourists are definitely not going to visit the state palace.

    This is what he is afraid to say thus he is beating around the bush.

    • Cerberus
      September 28, 2012

      1. We do have a “jet strip” that can accommodate the likes of Boeing 737’s (Ask Roosevelt Skerrit how the overseas voters were flown into Melville Hall at the time of the last election!)
      2. The “State Palace” as a tourist attraction was only ever a red herring to part-justify its construction. Does anyone seriously believe tourists would come to Dominica to admire this edifice?

  6. concerned
    September 27, 2012

    If that was the highlight of the meeting at Fort Young then it was a waste of time and money! Where are the creative minds? What was reported is nothing new and does not require a gathering.

  7. Cerberus
    September 27, 2012

    In fairness to Mr. Piper and ourselves, he deserves our help rather than our barbs. Criticism by all means but let it be constructive. He did not create the challenges we are faced with and is trying to promote our “little” island on a shoestring budget.
    Our sister island St. Lucia, despite a 2012 budget allocation to their Tourism Board of $45 million for marketing plus another $5 million for product development lost nearly 20% of their airlift capacity from the main market, the U.S.A. so far this year!

    Any of you out there, who can do better than Colin Piper? Go ahead and submit your application to Hon. Ian Douglas, who ultimately has repsonsibility for our tourism development.

    • Anonymous
      September 27, 2012

      Interesting. Very interesting. $50 million and still losing air lift and that does not include the $15 million? a year they pay to subsidize empty airline seats so what? EC$65 million every single year and still they lose airlift and yet here we are still demanding an airport because we think that will solve our problems.

      To pay that EC$65 million every single year the St. Lucian government has to take money from education, take from healthcare, take from security take take take take take take then they have to increase taxes, and on it goes and yet here we are still demanding an ariport because we think that will solve our problems.

    • time-tells-all
      September 27, 2012


      You are asking for the public to help Piper? Piper was hired to help Dominica move Dominica forward. If he cannot put forth tangible solutions then he does not deserve to be there. As a professional he should also be concerned about reputation. Right now Piper is singing to the tune of the government and staying under the radar to avoid any hiccups.

      You mention St. Lucia – stop using other peoples challenges to defend Dominica’s inadequacies. If St Lucia lost 20% of its seats from the US – it could have easily made up those seats from other markets. Dominica DOES NOT HAVE THAT OPTION.

      Colin is not suited for the position he holds. Piper is not suited for the position he holds. Moreover, he is unwilling to speak the honest truth because it will come at the expense of his job.

      If Piper wanted to keep the waters at bay and keep criticism out of the picture, he should have done the wise thing and not have this seminar.

      As for the consultant who recommended that Canefield Airport be revived, it would be good if such consultants to some solid research to determine why the services at the airport had to be brought to an almost stand still. making recommendations that make no economic sense is like banging to pans together – all it does is create noise.

      The Government of Dominica and its agencies need to face the facts. Tourism will continue to decline without improved access. Improved access means having the facilities to allow jets to land.

      Ferry service and regional service alone will not solve the problem.

      Oh and by the way – no payment is required for the consultancy that I provided above. Consider it my contribution.

    • Mamizoo
      September 28, 2012

      Piper like many others in position of authority are just singing the tune of his master. To cast any blame on this government is career suicide.

  8. Anonymous
    September 27, 2012

    When the attitudes in DA change, then people will come. Until then, you can wish for tourism all you want. If you want to see a friendly island, go to Tortola…………and that is what people want. Tourists don’t like the feeling of having money extracted from them.

  9. Anonymous
    September 27, 2012

    “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly pursuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him” Leo Tolstoy

  10. boulay
    September 27, 2012

    no 1 flight to DA is a nightmare.coming to the island in july bought a LIAT ticket 3mth in ADV,they change my flight not informing me.the rest is a long story.despora in SXM.stop wasting money on consultants and LIAT.

  11. off tract
    September 27, 2012

    its best they had concentrate on lengthening the runway than these foolish improvements on this airport,it a good heavy shower falls the whole area floods,you only know you paying your embarkation tax but u arnt seeing no cashier,before you put down your passenger security is after you or paging you like we are so high-speed here.bills are so high for that area yet still taxi drivers are using the pipe water in the reserved taxi area to wash their buses when the river is close by and the workers are using the security and daspa vehicles to to uncalled excessive personal duties wasting the fuel and damaging the vehicles.economy is low yet time is wasted for night landing where liat is being paid to do so plus how much money has to be paid to workers in overtime.staff in different sections lacking in customer relation.drugs and money laundering being practiced there at liat and the culprits are known yet those in-charge (customs) laugh and let it slide in broad day light.when there is one single flight on ground (AA)you cant find an american airline agent to assist you if you are a bit late.liat workers keep going in ppls bags and smuggling things ..poor construction of the building which is trying to be rectified after a couple of years.no restaurant or duty free inside the departure area AND THE RESTAURANT outside is excessively expensive.. mall handling by disgruntled workers of passengers bags and the list goes on and on..so much ave seen one trip coming in and the other leaving and am amassed..

  12. Foreigner
    September 27, 2012

    Dominica is unsuitable for people with young families – the lack of an international airport turns the journey into a nightmare, the appalling state of the pavements means strollers are a no go, and there are no amusements geared to young kids except Breezeemart.
    Dominica is too limited for young people – accommodation is very expensive, transport without a car is too restricting because buses stop running far too early and don’t run on Sundays to many places, and there is no nightlife.
    Dominica is too difficult for older people – everything involves walking long distances (even changing buses in Roseau), there aren’t enough public toilets, and there aren’t enough restaurants open in the evening.
    So unless you are rich, childless, middle aged and fit and don’t mind having nothing to do and nowhere to go in the evenings Dominica is not the holiday destination for you. No wonder we don’t get enough visitors!

    • Tourism Consultant
      September 28, 2012

      This is a very good description of the state of tourism in Dominica and to add to it Discover Dominica Authority is clueless as to what should be done since all they are concerned about is their monthend travel, trips and perks…it makes me want to :cry:

  13. September 27, 2012

    “Piper wants more visitors to Dominica”.. I could have made that no brainer comment myself without the big salary!! I am Dominican trying to come home for the Creole Festival..I am deterred as the airfares are ridiculous.What would make a non Dominican want to visit???

  14. Corrupt_Bastards
    September 27, 2012

    Skerrit has no vision and cannot negotiate, no wonder we get that night landing nonsense instead of an international airport mister should resign and stop embarassing Dominica. :mrgreen:

  15. lightbulb
    September 27, 2012

    Bahamas has US immigration clearance on shore. Dominica should provide visitors clearance in these transit areas.

  16. Trebs
    September 26, 2012

    Piper is at DDA and has been there for a long time now. Yet he speaks as if he is some helpless street vendor who is hoping and praying for things to happen.


    he speaks nice, looks like a professional, but is basically out of his depth. why did you appoint the agency out of minnesota if you still hoping to bring people in. why do you travel to all these shows if it results in meaningless statistical gains.

    dominicans dont learn. yvor was min of tourism and not one new hotel was built in da under him, nothing advanced. his father is on record as saying da dont need an intl airport.

    so what do they do. let him promote himself to chairman of invest da.

    But high color and nice second name seems to be a formula that continues to work on dmnicans.

    There are people from dominica, both in dominica and out of dominica, who are more dynamic and able to speak to those problems, but these people are just spinning top in mud.

    the solution to dominicas air problem is not at transit level because we are competing with the transit locations. You really expect antigua to facilitate our tourism industry.

    Its at market segmenting and setting expectations.

    It makes more sense to market to tourists and their agencies who spend two or more weeks in barbados and martinique and sxm and do one drop trips to other islands than to try to get someone to commit to an entire trip to da.

    One day, people will learn how Dominica is being bled dry.

  17. Whistler
    September 26, 2012

    Why are People amazed..lol

    didn’t they not charmed majority of dominicans saying nightlanding will solve all the issues..

    simple just shows what a nation dominica is and also the mindset of many a dominican..
    a few cents some grains here and there..that’s dominica’s summary…could care less..

    they not known to be brilliants thinkers….haha
    im looking only seeing darkness over the island!

    • September 30, 2012

      Night landing until what time? This airport needs an overhaul of repairs. It’s scary enough to land during the day, who wants to land at night? I recently visited and saw the night lights. These lights are not safe enough to do night landing. Oh, if you consider 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. as night landing one could try it. I thought night landing was supposed to be throughout the night. Not yet, we are not there yet. Much improvement is required. Instead of improving Melville Hall they’re talking about the WAREHOUSE in Canefield. Tourism, investment, revenue, we have a long, long way to go.

  18. doc
    September 26, 2012

    piper stop the wishfull thinking, destiny a carnival vessel passed dominica to go to barbados which is far south, visas are not given to high profile dominicans, the tourist season is dead, american eagle moving out… can’t you see there is some kind of economic sabotage leveled against dominica…

    • Anonymous
      September 26, 2012

      doc stop spreading crap they moving out of pr to so what u saying AA is in recoop mode.

      • £$%"!¬
        September 28, 2012

        i never know does tourist boats pulling out of pr.. you should a skerrit P.R.O

  19. ?????????
    September 26, 2012

    Dominica needs to be market in the American and European market. What does Dominica has to attract visitors to it shores. What is there on the island to attract teenagers/ teenage visitors. Are there any night life on the island?

    How about Jet Blue Airlines to Dominica.

  20. Wallhouse
    September 26, 2012

    What happened to the Dominica booth at the air passanger entrance to Antigua airport that was put in place during Dame Eugenia’s time?

    The staff there guided Dominica bound travellers through to their connecting flights. It worked well at the time.

  21. Stoney
    September 26, 2012

    Have to say to you Kindly Mr.Piper..

    it nah gonna work tal..

    this ruling regime is not in sync with your ideas..
    they pretty much inside the box Govt..

    Next door please….

  22. September 26, 2012

    The Dollar man who separated the agencies should get rid of these agencies now. Waste of time. Paying consultants big money for what we know already. Stop wasting people time and money and do your work. Many consultations have come up with the same ideas. waste of tax payers money.

  23. T mama
    September 26, 2012

    Flow with the TIMES….we need an International Airport…why didn’t the Government just continue the project UWP started???… and yes we have our own experts in Dominica to help…ask Mr Norris Prevost for advise…he did a very good job when he was Minister….

  24. dom
    September 26, 2012

    Just reading the heading, you want more visitors? Really?
    You know how much variety there is in SOuthern Caribbean cruises? Very few in fact its hard to get what you want. My family and I have looked for a few and ended up going else where because theyre only available to some islands and you spend more time at sea than anything else.

    Secondly flying to Dominica is a NOO! 2 days each way. So many stops and I’m definitely not the only person that feels that way.

  25. new york
    September 26, 2012

    these people who does write the long paryer stop it just get to the point admint say somehing about that or delete them

  26. Way Out There
    September 26, 2012

    I thought the Minister of Tourism was the top tourism official and not Piper

  27. Mamizoo
    September 26, 2012

    “Bertrand is suggesting that Dominica make financial resources available to upgrade services at in-transit facilities.” Wow genius!!!!!. Am I hearing that we should consider pumping money into the airports in Antigua ,Barbados, St Lucia or St Vincent just to facilitate passengers going to Dominica? Did somebody tell Bertrand that we awarded LIAT 8 million dollars?
    What is a smooth transition and what kind of facility and resources are required for a smooth transition. As a well traveled Dominican the only smooth transition we want is the joy of landing at home without having to deal with the multiple stops.
    So mr Bertrand, Collin and others we do understand that we are dealing with the old pay the piper ardage.” he who pay the piper call the tune” So you guys can dance around the issue as much as you like , one thing for sure is that too much of the same music is not good for the party.
    I anxiuosly await the same talk shop sale next year around the same time. We are also awaiting Ian Douglas’ yearly hot air talk about access to Dominica.
    Did somebody tell betrand about the famous night landing victory flight and the 120 million dollars wasted on the melleville Hall airport? Did somebody tell betrand that the 120 million dollars was suppose to significantly improve access to Dominica?
    I am sure that Mr Betrand is just interested in his consulting business. Did Mr Betrand consult advisor of extra ordinary abilities Hartley Henry on why after 120 million dollars we may have to spend money at hubs just to accomodate passengers to Dominica.
    Mr Betrand I know that in Trinidad you guys use some of the creole phrases but I doubt Trinidadians know that phrase – ” Weh Weh Weh “

    • Malatete
      September 27, 2012

      Here we go again! Last time I transitted at Barbados there was nobody from LIAT at the tranfer desk. I had to clear passport control, schlep my bag through customs myself (although it was properly labelled through to Dominica!) and stand in line again at a chaotic LIAT desk to check in again for my connecting flight to Dominica. As you said, we’ve already given $8 million to LIAT. What are they doing to facilitate transfers to Dominica? Its not asif we are not paying them handsomely for an uncomfortable seat on a dated aircraft where one is not even offered a cup of coffee!

  28. 4u2c
    September 26, 2012

    Tired with these same old backward workshops to come to the same conclusion every time. It seem we like we are upgrading our stupidity every year to more foolish.
    Simply solution to attract travelers to Dominica- A JET STRIP!! Unless we do not have that kind of access we wasting time and blowing hot air. St.Kitts did it!, St.Lucia booming because she has it! Grenada has it and ST.Vincent getting it! What is wrong with us? We so Partisan in our thinking that development and doing the right thing becomes RARE SENSE? Stop waiting on locals to come home. We only do that because there is some loyalty to our country but u have to think on the other folks who want to visit a country for holidays ect. Some of us too broke to fly LIAT! Get proper access you will see Dominicans and others in the hundreds and thousand flocking to the country..Stop the politicting and Develope the coutry. Those never graduate politician in power just greedy and have no idea as to how to negotiate or even sell a candy….

    • Reporter..
      September 26, 2012

      You r my HEROE!! :wink:

  29. Anonymous
    September 26, 2012

    I think it’s great that these small airlines struggling against the giants saw it fit to come to see how they can increase their market share and help add more airline seats into DA but were the giants here too? Who exactly attended the conference?

  30. Anonymous
    September 26, 2012

    Bertrand is right! I agree with him 100%. Investing in intransit services is far cheaper and can be built into the product marketing as it pretty much makes all visitors to Dominica feel VIP!

  31. Morihei Ueshiba
    September 26, 2012

    If he wants more visitors to Dominica who should resign.

  32. tommy
    September 26, 2012

    Not our fault, but the lack of a real intransit process in Antigua is sorely needed.
    Hello, if you just walked off an aircraft then you have already been security processed at the originating location. Why do we have to undergo the indignity of another security processing?

    • Cerberus
      September 27, 2012

      This ridiculous idea was adopted from the U.S.A. where apparently they don’t trust any security agencies from outside their territory, who did the original searching/vetting, to do their jobs. I’ve head the experienc of arriving in Charlotte from London, for instance where security insisted on checking passengers’ luggage upon arrival in the U.S.A, immediately after passing through immigration and customs. When I asked innocently “why” it was made clear in no uncertain terms that that was none of my business. What dangerous- & subversive material could one possible carry in checked-in luggage, all the way across the Atlantic that already has been security checked at say an airport in London or Frankfurt prior to boarding? There may be a very good explanation but until somebody explains that to me I can only see it as paranoia gone overboard.

  33. grell
    September 26, 2012

    piper your a waste i will say once again,once you have to to through stinking antigua it will remain a problem,please wake up from st thomas to dominica is about an hour yet it takes an entire day.dont understand what you guys are thinking.

  34. Old House.
    September 26, 2012

    So after such a BIG meeting of the Minds on air access to D/ca, that is all Colin has to say!! Is this the next level of thinking for the DLP??Well my people you need to ake up and smell the coffee.

  35. same time
    September 26, 2012

    I believed the dollar man killed the tourism industry in Dominica…… his one dollar a year strategy did not do any justice to us in the tourism industry. He thought he was helping the situation, but sad to say, he crucified tourism big time……alas, alas, alas. I remember those days when I would visit and do business at the NDC….things were working better..,Investors were coming in, doing business all over. Where are they now? ….. every staff member I knew, Sharon Pascal, Sobers Esprit, Marvlyn James, Michael Eugene, William Mc Lawrence, Ophelia Marie, Martha Auguiste, the front desk young lady, Cyrilla Alexis, Melanie Popo,Sammy Smith, they all were pulling their weights with less pay bondye. About now, most hotels in Roseau were already booked for WCMF…..Staff was working tirelessly..visitors had to rent rooms at the homes of individuals, today tourism is weeping with a bigger pay packet and not much work to do. Help tourism Father God cause the banana industry lives no more.

    • Tourism Consultant
      September 28, 2012

      So where are all these people now… home unemployed or they are now working? Well that was part of the next level package… some had to be sacrificed… but what goes around comes around… :lol: :lol: :lol:

  36. windy hill
    September 26, 2012

    Mr. Piper what you failed miserable to understand as a Professional is that if the Ruling Regime is extremely childlike does not have experience in Setting up a elementary Budget,Management aspects.
    Everything you wish or attempt to gain will be stifled in the trenches…

    What you need to understand is that Success is gained by hard work a vision to see the bigger ideals etc….but your present regime which you are under is doomed…

    the tourism product is dead and can only be revived by newer minds which have either a track record of success or doing things in a larger module….

    So please take this place in into your pipe have a few draws and you will get the vibe while you meditate…….Give thanks much respect!

  37. As I See It
    September 26, 2012

    Is that News? What is news? Mr.piper has a responsibility to promote Dominica (thus bringing more people to Domibnica) as a destination for vistors. So his submission that he wants more visitors is just part of the work he has to do. Conversely, if Mr. Piper said he does not think we are ready for more visitation, in his capacity as Director of Tourism, then that is the headline news. AS I see it.

  38. Very concerned
    September 26, 2012

    Mr. Piper you are living in denial and that’s sad. What do you expect to achieve from an Access Conference?
    Dominica’s realities are straight forward, small airport, limited access, unknown, not economical, high risk but beautiful.
    The sooner Dominica accepts its limitations, the faster we will solve the access problem. Dominica must invest in its own transportation system starting with AIR DOMINICA, not to compete with LIAT but to transport passengers in and from Dominica. Imagine a daily flight from the French Islands with 100 visitors, 100 passengers arrive in Barbados, Antigua, St. Lucia and AIR DOMINICA is available to transport them to DA within an hour, no overnighting.
    Just imagine! Depending on established airlines will never solve Dominica’s woes. $8 million would be a good beginning.

  39. Aye Dominique
    September 26, 2012

    Trying something Piper to justify DDA relevance. I am hoping the next administration send DDA packing and while at it disband IDA too.

    It has to take a consultant to come and tell Dominicans everything. A man like Piper that is being paid top notch dollars on tax payers backs cannot think of anything.

    This is why I say disband these money sucking organizations that is only about looking good and sounding good. What happen to the days when permanent secretaries and their technical staff would sit and develop plans to address problems. Everything these days we are running to foreign consultants, who truthfully doesn’t know the country’s problems as well as we do and really has no interest or desire to solve them.

    Piper and them need to start giving value for money by doing the work they’re being paid to do for crying out loud, too much money is being wasted on these people giving them vehicle, and all kinds of allowances you can think of under the sun and they have nothing to show for it.

    Waste of tax payers dollars!!

  40. Kal
    September 26, 2012

    How do you want more visitors to the nature isle when there is problem with air access . Look Liat had a flight from the U.S.V.I to Dominica now it is leaving these places late where you have to overnight, so this is a BIG PROBLEM the passengers have. So at this time there will be the problem of V.I participating in this venture.

  41. tony
    September 26, 2012

    Not just a suggestion that’s exactly what has to happen……efforts be made by Dominica to improve the facilities at existing airline hubs to encourage passengers to fly to the island…… That airport is a mess still stuck in the 70’s

  42. Evolved
    September 26, 2012

    DNO – administration – please do some investigative reporting to add some meat to what you are reporting – whAT i read from this article makes no sense and to the average person may make all the sense in the world as they are not aware of the realities of what is being proposed.

    If two airlines do not share an interline agreement it means that seamless connections at a hub is not possible. Even if govt to govt dominica was given the persmission to upgrade transit facilities – without an interline agreement bags etc cannot be processed.

    Colin needs to speak frankly – what Dominica lacks is facilties for jet access and funds to effectively market the destination. What Dominica also lacks is access to hotel investment that will bring the hotel product into the for front.

    If not having jet access was not an issue for many hotel chains and developers from around the world – why have they not considered or invested in Dominica.

    Dominicans need to stop believing what they read and start asking intelligent questions.

    I promise you – next year at the same time – this two day workshop would have made no difference

    • Francisco Telemaque
      September 26, 2012

      You could not have said it any simpler!

      However, the powers that be in Dominica are aware of all this, but they continue to evade the resolve by talking pretending that they are looking for a prolusion.

      DNO is simply a conduit which information flows through, crap as what Piper is talking needs no investigating, because every Dominican with commonsense knows exactly what you are talking about, the problem is they do not want to get involve into the building of an International Airport, because when the UWP had one in its first phase of development; when the Labor party came to power they shut it down.

      They claim that we could not afford it, it was too expensive, and they could get one built for the fraction of the cost it was costing in the UWP day to build.

      Government and people of Dominica does not listen very well you know; especially when it pertains to the truth.

      Fact of the matter is simply this, unless there is an airport in the country that can support Jet propulsion , we are simple on a wild goose chase, talk alone will not produce anything.

      Money talks, and BS walk okay!

      One time a Dominica guy name Fagan told me ” who have money fire away, who have no money stand back.”


      Why told me that?

      He is a tailor, I wanted him to tailor some pants for me, I did not have the money to pay him right away, as a result he told to get out of his way in a unique way.

      So, if we have the money to build an International Airport perhaps we should fire away, if we do not have the ambition to engage into something like that perhaps we should stop talking hoping that some foreign government or investor will feel sorry for us and build one for us for free on a silver platter, that is not going to happen.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • September 26, 2012

      You are 100% ,Evolved!! Right on point

    • Mamizoo
      September 26, 2012

      Next year around the same time we will be having the same discussion. Go back to the archive and you will notice that the same issue was discussed over the past 4 years. Our problem in Dominica is that those who are suppose to be working for the interest of our country are working for partisan interest instead. So people like Collin dare not speak truth the truth and call the cards as they are; Do we remember Timothy justifying the 27 million dollar mansion by saying that toursit will come to Dominica to visit the state house ( can you fathom this level of stupidity)So we keep dancing around the problems; accept wrong for right, right is wrong; a bad economic policy is a good one; to be corrupt is to be spiritual; high unemployment is because young men wont go fishing. This is the level of rationalization that we uphold. You wonder why we are at the bottom of the barrel.

    • Really?
      September 26, 2012

      That proposal sounds good but is not practical. If I am flying into Barbados on American and then Liat to Dominica. What would happen to my bags? American will check my luggage to Barbados. What happens when my bags get there?

      This Idea needs more work. We will have to get all the major airlines involved so they can do special tags to indicate a connection to Dominica. That is possible, but it will cost Dominica a lot, cause those airlines will have make adjustment to they software. Plus training and informing employees of the process. Dominica would be responsible for all that cost.

      the other option would be to have a luggage team at the hubs to identify connector luggage codes , but there is a huge security and liability issue there.

      ANyways, this idea can work with more though and a cost/ benefit analysis will tells us if we should proceed or not.

  43. APG
    September 26, 2012

    What Dominica needs is HEAVY investment to develop various industries like Tourism (Health tourism, improved nature sites, etc), Offshore Banking, Light manufacturing (Electronics, etc), High tech industries (ICT, Call centres, etc) and increase productivity through greater exports (ask HongKong how they did it). Tons of American/Canadian companies are looking for closer-to-home locations, so, set up a team from the InvestDominica org, to traverse the US and Canada to recruit these companies. But, also, our infrastructure needs major improvement: roads need to be of international standards, proper city/community planning, sewage treatment, dependable utilities, etc.
    How? give foreigners incentives to invest/operate there: zero corporate and income taxes on sliding scale (will more than make up for it in consumer spending their disposable income – will also attract skilled labor to Dominica; increase population and tax base), $1 lease land or free land (for major investments like amusement/theme park, hotel, etc), other tax holidays, etc.

    So, what all these things would do is increase demand for the Dominican experience – and therefore people would HAVE a reason to come there to work or visit.

    Consequently, you can then now more than enough justification for an international airport. Remember, I’m all for building it, but if we built it now, we still would have the problem of flights to Dominica. So, when the demand is there or at least growing (due to all those investment items above), then we can sing!

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