Prevost warns of tourism crisis


Member of Parliament for Roseau and former Tourism minister, Norris Prevost, is warning of a crisis in tourism which he says demands a rapid response.

He points to low cruise customer satisfaction and a decline in stay-over visitors as signs that something is terribly wrong with the island’s tourism product.

Prevost warned that if inadequate reception facilities at the cruise ship berth and the substandard conditions under which vendors on the Bayfront are forced to operate do not improve, Dominica will continue to lose its other prime cruise customers.

The MP said a  2012 survey conducted by the Business Report and and Economic Advisers (BREA) revealed that Dominica was ranked next to the bottom of 21 Caribbean cruise destinations on the question of “overall satisfaction with the destination,” the lowest on the question of “satisfaction with the initial shore side welcome”, and very low on other measures of customer satisfaction.

This, according to Prevost, “sheds much light on why Dominica’s tourism continues to be on a declining trend….”

To make matters worst Prevost said, Dominica has been experiencing a decline in stay-over visitors.  “According to Discover Dominica and Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) reports, in 2006, Dominica received 84,041 stay-over visitors. This number has been declining since, and by 2011 had reached as low as 73,371, with the declining trend projected to continue through the 2012 season. In the cruise sector, arrivals have plummeted from 550,000 in 2009/2010, to 297,000 in 2011/2012 and further decline projected to 227,000 in 2012/2013 season,” he pointed out.

“Clearly Dominica’s tourism sector is in deep crisis, and demands a rapid response,” Prevost said.

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  1. Bluuuuhhh
    November 14, 2012

    Good lord almighty you guys. All U do is complain … corruption, bull anti Skerrit. Say something constructive.

    here is one idea … a real one and one that will help spo much but will cost almost nothing.

    Pedestrianize certain streets in Roseau. Not the main roads but the back roads. That will eradicate the need for a sidewalk which will cost millions. Those cruise ship passengers will no longer complain about the traffic and bad sidewalks. ALSO … WE will actually go to Roseau and not just ‘run in and run out ASAP’ as we do now.

    But of course … “oh but I want to park my car in front of my business cause I too fat” or “I don’t like change” or “it’s all Skeritts fault” will prevail.

  2. JC
    November 13, 2012

    Totally agree with “FED UP” and Dominican Mon”. Clean up Roseau, create a tourism business plan,and and DO SOMETHING about assaults and robberies of expats.

  3. Anonymous
    November 13, 2012

    Gary because the industry is in its infant stages that does not mean it cannot be in crisis! Afterall infants do get sick and have to be rushed to the ER dont they?

    In 2012 hotel sector is near bankrupt and you have Fort Young for example discounting their rates by half leading into the peak season. Half! Thats a very bad sign considering they enjoy 99% of government business and inspite of that, 50% discounts up to January 2013 when we are supposed to be in the thick of peak. This means their pre-bookings are poor.

    Our tourism is the worst it has ever been and that’s because we have leaders who ………have no clue how to make money and therefore cannot implement and allocate to ensure an enviroemnt within which micro and small business can flourish. That simple.

  4. Malgraysa
    November 12, 2012

    Action is louder than words. Our P.M. loves Dominica so much he is spending more time outside then at home. What does that tell you? Go figure!

  5. FED UP
    November 12, 2012

    Dominica three things:


    (b) Create a business plan – every successful business, at one point, had a business plan; and


  6. Jane Messam
    November 12, 2012

    PM Skeritt and your ministers get your act together and invest in the substandard quality you give to the tourists. Please act immediately, if not, Dominica is doomed. Look at some of the qualities that is displayed in the other regions. It is no point Secret Bay hotel being ranked as one of the best destinations and all else is so poor and lacking.

    • November 12, 2012

      I live in Dominica for 15 years already, I had when I first came difficulties to get a ticket plane to come Dominica. My travel agency gave my a ticket for Dominican Rep, I had to stand up take a ball map and show: I want to go there and showed the little island Dominica with a finger between Guadeloupe and Martinique and the lady finally gave me the good ticket…If I was you tourism minister I should make know Dominica easily by websites and press. How much cost people working in Dominica, just take some of them and advert everywhere you can 8 hours a day, it doesn’t cost you soooo much. Invite journalist to make reportage. I got people from Paris last july 2012 because they saw reportage…After, concrete the deal, when everybody comes Dominica they have to be sooo happy that they go back home show what they saw, and send the friends, word of mouth, it’s the way I work in Dominica, my hotel is often full because word of mouth. I give plenty to my customers that SOME give me plenty tooo. And you know, I’m not selfish, I share I send my people to Wavel Salsbury, Michael and others because I know people happy come back.
      Tha,k you guys and welcome to my village Salisbury the best village in Dominica!

  7. Dominican Mon
    November 12, 2012

    Oh, it is so hard to change old habits. Dominica is a classic microcosm of the real world, the Haves and the Have-nots!

    Wake up Dominicans! You have the Rich and Powerful and then you have those you work hard for an existence but get no where !

    Our Leaders stifle forgien investors with corruption, custom restrictions and taxes.

    We offer our visitors Unsafe Trasportstion, Dirty Streets and no entertainment. The result is stagnation for our Country.

    I know of many Ex-pats who wish they had never come here.
    They have been either robbed by the Government or
    by someone stealing items out of there house.

    You want Tourism but we have ruined what we had. If you want to change it then elect Leaders who actually know what it takes to build a business not solicate votes and handout empty promises.

    Our Government is being run by a group who jump from one position to another. Yes it is true! We are oppressed like other Countries which have poor selection of Leaders.

    I find it ridiculous that we have to accept the EXCUCES from our Leaders when we as a people want for better life for our Country.

    How many millions of dollars were spent on the STADIUM and the AIRPORT and yet I am hungry and my house has no water and my children yearn to get a proper education.

    I know where Dominica has been. I know where it is now but what is our future? Our Leaders cannot profess partnerships
    with Anti-American and Anti-European Countries and expect any investment from either Ex-pats or their Countries.

    As I, and others have said before, why have you done this to us? Are you that greedy? Are you that pompous? Have you no honor or conscious? Do you truly expect any rewards at the end of your life?

    We are DOMINICA ! We give you the privilege to have your position in Government ! Be resonpsible because we refuse to accept what we have now !

  8. Gary
    November 12, 2012

    I disagree with the statement made by the Hon. Norris Prevost that the Tourism Industry is in a crisis.The Industry is in an Infant stage not a crises and there are certain things that are needed to bring us to par with the Countries at top.The Countries at the top did not get there overnight they had their problems and challenges to, and yes, they are still facing challenges.The Hon Norris Prevost was The Minister of Tourism and I’m sure he has seem some strides made in the Industry after his tenure and it would be dishonest of him not to acknowledge the strides made.

    For this industry to flourish it needs the cooperation of all Dominicans and that includes the Business community,the Government can only do
    certain things.It is very sad reading some of the comments made especially those attributed to partisan Politics.I had the opportunity to work in the Industry and able to see first hand how this Industry works.Most of the comments are based on stereotyping, lack of knowledge, coupled with nonsensical Political Partisan which is not good and does nothing to help.

    The Top three Countries in the Business Report and Economic Advisers (BREA)which benefit the most form the Industry Bahamas, St Maarten and The US Virgin Islands do have certain things in common which is why they are receiving Hugh revenue. One thing that stands out is the commercial activity this is what brings in most of the revenue, and that is what lacking in Dominica. The business people should pay attention to this. Well let us not forget the Infrastructure and Topography of these Countries that can be an an advantage, there is also some revenue from the tours to local sites but not significant I would like to differ with the (BREA) regarding the order, where is Jamaica in that report which i think should be in that top three.It should be mentioned that on the question of satisfaction regarding overall satisfaction with the destination giving Dominica the lowest score is not something that should worry us, the people filling out these questionnaires are not always genuine and reliable and their answers can be relative.

    I believe that Dominica has the potential to be in that top three, yes I truly believe that from what i have seen while working in the Industry.That takes great planning, vision,a long term commitment, coupled with a marketing strategy and of course money.One of the things we have to established is, we are different in terms of our Topography and that is unique. We have much more to offer in terms of tours and site seeing than any of these countries combined in the top three, that is what we are blessed with, why not capitalize on it.The infrastructure to these sites need to be improved so as to gain better access.There also needs to be a capital revitalization Plan to redevelop Roseau.We need to find our niche market and take advantage of it. We also should not kid ourselves and thinking that success will come overnight.

    For those who oppose the Tourism Industry in favor of Agriculture such thinking is disastrous and without merit. We can have these two industries not one or the other.The top Countries benefiting form The Tourism Industry do not have that luxury as we do, that is why we are blessed. I hope the Hon. Norris Prevost does not use this report to gain political mileage.

    • Greg
      November 12, 2012

      Gary since your voluminous contribution is always a bunch of bologna or boloneyeeeee topped with dishonesty and partisanship it is not worth the effort but in the interest of keeping the conversation honest I will ask you the following.
      Was it you who said that an agrarian society is doomed and that we should forget about agriculture? Don’t compound the situation with more lies Gary.

      What are the strides that we have made with the Tourism industry Under this Labor Party. Gary don’t make statements without supporting facts. You have a chance to do so . We are waiting.

      Aren’t we tired of the infrastructure excuse. It is Beginning to sound like the dog ate my homework excuse. This government for the last 13 years has supposedly focused on Tourism solely so one would think that by now our tourism industry would be in high gear. Since I don’t want to appear to be partisan I must ask whether the reverse gear is stuck or is it just the driver operating in reverse gear.
      It is propagandist like Gary who claim to be experts with likes of people like Parry Bellot as productivity consultant, Roosevelt SKERRIT as financial expert, Emmanuel Nanthan as advisor the list goes on – people like you is the reason why this country is retrogressing.

  9. ???????????
    November 12, 2012

    The same people who are complaining that the City is dirty, they are the ones littering the city. they are of the opinion that someone has to pick up their gabbage after them. I am one for sure who does not litter not even a sweet paper. I alays have a bag in which I place my paper, cup etc and place in my gabbage home for Solid Waste Pickup on the designated day.. Note well I said the “designated day”. Too many of us want to put our gabbage when we want by the roadside and this is the same gabbage that is spilled and goes into the gutters and blocks it and causes the stench that we complain about. Please people this is a serious problem, besides the tourists who do not like the stench caused by our indiscrit dumping of our waste, God forbids if we get rainfall that we can have a flood in Roseau like what we have seen in our countries. Let us all yes all of us, not only Solid Waste and Roseau City Council, but we most be responsible keepers of the City. I am fed up of hearing persons complain, when in fact they are the ones littering the city. They want the Bus drivers to act as Solid Waste as they putting all their KFC and Styrofoam in the little bin provided in the bus. The Bus bin is for sweety paper and little (small) items. Re your KFC stuff, you have so many options. Eat by KFC and leave the Gabbage in their bin. You want to go on the bayfront to eat.. You walked to the bayfront with you bag swinging … ain’t it.. well after you eat … carry the bag home so you can add more gabbage to it .. so you can place it on the designated day for Solid Waste to pick or even there is the adopt a block bins you can compact and place in those. Why compact because the bin can take more when compacted. You can also practice compacting at home as well. ????? well it is very easy to have the styrofoam glassed, plates etc light fly away to litter the place.

    • November 12, 2012

      @Gary and ???????????

      You both have two good pieces of writing here, I hope our people will take heed. Someone here, stupidly attacked me, when I said we all should accept the responsibilities-not just the government, much less for the Prime Minister alone–too many of us are using our political agender to make stupid noises that are not effective for the development of Dominica and the welfare of her people–we ourselves

      Gary you seem to have confirmed my question as you said you disagreed with Mr, Prevost, because I do not understand how, at one point we can be at the top in quality according to International news, while at the same time we are talking as if we have lost on tourism to no avail.

      That is why I said why not follow the good examples that we already have and to make things possible. I believe that we spend too much time looking at the worst, and not making an effort towards the better, which we can achieve through patience and hard work.

    • Crazy C
      November 12, 2012

      Trol is in the house.

    • Malgraysa
      November 13, 2012

      Long childhood Gary. Are we simply a “late developer” or unable to keep up with the rest of the class?

  10. Anonymous
    November 12, 2012

    Real meaningful action in tourism will continue to be neglected because you cannot syphon money off the budget which is why the only action you ever see are the concrete buildings like welcoming centres because that is where you can steal money, construction.

    What the tourism sector has to do is find a way that allows the politicians to make money off the destination marketing section of tourism development then and only then will you see action.

    Until then roads and state palace is what you will see. Oh and morocco hotel. Again you see concrete and therefore you see full involvement of the government! Millions there to take from so its a priority project which is why Nassief shouldnt worry at all about competition as nothing will come of that morocoo hotel once its built and money pocketed. It will just be another white elphant like layou project unless skerro gives it to Nassief to manage which may be the payoff and everyone is happy. Politicians collect and Nassief now controls both conference centres.

  11. November 12, 2012

    Having read all the foregoing comments it seems apparent that many of us still dont get it. inspite of the economic downturn in North America and Europe, St Licia is getting increased number of cruise ships calling and stay over visitors. As is St Maarten, Barbados and others. Please tell me honestly, as a tourist what facilities can I enjoy in Da compared to those other places I mentioned. Ecotourism? check Jamaica, St Lucia, nightlife? none existant in DA. Toursist needs are basic and predictable, value for money,courteous service (on a day to day basis how many times that you observe this in DA) interesting locations that are safe and clean. Nice clean sandy beaches, good food and night life

    • Crazy C
      November 12, 2012

      Tell that to Yard fowl number 22 Gary. Can you imagine this guy claiming to be a pundit in tourism. The dude just keep contradicting himself.
      Basically he is telling Dominicans to ride it out for 13 more years. These liars are desperate , they have nothing to show so they talk about infrastructure. So they have been talking about infrastructure for 10 years. Note that in 13 years they have not done 15 percent of the infrastructure work that the Freedom Party did in 5 years( I can back that up ); the current administration has not done 40 percent of the infrastructure work that the UWP government did in 5 years.
      Every time people like Gary start posing lies and deception I get a better understanding why he and those dishonest crooks would rather not see a debate between SKERRIT and Edison.

  12. Orisha
    November 12, 2012

    Visitor feedback forms for all tourist.

    improve inter island tourism.

    A tourism task force to expose Dominica to latin America countries(Brazil for example is now the world 5th largest economy)

  13. Ex Farmer USA
    November 12, 2012

    We have two major industries. Agriculture has failed, and if tourism is failing, well we will be poorer than Haiti. Please Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, we were feeding most of the Caribbean with our good produce, and now they have passed us ecomomically and other wise. Something is definately wrong. We have natural things, but Dominicans alone cannot eat all the food we produce. We need immediate markets for our produce. Farm To Market which was controlled by Athie Martin, Glen Ducreay,Bernard Dinnard and the rest of the Crew was doing good for the farmers in Dominica. After Eugina destroy market to ship Dominica produce, Dominica started failing in Agriculture. Please, lets go back to the soil and get international markets for our produce. Everything in this life came or come from the soil. Even we Human Beings.

    We need good customer service in Dominica Tourist Industry. They are rude, too lazy, and laidback. We need proactive people, and constructive aggression in this industry. If the Government don’t deal with these issues soon, we are going to fail mesarably. Kathleen Cofey did not help in the situation she found her self in the court system in Florida. They should let all these people out of the tourist institution. Too much bad publicity.

  14. Ericx
    November 12, 2012

    Dominica is in dire need of business men like Prevost and Ivor nassief. Doe tell me all-u going to let him become a real old man before he can get back in there. Dominica’s reliance on donor countries/entities, I always wonder if they can raise a mich $doe as Skeritt an dem.

    Maybe they would put all that cash to better use. Remember It Takes A Fool to Make Money….but A Wise Man To /Spend It??

  15. November 11, 2012

    I was just in Dominica over the Independence celebrations including the Creole Festival.. you cannot expect a different outcome if there are no changes. Right now, Dominica’s product really has nothing to offer..inaccessibility, a dirty town, poor service, corruption,on and on… Why should I come back??

  16. T mama
    November 11, 2012

    mr Prevost knows what he is talking about..

  17. watch dog
    November 11, 2012

    what did you do for tourism while you were a minister> I am waiting, I will tell you NOTHING, today you have all the answers please

  18. Job
    November 11, 2012

    You’re right. So what do you suggest is done about it ?

  19. Peeping Tom
    November 11, 2012

    What has Hon. Prevost said above that is of substance to us? Can anyone point to one statement by Hon. Prevost in the above article that is informative and constructive? Ok, so the tourist industry is in crisis. Well, every school child has known this from since 9/11. So, again, i ask, how does this report by Hon. Prevost, a man who was elected to help work for Dominica, help us move forward?

    Every now and then Hon. Prevost finds a way to insert himself in the media in an effort to appear relevant. In this latest effort, he has done nothing but been a reporter: Reporting to us on what a few reports say.

    Unfortunately, Hon. Prevost has succeeded in confirming how bankrupt and obsolete the UWPwee. Of what value to us is the UWPwee anyway?

    • Mamizoo
      November 12, 2012

      Well I guess Prevost is making sure that people like Observer, Peeping Tom, ambassador and Bonnie, observer don’t get a chance to add another layer of wool over the faces of the already disenfranchised people of Dominica. Thanks Mr Prevost cause they would figure out a way to tell us that the Cruise ship has fuel issues or that the world isin recession , or that truckers and villagers should go plant flowers and that we a sending barrels and money to our relatives in the USA. Mr Prevost some of us who are illiterate have morals even if Timothy said poor people should have no pride so like to hear the truth. Now there is a section of the illiterate sector who are either too very stupid or immoral so liars like Peeping Tom, Gary and others can run railroad right through their bedrooms.

      • Gary
        November 13, 2012

        Wow,is this how you get empowered by a Politician telling you something there by allowing you to tell people they are stupid,immoral and liars simply because they do not share the same view as you or express a different opinion.Ask your self a question.Who gains more from laying, is it the people who do not share your views or the Politician pandering to you.

        You need to understand The Hon.Norris Prevost is a Politician and so what he is doing is the normal thing any Politician in the opposition would do especially after seeing a report like this, they love reports like this it helps them to gain political mileage and also please their base supporters like you.

    • Nac Vibes
      November 12, 2012

      If you are waiting for an irrelevant man to tell you and yours how to fix the problem, that you with the power cannot fix, then it shows how irrelevant you guys really are. The issue here is not about Mr Prevost, it’s about a failing sector that you were elected to manage, that you guys have allowed to stagnate and run into the ground, because after 12 plus years, you all you can do is lambast any messenger who highlight your mismanagement.
      By the way it is my contention that Mr Prevost has unwittingly or not given you a leg up, because the answers on how to fix the problem is scattered in the figures of the report, as far as it concerns Dominica.

  20. radics
    November 11, 2012

    you make alot off sense…love ur response…you not like the rest….off the non sense speaking people

  21. radics
    November 11, 2012

    why the DLP and UWP comes together and find a solution to inprove it….all they does is wish bad…find a soluton and help to make it better.

    • Really n Turly
      November 11, 2012

      great suggestion my pip,sweet n simple,why are they trying so hard to kill Dominica?eh asa banton?

    • November 12, 2012

      I went to Dominica for the first time , April 28 May 5 2012 . I got off plane and was treated like I lived their am a American I married a Dominica we meet in New york My husband wanted to show me his country . So I Went scared and happy at the same time to meet my inlaws from Dominica. No one like security, or the workers welcomed me, It was like I was a alien. as I entered the country .I walked though the doors , I noticed a white family in front of us, Who traveled on the same plane as us. They was welcomed with flowers and charm. Me nothing. When leaving no love from workers at airport . saying come again. Thats not good , please show more love and train workers . its not about a pay check its love from your heart . God Bless u

      • LG
        November 12, 2012

        Nona, as white female my first visit this year was not welcomed w/flowers or charm but by an overall delight visiting Dominica and meeting friendly people. understandable you were nervous but your hubby family could have provided airport greeting. upon my leaving an airport employee sat and talked with me, shared his lunch, nice afternoon, try to hold back your negativity if visiting again.

    • Pedro
      November 12, 2012

      Dominicans had a solution with a UWP Government, but the message was “PERFORMANCE WAS NOT IMPORTANT” the worse is yet to come.

  22. 1979
    November 11, 2012

    I like that photo of prevost there, LOLOL
    they say a picture is worth a thousand words, well here is what i get from that pic…

    “tanto tanto tan….. mwen mem paka mem garde zor… zor kay heylay soukou a plis temp..

    love that photo!!!!!!! 8) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  23. Tourism Junkee
    November 11, 2012

    I certainly concur to this statement..“Clearly Dominica’s tourism sector is in deep crisis, and demands a rapid response,” A total makeover of great emphasis needs to be implemented. Tourism is vital in other to sustain Dominica weak economy.
    To rely on Dominicans residing abroad as the focal source of Tourism is truly a suicidal error. As an earlier commentor stated…The Government of Dominica needs to look at near by Islands and take notes….. then put in to action

  24. Aye Dominique
    November 11, 2012

    Erhmmmmm…… De Dollar Minister did not fix it? He is just a mashupper then? He is just pure wicked then? So you mean to tell me Discover Dominica not cutting it? All those high paid contractual workers?

    Well Mr. Prevost hurry up, get back into office to fix what De Dollar Minister said he fixed. Clearly everyone sees now he is inept and just wicked!

    Hurry up and come back Mr. Prevost,, Dominica needs UWP. The country seems to be in a deep financial crisis and everything is remaining hush hush. Just 2 years after we have seen the most expensive campaign in Dominica, government is saying no money to pay workers.

    I’m waiting to see how long it’s going to take before the Skerrit administration comes clean with the Dominican people, I’m waiting………

  25. November 11, 2012

    but thought i read a report that says d/ca was one of the top five Caribbean destinaions

  26. By Trini-industry
    November 11, 2012

    If Ugg is correct as the stats he produced goes the trend has a negative multiplier of 2.42.
    The future does not look bright for DA’s cruise arrivals.
    Meanwhile, we see othe groups in Europe utilizing all means to bring in tourists to their shores .
    Prevost, what suggestions do you have?
    I wonder!
    Do we go back to the seventies 70’s of poulty, Garment factories,supermarkets, lumberyardsare these utilizing our natural resources etc to replace tourism and providing jobs.
    does ur buddy exile in Toronto(the one operating Q95 remotely having any new ideas for you?
    Prevost where is Trini of by trini-industy of 1970’s?

    • Greg
      November 11, 2012

      DNO you see what I am talking about . We need to send this person By Trinini -industry a certificate for the dumbest comment week 2 of 2012. Print a nice little certificate and post it next to the comment with a big sign saying That is why we are where we are”

      • guen
        November 13, 2012

        what certificate would be good enough for you if you worry about people’s comment?
        Just ignore it you are making yourself comparable.

  27. dr.b
    November 11, 2012

    also i think we need more and professional tourist departure lounge, and a night life. this is wat tourist enjoys, casinos, maybe a lil strip club, an amusement pack, i mean common. i knw we are a god fearing nation but we need to modernize, we stick in d 1500s, see crime is getting modernize,

  28. dr.b
    November 11, 2012

    another thing is that we need to clean up our streets, tourist in town and the gutters are smelling, rubbish jam pack in a corn especially by woodstone shopping mall, and by A.C shillingford, i mean come on. SEND SOLID WAISTE pple early in d morning to clean that up, around 4-5 in d morning. and after d fire or water truck passing to hose down d road

    • Toure
      November 12, 2012

      It seems like some persons or people cannot comprehend what carnival said, a few months ago headline news was the side walks are being fixed,where are they?Still on Virgin Lane I guess.
      The City/Shitty/town whatever you want to name it ,needs a overhaul.What is so difficult in rectifying that problem.If the government cannot make it happen (too much politics)well call for level heads and patriots at home and abroad to sit and dialogue and come up with solutions for the better of the city and make a decision,too much lip service in DA,always saying foolishness like it’s in the works,then another ten (10) years passes and nothing.

      Wasn’t Castries similar to Roseau? At night they shut it down,resurfaced the roads,fixed the side walks and gutters.After that investment the government employed Litter Wardens,Lucians were upset so they call them “Polis Zordee”
      But let me tell you they will chase you down if you drop anything in the city.

      If a solution for Roseau is not feasible,please just make a new Administrative capital.Too many bad things are being written on the critic pages of some of the cruise lines.

      Our people doing business in Roseau are labeled as angry,when asked to use their restroom,visitors prefer to stay on the ship.Our town is unsanitary and scary,don’t the people in authority read? This is not funny,if there are passengers saying they don’t like that port of call,what happens?The cruise get another port or rent some uninhabited island to do their business.
      We must do better,everyone of us.

  29. carrottop
    November 11, 2012

    Put vendors in a proper place, get rid of their so called tables that line the streets and side-walks,and their buckets that contain their items, have proper storage for this, and toilet facilities. Clean up the garbage, and the smell. Have Liat make more flts. daily to D/M, so we can make it in one day, you don’t need a international airport to do this, this has been the main concern for years.

    • british born dominic
      November 11, 2012

      Stop talking ignorance about Dominica don’t need international airport.stop being brainwashed.we will only suffering withot

  30. calibishie
    November 11, 2012

    One of the main industries and a prime source of income for many in Dominica is in crisis and no measures is being taken to retify to situation?! These should be dealt with expeditiously. Tourist has replaced bananas as the number one industry in D/ca and Gov’t don’t see this problem as an area of focus? I am not to sure what next to say. Where is D/ca heading?! We need action not lip service!

  31. yril Volney
    November 11, 2012

    You keep doing things the same way and you will get the same results… A major shake up is needed!

  32. November 11, 2012

    If you have ever visted St Lucia I ask you as a tourist,y would u choose to come here instead of going there. They have the same vegitation as we do, white pristine sands, casino, strip joints, movie theatres fine restaurants and shopping malls, international airport etc. by comparison, we have Krazy kokonuts slot machines, the Shine Union Mall (ha ha ha) KFC , Melville Hall. By and large, most tourists are white, they want to lie on a white sandy beach get a tan, eat some good food and enjoy some varied night life. Can we offer that. and of course they want minimum fuss to fly here, not waste time in Antigua whilst awaiting flight to DA.

    • Rastar-Marn
      November 15, 2012

      Garçon St. Lucia Doh have rivers Garçon,,,

      And dere too crowded and all deir greenery is taken over by over population,,,

      You ever been to that what they call dier sulfur springs down there on Soufrier side???

      Sad to say but Dominica have much more to offer than St. Lucia in terms of Eco Tourism, Dey just have a little more flat land than Dominica,,,

      The only reason why St. Lucia and dem other islands appear to be more developed than Dominica is only because the Crown still have massive interests in those establishments over there and their leaders are more into the servitude and the manipulations coming from the Privy Council,,,

      • 1979
        November 16, 2012

        yea but they got some nice beaches though…I guess they compensate.

  33. fraud
    November 11, 2012

    Dominicans are yet to realize what hole that incompetent Govt. has pulnged our Nature Isle and its people in. A deep hole indeed. An Eco-friendly country so rich in natural resources, endowed with fertile soil and an abundance of water, is suffering from mis-management.

    Oh Yes!! Offices, agents, mechanisms put in place to sell our passports. Our diplomatic immunity even on sale. Secret deals, giving of our diplomatic passports to foreigners with problems of FRAUD, and other unlawful, criminal acts, in exchanger for ……… Dominicans only get to know by the patriots’ revelations, with facts and evidence to prove.

    Where is the same aggressive marketing for tourism? what about agriculture? Well, who amassing a fortune from passport sales? Where is the money going? to our treasury? Where are the investments?.

    15% VAT on goods, services everytime one buys. Growing the economy by dependenc on VAT on non-value added stuff too? Passport selling, diplomatic passports in the hands of God knows whom is growing the economy and creating jobs? Those with Narcissist and dictatorial trends are too self-centred to listen to the people. Riches for the few, corruption continues while the standard of living of the majority goes down and down and down. How long my people?

  34. sphynx
    November 11, 2012

    mr prevost whist i do agree with you,we must take into consideration the international economic crisis.

  35. Pedro
    November 11, 2012

    Dominicans must remember the difference when you were Minister of Tourism. Tourism sites were being improved and the number of visiters increased. Performance is important.

  36. DESIE
    November 11, 2012

    At least you politicians can say it as it is.

    cause i know for a fact late 2007 the global crisis started, America and Europe economies were on the down low which means the circulation of money was not as high as it supposed to be.

    And i THINK 95% of our tourists come from Europe and America.

    So any retarded know that contributed a lot on the low tourist arrivals to our sweet Dominica.

    It it impossible for vendors on the bay front that are the same way they were 6 years ago make us loose over 9,000 tourist arrivals.

    And people i made my research so please make yours

    • CB BOSS
      November 11, 2012

      At least somebody is thinking on this island.

    • Nac Vibes
      November 12, 2012

      Hog wash

  37. Man alive
    November 11, 2012
    • Pedro
      November 12, 2012

      It will not happen without an International Airport.

  38. Foreigner
    November 11, 2012

    When I came to live here I was quite stunned by how awful the bay front was(the place most visitors see first) and that some cruise ships actually berthed at Fond Cole, which must be the ugliest place in Dominica. I spent ages drawing up a plan of how to revamp the bayfront to get maximum impact for minimum outlay. But once I started discussing it with Dominicans I realised their lack of interest sprang from more than an unwillingingless to take advice from a foreigner, they actually disliked having tourists here and the unwelcoming aspect was intentional.

  39. Anonymous
    November 11, 2012

    Warn them well eh Prev. You were doing a great job as Minister, but they put you out for “Next Level”. Now everything on next level for real. Next Level Tourism. Next Level Agriculture, Next Level Crime. Them bastards kill de country and they still in 2012 want to continue putting on a show. It’s just a matter of time before this economy faints…knock out..real cold.

    But anyways, tick tock tick tock. I will live to see the day that I say to many people that “I told you so…long ago”

  40. dr.b
    November 11, 2012

    wow i think this is true, hav anyone see wats happening on bayfront wen a cruise ship is in port,

  41. no name
    November 11, 2012

    well that’s expected when u have a tourism leader that knows nothing about tourism and marketing

  42. Rastar-Marn
    November 11, 2012

    Now although I have been on here chastising allyou how Tourism is the worst idea for Dominca if allyou really wanna do somting den allyou on allyou own yeah,,,

    Garçon allyou need to entice dose high-rollers to come and bring deir money,,,

    Why you tink people keep on going to Las Vegas Nevada,,,

    And why you tink as of recently a whole bunch of Indian Casinos start populating all over North America and who knows where in Latin America,,,

    I going to give allyou an idea yeah right here cause trust me I doh need d money,,,

    All you need to take over Coconut beach from the “Bank” and put down a massive Casino Complex in Coconut Beach Area with a Kalinago Theme,,,

    Shore up d Ports-Mouth and make a massive cruiseShip access point right there,,,

    Trust me All Man and Who-Man will want to come support dem Caribs,,,

    Marn Warning allyou If Marn See any ChinaMan or Albino take dat idea Marn coming for dem yeah,,,

    • Nac Vibes
      November 12, 2012

      You are in the wrong job, you must be a comedian!!!

      • Rastar-Marn
        November 13, 2012

        When dem ChinaMan dem come start moving mountains I want to see you Laugh Den,,,

  43. November 11, 2012

    “Dominica was ranked next to the bottom of 21 Caribbean cruise destinations on the question of “overall satisfaction with the destination,” the lowest on the question of “satisfaction with the initial shore side welcome”, and very low on other measures of customer satisfaction”.<<<<News article

    First of all, pertaining to vendors at the Bayfront,in Dominica, I am quite sure that the biggest reason for this "set back" has a lot to do with the "love of money"–but where in the world,is that attitude different? And so O dear!

    When I was in Dominica in 2008, and as I looked at the prices of items–such as arts and crafts that was made from a mere coconut shell–those items are all over the Bayfront–and why are they so expensive, I could not understand it!

    And so with the rush in people's minds "to get rich through a few sales" how often do we even remember to smile to a stranger, when we are so focused on the idea that he or she is rich and will pay all kinds of money for anything.

    Does Dominica have any form of "price control" as far as locally made items are concerned?

    The other problem is the "unattractive" manner by which vendors place themselves and their merchandise on display–I am sorry to say that to say that to a tourist it is downright ugly–most tourists are people who come from high standards of living–in most countries even poor people are not used to seeing those conditions.

    We definitely need "extreme" upgrading in that area, if we are going to be in any place of the tourist industry–otherwise we better look into something else for production and development.

    I live in Toronto Canada, and there is nothing for sale in Dominica, that I have not seen with much better quality. than they are in Dominica. That is to say, if a tourist docks in Dominica–there is not much of a gift to buy for their friends or loved ones, but those items are also extremely expensive–being sold at American currency.

    For examle $10.00US for a small piece of coconut shell, varnised and painted with a map of Dominica on it, would make that item almost $30.00EC, to me, who is a local, the item does not worth that price and what would a tourist to with it–good heavens!

    Hence this is a frist set back, when it comes to "costomer satisfaction", how do we deal with that?

    So let us keep in mind that "satisfaction" is what makes a customer return–we have to search and find out where are we going wrong. Advertisement is a must, but it should not be fiction but facts.

    For most tourist our beaches–I have written about our condition there before–nightly entertainment, and of course good food–not only our local foods, for many people are reluctant to try new things that goes in the mouth, me too–but food service has to be a must. We have to look into where we have failed in those venues or areas and to strive for improvement.

    Finally, we have to remain committed! All those who are involved should stay involved–not only by talks but steady action; otherwise we are going down and down we will stay–let us do our best to avoid this downward stance, if we care that it does not happen.

    • Frenz
      November 11, 2012

      You see how bias you are Liz4jesus that is the reason I will continue to refer to you as a Pokwit. Liz our government deliberately sidelined the Agriculture industry for Tourismn shouldn’t we have a high class tourist product.
      I am not saying that your observations are false but you continently dance around the root cause. The lack of government support for the tourism industry. Antigua , St Kitts and St Lucia ar doing much better do you think the problems with the vendors. Have you ever check the prices of locally made souvenirs in the other islands- expensive just the same.
      How many minsters of Tourism we have hadsincethis government . The answer s three . I wonder why
      A government expanded with 17 minster and 10 advisors not withstanding productivity consultant and what do we have ? A shrinking economy and countrt in rapid decay.
      So Liz4Jesus be honest for once and earn the right to be caled Christian. Until then you are a hypocrite Labrite who see no wrong in this unethical ,corrupt and incapable administration. But then again you claim that God appointed this government so you can’t criticize the administration but you can the vendors. What can I say A frigging men Amen. Aleluhia

      • November 13, 2012


        As I told you already, I know who I am and DNO has at least three articles with my picture–see them on Google by checking Elizabeth Lina Xavier, Liz Xavier, or even Lizavier4Jesus–I am not hiding behind a false name, like a coward! Who are you?

        Now I suggest that you start sending your grievances to those who has created that misery in your mind–i cannot help you for I do not have a clue what the nonsense you are complaining about.

        It is that you are afraid to boldly approach them–with your true name or face to face– the reason you insist on using the grounds of my comment and my relationship with God to throw up your mess? What in hell’s name do you want from me?

  44. Wall Street
    November 10, 2012

    Thanks for the reality check.

    None so blind as he who cannot see. Ian, Savarin & skerro will not see or hear the truth.

  45. Anoushah Alie
    November 10, 2012

    What planet did he emerge from? The tourism crisis has been going on for years now, and the government is to be blamed! We now have so much crimes, because of lack of opportunities, jobs, affordable housing, and education! I believe the government is building some new apartments in Portsmouth, but what about the small business guest house owners, who is now facing the govt. as a competitor? And please, do not get me started on that high VAT that small business owners have to face, in addition to high maintenance of their tourism businesses. Those involved in tourism in DA, now have to shut down, or lay off employees, because they are operating on a loss. The biggest concern is how will Skerrit pay the IMF with all that money he keeps borrowing each time we have a storm? God knows the IMF runs a ruthless business, and when you don’t pay back, things can get ugly pretty fast! Example, our social programs will become obsolete, and our children will become modern day slaves, because DA will be forever indebted to the countries that they keep borrowing money from!

  46. Anonymous
    November 10, 2012

    I am not surprise….considering also the austerity factor experienced by the western countries it is still very concerning.

    Access to DA and places of interest as well as the product offering is lacking in quality and quantity. Visitors have many choices and are speaking with money. At the bayfront and other places of interest the same setup and same product are sold at the same price…..WHERE IS THE CREATIVE DIFFERENCE.

    Access to DA direct is a major factor that the current government does not want to discuss. Lack of vision = confusion, disorganisation and a sense of hopelessness.

    DA can do better than that and the answers are staring us right in the face. We need to be innovative, bold in our decision for change and financially smart in the projects we undertake.

    We seem to be playing around the issues, rather than confronting them head on.


  47. Tourism Consultant
    November 10, 2012

    First of all the former Tourism Minister could not have said it better… Dominica’s image as a Tourism Destination has been badly eroded over the past 10 years and continues to be eroded as our island’s tourism product has been deteriorating steadily… Dominica has been unable to attract new investments in tourism primarily due to low and ineffective destination marketing, low market referrals, poor customer service delivery, unfavorable business practices… and i am tired of lamenting of the lack of an airport capable of handling long haul flights, lack of a full service marina, lack of a major flag ship hotel, lack of adequate duty free/ luxury shopping, night life, gaming, dining experiences etc…Dominica is green but very untidy… Roseau stinks (echoing the Mayor’s concerns), Portsmouth needs an urgent facelift.

    Dominica has significant tourism capital but the poor developmental approach, weak people relations, inferior product and service capacities makes for a disastrous recipe for a failing tourism industry… i could go on and on but former minister for tourism said it all in a nutshell…

    Secondly mr. former minister for tourism… your approacch is the type of responsible opposition i welcome…..that too is a poor image of our country… :lol:

    • Frenz
      November 12, 2012

      It is a blatant disinformation suggesting that the opposition has not been highlighting the failing policies of this administration and in fact if many of us would unclogg or bias listening capacity then we would hear on several occasions the opposition making recommendations and suggestions to the present administration. How many of us are prepared to remember that the PM public ally declared that he is not prepared to take advise from members of the UWP?
      I am not a political party pooper and so I must also add that te same type of arrogance was displayed during UWP government. Nevertheless two wrongs can never be right and so we should deal with the here and now.
      There are countless examples of the opposition being ridiculed for making suggestions on development issues. For two years we heard that they should go to parliament . Who says that a good idea must come from a debate ( interesting word) in parliament. The argument of whether or not the opposition should have been in parliament was only an excuse for failing policies and administration by the DLP. So now that the opposition is in parliament and still making recommendations , highlighting government failures the apologist are to busy trying to figure out excuses.
      A regular tactic is to retdicule the opposition’s attempt to protect the constitution. It is clear that the people are dissatisfied with the situation in Dominica even those who must protect the status quo due to personal interest. The people who are paid to advance to steer the ship seem to be getting adulation approval for driving the ship and passengers into the iceberg, passengers way to sedated to recognize and the watchmen (opposition) too old, outnumbered, broke and abused.

  48. Anonymous
    November 10, 2012

    Indeed!Prevost must ask the proper questions on this crisis at the next sitting of Parliament,

  49. vistor...
    November 10, 2012

    well if the trash I saw today in the city is anything to go by then I’m not really at all surprised. Total filth.

  50. Concern citizen
    November 10, 2012

    Of course there will be a decline in tourism. Hope you are aware of global recession. There is no extra money to spend on holidays.

    • Nac Vibes
      November 12, 2012

      That same old chesnut Global recession, funny how there are still people spending and economies growing. Question the discover Dominica should be asking is, do we have a tourism product to offer these growing economies and are we marketing in their direction, it would seem not as the rely on the usual us and the few europeans as usual, pretty much like carrying water in a basket.

  51. bossman
    November 10, 2012

    prevost, tourism is a small part of the problem in dominica. here are some of the main problems if corrected will improve our financial situation.
    1) expell all chinese retail business not manufacturing, the chinese are importing their junk to dominica not declaring the proper values or false invoicing as much as 90 percent of the declared values..and when they make their huge profits they export the money by millions to china… PRAISE GOD FOR SKERRIT.
    2)agriculture is down to zero cause farmers were not taken care off. supporters alone get help and they turn back and sell the imputs they received because some have nt garden, no market for the farmers produce after they were peomised boats..PRAISE GOD FOR SKERRIT.
    3)rampant corruption,ministers are now multi millioners, from bin bobol to 4 hundred thousand house to villas and apartment and half million dollar cars and house in ?, i will say later…PRAISE GOD FOR SKERRIT
    4)finally if you want positive financial improvements in our economy you must open the door for the investors that have and can make a contribution, not for people that are much more impoverished than dominicans… PRAISE GOD FOR SKERRIT..

    • ....................
      November 11, 2012

      I agree fully.But time will tell!

    • nationalist
      November 11, 2012

      darn correct

    • DPM
      November 12, 2012

      THUMBS UP bossman

  52. Richards
    November 10, 2012

    This is the direct aftermath of the ineptitude, lack of innovation, lack of vision and proactivity by this current government lending to this inauspicious results, findins and ratings.

  53. Roger that
    November 10, 2012

    The cruise ship crisis has been ongoing for over 2 years! Nothing new at all! Dominica is a very poor Caribbean Island and with the recession there is less and less to offer the tourist because our Dominican people are suffering so terribly from the World Wide recession. Mr Prevost is a big businessman in Dominica maybe he can offer some financial help to the vendors so that when the cruise ships come into Dominica it looks a lot more welcoming!! Mr Prevost in the photograph is a big man with his arms folded making a statement so come on Mr Prevost you help your fellow Dominicans don’t procrastinate!!

    • Anonymous1
      November 12, 2012

      But why is it that other islands like st. Kitts and St Lucia can increase their arrivals and ours is shrinking. The economic woes mentioned do not apply to these islands but only to us?

  54. Lil
    November 10, 2012

    Okay, he really wasn’t making these statements up. There is a report out there. Read and analyze for yourself at I hope you can analytically (not emotionally) draw your own conclusions .

    • ???????????
      November 12, 2012

      Yes we read and analised but sometimes just looking at figures is not the answer. We saw some areas especially Bahamas, USVI, St Maarten etc experienced more tourist arrival and in some instance spending increasing and crew spending either increase or decrease. Our main issue here is what do we as a person can propose or do to make our country more attractive to tourism. Whilst we seat and bash our mouths about the Government, we are the very same ones who try to frustate and sabotage the little the Government can afford. Before we speak and do not even understand figures and also not putting our realistic cloak on and even trying to blame other persons instead of being the patriotic citizen, we are supposed to be. Can we reasonably compare Dominica to the main tourist destinations eg St Maarten, Bahamas, USVI?? No we need to compare to the other islands in our grouping. When comparison is done, Dominica is not the worst off in that group. What we need to do is to do things to increase tourist arrival and they spending more. To increase overall. But unfortunately, some of us, especially the Political persons here are so bent on making the Government look bad. They do not realise how much a bad image they are painting of the country all because of one man they do not like. Come on people these are factors that we need to look at. We have so many things to be thankful for instead we like the tongue bashing of Dominica and we fail to realised that we are a blessed county compared to some other countriues. Look at Greece, Italy countries that we thought were high up in the World economy. Let us bless our nation and give suggestions to be better in what we do.

  55. yesss ii
    November 10, 2012

    honestly i cant find fault with anything prevost said here. we need a bi partisan brainstorming session for this one.

  56. my two cents
    November 10, 2012

    This might keep locals in Dominica as well as increase our tourist rating, what ever that may be. The canefield airport! Yes the airport. The airstrip can be made into a tourist village of some sort where visitors will be greeted with top class sheds each having a unique Dominican theme. The terminal building can be made into and extend as a shopping mall with parking. Who says everything has to be IN Roseau?

    I might be a bit vague with my comment but I am sure that the point is understood.

    • Toure
      November 12, 2012

      There is no more space in Roseau,is time we think outside the box. I think that would be a step in the right direction.Over two(2) years they talking about taking over the DEXIA building or the Ruins. Don’t you worry night does run until day catch up with it!!!

  57. ?
    November 10, 2012

    The only time they will listen is when the economy crumbles down. It’s not too far away. It’s not that these leaders would not want to do something but they are incompetent,lazy, insultive and they are competing among themselves to see whose pockets gets bigger, at the fastest pace.
    They need to take a leaf fron the tourisn industry of sister islands St.Kitts and St Lucia. These countries have governments which are forward looking and these men/women are law abiding, patriotic citizens.

  58. Jayson
    November 10, 2012

    Can the honorable primeminister please assign a minister, with at least a hint of competency, the postion as Minister of Tourism?!!

    Ian isn’t terrible at his job because he makes bad decisions, he’s terrible because he doesn’t make ANY decisions whatsover. This guy is just warming a seat which should be occupied by someone else.

  59. Peeping Tom
    November 10, 2012

    Ok. So, Honorable Prevost has read from some reports. Now, as a parliamentarian, a member of our legislature (the body partly responsible for the governance of the State), what does he propose?

    • >>>>>>>>>>>>
      November 11, 2012

      Propose to whom.What will the cabal do but to ridicule the Honourable gentleman. But i must applaud Honourable Prevost for bringing the findings of the report to our attention.
      The government has seen it or heard it, it is their responsibility to call the opposition together to find solutions. Stop ‘putting the cat before the horse’ for political expediency. Are you a AM PM groveller?

    • Mamizoo
      November 12, 2012

      You laborites are truly sick. What Other excuses do you people can come up with.

    • Nac Vibes
      November 12, 2012

      Gees you are so transparent, a report you cannot refute so try and spin it out of the responsibility of your government, coming here and talk about him being part of the legislature, the same members of the legislature who are only allowed to participate when it suits you.

      Well sir he did his job, he highlighted irrefutable evidence of how you lot are mismanaging the only thing that brings a little cash into the country.

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