Tonge trashes talks of Dominica name change

Tonge believes in the proper marketing of Dominica
Tonge believes in the proper marketing of Dominica

Tourism Minister, Robert Tonge, does not believe that changing Dominica’s name will assist the island’s tourism industry.

He is of the opinion that proper marketing will make Dominica known.

“In order for any guest or visitor to want to come to Dominica we have to ensure the country is known,” he said on Wednesday. “We must advise the potential visitor about our natural beauty…”

He said marketing of Dominica has to be targetted.

“We cannot waste our marketing dollars,” he stated.

It has been suggested in the past that Dominica’s name be changed since the island has been confused with the more well-known Dominican Republic.

On Wednesday, Director of Tourism Colin Piper, mentioned that name recognition issues with the Spanish-speaking country as one of the many challenges facing Dominica’s tourism product.

But Tonge isn’t buying into the concept of the name change.

“Many say that we should change the name of Dominica but after thinking quite a bit, I think I have come to a different realization,” he explained. “If an individual knows of Dominica then they will not mistake us for the Dominica Republic, so obviously we have a lot more to do with regards to marketing our country properly.”

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  1. John S.
    January 16, 2017

    I would use the French version of the name – Dominique. It wouldn’t represent a huge change but help to differentiate from the Dominican Republic. Residents would be Dominiquans.

  2. P. James
    May 9, 2016

    I do not believe Dominica should change its name, though I think we should use the Commonwealth of Dominica more instead of just saying Dominica when speaking to non residents who are not physically on the island. Dominica is our given name, just like the Kalinago people gave the island its name. I really do not like that we have to explain so as not to confuse people that we are not the Dominican Republic. The Dominica Republic is not the original name for the country located on Hispaniola. Christopher Columbus discovered and named Dominica about a month before he discovered the place now called the Dominican Republic. It is only about a hundred years ago or so that the country located on Hispaniola was renamed the Dominican Republic and its citizens called Dominicans. We need to keep our name. The government should do an international poll to discover how well regular people, and people in the tourist business are familiar with our name and what image do they get.

  3. Face the Facts
    May 8, 2016

    Those who know the history of Dominica should know that the first two names Dominica had were Sunday Island and Trinity Island. Then with the French rule in Dominica, it was called in French, Dominique. When the British took over, they called it Dominica.
    Dominica is quite fitting.
    We do have to explain that Dominica is not the Dominican Republic and vice versa. Those of us who have experienced it are accustomed to it. I do not see the reason why the name should be changed.
    Dominica is in dire need of changes as changes of some hearts including those who consistently criticize and do nothing for the country. Their type of criticisms are also redundant and much ado about nothing, as they debase every good work which is being done in Dominica although as nationals they will benefit from them. They do nothing to help Dominica and to enhance it.

  4. observer
    May 8, 2016

    i noticed that you all removed a very informative piece of information by another user regarding the meaning and true origin of the word dominica. it only goes to show that this page is not trustworthy and is as corrupt as our radios, leaders and opposition. lol if its one thing that is for certain God Himself has his plans for all of you..those wh supposed to be our guidance are decieving us yuo all will surely perish

  5. Mee
    May 8, 2016

    Name change , what you need to change is what is on offer.Stop over charging tourist .Give them value fo money and good memories .They will return .So simple

  6. ThEReal
    May 7, 2016

    WAITI KUBULI EVERYDAY. am i spanish? do our leaders and teachers even know what dominica means? they told us in school it means sunday for the spanish word domingo .load of crap. Saint Dominic of Spain was responsible for the ‘Order of Dominicans’ in Spain and at the time the world was in an era of exploration. Dominica and dominica republic were thus named after the Order. DOMINICA IS NOT OUR NAME

  7. HJW
    May 6, 2016

    Mr. Tonge, you are a friend and I respect you very much. If anyone wants to debate a name change for Dominica and do not see the positives in this change, then you have lost this battle before you even started. The true loser here is Dominica. Keep the name Dominica and lets just do away with the Tourism budget and the Ministry. Useless and a waste of money because after 38 years, we have gotten nowhere spending millions every year. Change the name and rehabilitate the island to new heights. We will be the talk of all news outlet for a week. Much needed publicity and no more confusion.

    Have you read the reports?
    They are all available

  8. Titiwi
    May 6, 2016

    Why not call it REAL DOMINICA? It conveys two messages:

    – we are the real (…and original) Dominica unlike the Dominican Republic
    – to Spanish speakers it translates as “royal” Dominica. (like in “Real Madrid” for the soccer aficionados among us)

    I think both would give us a “leg up” over the D.R. without too much expense. We could start using it in our promotional material first as an adjective (…and I would underline it!) and if found to be effective, officially change our name to that moniker later

  9. Caretaker
    May 6, 2016

    Some things need to be changed but what? An island is a piece of land surrounding by water and you cannot change that. The difference between a minor. Youth or adult. Breath and water. BREATH is life and water is a necessity. crime is up, poverty is up. You cannot teach what you don’t understand. all countries have a system and laws to live by.

    • Tjebe Fort
      May 6, 2016

      What are you really trying to say man. A lot of hot air but no substance. Just talk plain ans simple.

    • bable
      May 7, 2016

      incohesive bable, no actual point made here, pointless comment.

  10. forreal
    May 6, 2016

    what a spit in the faces of our ingenious people,not one comment here at least did them some justice or consideration,a chance at voicing opinouns to right a wrong,you all are no different than the americans who stole the Indians land,my point is,see how easy racism can be pointed out,yep even among our own black people and little island,just calling you all out,don’t ask for my head on a plate…….kubuli forever….u guys can’t touch that

    • Tjebe Fort
      May 6, 2016

      That is my flavourite beer too brother! happy weekend with a cold Kubuli.

  11. Good To Go
    May 6, 2016

    Allu really think Tonge was qualified to be no Minister of Tourism? The man was placed there as a “cool guy” to appeal to those ignorant non-reading young voters who get carried away with personalities and billboards and sewo and not actual ABILITY and PERFORMANCE. How does that qualify him to lead no ministry? Can we not see the results now? A total failure. Everything was on a silver platter for him. One thing he won’t get on a silver platter is the Roseau Central seat. And that is all.

  12. Massacre
    May 6, 2016

    We do not need a change of name , Dominica needs a change of leadership. All the heads a rotten and require changing. 10 years now since it began to spoil so now that the rest of the bunch is beginning to rot the smell is all over our financial future. If these guys remain in power we may even have to change our currency just like Zimbabwe

  13. Take Note
    May 6, 2016

    Many countries have changed their names and they are just fine. When one says i am Dominican… the question is which Dominica? people from Dominican Republic are Dominicans, People from Dominica are Dominicans. If we want to stay having to explain which ‘Dominica’ we are from while trying to tell people to come that is our business. I traveled the world and when i talk to Africans i have to tell them ‘la dominique’ so they know its not Dominican Republic. when i tell Koreans I am from Dominica the say they like our Baseball team (Dominican republic). so if we believe a marketing strategy can clear that up for a dot in the sea then Mr. tongue we shall remain the how we are till Columbus comes back.

  14. Tourism vendor
    May 6, 2016

    Why isnt DDA and the ministry of tourism singing the same song? This is why tourism is going nowhere? The Heads are bumping heads…Somethings isnt working…Mr PM change it if you care

  15. Domplin
    May 6, 2016

    If you advertiser Dominica, they will still think it is Dominican Republic. I am still trying to clarify at my workplace that Dominica is different to Dominican Republic. I am always asked where I come from and I always say, and it goes in one ear and comes out the other. And the same conversation comes up later. Nobody has time for little islands. If you have to tell someone the same thing 5 or 10 times, maybe if it had a catchy name like WAITUKUBULI it would stay in their head and they would immediately remember and want to go there. Remember Dom Republic is known for its beaches and tourism – the place where tourists go and get sick. So keep the name and not get anywhere, change the name and you may see the difference. But we are stuck in a hole where nothing changes so we know what will happen.

    • nicole
      May 7, 2016

      Well I must say that you are working with idiots…The first time I was corrected on the point that Lybia and Liberia are not the same country, I understood.

      If, after clarification, your co workers or whoever you talk to STILL can’t understand that DA and Dominican republic are not the same country they obviously need a brain transplant. A simple look at the map would be able to convince even a 9 year old…I sure hope your coworkers are not doctors.

  16. May 6, 2016

    Now this is the most crazy thing that i have ever heard in my life(the world has gone mad) we need a proper mental institution in Dominica right now.All African countries were re-named by the colonizers,what did that is not only the gov’t who has to make changes,but every body who earns something with the name Dominica must make changes,shops,hotels, etc.History must be reformed,what none sence is that?Dominica is more back ward than 20 yrs. ago, due to those managing the system.Dominicans abroad can do more but the port fees are much too high,Tax payers pay too much when the majority of the population don’t have a job.A lot of food can be transformed,but instead of opening factories we close them down..Now those that govern the country is about to decapitate it by changing it’s name..Lord help us , every one who really love that place must say a prayer for those leading the place so that they can shuffle their brains to do what is best for all…

    • bable
      May 7, 2016

      You paranoid! open you mind to change, its inevitable. Non-caribbean foreigners cannot distinguish between Dominica & Dominican Republic. What that means effectively is that Dominica doesnt exist to the majority of the world. Why? because Dominican Republic is a very popular destination so any mention of the word Dominica is imediately defaulted to the republic, thus redering Dominica non-existant in the minds of the majority world populations.

  17. kubulol
    May 6, 2016

    Like most islands, Dominica should have changed it’s name when becoming independant .

    I never understood why DA missed this great opportunity and kept being mistaken with Dominican Republic.

    Our country name should be KUBULY ; it’s an easy name, still recalling our nation history.

  18. lmckoy
    May 6, 2016

    Dominica is frequently taken to mean Dominican Republic; ask any Dominican who lives in North America. However, that said, I do not believe a name change is necessary as the name recognition can be rectified by creative marketing. On the matter of tourism, there are other factors at work that place Dominica at a disadvantage and if addressed, can have beneficial results for Dominica. For example, the cost and the length of time it takes to get to Dominica. If your flight takes off from Toronto at 8:00 AM, you arrive in Jamaica before Noon but you wouldn’t arrive in Dominica until about 6:00 PM, if you get there the same day! As for cost, go online and check the cost of traveling to Dominica, in comparison to other sun destinations such as Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic – not counting the cruise business.

  19. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 5, 2016

    You see, lot’s of people are babbling; however, those so called play smart people fail to realize that the country’s name was change a long time ago. The day Dominica became independent the name of the island was changed to: “The Commonwealth Of Dominica!”

    Very few Dominicans are aware of that. Many times when I am asks; to where I belong, or came from, each time I respond “Dominica” the response from the enquire, is the Dominican Republic?

    So, I’ve made it a habit to be very careful, and precise; when I am asked of my nationality, I quickly say I am from the Commonwealth of Dominica, in the West Indies. And compound by saying in the Eastern Caribean!

    It is essential to identify our country as The Commonwealth Of Dominica. Patrick John change it from Dominica, to the Commonwealth of Dominica! That is officially recorded. If we as Dominicans refuse to recognize, and call our country the Commonwealth of Dominica, how could one expect a foreigner to refer to Dominica…

    • bable
      May 7, 2016

      This is not about Dominicans and wether they are aware of this. This is about the world and its current perception of DR vs DA.

      People generally cannot differentiate the two, thus Dominica gets ignored in favour of the more well known DR!

  20. Ideal
    May 5, 2016

    I love my Dominica, please leave the name as was given by Columbus. It was named Dominica and will remain so.

    • Theif
      May 7, 2016

      Columbus was a theiving c*** who had no right to steal the land and impose his Europeanised colonialism on Waitikubuli!

  21. May 5, 2016

    The way things are in Dominica I would just install barb wire and call it abandoned. Let goats and manikoo run wild together with the sheep operating as adminis- traitors. Let those sheep manage the goats and manikoo – just dress them MF up all in Red. The truth is right now there are a lot of manikoo pkayong possum /pretending to be dead and “chimaiying” simply because they afraid that the adminis traitors take away the crumbs.
    As fir Lang Mama my Dutch passport is not expired nor revoked.

    • Not a herd follower
      May 5, 2016

      hehehehe. I sense frustration. What’s happening in Dominica is really depressing.

    • island girl
      May 5, 2016

      These are the comments that hate Dominica. I can tell you
      many people who are living overseas does not have a life

      These are the comments that hurt Dominica
      bwlieve it or not….Sad really sad

      • island girl
        May 5, 2016

        sorry did not finish my comment

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 6, 2016

        The comments people make do not hurt Dominica, as much as the incompetence of the government, and the backward, primitive state in which they have the country.

        You people who keep voting for a government who has no clue as how to stimulate investments, attract investors into the country are the ones hurting the country!

        Have you ever thought that Skerrit is an obstacle in the way of development in Dominica? Have you ever thought if the majority of Dominicans were not dumb, only looking forward to receive a bribe in food and a few dollars every five years from Skerrit, to run out and vote for him the country would not be suffering economically, and there would not be so many people feeling physical pain and hunger!

        That is the hurt you should worry about, and know it is caused by Skerrit, and the Labor Party!

    • Run DMC
      May 7, 2016

      I wonder why the creator made something like you… complete waste!

  22. Prophet
    May 5, 2016

    We can make significant budgetary allocations, employ creative marketing strategies and if and when visitors are able to get to our shores ( LIAT, Ferry service etc.) we have not upgraded our overall tourism product, standards of accommodation, clean-up of streets, drains, buildings and display of an attitude of genuine hospitality with no harassment of our visitors by homeless and less fortunate individuals… it won’t make a difference…..our house is not yet in order to showcase to the world ! Our name Dominica is just fine thank you…it’s our mindset towards what we have and who we are that must change ! AMEN

  23. May 5, 2016

    Hispaniola include Haiti and the Dominican Reublic. the name change may a great idea. A refer add may be needed. Do have to ask the supreme leader first?

  24. Miami Vice
    May 5, 2016

    I agree…we DO NOT need a change of name. Ridiculous!

    What we do NEED is a new marketing strategy and positioning (along with a targeted communications plan), that will differentiate and promote Dominica, versus ALL other islands in the Caribbean.

    We truly have a story to tell…and if positioned correctly and with some value-added enticements…can assist in increasing stay-over visitations. Which in my opinion is the MOST important element of future destination marketing for Dominica.

  25. Diaspora
    May 5, 2016

    I agree with Mr Tonge. I hope the DDA takes heed.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 5, 2016

      Once again, you are a fool!

  26. Tjebe Fort
    May 5, 2016

    I think the Dominica Republic should change its name instead. After all we had that name long before them since Columbus gave us that name in 1493. Dominican Republic was named Hispaniola (little Spain) by the same Columbus sow why can they not go back to that name, especially since they speak Spanish.
    Why put little Dominica through all that expense to change our name, because that is very costly to do you know. Take it to the U.N. and have a debate and a vote on it on it and make the world understand that the Dominican Republic stole our name. That alone will give us more publicity than our entire advertising budget.

    • Music Producer
      May 6, 2016

      They already changed their name to Dominican Republic, They also go by Santo Domingo…Originally named Hispaniola.

      • Dominican
        May 6, 2016

        So, let them go back to Santo Domingo, the name their Spanish rulers gave them. They are the cause of the confusion, not us. the name Dominica properly belongs to us. Let them bear the cost and inco0nvenience of a name change.

  27. Faceup
    May 5, 2016

    Dominica to be called !! LA DOMINIQUE !!

    • nicole
      May 7, 2016

      Aree we french? why would we want to be called ” LA DOMINIQUE “? I don’t understand why some people put comments on DNO

  28. John Paul
    May 5, 2016

    A Good Marketing strategy could be changing the name to WAITUKUBULI .A name is very important and it could make a world of a difference .Case in point there have been many struggling musicians who simply changed their names and all of a sudden shot up the charts ! This is a fact
    Read His biography
    Do not brush aside the effect that a name change could have for this Country

    • Dominican
      May 6, 2016

      Garcon, Upper Volta changed its name to Burkina Fasso with ia capital city called Ouagadougou and now nobody knows where the hell it is. Waitikubuli is too long a name. In any case, if we do not change our attitude and improve service it does not make one bit of difference what wrapper we use to pack our product, if it is still the same crap inside. Meme bete meme pwel by any other name.

  29. Dominican Republic to Change Name
    May 5, 2016

    Better idea is to get the ‘Dominican Republic’ to change its name!

    After all, do they want to be confused with us? Not with the recent antics of Skerro, that’s for sure :)

  30. i am dominica...are you?
    May 5, 2016

    i don’t know if the name change is totally necessary however i think that there should be some differentiation between dominica and dominican republic. after all we are both called dominicans although we come from two different countries. sometimes you hear on international news that some crime was done by a “dominican” it does not necessarily mean its our people. it could be however when we hear these things sometimes we don’t realise it is not our dominica. there should be some differentiation.

  31. joe hy
    May 5, 2016

    We all know governments don,t build tourism it is the private sector and foreign investors.Dominica cannot attract foreign investors in tourism without an international if the govt is serious about building a tourism industry,it must stop listening to it,s high repute advisers and focus on building an international airport.

  32. REAL!!!!
    May 5, 2016

    This name changing I must concluded will not solve our problem.

    Before Marketing Dominica we need adequate AIR ACCESS and an Attractive/Sellable Tourism Product.

    Marketing Dominica without these things in place is another recipe for failure and disappointment.

    Stop putting the cart before the horse…..Now If the GOVT is interested in a successful tourism industry then they should allocate the needed finance for adequate air access and development of a compelling Tourism product.

  33. Scoop
    May 5, 2016

    You don’t know what you are talking about. A name change (back) to Waitukubuli would be a huge marketing coup – and a far better way to put this island on the map than all your failed strategies to date.

    • Face the Facts
      May 5, 2016

      Try listening to them pronounce this name. It is a bad idea. It would be a tongue-tied name. If anything, an easier name to pronounce would be better.

  34. May 5, 2016

    Mr. Tonga needs to be fired as Tourism minister though I believe the entire cabinet starting with Skerrit need to go. It’s not a name problem. I mean after the first case of zika was discovered on island and we were put on the alert list, one will remember the filling statement of the ministers, who said he was not concerned

  35. Dominican passports
    May 5, 2016

    Change it to Skerro Land

  36. Phoenixx
    May 5, 2016

    I agree with Aunty Bella.
    What does the Minister say?
    “Many say that we should change the name of Dominica but after thinking quite a bit, I think I have come to a different realization,” he explained. “If an individual knows of Dominica then they will not mistake us for the Dominica Republic, so obviously we have a lot more to do with regards to marketing our country properly.”
    That the scores of years and millions of dollars of advertising already gone into Dominica did not “market our country properly?”
    This implies that the scores of bright successful people who marketed Dominica in the past were dumdums and only now that the brilliant double thinker is on board that proper marketing will be done. So we are doomed to continue shelling out millions of dollars shouting all over the world, “We are not the Dominican Republic.”
    Everyone knows that maintaining the status quo brings no change and that the only time you do not change something is when it works at full…

  37. Unknown
    May 5, 2016

    Collin Piper is a joke for making that statement, confusion with Dominican Republic? That’s the dumbest /// I’ve heard in a while

    • Me
      May 6, 2016

      This is not a joke when you keep getting mail (…if you get it at all), after much delay, stamped “misdirected to the Dominican Republic”.

  38. Daryl Joseph
    May 5, 2016

    ?? someone ask me last week, with that ascent where are you from?
    I said Dominica.
    He did not believe there was such a place so he google it on his iPhone
    First came up was a picture of Roseau
    I said honestly it still needs allot of work.
    Folks it is very true very few people know about Dominica.

    • Face the Facts
      May 5, 2016


    • Me
      May 6, 2016

      Does Roosevelt Skerrit even know Dominica.? I bet he is more familiar with the nooks and crannies of New York.

  39. Corruptable
    May 5, 2016

    Rather than present plans of the 100 things he WILL do and HOW and WHEN he is going to do it, he is telling us what we won’t do? Whatever. Keep moving at a snail’s pace…when we wake up the rest of the Caribbean will be like Dubai and we’ll be talking about reinvigorating agriculture, tourism, geothermal…same sad story over and over and over…..

  40. May 5, 2016

    I agree with Tonge it is the inefficiency of the administration that has created the malady in Tourism. Year after year we hear the same rhetoric yet we see no improvement.
    Dominica the only solution to our problems in Dominica is that we honestly look into our cold hearted conscience and call the game as it is – call a foul a foul and apply the foul to the right players. We want to go around pretending that there are no problems and we hope that the problems go away. We have to be bold and honest . NOt timid as Tonge. Tonge is timidly suggesting that not enough is done by central government. This type of timid and fearful proposal cannot move a country. People must be willing to speak out without political victimization.
    The Roosevelt Skerrit administration has been getting by as a scam of operators and imposters posing as sincere public officials. As they continue to manipulate the masses the country and people are in full fledged decadence and our people are asleep

  41. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 5, 2016

    Mr. Pizza/ Roti Man Robert, that is perhaps the most reasonable commonsense comment you’ve made in all of your life; and so we know you are not completely shallow; though not academically educated: I must agree with you that a name change will not make any difference.

    Now I must inform you although I give you credit for commonsense, I assure you no amount of proper marketing to your standards will cause more tourist to visit Dominica under the prevailing circumstances!

    Robert, I am serious now: I am leaving my politics, and sarcastic’s out of it at this time, but for the good of Dominica, I must inform you that the tourist industry in Dominica will die unless, Skerrit, who is the one man government builds an International Airport!

    Commonsense should tell you that there is very little to benefit from a ship with even a thousand people aboard stopping in Dominica for eight hours. The tourist eat three meals on the ship, anything needed in a normal day can be bought on…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 5, 2016


      The tourist eat three meals on the ship, anything needed in a normal day can be bought on the ship. Commonsense should tell you overnight visitors must spend money on the island even if they are visiting with a family.

      The average vacation of a young working individual, last between five and ten days, depending on how many days vacation is accumulated. Here is an example, and I assure you I am not into mathematics; nevertheless, assuming eight hundred people spends ten days on the island, and each person spends an average of seven hundred dollars over that period of time: you will have 800 X 700 = $560,000.00 dollars, so multiplying that to any exponent of ten, can you imagine the amount in millions of dollars that could be generated into the economy of the country?

      You cannot even begin to market by advertising Dominica in Europe, and North America without first building an International Airport, believe it or not without an International Airport, you will only be…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 5, 2016

      You cannot even begin to market by advertising Dominica in Europe, and North America without first building an International Airport, believe it or not without an International Airport, you will only be wasting money, and time. I hope you did not come up with this idea after reading Pipers nonsense!

      In reality; it is not the name of the country that is the problem; it is the backward mind of some of our people, and the incompetence of Skerrit, and his government including you that half Antigua boy there.

      By the way I have Belonger Status in Antigua, and all my Children are born there to an Antiguan mother, another half of my family by mother are Antiguan born, one of them is being buried today.

    • all you fellers boy
      May 5, 2016

      Apparently you have never ever met Robert Tonge in person. To speak about the man and all his life. He doesn’t only own perky’s. insurance, started fast cash (now major share holder) and a few other businesses. Robby is a forward thinking guy, unfortunate he is caught up in politricks.

  42. Jaded
    May 5, 2016

    I am curious as to which avenues Dominica is marketed through. If I was not born and raised in DA I would probably not have heard of DA. DA needs to be aggressively marketed. We keep hearing the same excuses year after year, decade after decade.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 5, 2016


      When you hear talk about Tourism Week in Dominica, that nonsensical talk is heard on Radio limited to Dominica aline you know.

      The only three times I heard Dominica name mentioned in relation to tourism in America, was due to Sam Raphael advertised his now destroyed Jungle Bay, giving away a couple trips to Dominica.

      Other than that they advertise only to the tourist Dominicans who lives in Dominica eh!


      Oh me belly; hurts with laughter

  43. glasshouse
    May 5, 2016

    So Aunty Bella are you or any of your famliy dominican? If you/they are i guess that puts you/them in the same can as us right….. Dommies in a Can… think before you talk. :mrgreen:

  44. Dominique
    May 5, 2016

    No matter how much “proper marketing” you do, the visitor numbers will not increase until there is a better way to reach Dominica. LIAT makes it painful to get here; and having to take multiple plans to get to a country that’s not as ‘exotic’ as a small island off the coast of a larger Continent is not appealing to anyone. So after more than 15 years in government can the DLP administration just accept their mistake and admit that we NEED to invest in an international airport. Get your heads out of your a*!#^

  45. hercule poirot
    May 5, 2016

    it is not to late to change the name to La Dominique to blend with our culture and history
    Too often we who live abroad have to waste our breath to make the distinction that our beautiful island is not the Dominica Republic

    British Guiana changed its name to Guyana
    Upper Volta changed its name to Burkina Faso
    We missed the boat in changing the name when we became independent
    Therefore it is never too late

    therefo rit isn nevedr too late
    Wer missd

    • Dominican
      May 5, 2016

      If we do that we may as well go the whole hog and join the E.U. I happen to like Dominica.
      You know Martinique was originally named Martinico, after St. Martin but I guess the French did not like the idea of a Spanish name although Guadeloupe is also of sSpanish origin, named after the virgin og Guadeloupe, a city in Spain.
      Nothing wrong with Dominica in my book.

  46. Think about it
    May 5, 2016

    Our indigenous name sounds good. It should be put to a referendum. We are commonly mistaken or often have to explain that we are not the Dominican Republic.

  47. Floridian Diaspora
    May 5, 2016

    Off course changing Dominica’s name isn’t going assist the island’s tourism industry, but changing the name of the tourism minister sure will. The fact is you sir have no marketing skills. You are so dull that they could heat your backside up to a thousand degrees and you still won’t be able to cut through butter. In plain English you are simply useless. Don’t waste your time by trying different marketing methods. Like the recurring factor it will just fail again. Your resignation would be preferred as well as the resignations of the rest of the RED cabal.

  48. May 5, 2016

    I agree with the Minister Dominicans the name is not the problem it’s the marketing of the products and services that Island produces that need to be highlighted we have to stop this nonsense about changing the name and start promoting the Island. First we have to make it an attractive place to visit, remember the saying cleanliness is next to godliness so it’s time we all take up the mantle, and we don’t want the minister to feel we are doing it because he said so, it’s our Island and we appreciate what God has given to us., it’s everybody business to make sure the place is kept at a higher level than what it is now.

  49. mi
    May 5, 2016

    “On Wednesday, Director of Tourism Colin Piper, mentioned that name recognition issues with the Spanish-speaking country as one of the many challenges facing Dominica’s tourism product”.
    Mr. Piper if you think so, that clearly states you are not doing a good job in promoting DOMINICA.
    I’m in total agreement with the Minister on this one.

  50. megso
    May 5, 2016

    “In order for any guest or visitor to want to come to Dominica we have to ensure the country is known,” he said on Wednesday. “We must advise the potential visitor about our natural beauty…”

    I say “In order for any guest or visitor to want to come Back to Dominica we have to ensure the country is accessible” That is where the money is. Return visitors who go home & tell everyone how fantastic the trip was.

    How many tourists go to the effort to make the trip & then , after experiencing LIAT decide not to return, to actively advise their friends & acquaintances not to take the trip? That is the type of tourist We should be trying to attract. Not necessarily cruise ship tourists, who may buy a beer or two, some cheap souvenirs – made in china , & hopefully take a guided tour to our over crowded attractions.

    • Zandoli
      May 5, 2016

      Actually, cruise ship tourists are exactly the type of people we need to target to encourage them to RETURN to Dominica.
      1. For these people there is no mistaking Dominica for Dominican Republic.
      2. Much like Costco who have made a business of giving out free samples in their shops to drum up more demand, cruise tourists have had a taste. What we need to consider is, does the “taste” encourage the consumer to demand more? And that is where I think we fall flat.

      After the cruise tourists “taste” Dominica, few want more of what we have to offer. I have met some people who have returned. They passed through Dominica and they liked it and went back, but not enough of them do. And that my friends is where we need to focus our attention.

      I have been on numerous cruises and the notion that cruise tourists are poor people on a budget could not be further from the truth. Some of them have real money to spend. But need to find a way to tap into it.

    • John Paul
      May 5, 2016

      Sir You knocking the nail on the head!

  51. aunty bella
    May 5, 2016

    The Minister of Tourism speech has much to be desired…speaks like a high school boy.. sorry to say but you need to step up…sounding real dead. anyways Dominica can have this name change (Dommies in a can)

  52. The Evangelist?
    May 5, 2016

    I agree with Mr. Tonge that changing Dominica’s name will assist the island. However, he fell short of saying that what we need in Dominica is a change of government. Tourism and every aspect of Dominica that fell from where we were 25 years ago, started falling apart from 2005, when Skerrit became the government of Dominica, and each year things are getting worse. So let’s not blame failure on name, when we all know the problem is with that one man government called Skerrit.

  53. Visitor
    May 5, 2016

    Mr. Tonge,

    Name Dominica Cinderella of the Caribbean, Curruption Paradise or Passporthaven and I guarantee you that all will be fine.


      May 5, 2016

      Dear Visitor,
      May I be so bold as to point out that based on your comment perhaps you have participated in or known of individuals participating in corruption? As a “Visitor” this would be very unhelpful to our needs and it is perhaps best individuals like you do not return. As for passporthaven, it would also serve you to know that the US, the UK and many of nations around the world sell passports. I wonder if you view them in the same light.

      • Tjebe Fort
        May 6, 2016

        As the saying goes bro, the truth always hurts.

  54. all you fellers boy
    May 5, 2016

    I wonder who is the idiot who suggested that we change our name. I agree 100% with Minister Tonge. We need to effectively market the country. An i dont just mean put out ads and go to trade shows. We need to first REFINE our products and develop NEW products and attractions which are what we say they are. We cannot call businesses that look like guest houses RESORTS. That is false advertising. We cannot rely on the usual sites like emerald pool and Trafalgar. We need viable new products that appeal to all and are properly utilized and managed. We need to start getting serious. We need to do intensive research to find out what it is that the people who we say we are targeting want, make sure we can afford to give it to them and ensure that it is provided how they expect it. We need to serious with our image.

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