Trinidad hits 41 murders as cousin of Olympic Gold medalist shot dead

Trinidad police are probing the murder of Kevon “Monkey” Walcott, the cousin of Olympic Gold medallist Keshorn Walcott, who was gunned down at his home on Saturday night.

Police believe that the 41st murder so far for the year may be in retaliation for the recent murder of a fisherman in the rural northeast coast village of Cumana.


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  1. Tony
    January 24, 2018

    Hello and good morning my people . Well I already have my ticket and hotel reservation to go to TNT carnival but this is very concerning to me. I read the Triniday Express everyday and even though I already know about the murders which most seems to involve drug gangs and family disputes. The elected officials must allow the police to go after the criminal gangs because they are shooting each other right outside the polic station in Maraval.

  2. mine
    January 23, 2018

    so many murders we killing each other, the world is really coming to an end. We must live in unity and try our best to give peace a chance.

  3. My Opinion, not urs
    January 23, 2018

    This is joke compared to jamaica. They had 15 murders over the weekend.
    DNO u did not publish my last comment because of the fire i have you, but I find since my comment about regional and international news u trying to do better.
    Your next move should be having different columns including sports and entertainment so u can get a wider range of veiwers

    ADMIN: Thank you. Should we consider that an application?

    • blokay
      January 23, 2018

      And to categorize your news like how the more recognized sites like yahoo news and BBC do. DNA your ads occupy too much space on your pages.

  4. I Care
    January 23, 2018

    This is awful and extremely sad. In every part of the world, it is not the same as previously.
    We must consider the root of this situation. First it commences with these murderers upbringing. We do know some of them followed bad company which corrupted them.
    Let us ask what can the government do about that? Children should be disciplined and taught love and respect for their fellow people. It should be taught in the schools. If this is not done, when some of them become adults, the trend will be worst. Trinidadians will not be able to walk the streets.
    I recently spoke to two friends – sisters who will be leaving soon for T & T. They are Trinidadians. One of them mentioned about the murder rate in Trinidad. I wished them safety.
    In the words of Saint Pope John Paul II: “As the family goes, so goes the nation; so goes society.” Those who are realistic will comprehend his wise words which are also on spirituality. Something to contemplate on.

    • Looking on
      January 23, 2018

      You really think teachers can do any thing about it? Teachers are at the end of their rope in how to deal with children. It all begins with home training. Parents are enabling their children. It is clear that they dont want the teachers to correct their children.Education Act is protecting the children. What is protecting the teachers?

      • I Care
        January 23, 2018

        I am aware of that. I wanted to be a teacher but chose another career. There are teachers in my family and I have a few friends who teach. They have complained about some parents. The days when parents cooperated with teachers have since vanished. However, the Education Minister could try to do something about it. It is never too late and there is hope for the future generation. As for parents, what they sow they will reap two-fold. . They bring children into the world and they are responsible to nurture them appropriately. God is their judge.

  5. Roy
    January 22, 2018

    Wouldn’t be surprised if it was black on black. Seems like developing world people, especially black people, are programmed to kill each other. That is if they are not being killed by developed world people under the guise of defence or something.
    What can be done?
    Leaders must stop the self-aggrandization and corruption and rule for the betterment of their people and their country. Educate the masses The buck stops with them.

  6. January 22, 2018

    This is crazy, New York city with a population of 8.5 million had 290 murders in 2017. Trinidad with a population of 1.3 million had 494 murders…

    • mine
      January 23, 2018

      There was more murders in ny.

  7. January 22, 2018

    There is no way you can compare Trinidad murder rate to that of the U.S.A. Trinidad is but a dot on the map compared to an entire continent. I havent returned home to visit because of the murder rates

  8. Rawle
    January 22, 2018

    The same violence is going on in Barbados accurately throughout the Caribbean diaspora. I ask myself what is going on with our black people. Very sad indeed.

  9. My little take
    January 22, 2018

    Trinidad is very dangerous and that’s why I appeal to my friends and fellow Dominicans that ran to Trinidad after Maria, to reconsider their decision. I am not trying to scare anyone but the numbers speak for itself. So far 41 murders in just 21 days makes it almost 2 a day.

  10. January 22, 2018

    So sad. So very sad.

  11. David Crowe
    January 22, 2018

    Very bad that my sweet little country so much killing
    When I was growing up we had so much love and respect
    For each other , now they killing for respect , respect is free
    May God bless my ??

  12. January 22, 2018

    When the killing going to stop.

  13. Dominican Passports
    January 22, 2018

    41 murders? The year just started? Black people dangerous :!: :-o

    • Calypso fan
      January 22, 2018

      I read an article on facebook saying that Jamaica has reached 200 murders already

  14. Ibo France
    January 22, 2018

    Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago have given the Caribbean region a black eye. Shooting has become a terrifying norm. There is no plausible defence for these unwarranted killings and beast-like behavior. All the Ministers of National Security, along with their top personnel in law enforcement of CARICOM countries should convene a meeting in an effort to gather practical and real solutions to this horrifying crime problem. If the present situation is allowed to persist, our region would descend into total anarchy. Life in these parts is beginning to become intolerable.

    • Man bite dogs
      January 22, 2018

      Let us get one straight in the UK 2017 London 90 young people got killed that was black on black Africa many more USA just as bad what does that tells you or try working it out if you clever enough.

      • Ibo France
        January 22, 2018

        Man bite dogs, what message are you really attempting to convey? Work on your sentence construction and your punctuation before you post. I implore you to do this in all seriousness so one can easily decipher your statements. I hope you are not stating that black people are genetically predisposed to committing murder. One should never denigrate his/her race . You also have a propensity to berate and disparage as if you get superlative happiness from doing so. Cut it out. Lastly, one has the inalienable right to criticize his/her democratically elected government without being subjected to your adolescent tantrums. Cut it out!
        With the best of intentions, Ibo France.

        PS. Stop this Ebola France thing.

  15. zandoli
    January 22, 2018

    These animal will never stop. The police is even worse. They cannot be trusted and there are many rouge elements within that police service.

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