Turkey: Mass arrests after coup bid quashed, says PM

Turkish soldiers surrender
Turkish soldiers surrender

Some 2,839 soldiers, including high-ranking officers, have been arrested over an attempted coup that is now over, says Turkey’s PM Binali Yildirim, the BBC has reported.

In a night he called a “black stain on Turkish democracy”, he said 161 people had been killed and 1,440 wounded.

Explosions and gunfire were heard in Ankara, Istanbul and elsewhere overnight and thousands of Turks heeded President Erdogan’s call to rise up against the coup-plotters.

Read more.

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  1. Lucia
    July 18, 2016

    The Turkish are not cowards. They are going to come back for President Erdogan………..watch that space

  2. Reasoning
    July 17, 2016

    These coup leaders must have made a mistake by not assessing the situation and have the support which they needed? They fought a weak battle,by even surrendering to the people; but i think they will regroup and be successful! ,The leader there is not good and wants to hold on to power by any means,he’s been there for thirteen years and it’s time for him to go! In the case of Dominica,prime mistake scarit does not have the support of the majority,otherwise he would not have to import voters; plus the police force is not on his side,apart from a few at the top whom he selected! Most of the police wish that the people would rise against the illegal rogue government of Dominica, cause they will stand with those who are rising up! Those of you who are trying to use the fail coup in Turkey as an example,are just fooling yourselves! The time is sooner than you all think for the demise of the rogue government in Dominica!

      July 18, 2016

      Well try it nuh reasoning and you will see who has the majority….dotish!

  3. Tell the Facts
    July 16, 2016

    I was surprised to hear that. While we were minding our business or sleeping or awakening there was such an uprising in Turkey. I listened to the news but did not think it would have been on such a wide scale and many people died. Such chaos in Turkey. Many nationals were obviously scared and at what would occur next. It must have surprised those nationals and was shocking to them.
    Imagine how many died and how many were arrested. I wonder if this government has a proper place to put that amount of them.
    The coup failed. Consider how many have lost their positions and income. These people have a family to support. Now their livelihood will be in jeopardy. Those who are arrested may never hold a proper job. If they are not imprisoned for life, they will always be bitter and at what they have lost.
    if only they did not stage that coup, those who died would have been alive and all would have had their jobs. Was it worth it? We can say an emphatic, “NO!”

  4. Tell the Facts
    July 16, 2016

    Live and let live. It is not worth staging a coup. They oust a government, later another set of people will oust them. It will be a never ending situation.
    Some of these people do not pray for themselves or for their government. They are bent on hating and planning how they could gain control. They never give it a thought that God is in control. As He watches and listens, in time everything will come to pass. If this country is a democratic one, what are they seeking?
    1 Peter 2:13:17 – Christian citizen – “Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether it be the king as supreme or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the approval of those who do good. For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorance of foolish people. Be free, yet without using freedom as a pretext for evil, but as slaves of God. Give honor to all, love community, fear God, honor the king”, whoever is the leader.

    July 16, 2016

    Let the fighting stay over dear, papa. And love what you like.

  6. keepingitreal
    July 16, 2016

    has bob said over thirty years ago and still relevent”so much trouble in the world”
    “see them fighting for power but they know not the hour”

  7. Kubuli
    July 16, 2016

    You here in Dominica and you know who you are should consider what has happened in Turkey, your calls for boots on the ground, 1979 again, the majority of citizens and the military (police) do not support you, outside governments will not support a group that overthrows a democratic government. You only have one way and that is an election.

    • Shaka Zulu
      July 16, 2016

      Your lord Hugo Chavez got into power by coup as a military man. Sometimes they work and when they dont it is disastrous for to planners. Dominica for example. The worst thing than a coup is a failed coup. The fact that you bring up 79 tells you agree the current regime in Dominica is bringing people to the edge.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 16, 2016

      Some people are never satisfied with what they have. I have stated before, they know what they have but they do not know what they will get. If they think Dominica will be better and they will be better, they may be in for a surprise. If only they could see the future, they would keep quiet.
      They are full of criticisms as they waste their God-given time. They are not helping to make Dominica a better place. Why else were they born into the world and in Dominica? For what reason? Is it only for oneself?
      They are depending on the government to do everything. As nationals every able adult is expected to do his/her part. Most of all God expects it of us. Have they considered when they die what they will present to God that He might say: “Well done my good and faithful servant . . .?”
      It is not only attending church and reading the Bible that will get people to Heaven. We must have something spiritual to present to God. What are they doing in this respect?

    • FORKIT
      July 17, 2016

      are you for real, how many governments did america,s cia helped to topple, Libya rings a bell… allu just repeating everything allu hear and cant think for allu self… boots on the ground dont mean coup it means demonstration… every citizen has a right to demonstrate if he or she is afflicted…

  8. Mein Kampf
    July 16, 2016

    What are our rights as citizens of Dominica? We have no referendums in joining Alba, or joining China, Dominicans have no say in the development of their country. We have no referendums in the selling of passports, yet we pay taxes to the state to a leader whose children are born in America, who goes on private business in macau? Dominicans need to stand up for our rights and liberties as we have no say in the development of our country even if this one leader making bad decisions on our behalf. 8-O

    • Sixth nine
      July 16, 2016

      Mein Kampf, about comment After reading your blog i went to the toilet because i felt sick just by reading that load of crap who ever you are whereas the country you now leave in hopefully it is not Dominica please do not vote ever.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 16, 2016

      Everyone has rights. The primary one is to make your country a better place to stay for yourself and for other nationals, to obey and respect authority whether what they do is displeasing to you.
      Do not play God and think you know better. The problem is some of you think that the government has to consult you every time a decision has to be made. If so, that would not be an effective government. It would be one that bows down to its nationals rather than stand up and do what it was elected to do.
      You have the wrong notion of how a government should operate.
      I have been residing in Canada. Since I have been here, not once the public participated in a referendum. They receive calls from private enterprises as the Media to conduct a survey if they so wish, their opinion on certain matters then relay it through their network.
      Nationals have the option to write their MP/MPP as if they will pay heed.
      Be happy and do what you can for your country.

    • Gary
      July 19, 2016

      Your comment is not based on knowledge and understanding, it just shows what political partisan beliefs has done to your mind, destroying your ability to reason and think.

  9. %
    July 16, 2016

    What caught my attention in the above literature was this::::President Erdogan has become an expert in winning election, (Does that ring a bell),and there are doubts about his long term commitment to DEMOCRACY……He has become increasingly AUTHORITARIAN,(Does that ring a bell),and is trying to turn himself into an AN EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT!(Did you all hear)..Have we heard of this Executive President thing in Dominica?Of Course YES!!! What about the authoritarian rule!!!OF COURSE YES!!!
    I do not subscribe to COUP D’ETATS, but world over people are getting sick and tired of BAD GOVERNANCE..The literature also suggests that this is not the end of it!!!
    A new genre of corrupt leaders have emerged in the Caribbean…Some have done so many wicked,evil and demonic deeds,that the wealth of the countries that they have stolen have them possessed .Some people allege than the wealthiest should have up to a billion or more dollars,so this EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT thing is
    something we have to…

    • %
      July 16, 2016

      watch,and Caribbean people must stand up to those possessed zombies and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

      • Silver fox
        July 16, 2016

        % Did you know flower a fashion kiss the dog tail? Try it overthrowing this labour administration and it will be the last thing most of you will ever do, enough is enough be careful what you lots wish for????

    • Silver fox
      July 16, 2016

      Yes % you are right just look at the so called Workers Party when they were in office when all that bobohaha and the money goes missing why dont asked sticky fingers where the money gone to you bloody hypocrite.

    • Gary
      July 17, 2016

      Why do you take limits of your field of vision coupled with your political partisan beliefs to distort facts and truths regarding your Country.Why do adopt such tunnel vision view. There is a difference between what you think about a thing and what that thing really is, this is what you need comprehend. The manner in which you define the events in Turkey does not validate your argument with reality pertaining to Dominica insinuating quote, “does that ring a bell” such utter nonsense.

      July 17, 2016

      %. Pure BS,,,,The majority have spoken…The minority are disgruntled…. They shall pay. A warning to those who always talk about 1979.

    July 16, 2016

    Strong message to those who always (ADVOCATE) talk about May 29, 1979. Let them try it and let them think they will get away when the CALL is sound to rise against THEM :mrgreen:

    • %
      July 16, 2016

      You did not understand a darn bout what you read…Stop your buffoonery.

    • Tell the Facts
      July 16, 2016

      Some people are radicals. They love excitement and are just waiting for an uprising. Some may be at the forefront, in the middle or behind. Others will hide behind closed doors as they initiate one.
      Do you recall Inspector (?) Carbon said that there will not be a repetition of what occurred in 1979, words to that effect?
      Matthew 5:9 – Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

  11. info
    July 16, 2016

    People power, the majority prevails the people have spoken,the masses brought down the minority!!

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