Law enforcement authorities in St Kitts have confirmed that two Antigua and Barbuda nationals have been charged with suspicion of human smuggling.
The names of the two individuals have been withheld and it is still unclear when they will make their first appearance in court.
The men were among 32 people on board La Belle Michelle; a French vessel that capsized off the coast of St Kitts while on an illegal journey to St Thomas.
Fourteen Cameroonians perished when the boat capsized after encountering engine issues around 9:30 PM last week Tuesday.
A French national reported that this boat, fitting the description of La Belle Michelle was stolen. He is assisting police with investigations into the matter.
The survivors, all from West Africa are currently under house arrest in St Kitts and Nevis.
The Antigua and Barbuda government has offered to have them sent back to St. John’s to be processed, along with the over 600 reportedly still on the island.
This comes as both the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) out of Martinique and the St. Kitts-Nevis Coast Guard, announced on Friday that they have suspended all recovery operations.
I’ve stopped eating Caribbean fish a long time. Much killing are happening on these high seas and here at home. Drug dealers are caught, killed and buried at sea by their captors. We have quite a bit of murderers here on the Island living large with blood money. “WHAT GOES UP.” The boat was “stolen.” Was it reported stolen?
Let me ask you a question, which is more detrimental to your well-being not eating Caribbean fish or harboring negative thoughts of the events that you focus on wow.
You are right they have not YET,but those donkeys will.Especially the one living in the prostiition section on FIGUEROA street in Los Angeles.He thought the people were aholes like him.He thought the people of Wesley would not vote Grant,and the international airport would not be built in Wesley.A deranged homeless bad brain lunatic living in Los Angeles,want to destroy Dominica.
Greedy puppy trying to get more bones and lose the one he have .
Surprise the two donkeys from Westly have not yet blames the PM
I wish these African people could fix their respective countries than to be risking their lives at risk because those countries are so badly managed by kleptocrats.
These two should be made to pay dearly for the sixteen (16) lives they took, the resources that were expended, and the suffering of the survivors and relatives of the deceased.
Gaston and his cult-like ministers who initiated this sordid affair using desperately destitute migrants should render their resignation en masse.