United Workers’ Party calls for public participation in march for electoral reform and good governance in Dominica

Roseau, Dominica 17 August 2023 – The United Workers Party (UWP) is deeply committed to the welfare of the Dominican people and the enhancement of good governance practices in our beloved nation. With a firm belief in the right of every citizen to have a say in matters that impact their well-being, the UWP is pleased to invite the public to join us in a peaceful march and meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023.

The marchers will assemble on the Portersville Savanah from noon and will commence marching at 1:00 p.m. to end underneath the “Arch” at 3:00 p.m. The UWP will commence a Public Meeting immediately after march.

By letter dated August 11th, 2023, the Chief of Police has granted permission to the UWP to march from 1 pm and assemble for a meeting thereafter at 3 pm. The approved route is:

‘Assemble at the Portersville Savannah, marchers will move in a southerly direction along the Goodwill Road onto the E.C. Loblack Bridge onto Independence Street, east along King George V Street, north along Bath Road, west along Hillsborough Street, south along Independence Street, along Constitutional Hill, west along Turkey Lane, north along Victoria Street to the Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard, east along King George V Street, north along Great George
Street, east along River Bank to culminate at the Arch.’

The UWP, as the organizing body, extends this invitation to all citizens, irrespective of political affiliations, who share our concern for a democratic, transparent, and accountable Dominica to attend this march and public meeting. The main objectives of this march and meeting are to advocate for:

Electoral Reform: The UWP firmly believes in the importance of a free and fair electoral process that is devoid of fear and intimidation. We call for comprehensive electoral reform that ensures the rights of all citizens to participate in the democratic process without hindrance.

Transparency and Accountability: The UWP demands the full disclosure and public discussion of all Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) signed by the government on behalf of the people of Dominica. Transparency is vital to uphold the principles of good governance and ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of our nation.

Enhanced Health System: We recognize the urgency of a well-staffed and adequately budgeted health system to safeguard the health and well-being of our citizens. The UWP advocates for the improvement of healthcare facilities and services, providing a higher quality of care to all

Preservation of National Treasures: Our national heritage, including treasures like the Botanical Gardens, holds historical and cultural significance. The UWP pledges to preserve these assets for current and future generations, recognizing their importance in maintaining our unique identity.

Resource Diversification and Economic Growth: The UWP emphasizes the necessity of diversifying our resources and growth engines to generate increased job opportunities for our youth. We are committed to an economy that ensures the people of Dominica are the primary beneficiaries of government-initiated investments.

A refined and transparent CBI Vetting process that will protect the citizenry from harsh global restrictions like that imposed by the UK which took away our privilege of visa-free entry into the United Kingdom due to the “operation of a citizenship by investment [CBI] scheme that has shown clear and evident abuse of the scheme, including the granting of citizenship to individuals known to pose a risk to the UK”.

For all these stated reasons and many others …The UWP encourages all citizens to join us in solidarity on August 23 rd , as we come together to amplify our collective voice and demand positive change for our nation's future. Let us stand united, transcending political boundaries, to uphold the values of democracy, transparency, and the well-being of all Dominicans. It is time to create a Dominica that puts Dominicans first.

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  1. Putin
    August 21, 2023

    This party continues to abuse its remaining followers by making a@#es of them. Thankfully, one by one, they are abandoning the Party.

  2. If we knew better
    August 21, 2023

    What happens after the march? Will reform be made how we want it? most likely not. Will the marchers be given time to speak with the established administration to have their voices heard? probably not. so what then? What is the expected outcome.

    Its time to get serious and stop all this nonsense. marching and rallying and talking does absolutely nothing except remind the people of our daily issues. What I, me myself would like from the UWP is to see actual action to make the lives of the people in their respective constituencies better. It can be anything from making a step for an old woman/man to access their house, to sourcing funding for a group of your supporters to operate a business, to revamping a playing field. the people want to see action on the ground. We know UWP doesnt have as much money as DLP, but these little actions can go a long way if the people see you working. We tired run our mouth we tired walk in hot sun. we want action. that reform will never happen.

  3. Man bite dogs
    August 20, 2023

    What is the problem with those blue monkeys are they real? Do they really know what they want or maybe just maybe the Government should negotiate a lorry load of ripping bananas to the b*****ds that will keep them monkeys quiet for a while before they head back to tree hugging and kissing idiots.

  4. MEME
    August 20, 2023

    A very good job is done on Q95 and DNO…Many in the rural areas do not listen to Q95 or read DNO…..They need to be informed as well. How is that being done?

    August 19, 2023

    I keep hearing from the UWP and some other opposers of the ruling party, “we the people”. If the Government don’t give “we the people” what we want we will do this or that. Who exactly are “WE THE PEOPLE”? Does it mean that’s only the UWP and it’s supporters are the people living in Dominica WHEN THEY ARE ONLY ABOUT A HAND FULL and can’t even full an 8oz. glass. So the MAJORITY of the people that ELECTED the government in POWER who are they? ALIENS? Well UWP MUST KNOW and UNERSTAND that the people are the MAJORITY that support and put the government to run their affairs. The Labor Party has the Majority. They are THE PEOPLE.
    The behavior of THESE UNCUFF WICKED PEOPLE (UWP) is like ,If is not their way then there is no way. They object to everything without providing a solution. They know everything best no matter whatever the profession claims to be. UWP , put that in you all pipe and smoke.. Zor fini bat.. ZOR NAYYAY. Stop putting DOMINICA into unrest.

  6. Young & Restless
    August 19, 2023

    The time for marching and meeting is over. Now is time for action …time to deliver Dominica from the yoke of bondage Roosevelt Skerrit has over our heads. Now is time for the sacrifice and to take it by force according to Matthew 11:12. I am tired of matching and meeting. No patat more marching. Now is time for Skerrit to go man!!!

  7. Lin clown
    August 19, 2023

    UWP doe want nothing.It is the same foolishness every Wednesday.They have the usual blue lazy bed bugs following.They know every bill to be passed into law has to go to parliament and the majority is not on the side of UWP.The 5 year limit to remain on the voters list should,and MUST be removed and replaced with indefinitely,at the seating of the next parliament.All registered voters should remain on the voters list and have the option to vote or not to vote.A Dominican living in the diaspora for 100 years or more is still called a Dominican.Labourites vote Labour and UWPites vote UWP.That stupid excuse about treating,bribery and paying for votes is fulishness.In 2014 when Linton contested his first election he received 5,000 more votes the Green got in 2009,did Linton bribe the 5,000 or did he try by offering every household $25,000?There is no evidence,there has NEVER been evidence that thousands of Dominicans travelled to Dominica to vote Labour.It is all lies.

  8. I on Board
    August 19, 2023

    I still Red but for the sake of Dominica I will only join if there is a clear plan to make it Skerrit’s last week stealing and oppressing us. If it is a 1-8 pM protest I staying home; but if it is something that requires us to sleep in Roseau until mission is accomplished then I am on board.

  9. August 18, 2023

    That’s all UWP can do try to stir up trouble. Just jumping from one none issue to another. If there is political instability in Dominica it is caused by the power hungry and desperate UWP. In the meantime it remains a party out of parliament and with a leader stationed and working in a foreign land.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 13 Thumb down 10
    • MEME
      August 19, 2023

      Well you must point out to me, when and where UWP stired up or committed any trouble…..Do you even know that UWP do not harbour soldiers, navy seal and snipers? If i have the slightest inkling that they surreptitiously or overtly do so, i will publicly denounce them. Do you even know that democracy is not a spectator sport? You can’t stand on the fence and look, while greedy politicians like we have leading the country lie, steal and cheat. You must be an active participant, especially in Dominica, where the ruling Skerrit Labour Party has ruled with gross DISHONESTY, intransparecy and distrust.
      JOIN US!!

      • Putin
        August 21, 2023

        Pagua, Salisbury X 2, Marigot (eve of elections 2019), Roseau (outside Parliament, near Financial Centre, near the gas station, at the Neg Maron round-about)….

        You keep living in your echo-chamber and believing that Dominicans have forgotten what the UWP is, we have not forgotten. This is why we will NEVER elect a UWP government into office again; well, at least not with this current crop of leaders. We know you all too well!

      • August 21, 2023

        @ Meme. Dishonest UWP, making deal to sell diplomatic passport fortunately for Dominica they were exposed by aljezeera have you forgotten? The riots in 2017 that destroyed businesses in Roseau, the list of disruptive activities by the UWP is long. Very lazy and unproductive party this UWP.

    • Ibo France
      August 19, 2023

      They (UWP) are trying to awaken the consciousness of a people who have been plummeted by an obnoxious Liar for twenty consecutive years. The people deserve a break from poverty, dispossession, starvation wages, and the underwhelming development of the country.

    • me
      August 20, 2023

      @ Point
      Your brain must be EXTREMELY EMPTY my friend, to believe that walking for electoral reform is stirring trouble. In other countries you would be laughed at for making such a naive statement😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄.

      • August 21, 2023

        There are many more important issues that are affecting Dominicans than electoral reform. The current electoral system has been around since 1974 it was not created by skeritt. When the UWP brought in voters to help them win the 1995 election I did not hear basket brains like you complain, but you all are now hungry for power and desperation is quickly setting in.

        • Jonathan Y St Jean
          September 5, 2023

          @Point, you like the cheese stand alone. Skerritt is committed to electoral reform, and so are other countries in the Caribbean. Go back under the rock where you’ve been, you Rip Van wrinkle.

    • August 20, 2023

      That is all they are worth and, nothing else. They do not want anything, not even the international airport they want.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  10. Alas
    August 18, 2023

    All you doh want no reform. So stop trying to fool the people. The present government now with a big majority is trying their best but no allyou want it only your way in these modern times. So come out there with all you tomfoolery.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 12 Thumb down 11
    • MEME
      August 19, 2023

      The government is trying it’s best?Of course, it’s trying its best to steal, disappear the monies from the sale of your passport, make a few people very wealthy, gang up with criminals like Monfared, Lapseng, etc..
      Do you know that greedy Skerrit takes more than EC$64000.00 from the peoples money each month, and he gives elderlies just $300.00? Do you know that he has caused me to now get a VISA to travel to the UK?
      Do you know that if he is sick, he can wuickly get an air ambulance to travel abroad?. Will he grant you that facility?
      JOIN US!

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