UWI cops prestigious gold prize at the 39th Annual Educational Advertising Awards

The 39th Annual Educational Advertising Awards (EduADAwards) has bestowed upon The University of the West Indies (The UWI) a prestigious gold prize in the category of “Special Promotions Campaign.” This accolade celebrates The UWI’s exceptional digital launch campaign marking its 75th anniversary.

Renowned as a premier platform for educational advertising recognition in the United States, the EduADAwards attracts stiff competition, featuring the finest in educational marketing and communication. The judging panel comprises esteemed professionals from the realms of higher education marketing, advertising creative direction, and marketing and advertising expertise.

Among a pool of over 2,000 entries from more than 1,000 colleges, universities, and secondary schools across all fifty US states and multiple foreign nations, The UWI’s 75th anniversary digital campaign, unveiling the anniversary theme, logo, and a captivating sequenced video package, stood out. Notable peers in receiving Gold Awards include esteemed institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, New York University, and MIT Professional Education.

Dr. Rhonda Jaipaul-O Garro, University Director of Marketing and Communications, expressed pride in the collaborative effort spearheaded by the University Marketing and Communications Office. The award-winning logo and launch videos were crafted by adept in-house teams within the university system, affirming The UWI’s commitment to excellence. This recognition marks the sixth international award garnered by The UWI, showcasing a consistent ability to innovate, demonstrate creativity, and effectively communicate its brand essence.

Earlier in the year, The UWI’s jubilee anniversary campaign also secured a gold honor in the 17th annual AVA Digital Awards. Preceding these achievements, The UWI earned two global accolades in 2022 for the redesign of its central website, www.uwi.edu. Moreover, in 2021, The UWI clinched two gold awards for its E-Publication in Climate Action and its COVID-19 Task Force Website, alongside special merit for its Climate Advocacy and Action Website.

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