UWP supports CBI Program but ….

Linton at a press conference on Friday

Leader of the Opposition and political leader of the United Workers Party (UWP), Lennox Linton, has said his party supports the Citizenship by Investment Program (CBI) but has serious concerns over the way it is being operated in Dominica.

The UWP held a press conference on Friday to address what Linton said were matters of concern over the island’s CBI Program. It also came following Linton’s appearance on CBS 60 Minutes on the matter, which has created much controversy in Dominica.

During the press conference, he stated the UWP’s position on the CBI Program, the party’s concerns and his rationale for appearing on CBS.

“Well number one, the CBI Program in Dominica, while we support it, we also know and are concerned that the program has been mismanaged and corrupted to become primarily a source of Labour Party election campaign financing and wealth creation for a select few people, while millions promised to national development in constituencies like Marigot, remain unspent,” he said

Secondly, Linton believes that there is a lack of accountability and transparency in Dominica in the program.

“I speak to the media locally, regionally and internationally because complaints about a lack of accountability and transparency and the dangers of a CBI Program without integrity to global security have fallen on the deaf ears of a stubborn, incourage able government,” he said.

Thirdly he stated that Dominica has a ‘moral obligation’ to responsible behavior towards global civilization.

“Dominica, thirdly, has a moral obligation to responsible behavior for the advancement of global civilization,” Linton stated. “It has absolutely no right to engage in behaviors that endanger the security of other countries on the excuse that such behavior is driven my economic necessities.”

He stated that the CBI Program must be done in such a manner so as not to present Dominica as dangers to global security, as hindrances to the global fight against money laundering and terrorism.

Linton is also standing by what he said on 60 Minutes after he was heavily criticized by member of the rul

“He said what he meant, meant what he said in the public interest of Dominica,” he remarked. “He was correctly quoted and represented on the program.”

Meanwhile Linton said all the people of Dominica must benefit ‘meaningfully’ from the sale of the island’s passport.

‘That is what we stand for, that is what we insist on and that is something I will not depart from,” he stated. “It doesnt’t matter how they curse me, it doesn’t matter where they curse me, it doesn’t matter how they dehumanize and demonize me, I will stand for the people’s right to get their fair share of passport money in Dominica.”

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  1. naturally Dominican
    January 8, 2017

    Ted Daily love that song ” who bit you ? you crying——–.

    January 8, 2017

    There HE goes again. The Opposition- One Man-.. Just belching bubbles… destroying an entire Nation and it’s people for selfish gain. Talk is cheap. Evidence is the key! Lennox where is the EVIDENCE for ALL those accusations? As a KID I’m fed up with your damn BS!

  3. January 8, 2017

    we do not want any crumbs from the cbi program . we want tangible benifits not to laborites only but o all Dominicans regardless of color creed or class all shouyld eat you greedy vultures!!!!!

  4. Phedeline Nicholas
    January 8, 2017

    Nassif you’re so right!! No wonder we got all these documents from a bank in DA requesting proof of citizenship, SS, W-2 FORM, EIN#, Proof of Income Tax Form for 2015 etc. Thishasnever happened before. They are cracking down on Dominicans living abroad. It doesn’t matter how long you have bank account in DA. All the years we have never had any of this scrutiny. You are so right, and that is so damaging. Mi mize papa?

  5. The Darkness
    January 7, 2017

    Should not have let the international community know that we are officially unofficially a freeport…

    Although i somewhat agree with what is being said… putting Dominica in such a bad spotlight is rather terrible for business.

    This should have been handled locally.

    We can be plain to see for our people, yes; however, with this mal-reputation we now have, its like you’ve just locked us into the island.

    When D/a sinking, I’m looking for all the honorable rats. Captain and all must fall. :twisted:

  6. Passport Sales Bring in $20 million Dollars a Month
    January 7, 2017

    Passport sales is now our Nr. 1 export. It brings in $20 million into our cash-starved economy each month paying for civil servant salaries, public services, roads, bridges and such like.

    Dr. Skerrit takes only a small amount of that money for himself, his agents and cabinet ministers. We know you want a cut of the action, but please try be be not so greedy. There is only so much of that money to spare for people who are trying to destroy the very industry they expect to put money in their pockets.

  7. naturally Dominican
    January 7, 2017

    Is Dominican Passport and industry where we produce and market?
    this is prostitution and its time to stop it.

  8. look it
    January 7, 2017

    give dem to run the program. let them show us Dominicans how it should be done. lets see if thy will share the wealth and not keep it for themselves and their friends. lets see if they won’t get corrupted by the dollars that flowing. i love to see a non corruptible politician.

  9. January 7, 2017

    How is the program not transparent? How does the program lack accountability? These are simple questions. All am hearing from the opposition is the lack of accountability and transparency of the program, without explanation.
    Is the application processed flawed? Are the monies collected not deposited to specific accounts as stipulated by law? Are monies collected under the control government? Who controls the accounts? What are the monies used for? Is the vetting process flawed? These are some of the questions that needs to be addressed when talking about lack of accountability and transparency. Just saying that the program lacks transparency and accountability is not enough.

  10. Sweet Red Roses
    January 7, 2017

    Don’t understand why lies are so acceptable to Roosevelt Skerrit’s supporters, while they are fist in line in church for holy communion, teeway meypwee in support of corruption and quick to shout “Labor ka twavey while they gwayer for their next meal. (SMH)

    January 7, 2017

    Dominica and St Kitts are the only Islands who have educated their people about the CBI Program. I have spoken to Antiguans about it and they have no idea about what it’s about.
    Some of the projects the CBI programs is geared towards in Dominica
    The New Petite Savanne village
    Jungle Bay resort
    Road Rehabilitation
    Cabrits Kempinski Resort
    Marriott Dominica
    Dominicans doesn’t listen to news or read the news. The Prime Minister outlined that the screening process of every individuals are done at 2 Law firms in the US, 1 in Canada, 1 in Britain and the JRCC in the Caribbean. It is not a mailing order business and the monies are collected at the Bank. If there was some Bobol story then it would’ve leaked. How much more transparent you meed. I live overseas and I can tell you guys about the program because I listen to DBS. You can never learn from Q95.

  12. Marcus Hill
    January 7, 2017

    “The CBI in its current form will be suspended immediately by an incoming UWP administration”. That should be the policy position of the UWP.

    The Dominican electorate is a simple, unsophisticated one in these matters. They see things in black or white. So it becomes difficult for us to understand that the passport selling programme is so bad yet UWP would continue to sell passorts when they get in power. Your opposition to the CBI will never be understood by Dominicans unless you take a radically opposed position and stop the sale of passorts entirely. I don’t know why this is so difficult for the UWP to understand!!!

  13. January 7, 2017

    Plato the point is you live in the U.S. So you do not suffer under the Skeritt regime so you can afford to be flamboyant with your views. Let Skeritt and his surrogates let the people know about the CBI programs and who is benefiting.

  14. Vaffanculo_PM
    January 6, 2017

    The man Donald Trump elect Gen Kelly does not like the CBI programs so go on blaming Linton we will lose 40% of our revenues if we don’t clean up the CBI programs, gregor and raphael are total let downs.
    Skerrit have no one to blame but himself.

  15. %
    January 6, 2017

    In terms of eloquence,diction,articulation,speech writing,delivery,,,,this HONOURABLE PATRIOT,STATESMAN,GENTLEMAN,NOBLEMAN,is without doubt unparalleled on island and in the region…I Listened intently to you my patriot and you were pellucidly clear as daylight…Let me reiterate that you represented about 25000 voting people on island,since some LABOURITES are asking why ,Skerrit,Tony Vince are so KWA POM,COWARD!Whether it’s only in Dominica they can bragg to their fools!You honourale,statesman and patriot are a voice in the wilderness asking Skerrit to let unsuspecting Dominicans Go!!!Your guts and tenacity continues to befuddle them,and according to Jimmy Cliff,the harder they come at you THE HARDER THEY ARE FALLING.Their camp is now like the TOWER OF BABEL..My patriot keep on being the voice of the poor,the weak,the disabled,the abused women and men,the dispossessed..Skerrit and his handlers,plus his ideologues,need to know that they can’t advance a country on A PLATFORM OF…

    • %
      January 7, 2017

      Oops NOBLE MAN,not nobleman

  16. wise one
    January 6, 2017

    All the acts of these secret passport sale is no more than money laundering. The problem will never be solved locally so it has to be taken internationally. The FBI should investigate all those resposible. Cease all their assets and bring them to justice. It is clear that the modern day gansters and criminal in dominica is the government

    January 6, 2017

    :?: It seems that these labor party supporters continue to blindfold themselves and play braindead :?: Didn’t you heard of Susan Olde, the Nigerian former oil minister and those arrested recently in the U. S.A. :?: prime mistake scarit has never stop being corrupt from the time he’s in power! From illegaly being nominated as a Frenchman to contest election,accepting land as gift, to illegal land transfer,bin bobol ext…This man only intention for being in politricks is for all illegitimate reasons!!!

  18. January 6, 2017

    I always say i don’t support either parties in Dominica , but what the man saying is true. Why you all keep talking like linton hate Dominica? He not the only one complaining, the poor man on the street complaing , so he looking out for them.where is the investment? Why is that ,that is the only form of monies generating in Dominica?

  19. Patriot
    January 6, 2017

    mister should just shut up already!!!!!

  20. MI
    January 6, 2017

    ahahah linton you must be a joke.

  21. jonathan st jean
    January 6, 2017

    How many times does UWP have to repeat that the party is in favor of the CBI program.What the leadership of the party and many of it’s followers and others are saying repeatedly to the Skerritt led government is that there is need for openness, transparency, accountability and the government respect the requests for more information from time to time.Each time questions are asked it is always seen as a hostile attack and none of your damn business.If we are all in it then there are avenues through which Skerritt can respond.He has a press secretary and others who have been briefed and who can attempt to respond.If those representatives need further information they can easily get that and address the peoples concern.As a matter of fact there should be regularly scheduled opportunities to present information about the CBI to the Dominican people.Skerrit the opposition supports the CBI and have a right and obligation to question it from time to time

  22. free
    January 6, 2017

    He has hard evidence, is for allu to do allu research too. He did not say anything bad. Keep strong Lennox. Very good Press conference

  23. Just Passing Through
    January 6, 2017

    Too late shall be the cry; the damage has already been done, you cannot do and sa anything to ease our pain. We need no more excuses or explanation from you. We saw the program and it was as usual bringing down the country and her people. But this time you have gone way too far and hope you can recognize that, sooner rather than later.

    You have sabotaged Dominica’s CBI program and maybe that of the Caribbean’s on the whole for a few seconds on 60 Minutes.

  24. Black Man
    January 6, 2017

    I personally have issues with the citizen by investment crap because that is an extremely dangerous endeavor but u think am going on international media because some white people pay me to destroy my country and talk crap? when our citizens starve they feel good because that’s their motive. so all you idiots that sit and support Lenox with his nonsense should know Lenox did not do that for you, he did it for himself, and let me add I am a UWP supporter but Lenox Linton does not represent me as a Dominican.

    • My Country
      January 9, 2017

      So true, Where did Lenox get his political education? on the Bayfront jettie? So sad when someone just want to get paid a hamper the lives of the people of his country. When you (Lenox learn to love yourself, you will learn to love your people (Dominicans). Don’t put us in such jeopardy with your so call transparency. Be a politician not a ignorant snitch!

  25. Push ON
    January 6, 2017

    LET SKERRO PUT FORTH THE NECESSARY INFO TO COUNTERACT THESE ALLEGATIONS…. since he hasn’t done this and just keeps saying Lennox is trying to destroy DA…then I will hold on to what Lennox is saying. It is very easy to discredit what Lennox has been saying for years…..all skerro needs to do is make the process more transparent; tell us how the CBI money is being used, tell us how much is truly being made, tell us how many has passports and diplomat passports have been sold and to or in what country. This info would not hamper the integrity of the CBI program, since their names are not being made public…not even that he wants to inform the public of. But when you have his besties and boys depositing millions into their personal bank accounts, he can’t possibly do this, instead he enters into a battle of words and keep saying Lennox lying like a cry, cry baby!!!!!

    • %
      January 6, 2017

      Stop writing balderdash here.What exactly did the patriot say that have you wrecking your blood vessel?He spoke the truth,and the truth has you scurrying for cover?..Leave the USA and come face the music back home,then you will know what this man Honourable Lennox Linton,means to thousands of us.I fell short of referring to what you blogged as a cesspit of filth,you need to dump in the ocean…My disgust is why Skerrit chose to hide and did not do like Gaston Brown go and defend the programme,he himself refers to as the life line od Dominica…

    • January 7, 2017

      BASIC FINACIAL ACCOUNTING thank sir” for your observations GOUVERNEMEMThttps://dominicanewsonline.com/news/includes/images/smile/ic


  26. Plato
    January 6, 2017

    I am still aghast by what I have just read. This level of arrogance and stupidity defies comprehension. Are you a representative of the world or Dominica? How is what you did in the interest of Dominica? How great are the chances of a young person from Marigot getting a US visa now.
    Mr Linton, I live in the United States, and that’s the talk among all those I meet. What hurts me most is to hear them say, “It’s a good thing I am no longer a Dominican. I am an American. So is allu who carry Dominican passport problem.” It’s idiotic to think that you have done your country and your country men a service.
    There is a problem. Yes. And should we solve it ? Yes. But you don’t burn down your house to get rid of a rodent infestation?

    • Unknown-Ish
      January 6, 2017

      Mixing grapes with apples re your rodent and house problem. The CBI is very different. What exactly did mr Linton said that had not already been said?

      Re the chances of Marigot people getting visas – it will remain as difficult as it is now. You all seem to fail to realise that the CBI problem will affect the region, not just Dominica. The difference between Dominica and other regional islands is the opportunities THEY HAVE. Dominica is the only Caribbean island solely dependent on the revenues from the programme. What will happen when that program is clamped down? what will happen when the market dries?

    • Man Kindedness
      January 6, 2017

      Did you not see 60 minutes it’s not only Dominica that is in hot water and Antigua’s Prime Minister defended his country we’ll why did not our P.M. Represent us and defend us like he should have .

      This program is good but needs transparency and acountability in this dangerous world we live in .

      If Lennox had nit gone on CBS then it would be buisness as normal for us

    • Plato, you are the worst of worst where it pertains to ignorance, and arrogance, A stupid ignorant un-scholastically educate sees arrogance in everyone else excepts themselves.

      You are stupid, you cannot recognize that nothing you here has anything to do with article you have responded to: I will simply say in to you which I an idiot like will understand: Are you familiar with the patios word \”sot\”

      Well you are so sot; you do not know how sot you are! If Plato knew that a fool like you would have imitated his name he would have prevent his mother from giving birth to him! You are a dog.

      • Plato
        January 9, 2017

        Telemaque, I laugh at your comments because clearly the non-English term you used to describe me doesn’t apply to a lifelong academic at the highest level. Secondly, as an ardent reader of this online publication, I have seen you repeatly make a fool of yourself. There is no substance in the things you say, and being aware of that, you try to spice them up with insults and name calling. That’s how we argued when we were in primary school. Grow up. You remind me of Tony Astaphan.

    • Barbara Saunders
      January 6, 2017

      UWP now suddenly supports the CBI program! Right! You mean the mail order one? You mean the one where Dominica’s sovereignty is being sold?

      So tarnishing the name of Dominica for all Dominicans on CBS was the best way to address all the concerns (true or false) raised? Will the producer of sixty minutes now come with a sledge hammer and beat the government into correctness?

      If the general claims of corruption benefits for a few is to be accepted, should we also accept the counter claims that all the fuss and fight is to get Henley and Partners’ hands on the loot so that another set of people can benefit? This Henley & Partners allegation has been around for a long time and it is now beginning to stick because this action on CBS was almost like desperation and a representative of Henley & Partners featured prominently in all of this. I do not think I have heard any denial about the association with Henley and Partners in any forum. What’s the difference then?

    • viewsexpressed
      January 6, 2017

      Plato , on earth \Skerrit and his corrupt government needs to come clean. When last have you been to Dominica to see the high level of poverty , unemployment we have. Skerrit government has not developed Dominica. they have killed the banana industry and everything and we are like beggars in a rush to grab everything that flies by that is not sustainable. This government is a fake led by an incompetent leader.

    • treasure
      January 6, 2017

      If the rodent infestation can no longer be controlled then burn the blasted house down because it will soon fall over you damn idiot!!!

      • Plato
        January 9, 2017

        Lol. I feel your frustration. Just vote wisely next time and encourage your peers to so do. Oppression can’t last forever. Good luck. I forgive you for referring to me as an idiot.

      • Plato
        January 10, 2017

        By the way rodents here is used to refer to rats. I never seen rats eat a house to the point that it falls over. Did not say termites.

    • Logic
      January 6, 2017

      @ Plato, this young person from Marigot getting a visa to go to the US and most likely trying their best not to return to Dominica helps us in what way? are you listening to yourself with this inferiority mentality?

      Now I do see a lot of sense in what you are trying to bring forward here, surely enough there’s more to it than just that layman’s extrapolation that I chose to mention; but, moving on from that, it should be noted that this man and many other Dominicans have been trying ( very unsuccessfully ) to have the current administration be more transparent about this CBI program.
      This program has the potential to have positive impacts on the country and citizens, we deserve the right to know a lot more than we do at this moment, and, we also should be respected enough to be able to understand this information, because sometimes I personally feel like I’m just a tax paying object when I hear\see some of the responses and interactions both sides have with us.

    • January 6, 2017

      Fools like you still dont get, the fire started long since Skerrit them started doing undertable deals and fools like you was fast asleep in the burning house, Lenox Linton is just the fire alarm, trying to wake you guys up before you become ashes :-D :-D :-D

    • eyes wide shut
      January 6, 2017

      that is an amazing statement. you don’t burn, you don’t destroy what s yours. i feel the frustration of Mr. Linton but what he don’t take into consideration is, that,s the same US that tell us coconut oil is bad for our health. the same US that are now telling us bananas can kill you if you eat twenty a day. because they are losing the market of their wax cover apple. that,s the US who tell the world there is weapon of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, then go in Iraq kill more than half a million Iraqis to prove the point and still did not find any. every news organization or media has it bias. the push their own agenda. those people make a living doing that and they are good at it. so it’s easy for a man with the backing of giant CBS TO MANIPULATE OUR OPPOSITION leader. they will use you in the worst way to put their point forward. they will let you think that you all are fighting the same battle. like the enemy of my enemy is my friend BS!

    • Wrong is wrong
      January 7, 2017

      What sort of backward thinking is this. Let’s see if you have a family member who steals would u
      Pretend he didn’t , would u say its a family matter even if you know what he is doing is wrong. At
      What point would you report him to the police?
      Wrong is wrong and this program is not transparent, what happen to all the donations from Erica,
      Now I’m hearing CBI funding everything.
      Something is not right.
      If you want somebody from marigot to get a visa then tell your government to fix the program cause
      America didn’t need linton to tell them it’s broken. They already knew that. you not aghast when they find our passport
      In those undesirables clutches, now tell me about arrogance and stupidity.

    • Helas!
      January 7, 2017

      I think you have missed the point , which is in the eyes of the world right now it says do not put all Dominicans as corrupt for there are those who are not part of and are prepared to stand up. So down the line no matter would happen , Dominica has a way out to see the sunshine again.

    • freegid tree
      January 7, 2017

      You are now an “American,” So go tell that to your president Tramp. Mr. Linton is right, you are wrong. :twisted:

    • Concern citizen
      January 7, 2017

      In the first place why di u all live D/ca to go to the other side of the world, is because things won’t work for u here so u migrate, 2, we want to stay in our country to work, don’t depend on USA visa, 3, Lenox said the CBI program is not transparent and it needs to be so that all Dominican may profit from it 4D/ca is below par while the rest of the Caribbean is moving ahead no progress despite all the millions we are making from the CBI program, come to D/ca to see the state of UR. country since Erika 1 year a go and the hurricane season is just about to start again soon, Lenox said the passport is Mail order which is true one don’t have to come to D/ca to receive his passport after paying for it, Diplomatic passport are being sold and the funds are pocketed, I did not hear UR. voice when all the fire bombs were disseminated Christmas morning 2010 etc. where were U?

    • GOD IS Watching
      January 7, 2017

      Plato…..no matter how allu say allu are not dominicans because allu are holders of Americans Passports…….all u NOT TRUE AMERICANS…….. the SECURITY AGENT OT AMERICA are watching all u toooooooooo because they KNOW EVERYTHING………..we and our children WILL continue to PRAY UNTIL THE GOD WE SERVE INTERVENE and deliver this country from this ONE MAN GOVERNMENT BECAUSE while he and his friends BELLIES ARE FULL our children are crying BECAUSE THEIR BELLIES ARE EMPTY. NOTHING WILL STOP GOD FROM ACTING NOW….Plato while didn’t you speak out all the time? WE WAIT ON TIME WITH GOD

    • Mary Jane
      January 8, 2017

      It is not all Dominica-American who are against what is going on in Dominica with the passport scandal some are for it. They would like to know how much of the money is the prime minister is holding for himself possible in offshore banking.

    • For the love of Dominica
      January 8, 2017

      Plato – the big wide world isn’t KAKARAT Dominica it’s a global village where everyone must enjoy life in its peaceful environs. When a country’s economic policies potentially compromises world stability – in terms of its security then you just must think OUTSIDE THE BOX.

      Stop being tunnelled visioned with your perspective on the whole matter.

    • 4progress
      January 8, 2017

      So instead you let the rodents take over the house and run you out. Your analogy is stupid. We need to get our house in house that why accountability, and transparency is required, so all of us genuine passport holders are not compromised, stop and returned because we have a Dominican passport. Please think seriously about that. Don’t kill the messenger, but think about the issue and the implication for all of us, when it goes bad, and it will without proper monitoring and visibility.

  27. tru d bino q la
    January 6, 2017

    What is so difficult to comprehend about the leader of the opposition of any government to voice concerns about what seems to be inconsistencies in the way things are done; given that in this particular case, Dominica supposedly is a democracy. (by the way, for those who may be challenged by the definition of the word, ‘Democracy’, you need to rise to the occasion).

    • %
      January 6, 2017

      They have understood everything,but the programme as is,with no transparency and accountability has exposed them,and has vindicated those of us who knew that it was shady..NOW THEY ARE POO POO ING in their pants!!!Wickeds!

  28. jaded
    January 6, 2017

    I see. So that is why you sold out your country!

    January 6, 2017

    Lennox Linton acting like a Haitian… people that like to work against their own people, then after they keep destroying their own country they put their hand out to America and Europe for aid!!

    January 6, 2017

    waw waw waw waw waw waw waw!!
    This guy is the definition of blinded by ignorance!
    He is fighting against his own self!!!

  31. Now I understand
    January 6, 2017

    oK …so now passport sale it is ok ..just that Marigot is not getting from the money ??

  32. June
    January 6, 2017

    But lennox dont give up at all. U had to pay for ur tongue so much money and not ur moneyu make my granny use herblittle savings to pay for ur tongue. When u pwie again do come and ask us for money. I warning u. Get down from ur horse. How u want to b pm of dominica there nuh

  33. jihan
    January 6, 2017

    Mr.Linton am with you 100% my brother,you are the voice of the real patriots,let them continue cursing and dehumanizing you,THE ALMIGHTY WILL GUIDE YOU MY BROTHER.Skerrit and his sales men are enriching themselves big time,while the poor suffer.

  34. Black Man
    January 6, 2017

    Lenox Should SHUT UP – after he destroyed an country for his own interest he on press conference damage control? the damage hes made internationally cant be controlled

    • jihan
      January 6, 2017

      He has done no damage,stop fighting something that is not right,the people we are selling the passports too,do you have a background check on each one,this will be hunting all of us in the near future,take your anger in prayers,my brother,let the truth be revealed.

    • I do not know why DNO publishes such stupid comments on their site, while they have some of us having to identify ourselves as robot or humans. How stupid are you to say Lennox destroy economy. Dominica do have any economy in the first place.

      A country where the Prime Minister said \”Dominica does not have $67, 000,000.00 dollars is tome a bankrupt country. There are individuals who throw that amount of money down the drain in a matter of weeks. If Dominica\’s was a thriving Skerrit would not have to depend on the sale of Diplomatic, and ordinary passports to prevent the total economy of Dominica which is on the brink of collapsing!,it is just a matter of time before the nation collapsed under Skerrit.

      All idiots like you can do is focus on Lennox; but the reality Skerrit is the one who holds all blame, because he has done nothing to improve the unemployment situation in the country. I bet you do not have a job!

      Jobs in a country is what creates a good economy, Lennox…

    • January 6, 2017

      You smart people amazes me, kill the messenger and ignore the message

    • The Darkness
      January 7, 2017

      However, he has a point… There is a seriously lack of transparency… Running the countries funds in such a masonic manner, i question his actions.

      Linton on the other hand… needs to get a grip on his methods of approach. Behaving like a f***** child gets you zero respect from me or my ilk. I have no problem with what he is saying, but more so how it is being carried.

      Bottom line… we need different leadership.. choosing the better poison between “Bloodz” and “Creepz” is not something i was brought up to do.

    • naturally Dominican
      January 8, 2017

      You wish you were in his place, but unfortunately you are not, what a shame!!!

  35. Huh?
    January 6, 2017

    He needs to give specifics when making these serious allegations. Just saying a program is corrupt morning, noon and night does not cut it. We need the hard evidence or Linton should shut up.

    • AllforDominica
      January 6, 2017

      He gave specifics as to what the matters of concern were about the CIP. He gave specifics on transparency of information, mismanagement of money received from the program being used for otherwise things not promised. He did not “just say a program is corrupt.” Morning, noon and night is a day. How many days will it take for you to read and listen to the evidence to see the issues and problems. Huh?

      • dominicafirst
        January 7, 2017

        That is where I will fit my comment, ‘WHAT SEEMS TO BE INCONSISTENT’. Excuse me, but are we getting more thirsty in the abundance of water. Lennox Linton is the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, and he cannot provide you with one thread of proof that there is inconsistency in the CBI Programme and the use of funds. so Lennox Linton went on CBS with only his belief and you are so colored you forgot about the harm to your country and there you are supporting treason, yes TREASON. The budget address spelt out the use of funds from that programme, did Lennox Linton find evidence that the funds were being used to fatten the pockets of a select few? Is the NEP Programme and the Yes We Care a select few? Is the re settlement of Petite Savanne people a select few? I wish you get your Prime Minister Linton and I want to be alive but away from here, so I can read the words of your tears. wake up, look beyond color and put Dominica first, how this act benefit Dominica????

    • Push ON
      January 6, 2017

      LET SKERRO PUT FORTH THE NECESSARY INFO TO COUNTERACT THESE ALLEGATIONS…. since he hasn’t done this and just keeps saying Lennox is trying to destroy DA…then I will hold on to what Lennox is saying. It is very easy to discredit what Lennox has been saying for years…..all skerro needs to do is make the process more transparent; tell us how the CBI money is being used, tell us how much is truly being made, tell us how many has passports and diplomat passports have been sold and to or in what country. This info would not hamper the integrity of the CBI program, since their names are not being made public…not even that he wants to inform the public of. But when you have his besties and boys depositing millions into their personal bank accounts, he can’t possibly do this, instead he enters into a battle of words and keep saying Lennox lying like a cry, cry baby!!!!!

      • January 7, 2017

        we are looking forward for VICE HENDERSON BRAKDOWN OF THE 240ML:s for the 6 month promise ??????D/A in 2016

    • Read People READ
      January 6, 2017

      Clearly you either missed the CBS interview, where CBS NEWS presented the evidence of the many shady character that were given diplomatic passports…or you missed the Huffington Post article that reported the same…or you know nothing of SKERRIT’S LAWSUIT AGAINST THOMSON FONTAINE for highligting this very information about shady diplomats, which had already been reported in many foreign news publications.

      READ PEOPLE READ! And stop feigning ignorance to protect corrupt politicians. If Dominica was thriving one could possibly be sympathetic to this program. But look at the other islands engaged in the same business…they are way ahead of Dominica in terms of Development.

      The Dominica Labor Party has certainly done a number of the minds of DOminicans. Never have I seen a people be so proud to be foolish and exploited!

    • %
      January 6, 2017

      Go to night school first,then when you can read and understand, come on DNO, and read again what the statesman,patriot,representative of the voiceless honourable (LLL),Leader Lennox said!MY 2017 Man of the Year.!

    • DA
      January 7, 2017

      There’s a simple way to shut Lennox up. Skerritt shoul simple provide the evidence of how the money received from selling Dominica’s sovereignty for 16 years was used to benefit Dominica. Show Dominicans where the mone is. The fund are in the treasury show us is our money we want to see it and how much was spent to do what for ale of us.

    • Concern citizen
      January 7, 2017

      Wait for the had evidence, U to are a Dominican u can go and look for them if u want them so don’t ask Lenox to find it for U
      The evidence was there and is still there about the fire of Christmas morning 2010 at the home of the 2 elderly in upper goodwill no one is yet to be charge, the BIN BOBOL, THE LAND TRANSACTION, the fire in fly city evidence were taken away hours after the fire in fact it was still burning while they were doing away with of the evidence, what’s wrong with U Skerritite’s U all are Dom, stop singing for UR. supper man

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