UWP TEAM DOMINICA North America Tour gets underway


Clad for the cold (left to right) Thomson Fontaine, Lennox Linton, Joshua Francis
Clad for the cold (left to right) Thomson Fontaine, Lennox Linton, Joshua Francis

The United Workers Party (UWP) team began its 7 city tour of North America on Friday January 10th, 2014 with a series of meetings in the US Capital, Washington DC.

UWP Leader Lennox Linton says the team met with the State Department coordinators of US government interagency policy in the Eastern Caribbean; top officials of the National Democratic Institute; and Congressional delegations on Capitol Hill with a keen interest Caribbean and global affairs.

“It was a busy and punishing but productive first day struggling with the arctic blast that has been battering the eastern seaboard of the US…  We were very well received as we embraced the privilege of sharing our vision of Dominica emerging as a responsible global citizen and reliable partner in the advancement of democracy and sustainable development in the Western Hemisphere.  The team is particularly excited about the prospects for building strategic partnerships in the cause of meaningful transformation of the socio-economic landscape in Dominica”.

A release from the UWP states that former IMF economist, Dr. Thomson Fontaine and Attorney-at-Law Joshua Francis, participated in the Washington DC meetings. Former UWP Leader Ron Green, according to the release was expected to join the team later that day for its meeting with Dominicans in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia (the greater Washington DC metropolitan area).

Opposition Leader Hector John was also expected to arrive in the US on Friday and will be with the team for its engagements with Dominicans in North America beginning with the January 12th, 2014 meeting at the Robert Street Hotel in Newark, in New Jersey.

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  1. Toomatoe Tomato
    January 24, 2014

    Did I hear the North American Tour is over already? Did they go to all of the North American places they said they were going too? Or was Team UWP unable to complete the tour?

    Maybe the cold was too much for Team UWP so they run back to the warmth of the Motherland, that they tried to describe as the worse place for anyone to live because as far as they are concerned nothing good happens in the country or its people.

    Yet they want to be our country government. Does that make any sense to any of you? It certainly does not to me.

  2. Mane
    January 15, 2014

    I was at the meeting in New Jersey. No regrets very informative. You guys stand a great chance of winning, as someone mentioned please do this again during summertime. New Jersey fed-up of Skerrit and his house party crew. Dominicans at home need to open their eyes and listen to those of us who wonder why Skerrit visits the US so often and never had any constructive meeting with Dominican residing in New Jersey. It was high time for some intelligent people to put some sense in some fools up here that they can be prosecuted, and jailed for voter fraud.
    It is a shame, and Dominican overseas should respect those residing in Dominica by allowing them to choose their own governing power, because they are the ones who reside on the Island.
    Great job guys. I am looking forward to see you guys soon in one of New Jersey. We do not need to come home to vote, but we can contribute financially to support our country.

  3. warma
    January 15, 2014

    I’ll just say this; I live in New York City and I attended the Brooklyn event. Prior to attending the event, notwithstanding the fact that I am/was convinced that Skerritt has to go, I had my doubts about Lennox and the team. In other words, I was in a “anybody but Skerritt” mode. And that’s also in spite of the fact that some of the members of the Team Dominica are personal friends of mine, even a former classmate. The reason I say this before my next statement is to underscore the fact that my position was essentially non-committal, non-partisan. Having said that, I can say without any equivocation that I am on board Team Dominica. You see, I was once a Freedomite in the days of ME Charles – I was in the Young Freedom Movement, together with Bosso in Mahaut and a whole other group. I switched to the Labour Party primarily due to influences from Mike and Roosie, and I stayed with the party thru the last few years – some members of government are my personal friends as well. The paying of passages and giving of pocket change turned me off – I happen to believe the purity of the voting process; its the foundation of our freedoms. Call me utopian, if you will, but that’s my belief. Folks, paying for tickets was real – my cousin personally took one to come vote for Petter StJean in La Plaine. We lived in the same building at the time – I know. We need a change in Dominica. I really intend on moving back within the next few years to play my part in nation building – I have skills to offer in trade, logistics, marketing, distribution of food products worldwide, skills I can surely put to use in the revitalization of our agricultural sector. I look forward to a change in my homeland. Lets get it done.

  4. ali
    January 15, 2014


  5. ali
    January 15, 2014


  6. amazon
    January 14, 2014

    Here listening to those guys in ATL; it is so painful to hear their nonsense.

    • Malgraysa
      January 15, 2014

      That is a matter of opinion. Apparently the people attending the meeting do not share your view.

    • Black Styx
      January 15, 2014

      Then it would be to your basic commonsense to leave. but you took the time to attend, and the time to post your comment. Stupid people don’t know they stupid, so
      how you know its nonsense?

  7. FemmeDominique
    January 14, 2014

    Leave jean BAWI alone. Mind your business. If you have nothing good to say, then please keep silent, for the Love of God.

  8. nomi
    January 14, 2014

    three blind mice

  9. joy
    January 14, 2014

    where is Mr Hector John in all of this. why wasn’t he there from the beginning ? what is his position now? I think he is being pushed aside too often. Is there a good working relationship between he and Mr Linton ? if so it’s not coming across. just my questions and observations.

  10. DNO are you serious?
    January 14, 2014

    DNO why are you allowing these negative comments on your website. Please remember that Dominica News Online is not just a website being viewed by Dominicans alone but people around the world. Is that the image you want to set for yourself? DNO the place where people can come and be anonymous and insulting? The place where Dominicans and others can come and degrade people, their country among other things? Set better standards DNO.

  11. Simply the Truth
    January 14, 2014

    Around this time, in winter, I do not think too many people are interested in politics. This is why election in these parts are usually held in Spring, Summer or Fall – Autumn. People are more concerned about winter and when will it end.
    The freezing weather we had in Ontario has passed for now. We had some rain which washed away some of the snow. Some more snow is expected closer to the weekend. The weather forecast is: we are having a January thaw which could flood some areas and basements of homes. I said, to prepare for another snow storm. :) I hope not. A few more months of winter to come.
    Let us hope their visit to Toronto will not be too cold and snowy. It may be colder than where they are presently.

  12. Ah Fu Awe to de bone
    January 13, 2014

    I love the Interaction, Taking the message to the Dominicans in the US and the other places is an excellent move. Feed back from persons who attended the meetings is positive. Waiting for the meeting in Florida. Change is a MUST not an option. Ready, Steady, Go

  13. Anonymous
    January 13, 2014

    It,s funny that these men gone to the us to tell people who does,nt live in da about where the next job is coming from .i would like to know if these are not the same people they said that could not vote because they left da for to long.if mr fountain lives over sea ,how can he represent Dominicans.

    • Simply the Truth
      January 13, 2014

      :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • brooklyn
      January 14, 2014

      ok is it just me or is it that u r a bit ignorant of the laborites past and present strategies to get votes from ppl who live outside of Dominica. instead of handing out tickets and compensation , bribing for votes these guys are educating them so if they choose to participate in elections which isn’t impossible they know whats going on. ppl living or not living in dominica has long stopped being an issue when it comes to voting… HELLOOOO

  14. Not Me Alone
    January 13, 2014

    Tremendous meetings with pertinent information. They sure look and sound like men that are ready to restore our image and put Dominica on its feet again. Many of my fellow laborites are upset about the UWP taking their message out but the truth about it is, this UWP trip to the USA really opened the mind of honest thinking Dominicans. After all, it should have been the government of Dominica that should have taken the lead in ensuring that everyone understands what they are doing in Dominica. But you see, they don’t like to give account to anyone simply because they CANNOT open the floor for questions so the world could hear them like UWP did, and allow the entire world to hear and judge them. But when you have a government that does not meet with constituence and allow them to ask questions; A government that is afraid of a debate like Diab afraid of Dlow-bennie, a government that does not address the press, how do we expect them to come to the USA like UWP did and take questions? Furthermore, Dominicans did not vote for Tony, Mano or Hartly Henry; yet they that want to give answers and they that travelling with the PM. When will the PM take a DLP MP team on a foreign trip? So no wonder DLP are upset with workers just as darkness hates light because light reveals the evils done in darkness. Keep shinning team Dominica!

  15. jah boy
    January 13, 2014

    i find that UWP team like noticing eh… zor still paykay ganyeh elekshons lah…labaaar powaaar

  16. Eagle-Eye
    January 13, 2014

    I can smell CIA money playing a BIG part in trying to INFLUENCE the outcome of the election in Dominica. These guys are not even elected members of the opposition how comes they meeting with officials of the US government. We should send a strong message to the US government that we will not tolerate their interference in our domestic politics, by giving Skerrit a 21-0 thumping of the UWP. Let’s see if Uncle Sam will give these jokers their green-card after that. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • Views Expressed
      January 14, 2014

      Eagle Eye……Please grow up….we need you on Team Dominica….its easy to join….come on board for the sake of Dominica….

  17. Old and British
    January 13, 2014

    My vote is warranted, if someone else takes on the task as leader for the party. The country needs a competent leader. Its not all about speech. What am I to tell my grandson, that he ought not to work hard academically for greatness. A solidier must be armed and ready at all times. For sure, the man with the most short comings should not be place on your frontline.

    • observer
      January 14, 2014

      Go tell your child if he or she does not get a degree he/she is doom to failure. Go ahead wonderful parents. Some of the great presidents of America, like George Washing, I wonder if they had a degree? I am a well educated man, and if it was not disclosed to me that Lennox did not have a degree, I would never know. I listened to him answered all kinds of questions thrown at him at the New Jersey meeting, and his answers were simply impressive – the guy is brilliant. So tell your child, even if he did not get a degree, that’s not the end of his education. Tell anyone of the DLP team to challenge Lennox in a debate.

  18. Kyso man
    January 13, 2014

    bin bobol, land registration fraud, fertilizer bobol, savanne pye Villas, share holding in most new ventures in D A, President appointed by the gun, protection of personal attorney from answering to the courts by S S U, fire bombing of Dominica’s X service man,former magistrate,attorney at law; appointment of police commissioner and president without consultation, offering contracts without tendering, holding of red clinic, and the list goes on; is it that kind of representation you looking for?

  19. January 13, 2014

    Hello and good afternoon my people. The first thing I want to say is that I never voted and I don’t have any intention of voting in Dominica because I don’t reside there. I attended the UWP Political event in Brooklyn yesterday and I was very impress with the candidates background and the way they explained their platform. This is the first time I heard Mr Linton speak and am impress with his command of the English language and his delivery of his party platform. He reminds me of public speakers like Mario Cuomo and Jessie Jackson. Overall it was a good start for the upcoming elections and I hope the Prime Minister and his candidates will come and explain their platform to us. I am a concern Dominican who reside in NYC and I hope to build my retirement home in sweet Dominica regardless of which party is in office.

    • we
      January 14, 2014

      Don’t compare Mr.Coumo was a big time LAWYER Linton has What?

      • January 18, 2014


        Hello and good afternoon to you. I compared Mr Linton to Mr Cuomo and Mr Jackson based on his delivery style. Mr Linton stood at the podium for approximately forty five minutes and he delivered a clear and concise speech without the use of notes or a TelePrompTer. He also dealt with facts because he is the head of his party and he must be accurate in what he say so no one can miss quote him. I don’t take any side as to which party should govern because I don’t reside or vote in Dominica but I want the best for our people.

    • January 15, 2014

      Hello and good evening my people. Well giving me a thumbs down don’t explain what you disagree with in my post. Please attached your displeasure to my post so I can explain my position to you. Thanks.

  20. Ms Polly Teaks
    January 13, 2014

    Desperate people do desperate things.

  21. Toomatoe Tomato
    January 13, 2014

    Any person or persons especially from the black race who in their right mind would want to try and disenfranchise another black person from excising his or her right to vote in a general election, after what our fore fathers went through to make sure every woman and man of voting age can vote are saying to me they are certainly not in the right frame of mind of what we human beings refer to as being in sound mind.

    This is one very important thing none of us should encourage or give credence too, IMHO.

    What else would they like to take away from you? First your vote – then what? Black people in what clothing? I wonder!! Think people think.

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2014

      Toomatoe/Tomato. What has the colour of your skin got to do with voting, especially in our country? If your forefathers suffered, or mine, is not me or you who are suffering. We all have the right to vote once we re eighteen. Exercise that right. That’s all. You are confused brother, your blogger name says so.

  22. Nj
    January 13, 2014

    uwp not a chance maybe next time sorry

  23. Doc. Love
    January 13, 2014

    Mr. Lennox Linton reminds me of the West Indies spin bowler Narine when he entered the IPL. So far, Skeritt has not been able to find a solution to stop Mr. Linton’s popularity. Time is running out, if Skeritt does not find a solution real quick, who knows, he might be lining up at the Blue Clinic. :lol:

  24. Curious
    January 13, 2014

    Be careful of the words used my friends. If your dates are correct, Friday was already warming up. Please don’t insult us living in North America and say that you arrived during artic blast, dat thing was finished already.Even to say “punishing”. Just sensationalizing the whole situation. Plus just what do you want from us. Your party was the same who tried to prevent planes from landing the last election, so what are you coming to tell us. Just want to know……

  25. youth Leader
    January 13, 2014

    its really amazing to read the type of things am seeing here from u guys. someone asked for transprancy from UWP,my question to you is,are u blind? everything UWP has done has been in the open, they allow u to ask quesitons and you get answers. now on the other hand, does DLP do that. i think we all know the answer to that. in the words of The man when u ask him questions (None of you’ll Dam Business) so when u want to make comments about transprancy think before u make urself appare a fool.

  26. sani
    January 13, 2014

    Is this a vacation from stress? Please post a pic during your meetings for us to see how serious you guys are.

  27. Me Dat
    January 13, 2014

    They look like three of the characters in the movie “Coming to America.”

  28. January 13, 2014

    very good job guys at least youall are fighting for the poor but those monkeys are not seeing that. keep up the good work change is a must

  29. I'm Just Reporting
    January 13, 2014

    All you can say what you all want but WORKERS ALL THE WAY.. WHOOOO I looking for some BLUE thongs to put under my BLUE fitted dress when i coming down for Carnival… Mine me

  30. Listening!!!
    January 13, 2014

    I was able to see first hand this weekend the dynamic team of gentlemen from ” TEAM DOMINICA” who has the ability and demonstrated the intellectual capacity to run the affairs of our state in a responsible manner.
    Their critical focus was how we build a sustainable Dominica not for them but for the future of our youths.

    ” Change is a Must “

  31. grell
    January 13, 2014

    three blind mice,you guys are a joke,what you all vision for dominica,skerritt is the best we have.stop fooling the people.

  32. anonymous
    January 13, 2014

    Gosh, why are so many people concern about these guys. Is like the haters are fighting hard to find something negative to say. Sorry, you can’t this team now. And yes, If I were you all I would sound worried. Sit back, relax, watch and enjoy.

  33. Anonymous
    January 13, 2014

    And suddenly, the thumbs up and down are not working properly. Very suspicious.

  34. Diaspora
    January 13, 2014

    I have no problems with criticism but my goodness be constructive. The people who a disgruntled and seemingly leaning towards the serving political part is bent on denigrating the opposition candidates for going to North America to meet the diaspora to give then an insight into how they intend to contribute to Dominica’s development, my goodness you either listen or you don’t.
    I wish they would just come to Dominica and spend 1-6 months in Dominica and get a job and feel what we go through.
    I know there are some who come and after a week, they start bawling they cannot make it. People that is why there is opposition. The same North America you live in has The Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
    Be a little more constructive.

  35. Tri-State Beauty
    January 13, 2014

    I want to applaud the team for such an innovative move. Sadly there will always be those who over eat their share of ignorance let it be. Be encouraged those who really are in the business of transparency, and open-minded information are awake, tuned in and taking notes.

  36. Islander
    January 13, 2014

    Dey doh want us to have PALACE but dey infront American Palace posing. Hahahaha!!!

    • Toure
      January 14, 2014

      Are you for real?

    • Jay
      January 14, 2014

      The building in the picture is the Capitol, Washington, the home of the U.S. Congress and our nearest equivalent would be the House of Assembly.
      An appropriate and symbolic choice, if I may say so since all three gentlemen, in the same photograph, seek to enter our House as parliamentary representatives. This is not a Palace and the nearest the U.S. have to that would be the White House, the residence of the U.S. President. Our equivalent would be the State House, which is unoccupied at present.

  37. Da
    January 13, 2014

    I was in Brooklyn and I was very impressed with the contribution and openness that Team Dominica have to say ,
    I am now confident that with this Team Dominica will move to international recognition again.
    Those men are full of integrity and love for Dominica first.
    Now I see why Skerro and all his minions are so scared.

  38. sunshine
    January 13, 2014

    That Bawi person that is talking about Spags and he needing speech theraphy what would he say about Skerrit? Really? Have that Bawi person heard Skerrit talk? Skerrit cannot even engage in conversation without cursing or insulting people. Is that the best we can find in a good leader? I wonder.

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2014

      …and when he get excited he starts spluttering, y’unnerstan, y’unnerstan?

  39. NicE n NaughtY
    January 13, 2014

    Broadcasted live on the radio..transparency..the government have met with the diaspora on several occasion when was it ever brought live? what was said? then again bribery is against the law and the p.m cannot answer questions in a civilized way so it will never be live.

  40. anonymous2
    January 13, 2014

    They are just doing the same thing that Skerrit started.
    Since the people in DA are not interested in registering to vote and actually voting, they are seeking endorsement elsewhere.
    Ever heard of self-determination?
    People need to start thinking and taking action if they want to see any future in this country. Sitting back and talking don’t get you very far.

  41. January 13, 2014

    xcuse me I mean richer

  42. Too Late
    January 13, 2014

    Labourites like heckle other peoples events while skerrits event is for selected people

  43. UWP
    January 12, 2014

    I was listening to the UWP program n the last question asked was ” U say u guys will give duty free on all building materials, with wat u gonna replace this lost of revenue”. That question was not answered properly. In response, ” more people will be employed and they will pay tax and that will increase the revenue.” DUh, U tell these guys r economist? Come on fontain. I expected questions on economic issues to be better answered by Joshua and Fontain. POOR representation and made a fool of ur education.

    • Student
      January 17, 2014

      Im no economist but I have studied economics to some extent. My interpretation of his statement is that when duties are lowered construction materials will become cheaper, but at the same time the govt will lose money.
      Because materials are cheaper, doing construction work will be more affordable. Because doing construction will be more affordable, more people will build. Because more people are building, more people, contractors, architects, construction workers, masons, will be employed. They all pay tax, so the govt will get money.
      The question is whether this will be more or less than what they get from duty.

  44. kd
    January 12, 2014

    let me know when they meet with obama?

  45. mm
    January 12, 2014

    looking good change is needed, all you negative people wake up that is why DA will never be better with haters like you all think positive the dictator will not last forever GOD IS GREAT, DOMINICANS SUFFERING BUT THEY ARE ALL BLINDED

  46. Anonymous
    January 12, 2014

    Waste of time any money , starting early is this a preview of whats to come

    • LISTER George
      January 14, 2014

      hey, u guys looking good thanks for doing what u all are doing for me and my kids. May God bless u all. My prime minister in waiting I wish u all the best, We don’t care what the labour party say. We taking it in 2015! that’s coming from ur people in Fond Cole we love u Lennox Linton!:);)

      • LISTER George
        January 14, 2014

        I wish u luck Mr. Lennox Linton, that from the girl in Fond Cole. when u were on your 21 in 25 u came at my home and I cried. Am only 13 but I want u to be my prime minister ,I think u are the best person to take Dominica to the next level. your not alone. My the good God help u and give strength so u can put tony and the rest of the animal in their cage :) am not rude am just being real, am tried seeing my mom and dad in pain, money meet bills it time for a change.

  47. London / Dominica
    January 12, 2014

    I was expecting a bigger crowd, awa we i will vote LABOUR we.

  48. expected more
    January 12, 2014

    i left disappointed
    dominicans are ungrateful

  49. loubiere GOATMAN
    January 12, 2014

    i HOPE THAT THE UWP commitee reviews its selection…there is alot of stuff which are unfavourable and truthful that will be coming out…as a UWP SUPPORTER from its inception and am a resident in NJ and a witness to the said event. I was happy that they came. I think that the reception was at best average to relatively poor. Too much lack of clarity and a clear direction The. There is no common understanding or consensus. They dont seem prepared at all. The legal analysis as to why we cannot come back to vote was not convincing,,,no reference was made to the many judgments of the oecs supreme court on this matter. I am happy that I went and I hope more people had turned up but clearly the fewer people who turn up the better for them because not many will be converted. Who financed this mission and how much much did it cost? Could the money have been spent otherwise for flood victims relief or to help rebuild our party; uwp ? Whats the partys position on beastiality, election financing, incest, marijuana , drugs, universal tertiary education, same sex marriage , buggery , death penalty etc

  50. wait a minute
    January 12, 2014

    all te time he was not in office, he ad so much to say. Not one scholarship mr was able to secure for a Salisbury school child. Instead he boy cuts every parliament and pull up by the road side with the guys. Most of Salisbury youths have no skills especially among the young ones. There is a high rate of school drop outs among the young men and Spags just pull up. I remember Rosie use to negotiate scholarships on his own while in opposition. I have not seen any concrete evidence of real negotiation for any thing from these guys. Spags wake up and smell the rain. U need to show leadership other than protesting.

  51. forreal
    January 12, 2014

    seriously this guys claim that they are going out there to tell people that they coming home to vote after staying out of dominica for five years is a constitutional violation,fine,on the other hand are they going to tell them also,that the last election skerrit,paid them five hundred dollars and paid their passage to come home to vote for him,i dont think so,because that sounds like grounds for a lawsuit,so what really are these guys objective,they can not be going out there for their votes,because most of them been out there, for over twenty years and more,so what is the real motive,is it to blacken the labour government name,which i do not see that helping their election bid,on the other hand,it’s not like the dominican people in these places,are helping fund the government,so what really is the objective,all the other caribbean leaders brought in their people from all over to vote,it was not corruptionally intended,it was a process,to make every caribbean person abroad be part of their countries progress and to encourage these people to input their efforts to help build their countries,no we have some wanna be’s,that think,the labour government is living the dream,and will go at worlds end to create choas,skerrit does not need dominicans abroad to win the elections,the majority happens right here,are they going to offer them big job positions,should they win the elections,what are they going to promise them,we got people here with very high qualifications,and can not find a job,a lot of these people ran away in the 70s they never came back,not even under eugenia charles’s government,because the government or governments here can not match the salary’s,that these people are being paid,state side,you no what i stop hurting my head,because this is so out of sink.

    • MeCamem
      January 13, 2014

      This is a braf. Catch some air when you feel like it because the commas are all over the place. Capitalize the I in your head and as soon as forreal head stop hurting because the thing ended, my headache…. because I actually want to hear what some Dom-inicans are saying… Oh My God I am so Dizzy because I tried.

      The software is designed to automatically capitalize the letter I. But on line 4 in the thing above, it too was dizzy and refused to capitalize for-real. I should report you to Merriam-Webster.

      By the way, if it is legal, then Linton should scan the documents and upload them on their website. The net result is that no other individual can challenge him to see any proof of the corruption he advocates; and that he will avoid a repeat of what happened in Brooklyn.

    • Not Me Alone
      January 13, 2014

      @ Forreal, you seem to be asking questions that you answer yourself. But let me try to help you answer some. First, UWP is not trying to blacken DLP the DLP government name. In fact if the DLP name or Dominica is blackened it could not be by the UWP because after all, if UWP accuses DLP of things that never happened, UWP would just blacken and darken their own name. On the flip side, if what DLP is guilty of accusations made by UWP then it is the DLP that blackened their name and the name of the country. In other words, if my brother was accused and arrested for a crime he knows nothing about, my last name would not be blackened unless he was guilty. If guilty I cannot blame the witness or police for ensuring justice. I MUST blame my brother.
      That’s the foolishness I cannot understand with you Dominican today. It was wrong with PJ and Eddison who never came close to what this PM is doing, but this time all you want us to turn our back. Let’s put nation before politics. The man is wrong and his deeds are awful. 1. It is a fact that when we recruited him into the DLP he had nothing but a teaching job. I helped to recruit him and all of us knew he did not even have a car. 2. It is a fact that since becoming PM he built the biggest house in Vielle case and probably in Dominica with an income far less than the cost of his house 3. It is a fact that he cannot tell the nation where he got his money from 4. It is a fact that in 2007 his attorney reported an error of over $51K, made by him on less than 3 acres of land. Here is how DNO reported that: “In September 2007 Isidore claimed to have made a $51,000 error regarding a transfer tax calculation on a 2.989 parcel of land purchased by Prime Minister Roosevelt SKerrit at Wall House.This was subsequent to pressure from the public on a land transfer tax evasion.

      The amount was later refunded to the Treasury.” The true owner of Villas is not even an argument anymore as all Dominicans know the truth. There are other truths I know about this man’s corrupt dealing but because I know DNO will not put out I shall keep my peace.
      The time has come for all Dominicans like myself, true laborites, Chistians and religios leaders to condemn these wicked acts because we cannot keep calling God’s name in vain. Our religious leaders better becareful God is not mocked. They know what this gentleman is involved in is ungodly but will say nothing. No I am not saying they need to become UWPites but they simply need to condemn all ungodliness of man instead of blessing and sanctifying evil practices and even to be partakers of wrong doing.

      • Gary
        January 14, 2014

        TO Not Me Alone

        You have written such jargon.Assumptions and assertions about somebody is not evidence of wrong doing regarding the persons behavior. It is sad, you have demonstrated nothing in your comment to prove anything awful was done by The PM.You have also said something very silly, in that you know certain things and you do not want to revel it,do you really believe you should be taken seriously.

        I’m not defending The PM.I just find that you did a poor job in presenting your case regarding The PM.I understand Politics for what it is and you have clearly demonstrated that through your comment.”The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary” quote H.L. Mencken

    • brooklyn
      January 14, 2014

      are you serious. who sue skerrit when charters were coming into mellville hall airport (and the airport for that day was shut down might i add) filled with persons who spent years outside of dominica ticket paid by labor party with monetary compensation when proof of ballot was shown…. what planet are from dude!! PLEASE!!!!

  52. Bawi in NY
    January 12, 2014

    UWP supporters in Salisbury, Morne Ratchette and Coulibistrie must be ashamed at the level of intellectual capacity of spags.

    I just listened to spags talk in BRK New York and I was embarrassed that this is the man that isprepresenting my constituency. What a disgrace.

    Besides butchering the English language, Spags don’t know if he coming or going. His ideas are poorly articulated and he needs urgent speech therapy. With the level of candidates that are emerging on team Dominica, UWP could do better in representing the people of my beloved constituency.

    How would this man represent Dominca on the Regional or International forum? Is this what we want for our children and their future? I call on the UWP committe to look into this matter and secure an aformiderble candidate to represent us. I am a UWP supporter and was willing to cast my vote for spags but I am totally disappointed in his presentation tonight.

    Spags, you just lost my vote of confidence in you. I need to find the Labour Party representative and evaluate and compare for myself. I just cannot understand why this is the best we can get when there are so many outstanding individuals in my constituency.

    • Not Me Alone
      January 12, 2014

      @ Bawi in NY, why go this direction my brother / Sister? Spags delivered a tremendous speech and although I am not from Bawi, I am very proud as a Dominican. Why cast stones at others when you are proving to be worse than the one u criticizing? Take a look at some errors in your own comment: 1. Take a look at how ‘representing’ is spelt and NOT the way you spelt it. 2. You said, What a disgrace.? Why not, What a disgrace! 3. You criticized spags grammar but the sad thing about it is you said “Spags don’t.” What about Spags doesn’t since he is a single person? You need to stop lying. You are NOT a UWP supporter. You just showed us that you just HATE Spags.

    • Ohhh Dominica!
      January 13, 2014

      It would be nice to listen to you for a minute to compare and contrast. You should be ashame of yourself for trying to bring down your fellow constituent in such a manner who is trying to make a genuine contribution. Spags is a bright young man and you are just jealous.

      Now of all the issues that were discussed tonight you apparently were unable to receive anything. This alone speaks volume to your very own intellectually capability.

    • .
      January 13, 2014

      This so true and it is not only limited to Salisbury. The same must be said for the MP for Colihaut, Castle Bruce, Salibia, St. Joseph, Grandbay, Wesley, Petit Soufouire, Scotts Head, Pais Bouche, Morne Jaune, Mahaut. On the issue of speech therapy the MP for Mahaut needs that urgently.

    • TBC
      January 13, 2014

      Spell Check anyone?

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      @ bawi in NY, does your Prime Minister who has a so call degree in English master the English Language better than Spags or is he more fluent than Spags?

    • January 13, 2014

      @Bawi in New York – You obviously have never heard Roosevelt Skerrit and some of his cabal speak….

    • Mamizoo
      January 13, 2014

      Spaggs is not the most articulate and definitely need to keep working on the art of public speaking. I must also admit that Spaggs has shown some improvement . There moments when he is good enough and other times bad or even terrible.
      The truth is though that this is the least of our problem in terms of effective representation and governance. There are many politicians past and present who are just as bad as Spaggs particularly on an extemporaneous basis; Skerrit is a great example of terrible public speaker particularly considering that he was supposedly an English major; Earl Williams was laughable (instruments) . Regiald Austrie can also be very embarrassing.

    • BAWI?
      January 13, 2014

      Whilst I respect your opinion you should stop hiding behind the cloak of “I am a UWP supporter” because had you been, instead of focusing on Sprags flaws, you who would have been awestruck by the reveting performance and presentations of the other members of the team. I mean didn’t you hear the eloquence, thinking on the feet, passion, reasoning, emotion, wit and proper articulation of the way forward and that of the Dominican dream put forth by these guys. I am moved beyond belief by what TEAM Dominica is able to do in so pointedly communicate with the Dominican Diaspora and it is clear that whatever UWP is selling they are buying because they see honesty and transparency, the see hardcore evidence of in your face corruption and have come to realize that there is more to Roosevelt Skerrit than meets the eye. Change is coming my dear friend whether you vote for Bentley Royer or Nicolls Shanks Esprit. Just to wrap it up with you, what Hector Sprags John lacks in speech/grammar he has made up for with personality, example, community spirit, sincerity, honesty and integrity. I AM VOTING SPRAGS BECAUSE I AM REGISTERED IN THE SALISBURY CONSTITUENCY. Go to hell!!!!!!!

    • Rule
      January 13, 2014

      @Bawi in NY. Listen to your PM speak and his sentence structure. He consistently engages in personal attacks against those who dare to oppose him. These are the things you should be embarrassed about your PM:
      Calling Dominicans “Unemployed Loiters”
      Calling the St Joe Lady who represents UWP “Half & Half”
      Saying “No law, no constitution can stop him from doing what he pleases”.
      Transporting Place loads of Illegal voters to come down and vote.
      Garbage Bin Bobol,
      Creating more dependency with his RED CLINIC,
      Lying about promising 400 jobs for the past 2 years now.
      In October he said Dominica doesn’t need an International Airport, but on Nov 8th he signed a $300 million loan with a private Chinese company to build a Hotel and “YES” the same International Airport we don’t need. The list goes on, but I will stop here. You should be embarrassed now! SAK SORT!

    • January 13, 2014

      You ran away, Hector stayed, so you lost your right to complain

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      You need all kinds in the team….How about you with your excellent articulation diction and clarity of thought making that decision to be the candidate?…I am almost sure if all circumstances were that you could be the candidate you would say no…because that politics thing is not for you Sometimes loyalty and faith in an organisation like Spaggs has shown is much more valuable than what you looking for…who knows maybe the team can teach him other things but you can’t teach loyalty.

    • Doc. Love
      January 13, 2014

      I don’t agree with you, Spraggs is the most improved politician in Dominica today. Maybe you may not have heard Skeritt, Regie and Blackmore.

      • JoJo
        January 14, 2014

        Don’t forget Justina Charles. If ever you hear a wooden marionette talk , is she.

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      put the speech on yutube

  53. Proud
    January 12, 2014

    Mind them people think is rub you all came to rub them. hahahaha

    • thinkinman
      January 13, 2014

      rub? or rob?

    • dd
      January 13, 2014

      RUB, U MEAN LIKE A MASSAGE, i hope you don’t mean rob, if that is the case then stop embarrassing yourself with the wrong words that you are using, you must be from Roseau.

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      Lol they look gloomy and the area they are standing looks airy and scary!

    • SMDH
      January 13, 2014

      Please ask Mr. Skerrit to buy you a dictionary or better yet… just google the term “Homophone”.. Good luck!

  54. newjersey moorepark
    January 12, 2014

    Larry ,curly and moo

    • blackshep
      January 13, 2014

      well let the government debate them, we will eventually see who are the jokers.

  55. Grandbay
    January 12, 2014

    The saw for sure.
    They need to bring back that workers song sang by brakes on the radio again

    • Dion
      January 12, 2014

      That song is outdated since your party is no longer in power. This is just to show how irrelevant your all have become. Write a new song to reflect current day reality

    • thinkinman
      January 13, 2014

      I HATE THAT EFFIN SONG!!!! Politricks time again allu in allu high life.

  56. Celsus francis
    January 12, 2014

    Very impressive delivery in NJ….Linton gets better day by day!

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      What! For real?

  57. ras
    January 12, 2014

    +One would have thought that photos of the UWP “leaders” with the Congressional and other delegations would have accompanied the UWP release!
    We await the next release – on the meeting with Dominicans in Washington! And we expect photos showing the massive turnout to accompany that release.

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      Ha ha ha! Keep on waiting. Why do you think they hve not released photos? It’s because the turnout was so poor that they don’t want people seeing it!

  58. dominican
    January 12, 2014

    I am left to wonder who they met with in Maryland,DC,and Virginia.I live in Maryland and never knew or heard about that meeting.I have ask a number of people and they said they know nothing.Guess you all met with spirits.

    • MeCamem
      January 13, 2014

      Then I guess this must the first time you surfed DNO.

    • .
      January 13, 2014

      Is that the DOMINICAN living in Maryland resident in Castle Comfort?

      January 13, 2014

      If you didn’t know about the meeting then you are either uniformed, malicious or don’t listen to news. This thing was widely publicized and ALL were invited. They met with real people, Dominicans, have several seats. Noticing you want with your poor grammar.

      January 13, 2014

      No they met with people, of which I want to believe within each human lies a spirit. The meetings have been widely advertised, there is no secret to it, so your commentary shows you are only vicious, uninformed or lack basic comprehension skills. Might I suggest Hooked-on-Phonics, so you will learn to read before you run your trap and fingers for attention. A drowning man will grab at straws.

  59. roseau
    January 12, 2014

    boy all you have jokes,all you can never win election

    January 12, 2014

    In New Jersey;You hear lie,That is lie!

  61. reflection
    January 12, 2014

    God loves a sincere and honest heart he kñows each of us inside out

    January 12, 2014

    The three stooges Larry, Moe and Currly, Now what did they come to North America for…… to put us in prison…. for coming to our country….. to exercise our democratic right…. they need VOTES UWP desperate and they will do anything to manipulate the up coming elections tell them we are not stupid.

    • blackshep
      January 13, 2014

      its a joke, the way you all take it; its serious business. you all dont have any children? its a new era in politics where these three demonstrates a level of transprency which is not seen Domnicq politics. it talks o honesty and integrity. why dont we debate the issues, all in the diaspora knows of political debates. maybe it would be an opportunity to know who are in deed jokers.

    • Kyso man
      January 13, 2014

      well i thought you were smart, but your analysis of the situation in D A speaks volume of your capacity.

    • Beaups
      January 14, 2014

      You really sound stupid

  63. ##D.A.##.
    January 12, 2014

    Love them, hate them, they look ready for winter! Lets hope the are as ready when the real thing begins.In all fairness they are our sons of the soil and need to be heard as any others that’s what democracy is all about. I wonder why their tour and various engagements with the diaspora is not carried live on Q-95, or any of our media houses? who knows that might happen going forward. Good luck and safe trip. God bless Dominica and the U.S.A.

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2014

      Whilst you were writing this, their meetings were carried life on Q95 and TDN. You have a pc, so listen if you are interested before making a comment like this. The next one if from Decatur (Atlanta) on 14 Jan.

  64. Doc. Love
    January 12, 2014

    Sometimes I wonder what one must do to satisfy Dominican’s political needs. With reference to the UWP’S American tour, I read comments such as a joke, three fools and a waste of time. Maybe if Skeritt Labor Government was as transparent as Mr. Lennox Linton and his team, many Dominicans would think differently as regards voting this lazy, incompetent, corrupted Government into office. Skeritt doesn’t even want to have a debate to express his Government’s position on certain development matters and the economy far less to be questioned at a press conference or at meetings such as the ones put together by the UWP.

    • Dion
      January 12, 2014

      The record is there for all to see . NO debate

    • thinkinman
      January 13, 2014

      The world is a cycle, this was the case when dominicans were cry for Labor to remove UWP from office when James was the PM. Politics is a joke.

  65. January 12, 2014

    Three blind mice..The good the bad and the ugly..They have plenty money man..Where they getting all that money?We want to know, be transparent please.

    • Not a herd follower
      January 13, 2014

      Why don’t you stop the insult?

      • lula
        January 13, 2014

        all u will kill me in that country. Long I have not laughed like that. Look jokes. lol

      • Dion
        January 13, 2014

        That is what we have been taught on between you and me and Mat in the morning and weekly headlines

    • Kyso man
      January 13, 2014

      you forgot you met them at the red clinic?

    • Think
      January 13, 2014

      You missed one….. voice from the jung…. “three stooges”

  66. Anonymous
    January 12, 2014

    well done mr lennox

  67. FiXiT
    January 12, 2014

    Are you guys taking the ferry boat back home? hope not. Travel in style, toneh!

  68. Think
    January 12, 2014

    they seem so cold 8)

  69. Too Late
    January 12, 2014

    Three wise men

  70. Laughable
    January 12, 2014

    Talk and more talk. Allyou not in government yet and travel amass has started. Gijavoir if allyou
    were to enter.
    Too me those talks under that kind of frais de could not have been successful for how Lennox and
    Co wouldwant us to believe.
    Boy allyou looking like three eskimos that just come down from the north pole….talk talk and more talk…Us Democrats have so much zafet to check is allyou Mister and them will check.loloololllllllllllll
    Secondly, Some of that money could have been spent in Joshua constituency to alleviate the plight of some of victims in the Christmas flooding.
    When people put pressure,Spaggs had to join the crew…Boy Workers majeeeeeeeeeeee eh..

    All you have money to spend boy but as soon as all you come back allyou going to launch radiothon for a special cause… laughable

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      Why don’t they take the tour money to help needy people who are not greedy? Then the diaspora will know that they MUST come to put these people in Government. Isn’t it a WASTE! WHAT A WASTE!!!! to spend so much money touring when people are in need of it to survive? Seriously what are they going to tell these people – do not come down to vote, so neither they nor skerrit will get their votes? They criticized the present Government for doing it now what are they doing? Somebody pinch me because I may be stupid!!! HAHA

    • Kyso man
      January 13, 2014

      you most certainly feel threatened, are you afraid your source of support wont be no more, be happy don’t worry for we ain’t going to victimize any one.
      the best man gets the job.

  71. one Love
    January 12, 2014

    Can’t get enough words to describe this move,great!Skerrit learn and take a page from these guys,they are ready to lead and be leaders serving a nation.This is one of the best political team Waitukubuli have had in a long time.People compare to those illegal unfit no politition fellas who’s holding Dominica hostage in the name of government :?:

    • anonymous2
      January 13, 2014

      People here are not sophisticated enough to see that party A and party B are almost the same. Both will sell you out. Get out of the box before you are boxed up permanently.

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      What are u talking about? We have no hostages down here? Where is Guantanamo Bay? Wake up are you sleeping brother/sister John?

      • Anonymous
        January 14, 2014

        Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba in case you did not know and Fiddel Castro is quite happy to take millions in U.S.$. in rent for the place.

  72. iam there
    January 12, 2014

    What a joke

  73. prince
    January 12, 2014

    Wish you all the best. Those people need money , think they will give you?

  74. Truth
    January 12, 2014

    this is what leadership is all about ,
    you cannot let the country affairs in the hand of one man,even GOD who is most supreme operates in three ,no wonder skeritt start operating like a god,you make him feel so,and this is where both you and his distruction starts, for GOD say
    I am a jealous God ,and thou shall have no other god before me

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      Leadership? Have you seen them lead anywhere? But at least one of them said it but they are all NOVICES!!

  75. kwab
    January 12, 2014

    Desperate men do desperate acts for the sole purpose of self gratification and empowerment. Will our so-called leaders convince the population of Dominica on what development plans or policies they intend to in act to bring real change and jobs. We need real goals and less rhetoric to gain votes in the upcoming elections. Remember, the electorate are Dominicans and not the folks leaving in North America. Be real.

    • Asterix
      January 13, 2014

      @Kwab really? you claim “the electorate are Dominicans and not the folks leaving in North America.” You should tell that to skeritt who jet planed these same people in North America to vote for the labour party

  76. canadian/Dominican
    January 12, 2014

    Yes Mr Linton you are doing and a great job, I would like to see America has some kind of connection with Dominica not China, There is some that said that you are ugly, how their kid would run when she sees u, it’s not about beauty, is about developing the Dominica to the next level, because you have the education ,skills and experience which a Politian should have, don’t give up I will be in Dominica for election if the father wants that, good luck

    • anonymous2
      January 13, 2014

      The Chinese own the U.S. debt so they own the U.S. No getting around China these days.

    • MIND ME
      January 13, 2014

      Canadian/Dominican??? Really? Obviously you do not know how corrupted America is for the obvious reason that you don’t live here in America. Give me a break.

    • The Realist
      January 13, 2014

      Don’t you read or listen to world news? Evidently not or you would realize that China vitually owns the US. The Americans can hardly look after their own, what makes you think they can help Dominicans? If Linton & his two amigos had any political smarts, they would have used the money they spent for this useless tour on helping out the poor victims of the Christmas flood. I don’t see or hear of them getting any financial help from the US. They and their grandiose ideas are bound for failure. Show us the money!!!!!

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      What is great about wasting money? If u all acuse the Government of building concrete stuff as wasting money, then the holiday spree these guys are on is considered what? Wasting money or doing nothing?!!??!!

  77. Not Me Alone
    January 12, 2014

    That’s what I refer to as true integrity, democracy and team work. We see Lenox Linton, Thompson Fountain, Joshua Francis and Ron Green. We see a team that is dedicated to lead and rescue Dominica, which is in serious, serious trouble. On the flip side, we see a DLP administration that is led by Mr. Skerrit and Skerrit alone. Although he boasts of his 18/3 majority, how many times has he taken other palreps with him? We see him, mano who was not elected, one of those lawyers that was again not elected, and a Bajan who cares the less about Dominica. Not only does he not take members of his team out of Dominica but hardly will you see him with his DLP parlreps on the streets of Dominica.

    • Dominican Abroad
      January 13, 2014

      You were NOT in NJ when he came with Kelvar Darroux and Peter St. Jean, so get your facts right before you make these statements.

  78. I TOLD YOU
    January 12, 2014

    We working

  79. elena
    January 12, 2014

    Three stuggies. Fools

    • Asterix
      January 13, 2014

      @Elena it seem to me you are the real stooge since you don’t even know how to spell the word

  80. lyfe
    January 12, 2014

    so many things i could say but UWP has already lost and you will prove it soon when the time comes
    they had their chance and the dried the country and also wokers said so many things about the PM and aright now they are doing the same thing
    also they said skerret knows how to beg and seeing he went to beg and things are better they want to feast and do the same thing they are blaming labour for he has his wrongs but because of you all wokers hunger for power you all guys dont put right where right has to go lennox knows what he wants so thats why he has so much zeal and eddison knows why he wants lennox there so that he will still be in control NO POLITITION CARES ABOUT THE COUNTRY IS ALL BENEFITS
    some UWP supporters say so much but i know the benifits they had why they say so much but putting all jokes aside if they remain another five years after that sunrise senario they would kill the country flat flat flat

  81. proud kalinago
    January 12, 2014

    great job team dominica,we all in that

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      I am not sure but there was no or very little rum in Skerrit campaign so that is why you want the sunrise seekers back. But guess what the sun willnever shine on UWP

  82. current
    January 12, 2014

    love Team Dominica. these guys know what they about. They not like Skerrit who goes on those trips in secret. That is what Dominica needs not a mad dictator who only cares about himself and amassing wealth. Kudos to you guys. GOD bless you all.

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      How do u know that these guys are not after wealth also? Do you know their hearts???

      • Anonymous
        January 14, 2014

        So you are admitting Skerrit is after wealth. Thank you.

  83. Torty
    January 12, 2014

    My expectations were so high for this initiative but having seen and heard what this dream team has to offer, its clearly a waste of people’s time.

    Labour for sure!!!

  84. James
    January 12, 2014

    Charity begins at home. You need to meet with the people living and working here in Dominica.

    • IREADY
      January 12, 2014

      U 4 get 21 in 25?

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      where were you when they went to meet the people of DA

  85. Nomination committe
    January 12, 2014

    Pictures tell a thousand word. They are very inconsistent. The criticize the State House for Dominica but in attempting to gain prestige the unwittingly place themselves outside a state house in another country. What utter foolishness.

    • Not a herd follower
      January 13, 2014

      what garbage from you. You sound like a true idiot!

    • Tri-State Beauty
      January 13, 2014

      @ Nomination Committe..

      Well dear me here I was thinking this was the Capitol Building!!!

  86. January 12, 2014

    UWP I am with u all the way,u’ve got my vote,we Dominicans here in the United Kingdom are ready to walk this mile with u,good job brothers and God bless Dominica.

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      How long ago have u been to Dominica? You forgot what the road to the city, that is under the cliff in Fond Cole, looked like a few years ago? You forgot that it was one way in and out of Roseau, now we have two additional bridges!! God is indeed blessing Dominica but God certainly will not bless ungrateful people. Be thankful and don’t leave what you see for what u have not seen. Everybody will promise better but dont you think that we are on the right path to what development entails? No only in infrastructural development but you also hear of social, educational and even sporting programs to develop Dominicans accorss the Board. Be patient Rome was not built in a day but Rome was built anyway!

  87. bullgoat
    January 12, 2014

    all the way with uwp the dlp is finished and we have more goatstuff in fond baron to come lol

  88. Anonymous
    January 12, 2014

    old man JOHN is left out how sad :wink:

  89. January 12, 2014

    Im a dominican living in nj I don’t support either parties but, very much in support of the uwp coming to meet with the people and putting it out there.not like the dominca pm that came everything was hush hush.and when independence ppl come to enjoy themselves he want to meet with them.so why can he meet with returning domincans in dominica but overseas he only meet with on set ?

    • Dominican Abroad
      January 13, 2014

      You support UWP, stop acting like you are an independent supporter. Who you think reads this FOOLS?

  90. Man on the Ground
    January 12, 2014

    its so easy to see real man. these men are on a mission to save Dominica and to prevent the blood of our young men & woman in the streets of the capital. this is the road that the DLP is taking us down. if my blood have to be use as the ink of the pen to write the book of history saying that i did not stand side by side with this junky who call themself leaders of my great land then let it be.

    • layman's terms
      January 13, 2014

      What are you talking about? prevent the blood of our young men and women in the streets? you think the young men and women in dominica today going and fight n shed their own blood for skerrit or linton? Get a grip..

  91. Man on the Ground
    January 12, 2014

    The leaders of tomorrow is in north america meeting with Dominican and all walks of life. just ask your question , you will get answers. the only thing that you will not get or hear from them is ( go to hell . its non of your dam business beause they are professional state men o the US soil. what will be coming out of there mouth is where the next job for we Dominican will come from and the next and the next until we are better of then this bunch of cabalist in govt.

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      True? You sound like a Parrot

  92. Original Observer
    January 12, 2014

    Did you read the intellectual jargon – the stringing of a series of words that sounds nice but lacking in any common sense. This man is fighting hard to make a name for himself among the “symbots” of this world. When they meet in New York today, one of the issues they can cioncern themslevss with is how to settle the calypso fraud that has been levelled on a number of his Party faithfuls. That is helping Dominica.

    • Anonymous
      January 12, 2014

      How shallow, can you get? I love calypso but to be honest, there are far more important things to worry about right now

  93. ummmm
    January 12, 2014

    I am very disappointed in the people with small minds who continue to demonstrate their ignorance by posting things like ‘three fools’… whether you agree with the messages that the UWP members are spreading or not is no reason for you to use your small mind to formulate words like ‘fools’ to describe these men, who have made personal sacrifices and through continued determination and hard work – has educated themselves – very few of them if any, had ‘family’ connections to get them where they are.

    Show some respect for these men – doesn’t mean you have to agree with them and use rational explanations and reasoning for your disagreement – if you can’t do that, please say away from commenting on articles referring to any member of the United Workers Party team.

    And if any member of the UWP is using such derogatory terms to describe DLP members, please continue to exercise restraint!

    • dog bite
      January 13, 2014

      Are we talking about sacrifice for self or for country? I would believe if anyone wants to hold the highest office in the country they should be willing to make sacrifices for their country, first by being gainfully employ. :wink:

  94. jojo
    January 12, 2014

    Where di money coming from ? Tell us.

    • JoJo
      January 12, 2014

      I ask Skerrit but he said is none of your damn business.

      • Truth2
        January 13, 2014

        Oh so is Skerrit u asking when is really not his business to tell u? Ask him more questions still, questions they have answers to is Skerrit that should answer – All you justice system well hard!!!

    • blackshep
      January 13, 2014

      “its not your dam business where labour party is getting their money from so go to hell, go to hell, go to hell”…

  95. Anonymous
    January 12, 2014

    I hope they meet with Obama ,and get some help to build a better, and bigger hospital, and Oh an international airport.

  96. D/can to De Bone (F)
    January 12, 2014

    Establish a base at home first . let your people know you locally … Meet the people tour .

    Long and short of it you all should be in Dominica doing doing your political home work.

    Disgruntled UWP individuals. All were friends of the prime minister before.

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      ummm they already did that just recently,

    • yes i
      January 13, 2014

      21 in 25

    • Malgraysa
      January 14, 2014

      I assume you are deaf and blind. How else could you have missed the public forum at the Fort Young Hotel and the much publicized 21 in 25 campaign, when the UWP toured the entire country, visiting 21 constituencies in 25 days. They left he comfort of their bus and walked the highways and byways, the paths and tracks to humble themselves and listen to our people, from every walk of life, to acquaint themselves with the situation on the ground. What they found is alarming and they are reporting on it right now. Some of us don’t want to know, less we dirty our fancy shoes, and get contaminated by the abject poverty of a large part of our people. I don’t really care about red or blue or green but we must change if we are to create a more just society. One man is not God!

  97. Mamize
    January 12, 2014

    I am VERY impressed!!!! ! Great Job Guys!!

  98. Happy
    January 12, 2014

    Way to go guys keep up the good works The Good Lord Is With You All

    • Anonymous
      January 13, 2014

      workers am aboard that train

  99. Grand Bay Girl
    January 12, 2014

    Pappy Show! Pappy Show! lol

  100. Barns
    January 12, 2014

    That’s a joke, why didn’t you all take a picture at the meeting place with the people you all were meeting? why standing out there in the cold three of you.
    You guys can only fool foolish people with that foolishness

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      Yes take pictures with the crowd they were meeting!! HA lol!!

  101. Not a herd follower
    January 12, 2014

    Go, Team Dominica, go. Do not be sidetracked by the haters. You promise much to Dominica. Your approach is so refreshing. Team Dominica deserves the votes of the majority. They belong in government. Remain focus, guys.

  102. pedro
    January 12, 2014

    That’s the leadership Dominica needs. Leaders who will engage the Diaspora and give them the opportunity to participate in the country’s development.
    Thanks Guys

  103. Track lover
    January 12, 2014

    Great job all the best,continue to educate Dominicans both here and in the diaspora.God,s guidance and mercies throughout this journey.Love you guys

  104. In Tears
    January 12, 2014

    Happy New Year, and may the Good lord guide, strengthen and bless you all, now, on an expedition to save little Dominica.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  105. Anonymous
    January 12, 2014


    • Malgraysa
      January 12, 2014

      Obviously the State Dept. do not think it is a joke. Did Skerrit meet with all these people when he was there recently? Did he even tell them he was coming? Makes me wonder if they see things we at home don’t know yet. Very interesting.

    • January 12, 2014

      tell me what the joke is?

    • Roseau
      January 12, 2014

      Is jealous all u so jealous , Why is it that some Dominicans like you do not want better for our country?
      But these Noble men from the UWP party will continue to do their best to take Dominica to higher heights!

      • layman's terms
        January 13, 2014

        jealous of??

    • Not Me Alone
      January 12, 2014

      @Anonymous, that’s because you are a BIG JOKER.

    • Boss
      January 12, 2014

      A joke? Them man on a move.Change is a must we they say.

    • I see the light
      January 12, 2014

      My friend the joke is on you. You just wait and see……You have no idea how much the good Lord has hand his hand in this. Everyone of you will not come on board but the vast majority have seen the light and CHANGE IS COMING!

    • Integrity
      January 12, 2014

      is no joke it’s the real thing baby

  106. Doc. Love
    January 12, 2014

    I hope Skeritt will learn a little from the novice in politics as regards to foreign policies and the people’s right to know the whereabouts of their leaders. Excellent job Mr. Lennox Linton and team.

    • Nomination committe
      January 12, 2014

      Picture tells a thousand words. They look like the homeless in the movie HOME ALONE.

      • Anonymous
        January 14, 2014

        A picture tells a thousand words indeed. These men don’t mind braving the cold whilst Skerrit is partying in the lap of luxury in Morocco.

  107. Anonymous
    January 12, 2014

    waste of time an money

    • Pride
      January 12, 2014

      anonymous, arn’t you tired on of appearing on dno in all shapes and sizes? We know you are a beneficiary of the red clinic. Find a job, you too D. Lazy.

    • January 12, 2014

      at least not as much as skeritt wasting right u’ll mouth,but u’re not complaining on that?

    • Massacre
      January 12, 2014

      Even without negative people like you. The work will continue.
      This is a new UWP with a new vision for Dominica and I support their efforts.
      Keep it positive.

    • Face Facts
      January 12, 2014


      If what you say is true concerning waste of time and money what would you say about these;

      1. State Palace

      2. 16 ministers of government

      3. 900,000 kickback to one member of the government

      5. Red Clinic

      6. Garbage Bin Bobol

      7. Fertilizer Bobol

      8. Upgrading of Melville Hall Airport

      9. 21 million to import voters

      10. an alleged EC$15,000 kickback every time a certain minister gives a contract to a road builder in his constituency. Whenever the minister travels he call the same little man to send him money because he claims that his money ran out. Such greedy politicians!

      Thanks for reconsidering your statement and I have responded to you in love.

      • JB CHARLES
        January 13, 2014

        You know so much and you cannot fix it…… get your lawyers……. and go after them you jacks in a box… out there you are one of the imported voters I saw you last election flying on the same flight with me heading to Dominica to vote for UWP…… so who so never like so shut your mouth

    • haha
      January 12, 2014

      atleast yu can’t say they are using tax payers money. if you had any foresight you would see the value of this tour

    • yes i
      January 13, 2014

      anonymous why dont u put ur name, your front end soldier like a presse attache

  108. sexy
    January 12, 2014

    the three fools :mrgreen:

    • JoJo
      January 12, 2014

      Sorry but they looking more and more like the three wise men to me. I may vote for them.

    • January 12, 2014

      it takes a fool to not realise the importance of what this delegation is doing,it is FOOLS like you who continue to allow leaders like skeritt and his gangsters to erode and plunder the Dominican society to what it has become today.FOOL.

    • Anonymous
      January 12, 2014

      I wonder if a person of your caliber can make a step in the shoe of these men. I wish you would stop sounding like a fool.

    • Anonymous
      January 12, 2014

      Yep… Larry, Curley and Moe

    • one Love
      January 12, 2014

      :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?: Isuppose u have experiencing what being a fool is sexy?If only u had the wisdom,knowledge and intelligence of those three gentlemen! :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

    • hmmmmm
      January 12, 2014

      we shall soon enough see exactly who the fools are!

    • haha
      January 12, 2014

      are u serious?

    • Simply the Truth
      January 14, 2014

      You mean the three stooges? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  109. faceup
    January 12, 2014


  110. wait a minute
    January 12, 2014

    while allu up there tell Hector look for some scholarships for us in bawi we need to go and study too.

    • Really?
      January 12, 2014

      for now Bentley is in a better position to respond to your question. The government dishes out scholarship and seem to focus on one particular set of people. so instead of targeting Hector see tolo.

      • UWP
        January 13, 2014

        Bentley is not ur parl rep. So my question has to b addressed to my parl rep who is currently Hector.

  111. wait a minute
    January 12, 2014

    wow thats nice just hope allu did not go play politics and bad talk me country

    • Toomatoe Tomato
      January 12, 2014

      I am sure they are telling them what a Great Country Dominica is and that Our Prime Minister and his Government are doing a wonderful job for the country and the people.

      And that they are a very good opposition party who supports the government when it does good for the country just as the Americans come together for their country when a disaster occurs and politics is thrown off to the back burner and people and country comes first.

      Does anyone believe that is what their conversation would be like? I would expect nothing less.

      Anyway when many Americans are thinking of and wish going somewhere warm in this type of weather; these people are leaving a hot country and it is not an emergency? Some, I bet had a really good chuckle and can’t take these fellas seriously. In that type of weather? Give me a break.

      If I am a Dominican living in North America in that type of weather North America is experiencing presently, when I get home from work I would not go out to listen to them fellas. I would stay home, by my fire place with a nice cup of hot cocoa. Is crazy I crazy then.

  112. Malgraysa
    January 12, 2014

    So far so good. What I like about this is that it is a team performance, not a one-man show only for the selected few. This is what we need in Dominica right now.it is all about investment, creating employment and and a more equitable society for all.

    • DA4real
      January 12, 2014

      “Not a one man show for a select few.” You not seeing is a selected few that there.

    • Mamize
      January 12, 2014

      Malgraysa, to be honest, who else besides Skerit do you think he have in his cabinet to speak that language at such a high level…
      Reginald A…Mathew W…Gloria… Justina C… Petta…the stone module guy… Who?… honestly… who??? There is no one else capable, so it must be a one man show.
      Boss degree or no degree, give me Lennox and his team any day.

    • DA
      January 12, 2014

      Some of u people just like to run mouth and not think first. If the government send a team of three to the US, u will be the first to say, they are abusing the finances of DA, so don’t talk about team work, for all u see is blue.

      • Malgraysa
        January 14, 2014

        Didn’t the Govt. send Skerrit, Darroux and St, Jean? Or are you telling us the DLKP paid for their trip to the U.S.A.? You either have a very sort, or selective memory DA.

    • dog bite
      January 12, 2014

      What im seeing is three (3) jack A—S standing in a line waiting for handouts. YOU GO BOYS.

    • Truth2
      January 13, 2014

      De Maverick does not need backup to make it appear that he is or not operating in a team. He has the brains of all three put together. Isn’t that Wonderful, less in-fighting and haggling over leadership and power! He can do it, he needs nobody to talk for or with him because he is a Maverick!!

      • Malgraysa
        January 15, 2014

        what you are describing is a dictator. Is that what you want?

  113. Peace
    January 12, 2014

    Good job

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