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Hello and good afternoon my people. As a young man growing up in Laplaine whenever river burst . We can’t go to town because we can’t cross this stupid low bridge. This crap is still going on. Where is the progress.
Therese James: I would like to draw this to your attention, and simply asks you if the the flooded road in the picture, in the village of Rosalie is one of you and Roosevelt Resilient Road?
Lady stop talking foolishness, nothing is resilient, against water (floods); fire and earthquakes; even the idea that humans are resilient is total nonsense. After a hurricane in which we lost our belongings, those who are fortunate to have large sums of money may rebuild while the very poor may struggle and never rebuild, nevertheless they survive.
If that’s term resilience I don’t know; because the definition of resilient is simply this “person or animal able to withstand or recover quickly from a difficult condition.” Or a substance; an object able to recoil, spring back into its original shape after bending; or compressed!
After the flood in evidence, the washed away road in the picture apparently automatically return to its original state!
Right Therese?