Some public officers told to go home immediately

go homePublic officers living past Loubriere going south and Canefield going north have been told to go home with immediate effect.

This is due to inclement weather which is threatening Dominica at this time.

The government has given the all clear for all public officers only in the areas mentioned above to go home.

It must be noted that it is for only those living in the south of the island past Loubiere and north past Canefield.

In its 12:00 pm advisory the Met Office said a westward moving tropical wave will produce shower and isolated thunderstorm activity across the area during the next 24 to 48 hours.

It also said residents in Dominica in areas prone to flooding, landslides and falling rocks should remain vigilant and exercise caution.

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  1. "Break every curse"- Tasha
    September 14, 2015

    Again! Maybe there is an accurse thing that needs in ur midst. We can’t blame it on Tommy Lee Sparta , because we deported him. God sure works in mysterious ways!

    I know we had USA gospel artist Tarsha Cobbs to perform in Grandfond during the last election, and when she sang her song “Break every curse,” we could literally feel those curse falling. So she broke the curse. Why we still troubled by the curse?
    Maybe it’s time for us to do like Israel when they were constantly attacked and defeated. Not even prayer could save them? They had to do something else Joshua 7:10-26. In verse 11, God said this : for they have even taken of the accursed thing, and have also stolen. Maybe we might have an accursed thing to deal with. Achan was the cause of the curse and after he was stoned to death, the curse stayed. Maybe we have an accursed thing at the top and unless we remove it (NOT kill like in the case of Achan) the curse will stay.

  2. A Voice in the Wilderness
    September 14, 2015

    As long as Pharaoh hardened his heart, the Lord kept having to show miracles and wonders to let Pharaoh know that he was indeed “The one true Everlasting and Living God.”

    Dominica when will you get the message and heed the call to repentance? Just know that God cannot be mocked and when he was fed up with Pharaoh he threw all of his horsemen along with their horses and chariots into the ocean. NOT ONE OF THEM SURVIVED.

    Again I repeat 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and I will HEAL THE LAND. Repentance is a must..,BACANAL IS DISGUST. We keep hearing of plans for a Pseudo Creole festival. After the rich farmer had made all of his plans on how he would to fill his barn houses with grain the Lord told him, Thou Fool tonight your soul is required of you – He was not promised another day. Please turn to God and ask to plan…

    • But God
      September 15, 2015

      The key in this scripture is MY PEOPLE. God wasn’t referring to Satan’s people….He was referring to HIS own people. Take note!

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