Tropical wave affecting Dominica

A section of Portsmouth on Thursday morning. Photo: Facebook
A section of Portsmouth on Thursday morning. Photo: Facebook

A tropical wave which is affecting the region is expected to result in an increase in cloudiness, showers and possible isolated thunderstorms across the region during the next 24 hours.

The Met Office has warned that people in areas prone to flooding, landslides, and falling rocks to be vigilant and to exercise caution.

Additionally, another tropical wave is expected to move across the area by Saturday.

Moderate sea conditions are expected during the next 24 to 48 hours with waves peaking near 7.0 feet.

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  1. South City
    August 5, 2016

    We can’t change what our forefathers did they obviously placed communities and cities in the wrong places. The future generation is left to correct all these mistakes. I wish the Government patience and the know how to reinstate all these mishaps.

  2. UHURU
    August 5, 2016

    The more Dominicans pray, is the less they achieve. Prayers can never do anything for the island.
    The bible has been weaponized from centuries ago and we refuse to even acknowledge that.

  3. Favoured
    August 5, 2016

    We as a country have done nothing of significance to address our resilience Post Tropical Storm Erika. Is just a set of talk and more talk. It is not that the opportunites did not present itself they did but we lost it because of our down right petty political immaturity and down right frivolous doh care a dam attitude and behaviours perpetuate by one of the most foolish, misdirected, incompetent group of individuals that passes for a government in Dominica. Boople of blessed memory is right when he sings in song ” it’s only rum and sewo, ” it goes ” the passengers doh care as if the life are other people own and not their own” and when the clueless captain of the flight “Ar Dominica “delivers a budget after 16 years in flight school predicated on passports sales for its support and passengers of this ill fated flight, flown by this suicidal pilot , can give him a standing ovation then I know that Air Dominica is destined to crash.

  4. Tell the Facts
    August 4, 2016

    Can anyone prevent the rain from falling and areas from flooding? This is the work of nature.
    Every country gets its share. The US is not immune from it. Anyone took note of what recently occurred in Maryland, USA? The flooding which killed a few people? The entire shopping area was affected.
    Especially when a storm is approaching, as you prepare for it, fervently pray to God that He spares the entire country and hope for the best. There is nothing else which could be done.
    God is love and is in control.

    • Truthteller
      August 5, 2016

      When a storm is coming a lot can be done, Reinforce structures, move people to high and safer ground, create dead zones, and after a storm you’re suppose to repair any area that had it’s structural integrity strained…

    • Favoured
      August 5, 2016

      Dottish people like you will always blame on something. The fact is this project was hurried for the 2014 electiin, election done project done. No survey was done to establish the proper slopes and for the requisite drains to be done. It was done as a matter of expediency it was ill conceived but that doh matter Labar ka Traveil . Boy lot a set of dottish people. but you all can use it to swim and snorkel till next election when Labar will come again to fool all you.

    • Favoured
      August 6, 2016

      Tell the facts – you may not be able to stop the rains from falling but certainly you can mitigate flooding. But its people like you that will justify incompetence with excuse after excuse. Let me provide you and your cabal with some basics on some of the reasons why the area floods and what can be done to minimize if not eliminate it. The area historically is known to be swampy therefore our planning for infrastructure development should take that into consideration. So a basic EIA and hydrology study of the area will inform on the requisite drainage to be done to help remove excess water in the area. Road and other infrastructure surfaces must be built at higher elevations from the drains so that water can flow into them. Since you blame it on the rain, water harvesting and management will be critical. Simply put roof water as a result of rain and waste water from households must be harvested and properly pipe into water catchment manholes and drained away from the area. Lesson one.

    August 4, 2016

    When I see all that water, one thing comes to mind, Drainage and City planning… Any comments from public works and the like?

  6. Floridian Diaspora
    August 4, 2016

    All that system that passing with all that rain isn’t enough to make the passport selling labor agency realize that more needs to be done post Erika. A whole year later and what have they done? Nothing!!! I always knew that these inferior bailey bridges would become permanent fixtures and the unambitious flock of sheep that follow this evil regime would praise them for the so called major progress they’ve been making. Our idle prime minister’s primary focus now is to come down hard on the poor jobless fathers who cannot feed their children due to no fault of their own but down to his government’s jobless mentality. I really suspect what they say about our PM is true that his mind exist in an imaginary world where he penetrated snow white causing her to bore seven dwarfs. I want to see who’s the first dumb laborite to reply to my comment

    • Sixth nine
      August 5, 2016

      Diesapoor you can say as you like dogs like you have nothing to offer Dominica apart from bad breath dogs like you and some so called Workers Party supporters trying to discredit Pm Skerrit administration when you know dam well your leader is not suitable to be a prime of Dominica, I grew up with Linton went to school in Roseau with him am not just talking we used to hang out in steber street with Norman and the boys.

      • Floridian Diaspora
        August 5, 2016

        i know you was missing me. For how long I never post a comment but you still on my case. Look out for me by Christmas again

      • Favoured
        August 5, 2016

        Read the insults and hate coming from you. The Olympics are on, you mean after 16 years of Skerrit rule you mean we can only produce one foreign and one local athlete to represent Dominica in Rio. After16 years unlike the other islands we do not have one sports man we can boast off. Grenada has Kiwanis James St.Kitts has Kim Collins. We do not have not one proper track and field ground unlike little St. Kitts and Grenada and St.Lucia so much so we can’t host Carifta games. So if we cannot do anything for sport in 16 years the guy is right in one year do not expect us to do anything for Erika. That’s Skerrits legacy and claim to fame while others around us are empowering their youth through sporting opportunities we are busy chasing five star hotels and selling passports. Shame.

    • Roseau River
      August 5, 2016

      With a small sputtering economy, it will take 10+ years for DA to reach pre-Erika road conditions, on our primary roads. At least on the west coast, the Chinese intend to repair the road to its pre-Erika condition (void of bailey bridges), hopefully that can be accomplished over the next 12-18 months. China thank you for your assistance. Dominicans, if we really want to take control of our country, we need to have 100% focus on growing our economy based on the tools god has blessed us with (Agriculture, Water, etc.)

  7. Roseau River
    August 4, 2016

    Lord have mercy on us…

  8. Unruly queen
    August 4, 2016

    Only during bad times some people remember it have a god … yet still all they look to study is sewo..

  9. Portsmouth-London Based
    August 4, 2016

    Hi and Hello my country men and women,

    I was quite saddened to see and read what is happening to our beautiful Island once again.

    Where exactly is that area of Portsmouth that is flooded ? That is my home Town I can never ever remember that section of the Island being flood,

    Hold tight, be strong whatever it is the Almighty will deliver us.

    Please, please adhere to all warnings given if it becomes worse over the weekend.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all as I have my friends and families over there. Even people that I do not know. I will be praying for a safe deliverance from the Storm.

    God Bless.

  10. August 4, 2016

    They busy wasting money breaking all kinds of grounds. Sewoing without making any thing meaningful and strong in Dominica. When nature take it corse, What do you expect, Everything will wash away. Stop wasting Dominica monies and fix the country right. Sooner or later nothing will be left but just the people.

  11. Shaka Zulu
    August 4, 2016

    A few months ago there were pics circulated on here of drainage conditions in possi. This looks like the same are and i am wondering if the drains were ever cleaned. By the look of the pics it does not look like the drains are doing what they are supposed to do. Our current drainage design around the country especially the older developments of roseau and possi are outdated. It only magnifies the flooding problem. Clearing drains should be continous part of disaster preparedness.

  12. August 4, 2016

    All I know is that…. I am not taking my money and send to Dominica again because of no crises. Dominicans are to damn bad.Let them deal with their own situation . Call Donald trump for help. Is the tongue in their mouth, the hatred for each other,to much voodoo and there politics. God keep punishing them Time for a change.

    • UHURU
      August 5, 2016

      Very interesting observation and you are on target !

  13. Dotish
    August 4, 2016

    HEY WE GETTING $18 million dollar bridge – what else all u want? U unappreciative people :) LOL

  14. Truthteller
    August 4, 2016

    Best possie gets washed off the map dey holding D/ca back

    • d-a born
      August 4, 2016

      What kind of dumb, hateful comment is that?

      • Truthteller
        August 4, 2016

        What you talking about? This is the most positive comment on this page

    • Promises galore
      August 4, 2016

      Possie People are not speaking for themselves; why should anyone speak for them. I am sure that they are 100% in agreement for the $18M bridge in Roseau. God watch over all of us.

      • UHURU
        August 5, 2016

        That bridge had better come equipped with opening and closing capabilities and toll booths at both ends to make that money back !

    • Saints and sinners
      August 4, 2016

      Lop I agree with u truthteller and I from possie too

    • Wholly Ghose
      August 4, 2016

      Real talk. And I from possie too.

    • August 4, 2016

      Even a fool gets supporters…what goes around comes around stupid idiot..

      • Truthteller
        August 5, 2016

        @cbarryb You better be a woman, because only a woman that can talk spiteful koshone so

    • out of south city
      August 4, 2016

      This is sheer ignorant talk. Please don’t let yourself appear so foolish in public.


      • Truthteller
        August 5, 2016

        South city need to go to, allu know y allu vex, God doh like ugly

  15. August 4, 2016


    • Music Producer
      August 4, 2016

      He has retired, otherwise this would not happen.

  16. Pedro
    August 4, 2016

    Its a sad state of affairs. We go from one sewo to the next. One fete weekend to the next. We have to come together to realize that the nation is in crisis. With the infrastructure already compromised its clear for a very long time our systems are compromised in dealing with anything other than sunny weather. there needs to be an urgency to mitigate these problems and work very urgently to plan for the onslaught of rainy weather. Yes, some things need to be urgently addressed (flood prone, damaged prone areas, make shift repairs etc), as they have have been exposed already and the potential effects are pretty obvious. The urgency is NOW>

    • Wholly Ghose
      August 4, 2016

      What nayshon you talking about? All we care about is the rum and de sewo.

    • Favoured
      August 5, 2016

      “Air Dominica, going nowhere, the Captain never there, and the plane the plane going to crash” hahaha. Is only rum and sewo , the passengers doh worry. Look at the Olympic games in Rio Dominica has two athletes one Cuban Dominican and one Dominican Dominica. You mean after 16 years of Labor party rule that’s the best we could come up with. Why? It’s because government busy selling passports and building five star hotels rather than developing sporting facilities. In 2016 Dominica is one of the only islands without a track anfd field facility. Little St.Kitts has a athletic stadium in addition to football and cricket stadiums. What we are go I d at is inviting our youth to sewo and fete every weekend and we call that development. Bunch of jokers in this country.

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