Tropical wave affecting Dominica as peak of Hurricane Season approaches

Map showing current weather conditions

A tropical wave is presently affecting Dominica while Weather Forecaster and Acting Senior Meteorological Officer, Mashall Alexander, has warned Dominicans to exercise vigilance as the peak of the 2018 Hurricane Season approaches.

September is generally the most active month of the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

“We are just advising the public to remain vigilant and in a state of readiness and to continue to monitor and stay informed,” he stated on Wednesday morning.

He said citizens should not listen to rumors and should not spread rumors.

“The season has been downgraded with less activity expected but we must remember that it only takes one,” he stated.

He said a tropical wave will affect the island from today, Wednesday, August 29, to Thursday, August 30.

“This wave is showing no signs of development but we are expecting showers and possible thunderstorm activity,” Alexander stated. “Therefore we are advising people in areas prone to flooding, landslide and falling rocks to exercise caution during today and tomorrow.”

He stated that a relative improvement in conditions is expected by Friday.

“We will continue to update the public in our weather reports on our websites that is and our Facebook page ‘Dominica Met’,” he noted. “Again the advice is preparation and pray for the best.”

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  1. North Pole Dominican
    August 30, 2018

    How much more of this rain can we handle? Soil in the Island is already feeble .Just hang on everyone. God is with us

  2. Joseph John
    August 29, 2018

    From right now we must pray to our Lord Jesus our God for keeping us safe , protected and defended us from all hurricanes and all disasters. Remember we are the Land of the Lord so when we call him he will answer us. He will answer our prayers.

  3. Child of Itassi
    August 29, 2018
    • August 30, 2018

      Yes, that seems to be the one. Many thanks.

  4. August 29, 2018

    Could DMS please give a link to the satellite imagery that illustrates this announcement. It is much clearer than the imagery currently used on the DMS site (

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