Whitney Melinard responds to reaction to her video statement

Whitney Melinard

EDITOR’s NOTE: Lead Institute student, Whitney Melinard, expressed concern about the lack of internet access in the Kalinago Territory in a video which attracted a lot of attention and some reaction to which she has responded in the following statement.

My name is Whitney Melinard. I am from the hamlet of Mahaut River in the Kalinago Territory. I am a former student of the Sineku Primary and the Castle Bruce Secondary School and I am currently a law major at Lead Institute.

After almost three years of not seeing any significant step by service providers and persons in charge of making decisions in Kalinago Territory, I felt that it was my purpose to advocate on the matter of internet access in my community. I want to leave my community better than my parents handed it to me and how I choose to effect change is by speaking up. Choosing this path means that I am required to do and say difficult things especially when they are needed. I am not unafraid of the consequences of speaking truth to power; I speak simply because I feel that I must. When I look around, I see there are too few people willing to speak up and too few people willing to take a fall for standing for justice and equality.

I experienced firsthand the disadvantage of the lack of WIFI access while I sat my CSEC exams in 2018. I am aware that some strides have been made to address this concern as the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Digicel have provided the primary schools with some level of WIFI service. However, this too has limitations and I do not accept it as an excuse that my community as a whole should be satisfied. My community members should never ignore the point that students in the Kalinago Territory deserve the equal opportunity to research in the comfort of their homes like most Dominicans.

I need to add that my video is not geared at putting the Ministry of Education or anyone within the MoE in bad light, as I am of the opinion that the Ministry has done its share to cater to the needs of students during school hours. I further trust that the Ministry of Education will support my right to speak on matters that concern me and other students. Very often we are asked to engage in positive undertakings but when we do so, we face the fear of being shunned, ridiculed or our feelings may be invalidated if our opinions go against the status quo by the same people who champion the theme of “ Youth are the future”.

In my video, I stated that the lack of WIFI access in the Kalinago Territory MAY be an example of systematic racism. I think this statement has been seen as incorrect by some, since other communities also do not have WIFI access. Although I note some level of validity in the reasoning, I feel that it is left to the service providers to prove that my statement is indeed incorrect. Whether the Kalinago people are being marginalized or not is yet another question that has to be answered by the service providers since they are the ones with the selection criteria which is allegedly based on economic returns. Hence, their policies and procedures should be examined by the National Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (NTRC) or should be disclosed so that the public can determine whether we are marginalized or not.

While we await the evidence-based response from the NTRC and the service providers I wish to state that as a minority group which has been facing many socio-economic challenges, the lack of WIFI access DOES NOT help to create a level playing field for our students. I hope that other students who may be experiencing similar challenges in other communities will be inspired to speak on issues that concern them. As an indigenous youth, my priority is and remains to advocate for positive change within the Kalinago Territory.

I must state that despite the lack of WIFI access students from the Kalinago Territory have been performing exceptionally well. Mia Belle and Adicia Burton are shining examples of this, as they captured top positions at CSEC examinations in 2019. To all students sitting exams this year may we continue to put our best effort while we hope for the situation to be rectified at the quickest time.

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  1. June 14, 2020

    I applaud the young lady for speaking up. Everyone do not need internet access in their homes, especially if they can’t afford it. What’s MOST IMPORTANT here is, access to MORE EDUCATION. The school(s) should have internet access so the students can do their homework, do research, and explore other avenues to broaden their education span. Everyone doesn’t have to have internet access, EVERY SCHOOL should. We keep saying “children are the people of tomorrow, children are the future” WHY can’t those in AUTHORITY make it POSSIBLE to EDUCATE the children so the FUTURE can be meaningful.

  2. Lin Clown
    June 13, 2020

    ST.JOE,what happened to the KALINAGO water project given to the Chairman of the board of directors of DAWASCO by UWP?

    • Stressfree
      June 14, 2020

      Lin Clowm, the Clown, here is the young courageous Kalinago leader speaking very constructively and articulately to issues facing her territory and her fellow youth and community; but guess what you had to come spoil it with your myopic, clownish, dottish, foolish talk and statement , making irrelevant reference to some water system, adding absolutely no substance to the points made by the young lady that most are very proud off. In fact it is CLOWNS like you that have the status quo striving on mediocrity and the lack of performance.

  3. ezekiel
    June 12, 2020

    this government is stifling democracy. we teach in schools that children have a right to be heard. maybe she hasn’t read the curriculum she heads. young woman is lending her voice in support of her people. i admire that. maybe the minister should take a page from her book. bashing a young woman the way she did is so petty. she should be ashamed of herself that woman because what she should have done is to go and fix the problem. not making it bigger by belching brain farts on a mic. she could’ve rebutted so diplomatically and intelligently only addressing the word racism and promising to fix the problem. instead she chose to be an

  4. greshman
    June 12, 2020

    “I need to add that my video is not geared at putting the Ministry of Education or anyone within the MoE in bad light, as I am of the opinion that the Ministry has done its share to cater to the needs of students during school hours. I further trust that the Ministry of Education will support my right to speak on matters that concern me and other students. Very often we are asked to engage in positive undertakings but when we do so, we face the fear of being shunned, ridiculed or our feelings may be invalidated if our opinions go against the status quo by the same people who champion the theme of “ Youth are the future”.” GREAT YOUNG LADY. IT IS GOOD THAT YOU CAN PRESENT YOURSELF BETTER THE MINISTER BONNIE. SHAME ON BONNIE….COZIER AND SKERRIT SHOULD PUT BONNIE TO SIT DOWN FOR A WARNING

    • mountain
      June 12, 2020

      This is what it boil down to. Manners and respect. Thirty children in a class room and all complained about the same thing.The teachers office is not ample to accommodate all at one time.This is where a PARL. REP COMES IN. You report the matter to your parl rep,he or she approached the providers and get some answers.If you feel that you can do it on your own go right ahead.Why involve other people.

      • DNA??????
        June 14, 2020

        did she involve you? or the person who vomited all these nonsense from the government microphone? please learn to analyse like this young student.

  5. The Equalizer
    June 12, 2020

    Magway sah!

  6. Garvey
    June 12, 2020

    Some people make excuses for incompetence.Dominica is the first fully digital country in the world even made the Guinness book of records.With a government who has had the opportunity to handle the most more money than his predecessor the island should not haves a problem getting internet or wifi to all districts.I commend that young lady for speaking up and hope more people will speak up and stop making excuses

  7. REAL!!!!
    June 11, 2020

    Our GOVT is totally INCOMPTENT!!!!!!

    In January 2019 the Dominica GOVT signed a $200M contract with Digicel for 15yrs to provide ICT services.
    I believe this is where the GOVT lack creativity in this agreement to get the underserve internet areas in Dominica address. An element for underserve internet areas should have been implemented in the contract understanding the costing which could extended over period of 15yrs and then as an incentive grant to Digicel an extra 2years on the contract to 17yrs.

    Secondly, let me state that the Telecom companies are not charitable companies and their commitment is to provide their shareholders a fair return on their investment if not these GM will be jobless. So these underserve areas the economics for ROI is most likely very low and slow. Therefore the prudent thing to do is to investment where you receive the best return in quick time. This is business principle 101.

    June 11, 2020

    The people of the carib territory should be demonstrating about racism.
    They are still treated just as America treats black.

    • Curious
      June 12, 2020

      How so? What have the kalinago people been deprived of that other people in Dominica receive? Majority of Dominicans are of kalinago descent. There are no longer “pure” kalinago people. Most of them are also mixed with black. This girl is clearly half black and half kalinago. Maybe our kalinago ancestors were discriminated against long before and maybe I am ignorant. If so I am humbly asking to be enlightened. Tell me of the injustices Kalinago people face while the others (many of whom are also of kalinago descent) enjoy “privileges”.

      • Lin Clown
        June 13, 2020

        You should have done some research,instead of posting BS about RACISM.Another UWP,Wicked,LIAR.

      • June 14, 2020

        Wow. I think you are exactly what you say you are.

    • Genesis
      June 13, 2020

      Hmmm the first time I heard the “N” word was from a Carib when my church visited when I was a little girl. I still remember that day. I was traumatized and confused wondering why someone would call us the “n” word when we were all Dominicans. I remember looking at my daddy because I was so shocked and he just grabbed my hand and smiled. I still remember that day….

      • Kalinago People
        June 14, 2020

        you should go for counseling. you are so hurt. stay focus on the issue

  9. Economist
    June 11, 2020

    Wow! Am appalled after reading the education minister response. She completely missed the point. I guess I was wrong about not injecting politics in this

  10. It seems like all indigenous people are mistreated everywhere in their own lands. It is happening here in the USA too. The Navajos now are dying disproportionately at a higher rate together with blacks and latinos of coronavirus
    And all of you are witnessing the global fight of Black Lives
    Matter which actually with Trump it means Poor Lives Matter.

  11. North
    June 11, 2020

    Young lady,hold your head up high,if only Dominica had a few like you hmmm.My God. Penville the prime minister backyard is in the same crisis. No internet access and don’t tell me the school has. Nonsense

  12. Fed up too
    June 11, 2020

    That’s it my dear. Speak out!

    I do not agree that it is systematic racism as persons from my community, Grand Fond, are in a similar situation as there is no Wi-Fi at all at Grand Fond. It is ridiculous. Almost 3 years after hurricane Maria.
    And if no one says anything the service providers will continue to cast a blind eye.

    So speak out cause otherwise they all pretend that everything is well in Dominica.

    • June 14, 2020

      I think they do believe everything is well because it everything is well with them. Who cares if no one else down and out. Like Donald said in 2016 “what have you got to lose” to “black” people. They realized what they had to lose, and is still losing, immediately after election. No one knows unless they’re in your shoes. No one care to know, or understand unless people speaks.

    • June 14, 2020

      I think they do believe everything is well because everything is well with them. Who cares if no one else is down and out. Like Donald said in 2016 “what have you got to lose” to “black” people. They realized what they had to lose, and is still losing, immediately after election. No one knows unless they’re in your shoes. No one care to know, or understand, unless people speaks.

  13. Iamanidiot
    June 11, 2020

    I support you fully, hopfully you get internet access soon. Everybody commenting except your chief. I guess he too busy speeding up and down in his nice Kia, then again im sure he has a phone with unlimited data so I doubt he cares..

    • Kudos
      June 11, 2020

      Excellent job Young Lady.
      I wish most of the young people in Dominica were standing up for their rights like she did. She is an exceptionally brilliant young lady well articulated and a true young leader. Kudos to you young lady and continue to stay focus🙏

      • My neighbor
        June 12, 2020

        The Kalinago people always crying about bad treatment etc etc however it’s a known fact from all the utility companies that these people don’t pay their bills (majority of them) so which company would be eager to spend millions of dollars to restore service somewhere where they know is not going to bring in little to no money

  14. Sylvester Cadette
    June 11, 2020

    I support fully and wholeheartedly, the statement made by Ms. Whitney Melinard – a well-balanced, honest, passionate advocacy on behalf of her community. Any sane and honest person would see the reasoning in what she is saying even if you do not agree with every aspect like (systemic racism). What I will say here is WHO FEELS IT KNOWS IT, so we should pause and listen.
    What caught my attention is how she outlined her case, acknowledging along the way the work done by the Ministry of Education as relates WIFI in schools. But there is so much more to be done. We know of some limitations with financing but that does not mean that they have not been deprived (marginalized) by virtue of CHERRY-PICKING for maximum revenue returns.
    While Telecoms companies are not non-profit or charity organizations, they can work closely with the Universal Service Fund of the NTRC.


    • KenTech
      June 11, 2020

      You have my full support. You are on point.

    • The Equalizer
      June 12, 2020

      Agreed; very articulate and case extremely well presented by the aspiring legal expert.

  15. Nkrumah Kwame
    June 11, 2020

    Very well said my dear!! When they say you should talk, there is always a caveat: say good things about me ONLY. Once it’s not to “big me up” or “sing my praises”, you not supposed to talk.
    They are yet to understand that the tree DOMINICA is in full bloom and the fruits will soon be available for ALL to eat.😉😉🤗😘.

    • Jesus is Lord
      June 12, 2020

      Good to see dome young persons are willing to speak out.
      Let’s encourage this generation to stand up because the older folks have left the country in a very bad state for them.

  16. magway ca
    June 11, 2020

    so you want internet acess right? lets do the maths.
    a 30 day 10gb package on ur phone with flow is $100 ( majority of people in the kalinago territory cannot afford that at all.
    now a monthly subscription to an internet hard-line is over $100 a month.

    if someone cannot afford the mobile internet package how can they afford the wifi u calling for? not to mention monthly line rental, electricity costs, installation fee and possibly re-connection fee when you cant pay and u get disconnected.

    now tell me this are you or anyone you know going to fund the MILLIONS it is gonna take to run fibre optic lines all over the territory. are you gonna provide a method to reimburse the massive costs associated with that?
    you young lady you seem to be a bright young lady but you obviously haven’t thought this threw to the end.
    you have seen whats going on in the US and maybe think it was a good idea to jump on the bandwagon. but that is not the bandwagon you need to jump on.

    • June 11, 2020

      The chavez 10million u.s

    • Ripe patat
      June 11, 2020

      Asa: “your damna..”. The cost splits across families for research. Not everyone is going to get the WiFi and this service will be shared across a wider range with unlimited data. This will lower the cost per person to roughly $10 a month. Do try to think critically.

    • Wicked
      June 12, 2020

      So what you trying to say is that she should shut her trap and n say nothing about what she believes in and what is good for her ppl?

      So ppl that getting handouts does think.
      And we should be a-shamed to say ppl cannot afford a monthly bill in 2020.
      That means the government isn’t doing a good job and segregation is a thing in DA

    • Stressfree
      June 12, 2020

      magway ca is magway ca’s like you that have Dominica in the predicament it is in right now. Just six months ago the DLP could cover all their activities in every nuke and cranny of Dominica on social media and the internet facilitated by the same providers for unknown cost so the labor party could find all the resources to make that possible because the main interest for them was getting the peoples vote . Now the Labour party in government is now concerned of economy of scale and viability and who can and who cannot afford. But labour has been in government for the last twenty (20) years so whose fault is it then that the Kallinago community can not afford internet and WiFi; Mgway ca and his friends in government has disseminated the economy of the people hence the people cant afford to pay for basic services. Shame on labour after twenty years – yes after twenty years

  17. Jaded
    June 11, 2020

    Whitney, you are a shining example of how the citizenry can effectuate change by speaking truth to power. As a Dominican I am proud to share citizenship with you and I can also imagine the pride that the Kalinago people have for you.

    • OJoseph
      June 11, 2020

      I wish most of the young people in Dominica were standing up for their rights like she did. She is an exceptionally brilliant young lady well articulated and a true young leader. Kudos to you young lady and continue to stay focus🙏

  18. Herbert Volney
    June 11, 2020

    When I brought the young lady’s video to the attention of the Prime Minister he pointed out to me that hamlets and villages such as Penville in his own constituency also do not have connectivity. I gathered from his response that it takes time and money costs to keep expanding the WiFi service to all parts of Dominica.
    The message was received and the area will in its turn receive connectivity. Dominica is still recovering from Hurricane Maria devastation and it takes time.

    • Ripe patat
      June 11, 2020

      It’s 2020, and you’re still fleecing Dominicans you that Volney.

    • Batibou River
      June 12, 2020

      Please, spare us… You are by far the most insignificant citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Stupid man!

    • Nicholas Stephen
      June 12, 2020

      And is also recovering from the DLP Pandemic

    • Bwa-Banday
      June 13, 2020

      Just call yourself COVID because based on your sou-ceer (Suckaha.s :lol: ) attitude Dcans and even your master the Supremo is avoiding you like a pandemic! You need a good old “Dcan long distance call” as a reminder to leave us alone. As a transplanted Trini you should get the message.

      God bless Whitney, Blessings , Matt, Seth, Lofty, Buju, Pyro, Lennox etc and may the spirit of the ancestors be very pleased! Mabrika, Mabrika!

    • stupes
      June 13, 2020

      mmmmmmmm. The way the prime minister was wasting money during election, I never thought there would be talk of ‘no money’ to complete needed work on the island. SMH. Tell the government to get their priorities right Mr. Volney.

  19. Deleoncourt
    June 11, 2020

    That was some super duper writing !

    • Fed up
      June 12, 2020

      Nonsense! Would you want your children to be scrunting trying to do school work on a phone? Do you know what headache that is? Since you are so concerned about cost… Why not rally around this young lady and encourage the government to contribute some of the money they were throwing away during elections to this cause? This will actually help to better lives permanently. Stupes! Nonesense!

  20. Ibo France
    June 11, 2020

    This very brave and articulate young lady is a fierce and unapologetic advocate for her people. She should not be vilified. In fact, she should be commended and emulated by others who wish to see positive changes in their community. We all know the hatchet members of the Skerrit Cabal and their rabid supporters will try their best to demonize this courageous and well-spoken young lady.

    To Whitney Melinard: “All our dreams come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.”
    *You have inspired me.

  21. Iamanidiot
    June 11, 2020

    I agree, Ministry of education want to talk about online school and look at places like Loubierre that doesn’t have internet from FLOW since the hurricane. I’m 200% sure is because whatever they might have to rebuild they dont think they will make back the money.
    Digital Economy this Digital Economy that, but everyone doesn’t have access to internet with TWO ISPs in the country.

  22. Badbaje
    June 11, 2020

    The student says “After almost three years of not seeing any significant step by service providers and persons in charge of making decisions in Kalinago Territory, I felt that it was my purpose to advocate on the matter of internet access in my community.”
    The Minister Alfred said “that hotspots were made available outside of the schools in the Kalinago Territory and students are taking advantage of those hotspots.”
    Now you figure out if hostpots should be considered “Progress” in this example.

  23. Economist
    June 11, 2020

    I sincerely hope other communities across the island seize upon this momentum your social media post have generated and voice their concerns with this atrocity committed by these service providers especially after Hurricane Maria. There are numerous communities suffering from this plight and have for whatever reason kept silent. WIFI and internet service have become a necessity in this new normal. And rightfully have been so for some years now. The telecom providers know that. Hence the strategic manipulation of the situation with the aim of reaping windfall profits on poor people. This is financial havoc on the poor.
    Case in point – A four person household each person buys a month mobile data plan for $80 (which is very limited and last on average 3 weeks at best) plus a month home package for $120. That’s $440 for service which might last three weeks if you’re not working of studying (Student) online.

    And please don’t dilute her voice by injecting politics
    We need…

  24. RoRo
    June 11, 2020

    Very bright young lady. She clearly know what she is talking about. Stand up against the ongoing injustice and unfairness practised by the utilities company in DA. Don’t be in any doubt, it’s all sanctioned by this useless so called government.

    • Richard Ardens
      June 11, 2020

      Very Well spoken and i think that she is putting into light what many think low, does’nt have the guts to speak about. Young lady, continue to act dligently for your community.

      • Brenda
        June 12, 2020

        Very well said young lady. Keep speaking up. They will hear one day.

  25. The Blackheart Man From Marigot
    June 11, 2020

    Very articulate young lady not the moo moo calling himself chief of the kalinago territory presently. This chief have yet to advocate for anything of importance for the kalinago ppl since hence ascension to office.

    • More Fire
      June 11, 2020

      Well a GA ride , plenty gas and pocket change why would he advocate for anything….SMH.. This country i tell you………………..

    • Ripe patat
      June 11, 2020

      The “chief” is Skerrits lap dog. That election was robbed as well.

  26. 72nations72elements
    June 11, 2020

    Well said. I believe that we have treated the Kalinago territory like 3rd class citizens for too long. We use the first people of this island for our own benefit then cast them aside like dogs for decades. They are a highlight in our tourism promotions. They have taught us about the land, they even gave it the name that we use today, Waitukubuli, which we even named our once local beer after. Even when you look at pictures of the Cabinet especially during elections when they are all lined up the representative for the Kalinago territory is always in the far left or right in the back row, when they should ALWAYS be close the PM as a matter ofnational respect. So much that the Kalinago chief should be the ONLY government representative in Cabinet. The Minister seems to have more power than the chief that is appointed by the Kalinago people. I can go on and on and on about the prejudices we have afforded my people from time columbus arrived up to today. All that to say that i agree.

  27. Yvhanne
    June 11, 2020

    Very well articulated miss. The only way we can effect change is by speaking out. You have taken an important step and I applaud you for that. I hope your area gets full internet access soon.

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