No permission needed to walk the streets says organizer of peaceful walk despite police warning

Atherton “Athie” Martin (with the megaphone)

Despite a warning from the police against the hosting of an organized peaceful walk in the city of Roseau scheduled for tomorrow, March 30, organizer Atherton “Arthie” Martin says they will not be deterred and will proceed with the activity.

This morning, while speaking on Q95, Martin announced that the walk for “peace justice and prosperity in Dominica” will commence tomorrow and will be held every Wednesday.

However, a few hours later, in a statement issued by the Chief of Police Daniel Carbon, he made known that the law makes provision as to how any walk, march or protest action can be held lawfully and in his capacity as the head of the police, he has not received any request for the activity.

“The chief of police by law, is authorized to give permission for these activities. Persons wishing to have a walk, march or protest action must apply to the chief of police. Please be guided accordingly,” Carbon cautioned.

In response to the statement, Martin who spoke publicly, said he has since checked with legal counsel, and has been advised that there is no requirement to request permission to walk under the Public Order Act or any other act in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

“And so, we will walk tomorrow; we will meet at the initial point outside of the Prevost Cinemall. We will say our prayers and then we will identify the next point at which we will gather for the next set of messages and from that point, we will inform of the third point and so forth,” he said. “So the people will have to find a way to get there. They will not drive, they will not take a helicopter or horse or donkey; they will walk. We do not need permission to walk the streets of Dominica,” Martin declared.

According to him, the activity is a means by which Dominican citizens can exercise their constitutional and human rights to move from point A to point B by walking.

“We do not and have not requested permission from the police for anything. If they are idle and have nothing else to do, I understand, but we don’t need permission. We have not requested permission. We will walk the streets of our capital city tomorrow,” he reiterated.

He also assured the public that participants of the walk will attempt to stay off the street and remain on the sidewalk as much as possible.

The walk is scheduled from 10 in the morning to 12 noon.

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  1. Waiting For Airport
    March 31, 2022


    Dominican citizens are now required to get permission from the PM to use their own toilets.

    Chinese and high ranking labour officials are exempt.

    Anyone who does a number 2 without permission will be arrested by Skerrit’s newly assembled ‘malvat squad’!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 0
    • Toto
      April 1, 2022

      Garçon, wait till they charge vat on that activity, diplomats exempted of course.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0
  2. Roll it
    March 30, 2022

    When a leader of any country is scared…. I mean “poo poo” boiling scared; such leader becomes extremely desperate to the point where he/she will stoke the fire until the people aren’t able to take it any longer. Then all hell breaks lose. Dominica is heading towards that point where people will not only walk in Roseau, but make Roseau look like a “LIFTOFF.” I’m afraid, but this is going to happen. The people are fed up with one idiot consciously believes Dominica belongs to him and he holds the deed to this Island. It’s gonna be a real sad day – And it’s inevitable.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
  3. Lin clown
    March 30, 2022

    Dan,what do you understand by a public place?I think in our law a public place is a place to which the public has access.One can be charged for using indecent language and committing other offences in a public place.Go read Sec 12(3)(a) page 24 of the constitution.They cannot have a match and obstruct traffic,including people without permission from the police.

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    • Tt
      April 1, 2022

      Where else would they protest? In church? At home? Are you kidding me?? Dominica is north Korea now?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  4. Cobra
    March 30, 2022

    Chief Daniel Carbon? Is this an old news story?
    I thought the chief of police is Corbette?

  5. Carbon copy
    March 30, 2022

    Carbon copy is loosing it….what are u eating lately and what has the king pin goven to u to so foolish…but i am loosing more and more interests in the labor party…not voting again…the country is already in deep sheet…nothing at all positive is going on…fed up…let the ones who get apartments vote for him….

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 3
    • Man bite dogs
      March 30, 2022

      Who the hell needs you please get out of it go joint ugly Lenny, you sounded like him anyway!!!!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 21
  6. Blue
    March 30, 2022

    If they are peaceful and they aren’t hurting anyone no problem let them walk. But they also have to remember if they do anything else besides just walking such as carrying slogans or speaking loudly through the use of a megaphone then it might be considered protest action. I don’t see what the big deal is really if people don’t like something they are well within their rights to speak up

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 1
  7. Just Saying
    March 30, 2022

    The great Philosopher Seneca said: A man ambitious in his scale of his desires, arrogant in his disdainfulness, unrestrained in prevailing over others, treacherous in his deception, greedy in his plundering, lavish in his prodigality – such a man must inevitably be afraid of his memory.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 0
  8. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    March 30, 2022

    It seems like Dominica is now in a dictatorship under yours truly the despot money grubber C B I con man wanting to be self appointed dear leader for life with his secret thug police threatening the people with jail who are simply exercising their rights and freedoms with peaceful assembly. Sooner than later despots are usually overthrown and put on trial for crimes against the state before they can flee the country with all the peoples money stolen through fraud.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 1
  9. Corn Corner
    March 30, 2022

    I agree. No permission needed to protest peacefully. Democracy and freedom are in danger if you do!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 2
  10. make it make sense
    March 30, 2022

    wow. Imagine living in a “democratic” “christian” nation where you have to get permission from a man to use your God given ability to freely walk the public streets.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 2
  11. Just Saying
    March 30, 2022

    The DLP is a government lacking vision, and it is said that where there is no vision the people will perish. DLP and the PM must realize the greatest virtue is Justice not the abuse of justice. The PM is treading dangerous waters; NO Autocrat has died peacefully in his bed.

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  12. March 30, 2022

    What has my country become Russia!!!!! :twisted: :mrgreen: the right to decent is a fundamental Human Right even Civil Disobedience is a right that all civilized persons around the globe are allowed to enjoy. Who the hell!!! does the Commissioner of Police think he is to tell Dominicans that they need his permission to walk in our God given country. Bro your job is to encourage the people to do so peacefully with all the resources that you can muster.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 2
  13. Nice boy
    March 30, 2022

    I wonder if Syria and Russia got permission to invade Ukraine? Furthermore I wonder if Skerrit got permission from the parliament or from his Cabinot to establish relations with Syria and to arm Syrians with our passports in the midst of a brutal war? But he wants us to get permission to come to our capital for a peaceful walk. But we too nice because we should not be walking in Roseau today but rather we should be fighting to get rid of this wicked man out of office. Our mission today should have been to get him out one way or the other today

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 1
  14. Tt
    March 30, 2022

    Someone has to apply to government controlled police to hold a protest against the actions of the government….

    Do you really think that anyone would get permission?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
  15. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    March 30, 2022

    Athie, we know that Dominica has been under a dictatorship for a very time; nevertheless, people should not allow fear of police warning to get them into situation preventing their expression of or protesting in the streets, as long as it is peaceful!

    It would appear to me as if the people’s civil liberties are at stake here: the people should subject only to laws established for the good of the community, especially with regard to freedom of action and speech.

    To tell people they cannot walk or march in the streets peacefully is simply a denial of the nation civil liberties; which is a right denied!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 4
  16. JAH KAL
    March 29, 2022

    Carbon you must be mad, in Dominica you need permission to walk what the hell am hearing .Man don’t pass your problem on the people if you cannot control what’s going on in your home keep your peace ,Carbon in which country under the sun the citizens have to ask to walk , if you haven’t got work to do joint them .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
  17. We the people
    March 29, 2022

    Papa isn’t that the same individual who threatened fire and brimstone on the Grandbay election? Well Mr. is a joker! Inquiring minds wants to know if this is the new auditioning clown for the Papie show. Well kiddo, Liz and linclown our job just got easier.

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  18. RastarMarn
    March 29, 2022

    So when all those Children walking in mass after school do they get a permission slip from the police???

    Garçan what planet allyou is nuh on Dominica since when people must get permission to walk on the street in a group???

    What about all them Hiking trips people go on do they have to get some permission from the Police???

    Athie Garçan doh make no announcement just tell them people whomever you want to go on your Bell Maché and pilgrimage with you, to meet you at a certain time and allyou go along allyou BellMarché,,,

    And John Carbon watch out yeh cause before you there was Pardners that believed that little Post there gave them the Rod of Solomon!!!

    You too Brother Carbon are Human and at some point in the day you too have to sit on the Thrown to Post A letter just like all of us,,,

    But Most of all is at the end you gonna want to look back on your actions and feel in your heart all the Pain you brought those people you were suppose to serve and Protect!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
  19. Bat sheet
    March 29, 2022

    Dominica has reached the lowest in the world….oh commissioner…policeacademy….auto rubbish….one word….Dominica is honestly not a real country… thats what u call bat sh*t….

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 3
  20. Unstoppable
    March 29, 2022

    Ok Skerrit, we coming to Roseau tomorrow but we not coming to ur office or Cabons office so we don’t need permission from any of you. Most of us will be riding the buses so when they drop us at the various bus stops we will be walking to various parts of Roseau so we could see what Roseau looks like post covid 19 restrictions since many of us had not been able to visit. Do you and Carbon have a problem with us? So when tourists will disembark from their cruise ship and decide to take a walk in the city do they have to get a permit? You can’t stop we now

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1
  21. Luca
    March 29, 2022

    Athie Martin, Voice of the People. Erm …..

  22. Dominican
    March 29, 2022

    The police chief is mistaken. No permission is required for such an activity and mr. Martin is right not to seek permission either as it might give a semblance of credence to the police chief’s claim. It would be wise to remember that if in doubt our constitution always reigns supreme. I recommend that Dominicans acquaint themselves with their constitution. It is as important as the bible but far more concise, easier to digest and, with respect, far less open to misinterpretation.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 3
  23. Ibo France
    March 29, 2022

    What the satanic fellow, his sheep-like disciples and warlike, military enforcers have failed to realise, the power of the people is much stronger than the people who hold political power.

    When a downtrodden set of people has had enough, no teargas, no guns, no ammunition and no intimidatory tactics employed by greedy, corrupt politicians, can stop them from exercising their rights to free themselves from bondage.

    The time to stand up and be counted begins 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. As the walk is in progress, I hope the black spiritual chant is heard from the top of every mountain, the valley of every river, in every home throughout Dominica, “We Shall Overcome!”

    Roosevelt ‘Pathological Liar’ Skerrit your illegal occupancy of the Office of Prime Minister is coming to an end sooner than you expect. Just go peacefully!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 9
  24. Man bite dogs
    March 29, 2022

    If tomorrow so-called peaceful walk is in anyway destructive causing great and irreplaceable damage the police must by any means come down heavy handed on these hooligans law breakers enough is enough this ratbags taking things much too far now!!

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    • Bring back the kidnapped parrots
      March 30, 2022

      Despot money grubber con men frauds are usually overthrown by popular peaceful revolt and put on trial yours truly is about to find out how.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  25. dissident
    March 29, 2022

    This arrogant police commissioner doesn’t feel the need to show the section of the law that states person’s need permission from this DLP police department to walk around Roseau.
    Skerrit doesn’t want de world to see democracy alive in Dominica?
    Skerrit himself is engaged in actions that will bring his own perils……. commissioner!
    A walk around Roseau is a threat to Skerrit legacy eh!!!!…… just for it to register!
    Your police will be taking our photos to show you!!!
    Skerrit not afraid of a general election……..but a walk around Roseau have de boy expressing serious cowardice!
    Skerrit not leading Dominica anywhere….he just satisfying his cravings! And some people are mere facilitators of Skerrit desires.

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  26. Ibo France
    March 29, 2022

    When a people doesn’t stand up and assert their rights they lose them. This warning from the head of Skerrit’s militia clearly indicates that Dominica is no democratic country. This is exactly what happens in rogue places like Russia, China, Belarus and Syria. This sort of intimidation of the citizenry comes directly out of the playbook of these four desperados.

    In my lifetime, I never imagined this sort of communistic, despotic governance would have reached the shores of any country in the OECS, a region considered by most countries to be a bastion of democracy.

    I hope the people come out in their thousands and defy the puppet ( CO2) and the puppet master ($74k monthly rental man).

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 5
  27. March 29, 2022

    Athie, you are dead wrong. Any demonstration or protest on the streets, peaceful or not, you should get permission from the authorities first. This is not democracy. This is anarchy. Dominica is doing well and advancing under the Skerrit government.. What is the problem? Don’t make a pappyshow of the Syria debacle. It is all nonsense. Relax, brother. Take your hydrochlorothiadize and relax. In the face of all adversity you might think there is, Dominica is still as perennial as the green grass.

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  28. March 29, 2022

    I respect Atherton martin as a Dominican Patriot. I also believe that his past political and perhaps present political proclivities should endear him to the Government because his left political leanings of the past that mirror exactly what the government is actually doing for its people. I get the point of a healthy opposition in a Democracy, but this constant drumbeat of no ,no, no and no worthy praise of development for the government , despite all the progress, is political malpractice.

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    • Martin Edwards
      March 30, 2022

      Did expect any different from you. How many of our passports did you manage to sell?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  29. Dan
    March 29, 2022

    Mr. Carbon the side walk is public property – its does not belong to you or Skerrit or anybody else. You are Law Enforcement you enforce the law- you are not the Feelings Police Chief where you enforce feeling.- Citizens have a all the right to utilize their public space- behave yourself Daniel Carbon- pleases seek proper legal counsel on that Sir- I would advise you to have your own private attorney and get proper legal advise. because all that qualified immunity you have as chief- will it be gone if you try anything- it was cost you your house, land and anything your own. Be advised accordingly as you would say. Don’t rely on Skerrit and his crew.

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