‘Nothing wrong’ with electoral system says Dr. Donald Peters; vows to take legal action if legislation is adopted to prevent Dominicans living abroad from voting


Dr Donald Peters

President of the Dominica State College (DSC) Dr. Donald Peters said he will be the first to take legal action against the government of Dominica if a bill is ever adopted to prevent Dominicans living overseas from voting during general elections. He made the announcement during the DBS Radio ‘Discoveries’ program on Sunday night.

There have been arguments from members of the public during the recently held series of consultations on electoral reform. Some believe that Dominicans who reside overseas and have renounced citizenship of their country of birth should not be allowed to vote during the country’s general election, while others contend that the names of Dominicans who have resided overseas for more than five years should be removed from the voters list.

“This electoral reform that people talk about bothers me scientifically because, really the opposition is running on a concept that is so scientifically wrong that if they can prevent people, disenfranchise Dominicans from voting they can win an election,” he said. “They are not asking for reform; they just want to get Dominicans overseas from not voting.”

Dr. Peters is of the view that the government is spending a lot of time discussing electoral reform when there is nothing wrong with society.

“I can say here that if government ever adopt a bill to prevent anybody from voting, I will be the first one to take them to court, because they are violating the rights of a citizen,” he argued.

According to Dr. Peters, there is nothing wrong with the system.

“In fact, the only problem with our constitution is it violates the declaration of human rights,” he remarked.

He continued, “This nonsense about you have to come every five years. They should take that out. So, when you are asking for 90 days or give them a special constituent, I think that is mass ignorance, so I ignore it.”

He went on to state that a citizen is born with the right to vote in his/her country.

“You cannot take that away, you cannot take him off a list,” Dr. Peters stressed.

He pointed out that if the constitution says this is possible, it needs to be revised.

“People need to educate themselves…,” he stated. “A citizen of a country cannot be disenfranchised under the declaration of human rights by the United Nations in 1974 and 1978. We signed it.”

In terms of sanitization of the voters list, Dr. Peters strongly believes that a citizen should be removed from that list once he/she is dead.

Meanwhile, he said, a citizen should be able to present a national ID card when voting during general elections.

“These people are calling for an ID for voting which would cost millions of dollars, whereas countries richer than Dominica ask for a government-issued ID card which is a passport, driver’s license, or social security or anything that the government has issued and that’s enough,” he explained. “Why would I need another card to walk with in my pocket and I use it every five years?” He asked.

This, he said, makes no sense.


‘I will be the first to take legal action against the Government of Dominica’

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  1. Imputing Improper Motives
    September 13, 2023

    Well if there is a change, then the immunity provided would more than likely erode and there could be a potential for “current to flow to the battery.” Escape from lawfulness to lawlessness and repeat, so why shoot oneself in the foot.

    In almost everything humans do, you bet there is a personal benefit!

  2. Seagull
    September 13, 2023

    Looking at this man’s visage reminds me of what my old man used to say: “ Never beat on a dying horse.” So I won’t comment on his mischievous heart. He is simply putting out what’s deeply within him. He wants to be relevant and forward just as his empty skull boss. My thing is this; he won’t be allowed to succeed. So here he is with a clean writing pad and pen in hand. That’s just standup comedy.

    September 13, 2023

    What a “PANTYMAN” (sad) case of Dominica’s economic business case of affairs!

  4. Wake up and grow up
    September 12, 2023

    What is wrong with these pretentious science abusers? His kiss-up idiocy has nothing to do with science. The fact that there is this discrepancy in the law means we ought to address it. I for one welcome his legal challenge, if only Skerrit would call him on his bluff but likely he got his marching orders from the same place.

    On another matter, we all know the man has a certain reputation concerning the student body…I would say more but I suspect DNO would not publish it.

    The fact that we tolerate such a swell-headed, decrepit, miscreant to preside over the formative years of young people is a mark on all of us.

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  5. Ibo France
    September 12, 2023

    A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves. Donald Peters is a good, faithful and loyal sheep of Roosevelt and his despicable disciples.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 4
  6. Man bite dogs
    September 12, 2023

    What I don’t understand so-called useless UWP supporters always believed they are the majority smart and educated 😂🤣🤭 especially if one doesn’t agree with their childish lies and crazy Crap they will let you have it, either by Cool wosh or anything they can attack with, now that sounds very tribal to me, something else I don’t quite understand if and how they claim to be super Oxford university educated, how the hell not one of the b*****ds cannot see guys such as
    Ugly Lenny, and his Mafia party is dragging them to the gates of hell losers, losers , losers.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 22
  7. I am lost
    September 12, 2023

    Can someone explain to me why is it that people like Dr. Peters think that electoral reform is only about Dominicans resident overseas being brought here to vote?

    Can someone explain to me why the Dominica State has online classes?

    Can someone explain to my why the treasury is insisting on getting peoples bank accounts to process payments?

    Can someone explain to my why the Government of Dominica has a portal to make online payments?

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    • I Tried
      September 12, 2023

      Let me try ….

      I think it’s because we have reformed the way these public services are accessed, and moreso to fit the way business is conducted today.

      Clearly the Electoral Commission needs to do the same. In this day and age they still there printing list on paper. My God, how ancient!!!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  8. Ma Popo
    September 12, 2023

    The learned doctor is 100% right! It is unconstitutional to prevent any citizen of Dominica from voting. The vote is an unalienable right of every citizen, so those of you who don’t like that, in the words of Baroness Scotland, “Go suck salt!”.

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  9. Ape face
    September 12, 2023

    This is no way for someone with his “position” to try stifle the people of Dominica just to hold on to a job. Pure evil minded and wicked. We all know too well how such people become later in life. It’s just a shame. When I was much younger I would hear this phrase: “One bad apple 🍎 spoiled the whole bunch/or basket.” Never knew what it meant until Roosevelt became the prime minister of Dominica. As some on DNO rightly refer to him as “the am.” Not pm.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
  10. Robertson
    September 12, 2023

    What a sad example of a spineless creature.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 5
  11. Marie
    September 12, 2023

    I’m not one little bit surprised to read what this miserable man has to say. The DLP and Skerrit know very well where his skeletons are hidden. As such he needs to ensure that he sings the same tune that Skerrit sings. What a miserable specimen of a man.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 5
    September 12, 2023

    What a “PANTYMAN” of an affair in sorry Dominica!

  13. RastarMarn
    September 11, 2023

    Is this what you talking about???

    Article 21
    Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

    So all Dominicans dat set up shop in other countries and became Naturalized over there is entitled to Vote ???

    Garçan the saying open your mout and show me how stupid you are really rings true yeh,,,

    Reasoning is something that is developed not taught!!!

    If one is not going to be affected by a political outcome one should not be participating in that political process, because. one can easily be persuaded by monetary compensation to vote accordingly , as we have seen in the past,,,

    If DA Diaspora want to participate in elections they should give up foreign benefits and come live on Dominica for 9 months before and after the election not just for Creole Fest n go back where dey came from,,,

    Doh forget dis 1 yeah,,,

    “The will of the people shall be the basis of the government,,, “

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  14. Magway sa
    September 11, 2023

    What nonsense!!! Dominicans leaving abroad and some voting where they live abroad and are voting on things that is not affecting them in DA. When the oil gets hot in DA they are not there to suffer the consequences and you want to say you are coming after the government if they cannot vote. What baloney. You don’t live in DA you shouldn’t be voting in DA period especially if you are a citizen elsewhere.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 4
  15. jaded
    September 11, 2023

    Can someone explain why the only questionable votes are in the constituencies that UWP lost? If our voting system is so corrupt, why don’t they question the constituencies that they win? UWP folks sound like Donald Trump: “It is only corrupt if I lose”.

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    • RandyX
      September 12, 2023

      How much did the Earl of Morne Daniel pay you to write this verbal diarrhoea and shameless political spin???

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 5
    • MEME
      September 12, 2023

      Why can’t you do it? Are you not a citizen of the country? If you cant, go to the Skerrit Labour Party, (SLP), and ask those tricksters to do so!

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    • Putin
      September 12, 2023

      I like your thinking.

  16. Anon B True
    September 11, 2023

    I live in the diaspora. I do not want any further constitutional right to vote other than the one that is already in the constitution, that if I want to vote I should come home within the five-year voting cycle. I do not want the constitutional right to impose a government on the people who live, work and pay their taxes in Dominica, while I live, work and pay taxes in another country. Whatever Dr. Peters is on, he should stop it. In one breath he says things are fine the way they are and should not change, in the other breath he wants to change the constitution to allow me to vote. In one breath he talks about constitutional rights, in the other breath he contends that the constitution is unconstitutional. This confederacy of the dunce that’s running Dominica is so think, they don’t know how dunce they are. The sad this is, they are laughing at us while they continue to condemn Dominicans to eternal penury

  17. Possie direct
    September 11, 2023

    Is Donald Peters related to AG Livi Peters? I know Livi is from Portsmouth but is Donald also from Possie? If so, what do you expect from the likes of Donald Peters? A greedy and selfish gang that also includes Emanuel Nanthan, the Lawrence brothers, Titus Francis, Bobbls, that Maggie on GIS/ kairie fm called Darrel Teet and others like them that have Dominica like that. Of course they all gang up with a greedy and corrupt leader who is also from that area and a police chief just like them that’s also from that side. Boy these are the greedy and corrupt people that have us in that deep dark pit of darkness with know way out.

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    September 11, 2023

    It’s very interesting to know the only educated (smart) Dominicans that live (exist) in or out of Dominica are members and supporters of the UWP. The best doctors, lawyers, judges, nurses, planners, builders, liars, cheaters, thieves, talk show host, just name it. Profession or trade , they are the best . Can you imagine this!? They know and can do it all the best. No matter what the case maybe, if it’s not their way or style then it is completely definitely wrong. All THEY DO IS CHASTISE and DENIGRATE PEOPLE.

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    • Many Money
      September 12, 2023

      @Kid on block. This phenomenon proves emphatically that the word of God is true and we are seeing the evil reality of what’s happening in Dominica and how we are taken back by the “people” from whom we expect better. The word of God clearly states, “The love of money is the ROOT of All Evil.” So all these folks who are deceivers working evil, lying and cheating and stealing do so for the love of money. Anyone who has such love for money is filled with Evil and can never be satisfied.

      • Man bite dogs
        September 12, 2023

        @Many Money, now now this is not the way to talk about my good old friend Ugly Lenny, by the way that thing ” money is the root of all evil ” is Crap try saying that to your children with no food on the table !!

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  19. Sikiye
    September 11, 2023

    Donald Peter’s? The man is a stool pigeon.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 5
  20. L C Matthew
    September 11, 2023

    Donald Peter’s is ok with Anthony Haden controlling dominica finance, Donald Peter’s is ok with Lincoln Corbett the acting police commissioner at the time involving himself in …… mischief with chocksi, Donald Peter’s ok with harassment in the CDPF and of our young women who go look for scholarships, Donald Peter’s is ok with a kleptocratic government that looks out for the interest of Beijing but not Dominicans, Donald Peter’s is ok with a few profiting immensely from sale of state property, namely citizenship, Donald peters is endorsing throwing hot water on people. Donald Peter’s is a disgrace to his education and is no example of a man who lives by principles. He is an example of how all of us can be corrupted and we have to gurd ourselves from men who posses the gift from the devil. deceptive and twisted tongue.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 7
    • September 11, 2023

      @ L C Mathew, why don’t you stay on topic? All that you ranted about has nothing to do with what Dr. Peter said. You sound like stuck record. By the way where did the UWP…………………………………………………..this matter was reported by Ajezeera …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

      ADMIN: We encourage discourse and debate and genuinely appreciate the effort you both put into your points.

      It is true that L C Matthew’s response did not address Dr. Peter’s message directly but it is still relevant to the general discussion around his public statement and electoral reform.

      However, the latter part of your response is not tied to the topic at all and even more importantly your claims are potentially libelous. See our comment policy for guidance on what comments we publish:https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/policies/#comment-policy

      To avoid liability Al Jazeera did not to make any direct claims (such as confirming diplomatic passports were actually sold) instead using video editing to construct a suggestive narrative.

      You can view the full Al Jazeera report here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Yba1-

      We welcome your continued contributions to this forum and ,if you like, you can resubmit your comment.

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      • Putin
        September 12, 2023

        DNO: “suggestive narrative,” DNO!? “Suggestive”, you say? Linton’s signature is there in black and white. The content of the letter is there in black and white. David Bruney’s voice and the utterances and machinations of OJ are straight forward and clear in their meaning and intent. Any blind man can read and see. Now, YOU, have the unmitigated gall to speak of “suggestive?” Do you even understand what is “suggestive” vs “indicative?” Come on, DNO, even for you, this is the most blatant and pathetic effort at shielding Linton. Come on!!

        ADMIN: Putin, you misinterpret our response.

        It is a fact that approximately 90% of the video focuses on the government and Prime Minister Skerrit. The scrutiny only turns towards Linton at the final 10% of the video. If anything we are “shielding” all parties from defamation.

        Al Jazeera made no direct accusations against any party or they could be held liable. If the images presented in the video were insufficient to charge anyone the government or the UWP or both would have ensured that charges were brought forward.

        If you believe that the evidence is clear that there was criminal wrongdoing then ensure your case gets heard before the court.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 7
      • L C Matthew
        September 12, 2023

        Thanks Admin!!! Point has just displayed why we are where we are. the whole conversation of voting by oversees residents has to do with Dominica elections not being manipulated by enemies internal and external. Peter’s is singing tune of the occupiers of the state office and is doing all in his powered to protect the legacy of his buddy Skerrit. they have a long history from the University of Plattsburgh and even before. the legacy he is protecting is what I stated above and the interest of Dr. Peter’s. just see the many appointments. Donald is a man who once thought he would be accepted as freedom party leader to do what skerrit is doing. His ambitions did not materialize so this is best he can get so he will sell his soul. I have explained what he is trying to protect. that’s the legacy.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
    • MEME
      September 12, 2023

      @Point& LCMatthew
      L C Matthew…You are on point Mr Matthew, and let noone discourage you from speaking the truth, or expressing your thoughts.
      Skerrit acolytes are a bunch of desperate people, and we (those who are exposing the deceit and deception that is going on), must stand resolute. This “Point”, apologist is just another singing for his supper.

  21. Lin clown
    September 11, 2023

    This country was built by Labourites with the help of the diasporans after Maria with blood sweat and tears.I will never forget,I heard one blue traitor say,”I want to see how the marjor SKERRIT going to build Dominica,if he do he is a JUMBEE” Today all you blue traitors talking about our country.Lennox Linton went to the UN and told them do not help Dominica,because Skerrit was committing crimes against humanity.I heard the Jacka say Skerrit pay people to go to the consultation to clap
    .We make the rules,if Lapin Andre,Gabriel Christian,Dale Danglen,Thompson Fontaine and Emanuel Finn don’t like it they are already out STAY OUT.If Matt Peltier,Loftus Durand,Sheridan Gregoire and Lennox Linton don’t like it GET OUT

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  22. Spare Tire
    September 11, 2023

    Apart from his personal beliefs in a Skerrit led administration, he maybe has a few inflated spare tires in the Diaspora coming down to vote and service his dead tire every election time

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 4
    • Ape man
      September 11, 2023

      Mista air compressor doesn’t have enough air to fix no spear tire. People like Peters become mischievous when they are miserable and grumpy. Not even viagra can help these softballs. So his making himself feel important by living just to create pain for others. This man is so disgusting.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
      • ?????????
        September 12, 2023

        @Ape man
        Let’s not hit him to hard in that area, especially if we are men as well. We too will go through it.
        According to MEME, as shameful as it is, but he is singing aloud for his supper!!

  23. Observer
    September 11, 2023

    Shame on you Donald Peters. Aren’t you aware that the CCJ said that the 2019 elections was tainted and that Dominica should never contest another election using that tainted list? Didn’t the OAS observers say that the elections was free but not necessarily fair. Didn’t the CARICOM and Commonwealth observers echo the same sentiments?
    Donald Peters, how can you dismiss our Constitution which gives the criteria for residency and eligibility to vote. All other Caribbean countries have voter ID card but as far as you are concerned, Dominica should not have. You are a sick, evil man who does not care one bit about Dominicans who are suffering under this wicked regime.
    Why haven’t you condemned the sale of our passport to crooks and criminals all over the world. Aren’t concerned that we need visas to travel to the UK because of the abuse of our passports?
    You are just another poppet dancing for your money. But every long rope has an end and that end is coming like a bolt of…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 3
    • Behhh
      September 11, 2023

      Well said. He must be so shameless that he is detached from reality and our constitution. God will take these people down in disgrace and shame.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
    • Gary
      September 11, 2023

      Why are you making such false statement, “CCJ said that the 2019 elections was tainted and that Dominica should never contest another election using that tainted list?” The CCJ never said such a thing or made such a unanimous statement. Why are you making such false claims to give credence to your opinion supporting your partisan belief, if you can make false claims to support your argument, then your argument or opinion cannot be valued. Mr. Peters is not dismissing our Constitution, which gives the criteria for residency and eligibility to vote, he is just opposed to such idea written in the Constitution, what’s wrong with that.

      If Countries in the region adopt Voters ID cards requirements, so what, that does nothing substantial to alleviate the perception of fraudulent Voter Identification when there are other Government Issued ID or other means laid out in the Constitution to prove
      voter Identification. https://www.caribbeannationalweekly.com/caribbea case in point.

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      • MEME
        September 12, 2023

        The CCJ stated that the 2019 general election was TAINTED. For you edification, TAINTED means not fit for the purpose. Yet the Skerrit Labour Party (SLP) disregarded that, and went into a sham 2022 election.
        Are you disputing that, your shameless acolyte and apologist for a corrupt political party? May i conclude that you are also corrupt?

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
    • September 12, 2023

      The constitution gives no residency requirements for voting. The residency requirements in the constitution is for the purpose of registering to vote.

  24. xxm
    September 11, 2023

    Singing for his supper

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 2
    • Ibo France
      September 11, 2023

      Singing for his breakfast, lunch and supper, all three.

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  25. Lin clown
    September 11, 2023

    UWP people are so full of it.I heard one blue bed bug ask Matt Peltier in what does Dr.Peters hold a PHD.Matt said he did not know.The government will NOT remove any names from the voters list.Every
    Dominicans WILL vote as long as their name is on the voters list.There will be limit on when a Dominican can stay out of Dominica.There will be no voters ID card.There will be no term limit for Prime Minister.There will be no campaign financing.Dr.Peters has the support of the PEOPLE.UWP and q95 headed by Matt has declared WAR on the diaspora,and DNO to some extent.Dominica was built by Labourites in Dominica and the diaspora after Maria and Labourites will NEVER let it fall in the hands of UWP lazy crooks and traitors.

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  26. Bwa-Banday
    September 11, 2023

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: The good old Doc sounds like he is suffering from “brain fart”. hem man just believe that my country was bequeathed to them and whatever they say stand. I hasten to remind all the lady under-garment givers that the time is coming neigh when all shall pay for the abuse of Ma Dominique. Again, to all the patriot, STOP talking and start acting. I am ready to do my share. 8) 8)

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 2
  27. We the People
    September 11, 2023

    Sing for your supper still. One day you will find that your supper is cold and bitter

    “Why would I need another card to walk with in my pocket and I use it every five years?” He asked. My take – the same way you all use those overseas persons once every five years.

    How often do you present your drivers license to the Police? I wonder how often the students at DSC have to present their ID to you. Wicked souls.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 1
  28. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    September 11, 2023

    You see Peters, old bloodhounds like you will forever live like a blood sucking parasites as long as Roosevelt milks the nation blood to feed scum of the earth people like you.
    You will kill for him; you would kill your mother and give her blood to Roosevelt to drink to save his life while your ole behind starve!
    ‘Peters; vows to take legal action”
    Who is talking, who the hell is Peters? People like you are nothing without politics, and had it not be because you support Roosevelt corruption, your damn ole face would not even be on DNO. And that stupid picture of you pretending you talking to somebody, and writing, is nothing than an old movie; it’s a drama we all played in when we were children; you have made it your trademark, but it only makes you look stupid!
    You are so, damn brook, you are just another of Roosevelt lap-dogs, slouching, and in Roosevelt trough, careful bite your tongue while licking that narrow trough.
    It cost plenty money to take such matters to court!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 7
  29. Man bite dogs
    September 11, 2023

    Thanks Dr. Donald Peters, I have been waiting for someone intelligent like you to say something sensible on the electoral reform instead of having guys such as Ugly Lenny, and his blue monkeys putting out lies and wickedness on DNO, Facebook, and Q 95 radio station Ugly Lenny, HQ dam con artist trying to siphon ten million dollars he said for election what election? this idiot is having a laugh 😂 or maybe he thinks Pm.Dr Skerrit, government is stupid as he is my God this guy is something else.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 37
  30. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    September 11, 2023

    Donald boy, I wish I could call you an idiot; rather I will draw this to your attention, and inform you that there is no fool like an old fool!
    I know you from way back then; when I was yet a kid and you were an old beat-up man; I am now an old bald-head man will be a hundred years old in a few decades, and you are still and old man disgracing yourself talking nonsense!

    Unless, you are completely senile, or have lost your mind, or living on the edge of making your way into oblivion you would not have spoken this crap: “Nothing wrong’ with electoral system says Dr. Donald Peters; vows to take legal action!”
    What kind of doctor are you; another of those fart doctors?
    Donald, the last time I glanced at the voter registration list, my dead grandmother, died at 103 years old died in 1993 was still on it, my mother too.
    Oscar Henry my cousin, never voted in Dominica, lived in Antigua, prior to moving to Coney Island, NY where he died, his name I saw on that list; are you mad?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 7
    • September 12, 2023

      More politics as usual. Everybody fighting for his own God. Look politics, Mama.

  31. Jonathan Y St Jean
    September 11, 2023

    Is the “good Dr. now saying that the Constitution is a scientific document? No, it’s not. let him go ahead and challenge the changes that are required to make the Constitution more in keeping with a modern society. All countries have had amendments to their original constitutional document, that’s why there are amendments. Under which rock has Peters been living? Is he also saying that he knows more law than Dennis Byron? Tony A**-ta-phan finally came out and said that the 5 years residency requirement is in the current constitution, so how come the Dr. Peters doesn’t know that. As someone who has benefitted from his association with the corrupt cabal, he can’t fathom the thought of not being in power anymore so he wants to throw a wrench in the wheels to derail the modernization of Dominica’s Constitution and governance. Peters sounds like he’s hungry to be mentioned in the news, so pay him no mind. Dr. go back under the rock where your morals and values reside. Nonsense.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 5
    • September 11, 2023

      @Jonathan Y St. Jean, as usual you continue with your lies and propaganda, that’s who you are. with your highly educated mind you continue to miseducate people, your mix up brain continues to confuse the constitution with the law. The 5 year rule is not a constitutional requirement it is the law as enacted by parliament. the constitution does not state that you can be denied the right to VOTE if you are absent from Dominica for any given period. The constitution only states the requirements to be registered as a voter, see section 33 of the constitution page 29. The British who gave us our constitution are no longer disqualify voters who reside overseas Canada has done the same, the US send you your ballot wherever you are in the world………

      • MEME
        September 12, 2023

        You are malicious, deceitful anf full of yourself. Your lies, shenanigans and propaganda are exposed. Why do Canada and the British don’t object to their overseas nationals voting in their elections? It’s because unlike Dominica, the number of citizens they have living abroad is so small, that they cannot affect the outcome of the result of their elections.
        You are very deceitful. You need to state that FACT to your readers..This is not so in Dominica. We have more Dominicans abroad, than on island. So they can influence the outcome of our elections.
        Stop keeping the truth away from the people. All Skerrit acolytes, doormats and apologist are as wicked as he is.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  32. Lin clown
    September 11, 2023

    I support Dr.Peters 100%.Is Skerrit remove or pass laws to remove any names from the voters list there will be mass Labour demonstration.The same way Labourites remove PJ,we will remove Skerrit.The person who wrote that news item on DNO is a damn liar.UWP want all Dominicans who have lived overseas for more than 5 years to be removed from the voters list.Renounce citizenship or not,there is no law in Dominica against dualcitizens voting and a Dominican will always be a Dominican.

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  33. Ibo France
    September 11, 2023

    No surprise here! This guy is just one of Roosevelt’s buck dancing clowns. I don’t respect people because they happen to have some letters in front or behind their names. I respect someone for the way he thinks, reasons and acts.

    There is a big different between being educated and being intelligent. You can be educated but not intelligent. Intelligence is the innate and natural ability you are born with. Education is something an individual pursues. One can be educated but not smart.

    Donald Peters is the epitome of an educated derelict.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 6
    • September 11, 2023

      So, what makes one intelligent? Is it being a blue monkey UWP sucker that makes one intelligent? I am just asking.

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      • Petes
        September 12, 2023

        YOU wouldn’t know. Intelligence isn’t a prerequisite for Master Latrine Divers. You just wouldn’t know!

        • September 12, 2023

          They do not have too much of that in London, Intelligence. Today they are now fighting to reverse Brexit, something they had all craved for before thinking and voting for Brexit.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        September 12, 2023

        So, let me help you out ds: intelligence can be heredity from family, as it can derive from the environment to which one belongs, and also academics!

        Intelligence is different from learning. Learning refers to the act of retaining facts and information or abilities and being able to recall them for future use, while intelligence is the cognitive ability of someone to perform these and other processes.

        If one lacks cognition; if one can’t think cognitively, their intelligence quotient “IQ” might be very low, and each time they open their mouth garbage will spew out you see!

        You are scorching us, the UWP suppers with insults, calling us monkey and all sorts of derogatory names, that shows how unintelligible you are, I mean I fire insults too, but that is only in a humorous way, but you Man Dog, and Lin Clown are consistent, especially Clown with special flavor.
        UWP supporters are not into such hence their intelligence protrudes!

        And that the difference!

    • September 11, 2023

      @ibo France, you can’t give a proper response so you jump to insults and character assassination…no surprise

      • MEME
        September 12, 2023

        None of your responses have been based on fact…You are singing for your supper, and it’s your belief that ALL the bloggers on here are as empty as the SKERRIT clappers and trumpeters, who clap and blow their trumpets even when they are being insulted.

  34. MEME
    September 11, 2023

    He sings the loudest for his supper. Personally i would be shocked if Donald Peters or (P- – t – man) would say anything different from what Skerrit wants.
    (P- – t – man)!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 3
    • September 18, 2023

      We all need supper before we go to bed. So, what the hell?

  35. LifeandDeath
    September 11, 2023

    “I can say here that if government ever adopt a bill to prevent anybody from voting, I will be the first one to take them to court, because they are violating the rights of a citizen,” he argued. #hogwash
    He knows well this is not going to happen. Just Clowns playing their part in a Circus. Those “smart” men know very well that the issue is not to disenfranchise, the issue is one of bribing and coercing ppl, shuttling planeloads to vote. Talk dat!!
    If I cannot afford to travel on my own to vote, I stay out the ppl business. Government must stop using treasury money to buy votes to stay in power.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 3
  36. Juanita
    September 11, 2023

    I have never seen eye-to-eye with Dr. Peters before, but he makes a very valid point on the diaspora vote and I tend to agree. To preclude diaspora-based nationals from voting would be patently unfair and an exercise in explicit disenfranchisement. The right to vote should be inalienable. However, the system is still not “A-OK” as he stated. Some tweaking on the residency requirement is needed.

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    • We the People
      September 11, 2023

      My two cents –

      That being the case the diaspora needs to contribute to the treasury like those on island. I can bet my last hape nee if the government decides to put rules for the diaspora to follow, the will more than complain

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 4
    • Ibo France
      September 11, 2023

      Juanita, no one is trying to deny any Dominican in the Diaspora the right to vote. You are sadly mistaken. Just meet the criteria that is set in law.

    • Jonathan Y St Jean
      September 12, 2023

      @Juanita, are you aware that the residency requirements exist in the current constitution? If you want to lobby for a change to amend the current law then say so. As of now the constitution limits citizens who have left the country for over five years and don’t reside in their constituency for three months prior to the poll. Therefore Skerritt and the cabal have been violating and bastardizing the constitution, so much so that the CCJ had to write an opinion about the treating and bribery appetite of the Labor corrupt regime.

  37. Putin
    September 11, 2023

    Same system that gave the UWPwee its victory. Same system through which it has won successive seats. Same System through which Mamo won back-to-back elections. Same system that administers village council elections (and no one says any of these elections are broken.) Suddenly, because the UWPwee says it is broken, it is no longer adequate for them?! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 30
    • We the People
      September 11, 2023

      The same system. Yea right. The diaspora that comes to votes are no different from cheap salop prostitutes. They get used once every five years!!!

      Where is the DLP getting the money to make that kind of BOMB? Oh I know, its none of my dam business. Well guess what, if anyone dares to question how I live my lavish lifestyle, I will spit in their face. What is good for the goose is dam well good for the gander

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3
      • Putin
        September 12, 2023

        You have harsh words for the Diaspora, but it is the same Diaspora that your UWPwee courted, especially in 2014 and 2019, with cardboard boxes begging for their money. Your post is consistent with the modus operandi of the UWPWee, contradictory, confusing, and denigrating.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 6
        • We the People
          September 12, 2023

          Oh you expect me to fall at their feet and worship them? And what heck UWPWee you talking about? Having courted them in 2014 and 2019 does not make it right.

          Those diaspora have it so well-made they cannot even afford to come on their own to vote? They come for a day and run back. Look all now the dam government they put cannot even pay its bills. Let me call PM, the diaspora needs to contribute to the treasury so business.

          One thing for sure – no money, no love.

    • MEME
      September 12, 2023

      It’s not the same system…It’s a system that has never been exploited as it presently is, using our own money to the benefit of one party. Hope the scamps and rascals pay dearly for their nasty work sometime in the future. The Skerrit Labour Party seem to be the wealthiest political organisation in the world. Have you asked yourself where they are getting the money?

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