Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has announced that over EC$150 million has been invested into the geothermal project for Dominica thus far. He made the announcement while addressing the opening ceremony of a two-day ‘Geothermal Global Partners Conference’ which took place at the State House Conference Centre on Tuesday.
Government has already completed the drilling of two additional geothermal wells and in the coming months, it is anticipated that construction will commence on the 10-megawatt power plant in Laudat as well as the building of a new high-capacity transmission network.
“These latest developments and our incremental successes over the past decade are due in large measure to the generosity of our international partners,” he said. “Steadfast partners like you are an indispensable part of our process and success.”
The Prime Minister continued, “Over US$55 million or EC [Eastern Caribbean] 150 million dollars have been invested thus far in this project.”
According to him, most of this investment is in infrastructure, “45 percent of this cost has been shouldered by the government of Dominica, but significantly 55 percent of this funding has come in the form of infrastructure grants and technical assistance from partners.”
“Infrastructure grants have been the key to our progress,” Skerrit stated.
Additionally, Prime Minister Skerrit said his government has observed that it is easier to secure technical assistance than these infrastructure grants, “but without them, we probably would not be where we are today.”
He extended particular thanks to the European Union and the Government of the French Republic for the early grants that helped his government to build its first three wells. Furthermore, he said today’s conference is about extending the country’s cooperation, “to take us over the finish line and to demonstrate to the region and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) around the globe, that regardless of our sides and limited capacity we can take the lead in renewable energy development.”
Meanwhile, he stated that despite Dominica’s vulnerabilities, the country can make major moves, “to transform our world, secure our economic futures and reverse the worrying trends associated with climate change and energy security.”
“In our particular case we are confident that exploration of this readily available, reliable, clean, and safe energy option will further position Dominica to confront the effects of disaster and other economic shocks which plague our development,” Skerrit indicated.
He told those who have already contributed to continue their support for this venture and invite new partners to be part of this success story.
“Because we are fully confident it will be a success story,” Skerrit said. “Certainly, you will agree that we have come too far, the only way forward is to ensure that Dominica has the means and backing to forge ahead to the full commissioning of a Geothermal Energy Plant in the Roseau Valley.”
DNO please do us a favor and ask this (S B O S) as they referred to him the other day: how is mista at all press conferences it have,,,
If there is one for Tech industry he dere
If there is one for Housing he dere
If there is one for Fisheries he dere
Look this one for Public Works he dere making opening Statement
How comes mista doesn’t let those individuals whom he tasked with those ministries to handle their office duties and he just go sit down somewhere, he already looking like somebody dat does suck finger!!!
BossMan figure out how you going to give Dominica its electricity grid,,,
Before you go or just go in the background for a while give dem college students a project to create the framework for a reliable electric grid for the island,,,
When the power source on one end goes down another power source located elsewhere will backup,,,
Dem Frenchman dem did it next door north and south sure dey can come show us how to set up a grid like theirs,,,
I believe if skerrit and his carbal takes this country serious…this land will do well…but they never do..u spent millions on this project..but how many millions have u spent on your 3 houses? building walls around like is in Israel we living…oh man…stop giving Dominica the bone after u eat all the meat…u are not fair to this land at all…get real
Skerrit had his chance. We must not give him a second one. We want our money back!!
but labah must be paying putin. and putin sound like a labah fly that live at kingshill the ex telcom guy
“Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has announced that over EC$150 million has been invested into the geothermal project for Dominica thus far.”
That is money wasted; since I suspect the greater amount of that money finds its way into the pocket of a few; the rest went down the drain of a flush toilet!
How many years you clowns claimed that you are constructing a geothermal plant? That is like everything else in Dominica, talk, about something and then it fissile away like dust in the wind.
There will never be an operating geothermal electricity plant in the country, not as long as there is a talking only labor party of ignorant people running the country.
You have de GUTS to say 150 million invested and not even a blasted candle can light??
Oh my, our people need to read and understand the stuff that is being printed about us internationally. The link below gives quite an insight to the underpinnings of the passport scheme. Light is beginning to show out of the darkness of lies and obfuscation.
Roosevelt is going to vilify Mr Lennox Linton for convincing these highly respected foreign investigative journalists for smearing his reputation and soiling the country’s pristine image.
Members of his religious cult (Putin, Gary, the Clown, Dog Molester, ds) even with these verifiable, devastating reports are going to use verbal acrobatics to defend him.
These journalists have access to a treasure trove of unflattering information on the thousands of international criminals, terrorists and shady characters who own Dominica passports.
Roosevelt’s ship is taking on water. It’s sinking. Those onboard with him should abandon ship now.
“Roosevelt is going to vilify Mr Lennox Linton for convincing these highly respected foreign investigative journalists for smearing his reputation and soiling the country’s pristine image.” Oh, so it was he who “convinced” them? So our Star Boy was correct when he told Matt at a recent press conference that Linton was behind this continued onslaught against Dominica?
Thank you for confirming what we all suspected. The thing is, this treasonous act is not good news for Linton because it has not and will not win him votes or the seat of the PM and it will not cost the DLP any capital either. Stop chasing waterfalls!
You tried mightily hard to be funny but your joke fell flat. These veteran journalists have the incontrovertible evidence on the demonic Morne Daniel resident.
Yea, and Santa Klaus is real.
Skerrit the storm is coming i dont know it name i hope you have a strong roof ,the people of Dominica must prepare you all self and listen to your TVs and Radio’s maria is a joke compare to that one. Skerrit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Oh, we have all seen the “storm.” It is just bad weather, no storm in there. As usual every time the UWPWee haylay hooray about a bomb that is due to burst, the bomb barely fizzles, much less to paytay. Real clowns, you all are.
How does that compare to the US$1 billion taken in for “Golden Passports”? See
And the profit from the hotel? See
How much has Skerrit hidden away for himself?
50 million was the original estimates. since then there has been extra EIA and additional drilling. what is the true amount already spent?
you have a reputation of twisting the truth. the public need to see capital expenditures and who got paid.
“The public need to see capital expenditures and who got paid.” Capital expenditures? Check the website of the Ministry of Finance. Lots of information there. Who got paid, you asked? Check out Ace Engineering, that firm that is seemingly owned and operated by this vertically-challenged red fellar from the Roseau Valley who is not sure if he is DFP or UWPwee.
Skerrit, where have these 150million gone? In some secret bank account abroad perhaps. Surely you are not telling us that this smoking ruin has cost that amount of money so far. If you are, you need to resign straight away for misappropriation of public funds. YOUR rope is finally coming to an end. As they always say, lies have a funny habit of catching up with the person who uses them liberally.
Is the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica admitting to being broke or bankrupt? From student fees to geothermal and paying people for their land seized by government to meeting its bills on time, this government seems to be admitting to having no money to do anything!?
All the China loans and grants received, World Bank grants, Caribbean Development Bank grants, EU grants, UK grants, CBI passport sale money, and yet they are paying for nothing except the rent for Prime Minister Skerritt to live in his mansion!
It’s a monumental mistake to believe anything said by this congenital LIAR without documentary evidence. Roosevelt is afflicted with a chronic case of Lying flu.
Here is the undeniable evidence of Roosevelt’s Lying disease:
*exiting the $64K taxpayers’ monthly rental palace
*revelation of the missing billions of the CBI funds
*Pakistani universities to replace RUSM
*He wrongfully blamed the Syria diplomatic faux pas on an innocent person
*No new cruise village, Roseau ah revitalization, boats to export agriculture produce,etc.
A well-known corrupt man should never be trusted. Let us not forget the garbage bin and fertilizer scandals.
CM, where have these 150million gone? In some secret bank account abroad perhaps. Surely you are not telling us that this ruin has cost that amount of money so far. If you are, you need to resign straight away for misappropriation of public funds. YOUR rope is finally coming to an end. As they always say, lies have a funny habit of catching up with the person who uses them liberally.
Today of all days he makes that statement, which is, in the absence of audited account for this project, just another bunch of words. On a slightly different note, I wonder if this individual is going to comment on this story that broke news in UK and EU papers:
The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), which is a global network of investigative journalists with staff on six continents, made this morning some very revealing truth about Dominicas CBI program. The matter was also printed in, amongst others, The Guardian, a very respected British liberal newspaper.
I wonder if Dominicans are going to wake up and smell the coffee now.
This man is the biggest enemy of our beautiful and once righteous country!
“The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), which is a global network of investigative journalists with staff on six continents, made this morning some very revealing truth about Dominicas CBI program. The matter was also printed in, amongst others, The Guardian, a very respected British liberal newspaper.”
I think you should be more concerned about the unnatural obsession of these foreign actors in couching Dominica’s CBI programme in bad light globally.
OMG. They are all after poor Dominica. The red sewo is messing with your head big style!!
These highly respected journalists worked meticulously to gather the irrefutable evidence. No speculation strictly facts!
These people and their news networks have no axe to grind; no political affiliation; no personal animus against Roosevelt or Dominica. They just want to bring to the world’s attention the colossal corruption of some unscrupulous rulers with the sole intention of stamping it out. Corruption in one country could negatively impact many others around the globe.
Roosevelt you have been exposed for the Merchant of Corruption you are. Your reign of terrorising and pauperising Dominicans is hopefully coming to an abrupt end. Oh, what a day of rejoicing that will be.
Why build at 10MW plant at this point? All that money just to produce half our peak load? And if prices do go down as you promised us, demand will surely go up as more homes and businesses will install AC and start looking at other energy intensive products.