PM Skerrit makes impassioned plea for regional support of Haiti

Street scene in Haiti

CARICOM Chairman, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has called on the Caribbean Community to provide a collective commitment and support to Haiti as that country is presently faced with security issues. CARICOM Heads plan to meet virtually this week to address these concerns.

“For me, as Chairman of the conference of heads I have indicated, very sincerely, that the Haitian situation is my number one priority,” he said. “We owe it to the Haitian people and it is important that the entire Caribbean Community, not only Heads of Government, but the entire Caribbean Community is engaged and [aware] of the issues confronting Haiti and for us to collectively provide that moral, collective commitment and support to Haiti.”

According to Mr. Skerrit, CARICOM has to guard against any attitudes of Haiti fatigue from various quarters around the world.

“We are in touch with members of the security council, because at the end of the day, it’s the security council that’s going to make a determination as to what kind of support the United Nations can provide,” he explained.

He further explained that there are countries who want to provide support, but would want to have a UN decision to provide them with the necessary legal cover of being present in Haiti.

An article published on September 1, 2023, on  stated that Haiti is in the grip of “extreme brutality”, with gang-related violence continuing to force thousands from their homes amidst widespread suffering, said the UN’s top humanitarian official there. The desperate situation prompted a tweet on Friday from Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths calling for an immediate end to the fighting.

“This carnage needs to stop,” said the UN relief chief.

The article further stated that in the past two weeks alone, 71 people have been killed and injured in capital Port-au-Prince, marking a major escalation, according to UN Humanitarian Affairs office, OCHA, which Mr. Griffiths heads.

“Entire families, including children, were executed while others were burned alive. This upsurge in violence has caused unspeakable continued suffering of Haitians,” Philippe Branchat, acting UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the country said in a news release on Thursday.

So far this year, gang violence in the Caribbean country has claimed more than 2,500 lives, with over 1,000 injured.

At least 970 Haitians have been kidnapped, and 10,000 forcibly displaced from their homes.

The latest wave of violence has also resulted in the forced displacement of over ten thousand people who have sought refuge in spontaneous camps and host families.

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  1. Where is the Justice
    September 6, 2023

    Oh boy. Here he go again. Skerrit you need to free Dominica by stepping down and giving new life, new energy, new ideas and a new prospective on our beautiful country. Haiti can’t be fixed. Fix Dominica from 22 yrs of madness before it’s to late

  2. Will we avoid the fate of Haiti?
    September 6, 2023

    I shudder to say this, but Skerrit is no better than Papa Doc and Baby Doc, who destroyed democracy in Haiti. He lives in mansions while our people are increasingly impoverished – imagine he paid himself $64,000 in rent to his friend at MMC while his people suffered under Covid 19. Haitians fled to Dominica because we were building a safe and decent country. Sadly, all our work is being destroyed by one leader who is power-hungry and greedy – with ministers who enable him. Haitians must take personal responsibility for allowing crooked leaders and gangsters to reign over them. As for Dominica, we are becoming another Haiti with a dictatorial type government of herd followers who clap even when the government is destroying our reputation by consorting with gangsters or placing state funds outside the consolidated fund. Skerrit cannot cure Haiti when he makes our country a copy of that failed state. We must move Skerrit out to avoid the fate of Haiti.

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    September 6, 2023

    Roosevelt Skerrit one of the reasons that Dominica cannot make any economic progress under you is because the devil is controlling your every move. It does not matter how you plea for Haiti, there may never be any significant change because of this!
    ” It is a matter of well-documented historical fact that the nation of Haiti was dedicated to Satan 200 years ago. On August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all of the white Frenchmen on the island.”

    Well, they succeed, since then Haiti is the way it is; and all your pleas shall fall to the ground without anyone listening or hearing you.
    You and Melisa like to dabble in voodoo right?
    That is why she imported a man with a Ram Horn to blow it in her face, in some sort of a ritual; you cant deny that; you had a St. Vincent Obeah-man on government payroll, you devil!

    He told on you!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  4. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    September 6, 2023

    Roosevelt: this might be Haiti problem, they sold their soul and island to the devil!
    Some of Toussaint’s lieutenants—most notably Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henry Christophe…
    On November 18 the Armée indigène (French: “Indigenous Army”) under Dessalines defeated the French at the Battle of Vertières, and French Gen. Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, surrendered Cap-Français (now Cap-Haïtien), the last significant French stronghol…
    On January 1, 1804, the entire island was declared independent under the Arawak-derived name …
    In October 1804 Dessalines assumed the title of Emperor Jacques I, but in October 1806 he was killed while trying to suppress a mulatto revolt, and Henry Christophe took control of the kingdom.

    It is a matter of well-documented historical fact that the nation of Haiti was dedicated to Satan 200 years ago. On August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at…

  5. kubulol
    September 6, 2023

    Haiti is a desperate buzz
    Haitians must first solve their problems themselves before calling for help:

    1: demography : too … many… births for the island
    2: good governance: no dictator (Duvalier), no priest (Aristide), no singer (Martelly) but a well-trained economist instead !
    3: end of corruption
    4: education

    May I say that independence from France is probably the greatest regret of Haitians!
    Guada and Martinique: think twice !

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
    • Gone Are The Days
      September 15, 2023

      That’s how much you do not know. France and the U.S created this Haiti, placed papa doc there who ruled 60 years, then his son for 20, that’s almost a hundredyears; and then you ask why can’t they govern. Do just a tiny bit of research you’ll find those countries have crippled Haiti and the whole African continent.
      Economic sabotage.
      You mentioned Guada and martinique, yet you’ve seen what they did to Niger. The Int’l going price of uranium is over 200 Euro per kg, yet France doesn’t pay or pays 80 cents. It’s over. Niger recently raised it to 200 Euro, France wants blood. Now are you going to support France to continue this?
      France has a habit of burning down towns and cities. Guada and M’nique are afraid they suffer the same fate, and they will if they try for independence.

  6. dissident
    September 5, 2023

    You know that is not a dlp election legacy issue.
    You will not suggest sending RSS nuh?……..they afraid of body bags eh!………Haiti is not Salisbury nor by McMillan gas station!!!!!…….it have real life consequences when you bring RSS to Haiti.
    Africa step up already long before you Skerrit….. waiting for CARICOM decision.
    CARICOM secretary general and chairman…….prove yourselves nuh!!!!!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
    • Pedro
      September 8, 2023

      The Haitians would kick the living daylights out of his toy soldiers.

  7. Jonathan Y St Jean
    September 5, 2023

    Not long ago, whilst Hugo Chavez was still among us, Skerritt was giddy about a grouping arrangement called “Alba”. He even appear to mock the US with the Alba provision that an attack on one is an attack on all members of Alba. How come he doesn’t call on Alba to help, so he can look successful with resolving a cess pool mess which has been in Haiti for a long time. He sounds as if the turmoil in Haiti happened only a couple weeks ago. Talk and more useless talk. Why doesn’t he lead a Caricom delegation to go and get assistance to put out the flame and solve this major concern he says he has. Maybe he can get help from the Wagner group through his buddy, Putin and come off shining like a diamond. Skerritt is sewing the seeds of another Haiti in Dominica. Be warned, people, because he doesn’t even know how to solve the situation in Haiti so how will Dominica be put together again after it’s demise from the Labor cabal. He’ll be watching from afar. Be warned.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 4
  8. Tinman
    September 5, 2023

    Roosevelt is looking out for himself and pretending to care for the Haitian people. They are the ones keeping him in power, both by voodoo and their votes. So the more Haitians we have in Dominica is the better the chance of Roosevelt winning/stealing. Either way Roosevelt is the sole beneficiary of the Haitians being in Dominica; as well as those people who want to exploit them in their wages.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 4
  9. Cockroach
    September 5, 2023

    If they would give up their voodooism and squatterism, and their violencism, then, and maybe their situations would change. Here in Dominica the Haitians and the Chinese behave the same way towards we the children of the soil since the garden of Eden. Dominicans are very respectable and decent people. People from our neighboring islands like Guadeloupe, Martinique, st. Lucia, Antigua etc. lack the decency we possess. But right now Dominica is no different from Haiti; so I don’t see the sense and pretense that this Roosevelt is putting out. He didn’t have the required skills and leadership to find kernisha who was kidnapped in a tiny Dominica; now he wants to take on the crisis in Haiti which has millions of people. I think he’s just covering his tracks to show the world the person that he is not. No different to tRompp. Roosevelt represents everything that is crooked and immoral. He is a showman filled with arrogance and vanity. A real Fool by all accounts.

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  10. Observer
    September 5, 2023

    Prime Minister Skerrit, as chair of CARICOM it is your responsibility to show leadership by mounting and leading a delegation to Haiti to start talks. As one of the longest serving prime Ministers in CARICOM, this is your opportunity to demonstrate your experience and leadership skills to help solve the problems in Haiti. Stop crying about the situation. Everyone has seen the pictures and know what’s happening. Labourites were so happy when it became Dominica’s turn to chair and said it was the PM’s opportunity to shine. Well lets see what you can do now.
    Leaders like you and Mia Motley stood up so strongly against UN sanctions against Venezuela. Now you all need to stand up for Haiti.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 3
    • me
      September 5, 2023

      Regionally Skerrit is widely seen as a weak leader, a non entity who often speaks on things he know very little about. It’s only here in Dominica where his supports clap to his nonsense even when he is insulting them, that he is seen or recognised by those followers as a leader . Otherwise Skerrit is widely a non entity in CARICOM.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      September 6, 2023

      Your sentiments although sounds good, does not matter; Roosevelt and Mia Motley are powerless to do anything for the Haitians; how can Roosevelt who does not have a resolve for the misery he brought on our nation help resolve the the woes in Haiti?
      It’s one thing to feel sorry for the condition under which the poor in Haiti, exists, nevertheless, one must remember that the Haitians are their worst enemy, Haiti has been an unstable nation for a very long time.

      They war constantly among themselves; earlier this year we saw on Television in broad daylight, Black Haitians were murdering each other; killing in the streets of Haiti, and covering; or spreading tyers over the partially live body’s on the ground not completely dead; wounded; and setting them on fire!
      They are a barbaric kind of people; what can one do to help those who treat themselves in that way?
      It is not knowledge, that cause Roosevelt to be Chairman of CARICOM, it’s mandatory periodical chairmanship change!

  11. If we knew better
    September 5, 2023

    Why he doh call to send the RSS to Haiti like how he call for them to come Dominica and shoot innocent people?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 0
    • I Am You
      September 6, 2023

      If We Knew Better..

      Such a lovely and appropriate title according to the times..

      If we knew better..we would have learnt by now that these leaders are all leading the world to its death..

      By now as so called adults who have children and instruction them on what is right and wrong. one would thing based on experience they would know better. but they do not..the majority..

      This is literal..only highest on high Father has any hope for humanity now. PERIOD .

  12. Ibo France
    September 5, 2023

    Haiti’s problems have been with us from time immemorial. What has CARICOM done other than to offer lip service? Some have made it official policy to even require Haitians to produce visas to enter their countries even for a brief period in transit.

    Roosevelt is just using his six month position as Chairman of CARICOM to milk all the publicity he can get to try to rehabilitate his tattered image. What can a man who has the vast majority of his native people suffering from hunger, disease, homelessness, hopelessness do for a people living in a foreign land?

    CHARITY begins at HOME.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 4
  13. Truth Be Told
    September 5, 2023

    Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, either you are trying to live up to that title of ‘starboy of stupidity’ or you are really an extremely disingenuous person.
    Jovenel Moïse, the president of Haiti, was assassinated on 7 July 2021. CARICOM did nothing, has done nothing since, when it should have come forward with the Regional Security Service.
    The situation in Haiti has worsened to the point that it is too late for CARICOM. There is nothing that CARICOM can do to help Haiti now except to wait for either the UN or the US to lead an Haiti rescue intervention.
    So what is your point? As Chairman of CARICOM what? What can you do? Can you send the Dominica Police Force to assist Haiti.
    CARICOM did not act when things were easier and should have in 2021 but you think now all hell break loose in Haiti, CARICOM nations will give you what to send to Haiti because you are Chair? Call Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, she will tell you Haiti is not the Dominica sleeping village of…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 0
    • Ibo France
      September 5, 2023

      On point! Roosevelt just wants to be relevant in the scheme of things. He can’t fix crime, poverty, political division, homelesness, the economy in his own country. Does he think that he’s talking to his herd followers?

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  14. Rosita
    September 5, 2023

    Man, why don’t you look after your own people first, I mean the ones that are not members of your party. Never mind Haiti. I know you might have a soft spot for some of them since they have been susceptible to your bribery in particular at times of our ‘elections’. You know what, Skerrit, I have a funny feeling that in 10 years time our country will be the carbon copy of todays Haiti, that is unless a Good Samaritan gets rid of you by then. 20 years ago I knew what you was about but at least I had one ounce of respect. Nowadays I can not even listen to you, let alone look at you. My country deserves much much better! Never mind Haiti.

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  15. Shaka Zulu
    September 5, 2023

    Send Lincoln Corbett and some of those retards you have following you holding umbrella to go earn thier paychecks. Is on arawaks in Dominica they have force.

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  16. Tt
    September 5, 2023

    This is what happens to a country when politicians do anything to stay in power so they can fatten their pockets. My heart goes out to my Haitian brothers and sisters. Too much faith in leaders and their propaganda. Empty promises, dirty tricks.

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