‘Politically persecuting people in the court’, says Linton of incitement matter

Linton and his wife, Shirley, leaving the court house after a previous court appearance

Former political leader of the United Workers Party (UWP), Lennox Linton is expressing dissatisfaction with the manner in which an incitement matter against him and other UWP members is proceeding.

This matter stems from an incident that dates back to February 7, 2017. On that day, the parliamentary opposition United Workers Party (UWP) held a meeting on Kennedy Avenue in Roseau calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit following which several businesses were vandalized in the capital city. Several opposition members were subsequently charged with inciting violence and obstructing justice.

Charges were brought against other opposition members including former Prime Minister Edison James and Dr. Thomson Fontaine, former Deputy political leader of the UWP, Joshua Francis, along with Nicholas George and former UWP Member of Parliament (now Speaker of the House of Assembly), Joseph Isaac. They were charged with obstruction of justice.

While the matter against James, Francis, George, and Isaac has been adjourned sine die (without a set date for resumption), Linton and Dr. Fontaine are left to answer the charges which are still before the court.

In light of the latest adjournment on Thursday April 27, 2023 and the related decision of a magistrate to recuse himself from presiding over the matter, Linton who was being interviewed by Talk Show Host, Matthias Peltier during the ‘Talk on the Block’ Program on Q-95 Radio said the matter is of great frustration to him.

“This matter has been dragging on for more than five years and it’s at a stage of great frustration for me,” he stressed. “But one of the reasons I wanted to have my day in court [was] so that my absolute innocence could be proven in the court.”

He continued, “I didn’t want the case to go away in any technicality.”

Linton added, “I wanted us to go through the process for the evidence to be heard and for the matter to be fully adjudicated and for it to be clear in everybody’s mind that Lennox Linton did not incite anybody to do anything on the 7th of February 2017, and therefore is not guilty of the charge of incitement.”

Furthermore, he said the case needs to be discontinued for want of prosecution.

“That is what normal court systems do, and so that’s a matter to be looked into…,” Linton stated.

He argued that there is no evidence of incitement.

“A case where I am being politically prosecuted. There is absolutely no evidence of incitement,” Linton argued. “I mean it’s just going on and on and on and you wonder what brand of evil is this and what we are going to do about it?”

He added, “It is Lennox Linton, it is Thomson Fontaine, it is Edison James today, but it will be some other people tomorrow.”

Linton described the matter as a “state-sponsored prosecution”.

“This is utilization of the people’s hard-earned money for the purpose of politically persecuting people in the court and the court system is permitting it,” he remarked.

Meantime, Linton explained that one particular magistrate had recused himself from the case on 23rd July 2022, “now given a day for the 14th of September when the matter will come up, but not before him because he has recused himself, so at this stage, I am not sure who will be dealing with the matter.”

When the opposition Leader appeared in court on August 8, 2022, Magistrate Michael Laudat who, on the last occasion recused himself from the matter, said he was rescinding his decision.

According to Laudat, there are at present four magistrates assigned to criminal matters in Roseau, three of whom have already recused themselves from the case.

“If I were to recuse myself, this will not be proper to the administration of justice. It would be wrong of me to follow suit, so I will do the matter,” he stated.

In response, defense attorney Gildon Richards urged the magistrate to remain bonded to his earlier decision, the “perfect decision,” he deemed it.

“Your Honor you had most appropriately recused yourself. In supporting your decision, I’m saying that I have always had difficulty with judicial officers who have been appointed on contract acting in criminal cases,” Richards argued.

He alluded to the fact that Magistrate Asquith Riviere who first started the matter is no longer a sitting magistrate and as such, insisted the matter must recommence before another magistrate.

Before handing down his decision, Magistrate Laudat informed the attorney that Privy Council states that any application by the defense or the prosecution requesting the recusal of a magistrate ought not to be done in open court but in closed chambers or by way of writing to the magistrate.

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  1. Gary
    May 2, 2023

    What such nonsense about tex book
    dictatorship. Only a disgruntled mind would
    conceive such foolishness.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 35
    • Gary
      May 2, 2023

      Opps this message was intended to a reply
      to Mervin P.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 27
    • Mervin P
      May 2, 2023

      Look it, Mary has awoken from the dead to protect his superhero, the corrupt CM of Dominica. Mary, you are one sad creature!!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 1
    • Ibo France
      May 2, 2023

      Gary, I have no doubt that you believe ignorance is bliss. Your statements can only be generated from a depraved, degenerated, defunct mind.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
      • May 5, 2023

        Every time a UWP member is prosecuted for violating the law, they call it political persecution. When another person is prosecuted for breaking the law, they call it justice. Nobody is above the law, regardless. Linton Lennox must pay for the crimes he has committed or the ones he has incited other people to commit. That is the bottom line.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 9
    May 2, 2023

    What does the Bible say about an unjust man…. Mr Lennox Linton’s persecutor?

    [25] The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. [26] Many seek the ruler’s favour; but every man’s judgment cometh from the LORD. [27] An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

  3. Jonathan Y St Jean
    May 1, 2023

    The judiciary’s failure to stand up to this albatross of a government is hurting the dispensary of justice in the country. We have seen instances when the magistrates and judges have made a mockery of themselves and the law instead of applying the statutes without fear or favor. The “me-the-people” leader continues to shop for someone who will help him ride rough shod in this ridiculous coup charges, thus making a fool of the law and the constitution.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 2
  4. Lin clown
    May 1, 2023

    When UWP took Skerrit and St.Jean to court for contesting the 2009 as dual citizens,they used Sir Brian George Keith Alleyne to help prosecute Skerrit and St.Jean.Alleyne said if Skerrit and St.Jean had lost the case and appealed he would not allow Skerrit to continue as Prime Minister while the appeal was pending.Today UWP have no use for Alleyne.UWP seem to forget what they did to Skerrit.Between 2009 and 2012 they had a sitting Prime Minister before the court,and that was ok.Ugly Lenny is just a Jacka,he is saying “I didn’t want the case to go away,I wanted the evidence to be heard”Later the Jacka is saying “The case needs to be discontinued for want of prosecution”.There is an audio of Ugly Lenny telling the media whore”what you SEE going on will not stop untill Skerrit demits office or resign”While the riot is going on in Roseau,Ugly Lenny is in Roseau being recorded by the media whore.When MEME say Ugly was not present,that is a damn lie,and I hope the audio is brought to…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 42
    • me
      May 2, 2023

      Skerrit must pay for you to attend school..!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 2
  5. Mandela
    May 1, 2023

    Lennox Lincoln holds the key for changing Dominica if he can endure some sacrifice like Nelson Mandela. He must not show up for his next court hearing and let police come for him. Then we’ll see after that. They want him to keep going up and down like a mouse in a trap. Be brave, Mr. Linton and don’t go to any court hearing. Then the World will have a clearer view and understanding of what this labor party is made of. There are more people who are for you than against you. Put the Red in a corner by not showing up, let’s see how puzzled they’ll be. The world is watching and Dominica doesn’t belong to skerrit and his gang. Stand up Linton, Stand up. Don’t continue making a fool of yourself and become a laughing stock.

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    • Toto
      May 2, 2023

      My man, Lennox is not fighting apartheid. He only wants equal treatment for Dominicans under existing Dominican laws. I’m sure he has no desire to be a hero, and not a martyr either. Talking like this from the sidelines is not helpful at all, especially if you are residing overseas. It would be far more helpful to come down and join caring Dominicans in protest action. Would you pay Lennox bills if ge refused to appear in court, would you pay his family food bills, electricity and so on? I don’t think so.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 6
      • Tolo
        May 3, 2023

        @llttle toe..What Lennox is fighting is far worst than apartheid, in case you didn’t know. You are only being slick. Are you new on the island? You object to the advice given because you have no clue of how freedom and deliverance and change takes place. There could be no change without struggle and sacrifice. Who fed the family of Nelson Mandela? Why don’t you offer to join the struggle with your money to help support his family, rather than simply opening your mouth? Get in the fight to liberate Dominica if you are a true patriot and get off the fence. They are causing this man Linton much stress by playing this political game. Don’t you know that stress is a killer? So if Linton dies because of this stress; who will support his family? Who will pay his light bills etc..? You make no sense whatsoever. Toto

      • Mandela
        May 4, 2023

        @Toto..You are speaking on the behalf of Mr. Linton and may be without his permission. Grant it. Your response and objections to my comment sends a disturbing signal of mistrust in this “online” medium. I didn’t write you a personal letter with my name and address/location. However, your response gave this impression. You come across as being naive with the belief that everyone else is unsuspecting. You also came across as a mailman or one who works at the editor’s office with the knowledge of all the clients; including their gender, address/location as well as their thoughts and intentions which gives you the authority to condemn and correct them. Not realizing, that you are giving out information of yourself, the place of your employment, and your political beliefs. Stop that! For your own good. In your narrow mind you are suggesting that Dominicans have no rights to voice their political opinion if they reside abroad. Pure RUBBISH. I will continue to monitor such GARBAGE

    • Man bite dogs
      May 3, 2023

      Mandela, or whatever? I have read some crap coming from the blue monkeys followers, both on Facebook and this Forum, but your comments are the biggest load of Bulls**t I have ever read for sure, not even Francisco, nor Ibo, would come up with such crap and they are masters of Bulls**t just like Ugly Lenny,
      Get out of here! When I say spade you jump on it.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 13
  6. MEME
    April 30, 2023

    I ATTENDED this meeting on Kennedy Avenue on February 7th 2017. Can clearly remember when the meeting ended and people left the spot where the meeting was held. While i was home, i can clearly remember listening to Dr Fontaine on Q95 radio, that night etc, etc,…
    What happened after the meeting had nothing to do with Linton and the others before the court. It’s a pattern…Remember when UWPites had decided to go to Melvillehall to welcome the illegal voters? It never took place, but there was a fire at the Telecommunication Tower in Melvillehall. It’s DLP modus operandi…Do things, then blame it on the oppisition!!! Some of those who are referred to allegedly as navy seals, soldiers and snipers, should long be behind bars.
    Skerrit called what happened after the meeting a coup, with a stalled truck and some Speakers. That’s how wicked, desperate, delusional and satanic he is. He even had CARICOM investigators here, but never submitted their findings!!!
    Everything is for a time!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 42 Thumb down 1
    • Gary
      May 1, 2023

      Why can you for once use your rational mind to make a comment, does it always have to do with what you believe or perceive based on your partisan political beliefs, lol, it is so dogmatic, being sure of what you say and believe. So you have enough understanding of the event and what transpire, believing you’re logically correct, isn’t that fallacious. Why all the comparisons, with innuendos, coupled with your disgruntled mind of hatred for one person.

      Let me ask you so the event of February 7th 2017 that took place after the meeting is unfortunate, it just happened lol, is this how
      you can explain to the people who suffered losses to their place of business, simply by your silly irrational simplistic logical belief, ignoring the narrative of the speakers with their tone of voice at that meeting. Yes, everything is for a time, but that time is not bound to the whims and fallacious beliefs of you MEME, don’t you think people should be held accountable for their behavior.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 33
      • Robert
        May 2, 2023

        Oh Mary, why don’t you keep your trap shut?! You are one insufferable toad!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 1
      • MEME
        May 2, 2023

        You have garbled a lot of puffery, half truths, mixed with political idiocy. You must try to be shorter in your comments, because you lack the capacity to exceed two paragraphs, as you writing peters of into foolishness!!..
        Stop being a door mat and shameless sycophant of a corrupt political party. Be a man and stand up for what is fair and just. This is political harrassment of Linton et al to the highest order, and it must stop!!! What are you afraid of losing? Are you trapped in your own voracious mindset? There are certain things that cannot be defended Gary. Just do yourself a favour, by staying quiet. Whenever you appear here you berate yourself as the quintessential corrupt person.
        Why are you so corrupt garcon???

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  7. Ibo France
    April 30, 2023

    Dominicans are like punching bags. Roosevelt jails them; sets his military thugs to beat them; pours scorn on them; keeps them dirt poor and subservient ; etc.

    Meanwhile, he uses state funds: to rent a palatial mansion that many believe belongs to himself ($2 304 000 so far and counting) ; to procure the most expensive vehicles for himself; to circumnavigate the world frequently (first class); to corrupt prominent people to do his dirty bidding.

    Presently, leadership is suffering from absenteeism; the country is rudderless, national debt is 104% to GDP; thousands of citizens have sunk below the poverty line; malnutrition and NCDs are prevalent as most citizens cannot afford to eat three meals per day.

    The only solution to this madness is to completely eradicate Roosevelt and his servile henchmen from the political landscape of Dominica.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 3
    • Gary
      May 1, 2023

      A fanatic, one who would not change his rhetoric and neither his theme, that is you. Let me ask you if you want to remove The PM from office, do you believe that the things you allure to, misrepresentation of facts, allegations and gloomy representation of the Country will achieve your goal, lol. You can use your mind and believe anything you want about The PM and the Country but why you demand everybody else believes it, too and take the action you want, how absurd you are. The PM and his Government were elected by the people of Dominica, if and when The people of the Country think that the Government is not serving them, they remove the Government. Oh, by the way what happened to that so-called walk, what has it accomplished. You are supposed to be an intelligent person, but why your obsession with such silly rhetoric with your daily comments, what are you accomplishing.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 32
      • Ibo France
        May 2, 2023

        Gary you are very consistent, consistently ASININE!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 2
  8. Mervin P
    April 30, 2023

    This is selective and wilful prosecution ordered by the CM. Whoever still believes all is well on our island has a lot to answer for themselves. This is textbook dictatorship at its best!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 53 Thumb down 1
  9. Workers of Iniquity
    April 29, 2023

    Dominica is so messed up now that only church people can intervene and change the mess on island. Church people who fear God must for goodness sake, start to stay home on Saturdays and Sundays to protest against the gross hypocrisy taking place on island. In so doing they will force those hypocrite priests, pastors and evangelists ( ministers and worshippers of Baal) to speak out against the gross injustice taking place on island.
    How do these hypocrites preach about John the Baptist, who was beheaded for telling king Herod that it was wrong for him to have sex with his brother Phillips wife according to Matthew 14:1-12. These hypocrite pastors, priests and evangelists are condemning this but they are watching Skerrit pay millions of our money to pay foreign prosecutors do all they can to falsely try to prosecute Edison James, Lennox Linton and Thompson Fontaine just because they called out his corruption in 2017. Man it’s time church people standup to these evil doers

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 1
    • out of south city
      May 1, 2023

      What church people? What powers do they have? The churches are the synagogues of wickedness and evil in the land. With all of these church people on island, why are things not getting any better but worse? The churches and bibles are what the slave masters gave our foreparents to keep them in bondage. Our minds need to be emancipated, as Bob Marley well said. We cannot think logically when our minds are warped. Liberate your mind from the colonial masters. They have given us education, church and politics and or heads are up in the clouds looking for a white jesus who will never come back. While they are reaping the resources (gold) from under the feet of these stupid African leaders, we are looking for streets of gold up in the sky.

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  10. Ibo France
    April 29, 2023

    The police and the courts are weaponised against members of the opposition and their supporters by the Roosevelt-led DLP regime.

    What is happening to Mr. Lennox Linton et al is outrageous. Where is the public outrage? The media, law fraternity, business sector, the clergy all are found wanting by their ear-shattering silence.

    Injustice on any one member of the public is injustice on all members of the public. Today, it is Messrs Lennox Linton, Thompson Fontaine and Edison James. Tomorrow it could be me or even you who could be targeted.

    If the misery of the poor and innocent be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin. Dominica is cursed.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 2
  11. Shaka Zulu
    April 29, 2023

    You guys should not show up to court period. We need to find out why Joseph Issac is not in court and never showed up for same charges.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 30 Thumb down 1
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 1, 2023

      If they do not show up in court the magistrate will simply render a judgment against them.

      They need to defend against this malicious prosecution, it is frivolous case.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
      • Shaka Zulu
        May 2, 2023

        It is clear the state has no evidence. They are dragged to court. The court belongs to the people of dominica. If the court is used to abuse a system how then can it arrest them for a lesser crime than which they are being dragged to court for. I say they should not go to court. You cannot be in contempt of a court that is weaponized against the people. It is a form of civil disobedience. These guys need to grow some balls and tell the police and the DPP they are not the jury. Remember the jury of your pairs can let you go after police arrest you. So who ultimately has the power?

    • Petes
      May 2, 2023

      You see that is a very good question to which Skerrit hasn’t really got an answer. But in his desperation he would tell all you… none of your damn business! Spoken like a true dictator or what. Even better, the dunce population lets him get away with it.

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  12. Pipo
    April 29, 2023

    I have no allegiance to any political party or leader but I do believe that after more than five years of persecution by government without producing a shred of evidence, at great expense to the country, this witch hunt should be discontinued and the accuser declared a vexatious litigant. This prosecution makes a mockery of justice and does the image of our country no good whatsoever.

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    • Martin
      May 2, 2023

      It’s the CM that runs THINGS in our country nowadays. Worse even he runs everyTHING. He is police, prosecutor, judge and jury represented by his various associates which by the way are all on his payroll. Our country is dying a slow painful death.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 1
  13. Bwa-Banday
    April 29, 2023

    Who jah bless no man can curse. God is with you Mr. Linton so continue to walk with your head up high. We got your back

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 1

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