Principal of St. Martin’s Primary School talks winning formula

Top performers of National Assessment Examination (l-r) Jahzara Lewis, Larissa Hernandez Faddoul 

Principal of the St. Martins Primary School, Brinette Moreau has said in order for a student to excel in their grade six National Assessment Examination, work has to begin from kindergarten. St. Martin Primary School topped this year’s exams by placing 1st and also 3rd on the list. Larissa Hernandez Faddoul topped the list and Jahzara Lewis came in 3rd.

“The children you see at the top have been working from grade K and they have been consistently doing well, topped all our mock exams and constantly been working and their parents have been working with them; you cannot wait for grade six to do anything, you have to start from kindergarten.”

Concerning students who did not get a scholarship, she added that this does not mean that they too are not working as well because everyone has different abilities and excels in what they do.

Moreau explained that many methods are used in their school’s program in preparation for the exams.

“We use the national assessment, we use the results and we decide this is what we need to focus on; we talk to our parents, tell them what we want them to help with and I think because of that the children continue to excel,” she said.

 “In cases where we have parents who do not care or who do not wish to continue to help the children the teachers continue to do it…and I think that makes a good formula for good results”

She revealed that the school had some students who excelled despite their parents’ lack of interest because the teachers take up that role however, the majority of these students have parents who were fully involved in their learning.

In terms of the parents in Larissa Hernandez Faddoul’s life, Moreau said both the parents are involved and have helped their daughter through the entire school year.

 “The mother is one of those parents who would come and ask questions. As the minister said, come and ask the question. She has been coming to the school from K; both the mother and father would come to meetings, both of them would talk to the teacher so once you have parents who are involved in the child from K–I’ll keep stressing from kindergarten–then the child will excel.”

The principal said the same treatment was given to Jahzara Lewis by her parents.

“It makes me feel really proud that your students continue to excel and that the work of the teachers, parents, and students pays off because Common Entrance is high stakes exams, and while we may think that our students take it lightly most of our students and parents do take this thing really seriously,” she added.

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