Statement regarding ‘gratuitous’ comments made by the CCJ in Glenroy Cuffy & others v Melissa Skerrit & others

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    July 14, 2022

    As part of the functions, powers and duties of an Attorney General (AG),

    “The Attorney General is the representative of the “PUBLIC” in all legal proceedings for the enforcement of law and the assertion or protection of public rights.”

    Stop being the *BOOM-BOOM FLY” of the DLP government!!!!

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  2. Lin clown
    July 13, 2022

    My question to my take if you know all those things about the court system why did you go to the high court,court of appeal and the CCJ.You are mentioning all kinds of BS and is yet to mention the fact that UWP lost 1,163 votes in the last election.You are yet to say that the 2019 election observers,who were in Dominica said the election was free and fair and reflected the will of the PEOPLE.And also that the election was conducted according to law.Petition thrown out of the high court into the gabbage pail.Petition thrown out of the appeals court into the gabbage pail.Petition thrown out of the CCJ into the gabbage pail.UWP cannot get 1,000 people to march supporting their BS about illegal government.

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  3. Truth Be Told
    July 13, 2022

    Have the authorities in Dominica simply lost the plot? The Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Dominica criticising the judgement of the Caribbean Court of Justice? Well Dominica you good papa, your business bright!

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  4. natural dominican
    July 13, 2022

    This statement stinks of fear. :-D :-D :-D

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  5. Got my LEC
    July 13, 2022

    Being defensive much.

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  6. Ibo France
    July 12, 2022

    I see Melissa Skerrit’s name was mentioned. What does this goodly lady do for her stout monthly government plus the allowances?

    Only in Dominica can a woman with only a birth certificate can become a parliamentarian. Many of you may ask how on earth this functionally illiterate woman occupies a seat in parliament? This exactly what corruption does.

    The salary that Melissa gets should be going to people like Jimbo and Pennyman and the other less fortunate citizens.Melissa is the Imelda Marcus of Dominica. No substance, all Gucci.

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    • Man bite dogs
      July 13, 2022

      Having said that how about ugly Lenny, that guy is useless and getting a monthly wage for doing nothing but conning the public.

  7. Ibo France
    July 12, 2022

    When I read the headline containing the word ‘gratuitous’, I asked myself, what is unwarranted about the statements of the impartial CCJ judges’ statements who have no axes to grind?

    It is quite pellucid to all, even Stevie Wonder, that Roosevelt is an illegal occupant in the Office of the Prime Minister. Only the ignoramuses who still hold on to the court- tails of Roosevelt for leftovers, heavily salted ham and fat laden turkey believe otherwise.

    The Day of Reckoning is coming. Nothing lasts forever. Once he is booted out of office, Dominica will return to some semblance of sanity.

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  8. My Little Take
    July 12, 2022

    To me the AG opened his mouth to confirm a few things indirectly:
    1. He confirmed that he is very unwise and unpatriotic
    2. He confirmed that he is one of those bought and paid ministers of Skerrit who only cares about his money paid to him by Skerrit
    3. He confirmed that he knows the 2019 election was bought and stolen but his job is to block the evidence
    4. He confirmed that the government of Dominica is corrupt, police, judiciary are all corrupt
    4. He confirmed that he knows any petition against the corrupt cabal that goes before the corrupt court will be thrown out
    To be fair to the AG his letter has opened a new can of worms and really he just dumped plenty gas on the fire . He made a fool of himself and therefore he should fire himself just to restore a little bit of pride

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  9. L C Matthew
    July 12, 2022

    Levi stop trying to insult people’s intelligence. Judges don’t recuse themselves because of virulence of a case. They do because of conflicts of interest. You then complained that the CCJ is making allegations because no findings have been made by a court of law after you mentioned judges recused themselves and another threw out case without giving the individuals a chance to present. You have brought the attorney general office to the gutter of partisanship and made yourself a l’homme pot chambre for a dispicable clown who hijacked democracy in Dominica. I heard of your character on training in Bdos in 78 and true to character you living up to be the king butt smoocher in the region. When the domestic courts use procedural tactics to deny hearing cases what else do you expect people to do? What you wrote above is pure garbage and you as attorney general should be upholding law and order not stalling because of partisanship. What else have you been forced to do? Clean kitchen?

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  10. Jonathan Y St Jean
    July 12, 2022

    Those who don’t learn from the bad lessons of the past are bound to repeat the mistakes. In the brief history of Dominca since independence it has been Attorney Generals and legal advisors who have been at the center of the terrible things which have visited upon this lovely island and it’s docile citizenry. During that PJ era it was Attorney General Leo Austin who gave bad and self serving advice to the prime minister which eventually led to the terrible events of 1979. Today we have Attorney General Levi Peters with the encouragement of the legal spokesman to the government giving bad advice and attacking the superior court instead of following precedent and humbly licking it’s wounds and setting a good example for the rest of society to respect the courts and it’s decisions. As a lay person I might be given a pass to opine on the courts report but the Attorney General? 1979 part two isn’t too far away from my reading of the tea leaves. Dominca I’m sorry.

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  11. Lin clown
    July 12, 2022

    TAINTED,where is the evidence? The election observers said the election was free and fair and reflected the will of the people,conducted according to the electoral laws of Dominica.The PEOPLE of Dominica are satisfied with the out come of the 2019 election for the reason UWP cannot put ,1000 people together in any march or demonstration.And,anytime election is called UWP will lose 2 more seats,because they cannot CONVINCE the PEOPLE that the election was tainted.The petition was dumped in the gabbage pail,because there was no evidence contained therein that the election was tainted.The tainted BS is an alligation expressed to the Judges,coming from the rotten brains of UWP.The PEOPLE has been hearing about tainted election since 2005,something that has never been proven.UWP should ask themselves what caused them to lose 1,163 votes and 3 seats in the 2019 election

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    • Ibo France
      July 13, 2022

      If a neurosurgeon were to make an incision in your skull to peep at your brain, lots of rust would fall out for lack of use. If has been idle for far too long.

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  12. Lin clown
    July 12, 2022

    Rayburn should not answer to that BS.The independent observers tasked with observing and monitoring the 2019 election in Dominica said the election was free and fair and reflected the will of the PEOPLE.23,587 to 16,424.59.01% to 40.99%.18 to 3 majority.UWP disagreed.Plane loads upon plane loads of illegal voters were paid by the DLP government to vote,NO EVIDENCE.Dead people voted,NO EVIDENCE.UWP went to high court petition dismissed.UWPwent to appeal court case dismissed.UWP went the CCJ case dismissed.To dismiss a case mean that the case is foolish,dirty,a waste of time,lack evidence and of no merit fit for the gabbage pail.We know, and have known for a long time that the Judge’s comment was made on the allegations made by UWP.The UWP said dead people voted,up to this day the cannot name the dead person or who voted in the dead person’s name.UWP said 8,000 diasporans voted DLP in 2019,there has never been an increase of more than 2,000 in any DLP in election history…

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    • dissident
      July 13, 2022

      DLP officially commented through de AG
      some of us have brain dat working

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  13. Jonathan Y St Jean
    July 12, 2022

    The unqualified Attorney General, Levi Peters, is making a fool of himself to present this rebuttal to the CCJ, which is populated with qualified legal minds and are not singing for their super like he is. Levi only comes out making statements in defense of government and we are yet to hear from him speaking on behalf of the people, which is what his job is. I’m also wondering why isn’t the bar association speaking up in defense of the CCJ. The bar association came out in the past castigating the leader of the opposition and other citizens who question the decisions of the courts, yet are silent when the Attorney General seeks on behalf of the government and it’s enablers to lecture the superior court in the region? It proves that the cabal feels so emboldened that it has little to no regard for institutions unless they facilitate the continuous illegalities of the DLP. Levi needs to resign immediately but he’s been bought and so he won’t.

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  14. Ibo France
    July 12, 2022

    The CCJ judges have no dog in this fight. There is nothing for the learned judges to gain individually nor collectively. That is a factual assertion that cannot be refuted. They called as they see it.

    What we have in Dominica parading as a government is a concoction of unethical, untruthful, immoral, crooked and asinine rascals and scoundrels. The members of the ruling cabal always get white hot mad by the TRUTH and go to great extremes to bury it.

    I want Roosevelt and his surrogates to know this. Three things cannot be long hidden the sun, the moon and the TRUTH.

    Mr. Levi Peter, your baseless attacks on the integrity of the CCJ judges only serve to expose your recalcitrance, ignorance and stupidity.

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    • Bwa-Banday
      July 12, 2022

      @Ibo France….You have said it so eloquently that I fear Levi Peter may have problems understanding you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

      I repeat again, until we all take the position of “Freedom from DLP or Death” while taking the fight for the liberation of our beloved land to those escamonteers wherever they run and hide things will not change. Time to begin marching night and day in every nook and cranny on island simultaneously!

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  15. dissident
    July 12, 2022

    Well de CCJ didn’t see it fitting to suck Skerrit big toe!!!!!!!
    Curse de CCJ if you want but it was de same Skerrit dat was forcefully making a case for dem to be de highest court rather than de Privy Council. You and Skerrit can go to hell!!! At election time i will remind you!!!!!
    Shame on you AG!!!!
    Maybe those comment from you come as a result of you never doing de LEC……you have no respect and you bring shame and disgust to de office of Attorney General!!!!! And dat shame is reflective of de one dat you serve……Skerrit is just as disgraceful as you are.
    Now i can see you were installed in de AG office to serve Skerrit. By de way doh worry about what de opposition say…… CCJ judges can hear you loud and clear.
    Doh ask about their personal views of Skerrit himself!!!!!!!

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  16. The Rock
    July 12, 2022

    If the prime minister is so confident that he has the support of the Dominican public why hasn’t he given electoral reform. your party in power for four consecutive terms yet no electoral reform. makes me wonder why. This is madness in My Dominica.

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    • Ibo France
      July 13, 2022

      No one should believe a single word emanating from Roosevelt’s mouth of deceptions. Verify first. He has made LYING his lifelong profession. His two doctorates should be in the art of falsehoods.

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    • Bobby
      July 13, 2022

      Exactly! He is so full of it.

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  17. We the People
    July 12, 2022

    The way I see it sir, you just poured gasoline on the fire.

    It’s best you had kept your mouth shut.

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