Ten more Dominican students granted scholarships to pursue studies in China


Scholarship recipients with Chinese Ambassador to Dominica- Lin Xianjiang- President Charles Savarin and Mrs Savarin

Ten Dominican students have been granted the opportunity to pursue university education through the Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Six of the students received their letters at a ceremony held at the Fort Young Hotel on Thursday. They are Ariel Rogers, Clitson Belleau, Jedidiah Ferrol, Kenan Lokey, Niyyat T.L Muhammad, and Valerian Philogene. They will join four other students who are currently in China pursuing their master’s degree.

“I am gratified to participate in this handing over ceremony that will give 10 more of our students the opportunity to further their studies in China,” Education Minister Octavia Alfred said while addressing the ceremony.

She underscored how important this gift of education is because in an age of advancing knowledge and unprecedented progress in technology, learned people are imperative in order to ensure individual development, economic growth, and sustainability.

“In an age where we are challenged by successive disasters, challenges of climate change and much global economic challenges brought on by global imbalances, Ukraine war, global health crises, lingering supply chain constraints, and shrinking economies, it becomes even more urgent to empower our youth with new skills and new knowledge to take on the challenges of their world,” Alfred stated.

According to her, education remains a major priority for the government of Dominica as it seeks to elevate the lives of Dominicans. Therefore, she said, the continued investment of the Government of the People’s Republic of China in the development of Dominica’s human resources must be acknowledged and highly appreciated. She pointed out that five students will pursue studies in the field of computer skills and technology, three in various fields of health and medicine, and two in architecture.

“These investments in our nation’s human resource development is a clear indication of the commitment of the Government of the People’s Republic of China to the relationship between our two countries,”

“We look forward to continuing to build strong links that are well established between the two countries,” Alfred noted.

Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Dominica, His Excellency Lin Xianjiang said about 170 Dominican students have been given the opportunity to study in China since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 2004.

“And this year another 10 students have been awarded a scholarship. Another 4 of them are already in China,” he stated.

He encourages students to take time out to explore the beauty of China and to share their experience with family and friends.

His Excellency Lin Xianjiang went on to state that the studies pursued by the students are vital in the transition and development of Dominica.

“You will be the backbone of your country,” he said. “Keep working hard…”

He continued, “I hope you can be ambassadors of good-will between the two countries.”

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 30, 2023

    When I told you China (Chinese government sends their people to study in the United States, some took it out of context, talking fart about China is supperpower, and is privilege to study in China.

    Well, here is what a Chinese Ph.D graduate did at a Univessity where he studied and mind you the professor he murdered is also Chinese; this news came to me about nine hours ago!
    “Yan led the Yan Research Group, which Qi joined last year, according to the group’s UNC webpage. Yan earned his PhD in materials engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and previously worked as an assistant professor at Clarkson University. He joined the Chapel Hill faculty in 2019.

    Qi studies nanopartical synthesis and light-matter interaction. He moved to the U.S. from China after earning a bachelor’s degree in physics at Wuhan University, according to the UNC webpage for the Yan Research Group.

    The shooting sparked fear at the state’s flagship public university just a week…

  2. If we knew better
    August 28, 2023

    So they cannot pay Grambling and the other University but still sending. Then again the Yuen is worth less that the USdollar.

    • Man bite dogs
      August 29, 2023

      You guys is wearing a badge of honour for stupidity, if I had my way I would put Ugly Lenny, and the rest of you guys in a metal box to search for the Titanic.

  3. For real
    August 26, 2023

    But hold up they can’t pay for those that in the us. Finish the sentence 😭

  4. Miles Lee Elder
    August 26, 2023

    Dominica is slowly but surely falling under Chinese control.

  5. Man bite dogs
    August 26, 2023

    Most black people from the Caribbean are brain washed by western societies this is a way to have them as slave workers 7am to 6pm every day, take for example America black people doing 2 to 3 part time jobs a day and think this is American paradise. So I am saying thanks to China, for educating our people to see the lights at the end of the tunnel.

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  6. The Calabash
    August 26, 2023

    We keep taking the same approaches. I don’t think that it is working for our development. DA is behind in so many categories and the outlook is not promising

    • Man bite dogs
      August 28, 2023

      Calabash, What are you doing to help DA forward apart from opening your fat lips.

      • Petes
        August 29, 2023

        May I ask what exactly are you doing apart from kissing the CM’s behind on a daily basis. It’s strange that exactly these people that claim to help Dominica are those that actually contribute massively to its eternal downfall. Go and figure, dog biter, DS, Clown, Gary, Kid… and all the other red ants.

        • Man bite dogs
          August 29, 2023

          Woof, Woof Petes, I throw my bone I didn’t called any Dog.

  7. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 26, 2023

    This is great news. China is quietly becoming a global power house in many arenas. Any opportunity to grow and further one’s intellect is always welcomed.

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    • MEME
      August 28, 2023

      @Anthony P Ismael
      It is already a global super power. Why should we run away from that. Relations with China, educational and everything else can be tweaked, but it should be there to stay.

  8. Groto
    August 26, 2023

    It should read 10 more labourites granted scholarship…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
    • Ralph
      August 29, 2023

      Exactly, I wonder when DNO will get its Skerrit propaganda right. Maybe one day.

  9. Chanica
    August 26, 2023

    When they return, they will all be properly brainwashed and as such be fit for Skerrits new society.

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    • Hello
      August 26, 2023

      I used to hear that same kind of nonsense when Dominican students were going to Cuba to study in the 1970’s and early 1980’s..
      Simply not true!! China does nothing like that!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 30, 2023

        How do you know that many who went to Cuba and returned are not still completely Brainwashed?


        Let me tell you something; I have a Nephew studied Computer science in Cuba; he is a Computer software engineer, more than forty years after his return, he’s still brainwashed he still think communism is about to take over the world, when communism long dead except for in China; Russia, and North Korea!

        I try to introduced the man to some of our relatives on an island where he resides and work; the fool told me if I introduce him to his blood close relative, they will think is something he wants from them!

    • Calibishie Warrior
      August 28, 2023

      Why don’t you pay for them to be educated elsewhere? Ungratefulness brings nothing but the displeasure of the Almighty.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        September 1, 2023

        If you talking to me; I don’t have to pay for anybody education; I worked hard and long hours, more than sixty hours per week, and still found time to attend college and then university in the night.
        Every dime I used to buy my texts books, and pay my institution came out of my shallow pocket!

        And mind you I educated myself while sending four children to school, and then college okay.

        I did not sit around kissing anybody in Dominica behind to get scholarship; no political party in Dominica can say this kid here; the notorious, the invincible kid Francisco Etienne-Dods owe them loyalty because they paid for my education!
        I only asks Roosevelt Skerrit something for my sister, and the sucker lied to me said he was going to give my late sister house.
        When he did not give it to her I turned on him like a wild hurricane to this day.

        Eventually in 2020 I build a house for my sister from start to finish; she died months after moving into it. It is lock up…

  10. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 25, 2023

    “Ten Dominican students have been granted the opportunity to pursue university education through the Chinese Government Scholarship Program.”

    Yes, while the Chinese sends their people to the United States to be educated in all forms of discipline, Skerrit sends our people to China,where when they return their education is no good in the Western nations, perhaps it could serve only Roosevelt Skerrit, and his clones; because their education is no good in North America, (Canada and the United States), nor on the European continent; I know for a fact not in England!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 11 Thumb down 8
    • me
      August 26, 2023

      @Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      Europe is not the WORLD. America is not the world. Europe’s and Americas standing are gradually being diminished thanks to China and Russia. Have you heard of BRICS? Your mind is too shallow my friend. And yes CHINA gives a very very sound education. It would have done you well uf you had one. You would spew less nonsense.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 28, 2023

        Me, I am not surprised that you have chosen to be on the wrong side of the equation as most Dominicans are. And that is why I can throw this in your face!
        “Europe is not the WORLD. America is not the world. Europe’s and Americas standing are gradually being diminished thanks to China and Russia.”(Me).

        That to me is an unfounded silly statement; you have nothing to substantiate that; which one must disregard as rubbish!

        Just in case you don’t know the definition of the word world is this: ” the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features.”

        Let me tell you something, you can push Russia, China or even create any amount of totalitarian, communists state you wish to combine with those you honor, run by murders and dictators like the Chines and Putin; the United States, and Britain, and their allies are actually the power in this universe; and you or any other chicken foot Dominican can’t change that!


        • out of south city
          August 29, 2023

          My brother, I expected more from you. Me is absolutely right. I know that you can be knowledgeable when you want to be so don’t be close-minded about Russia and China taking the steps forward while the Western countries are on the decline. Be broad-minded and don’t live in a cocoon.
          You may disagree with me abd that’s ok but the truth prevails.

          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            September 1, 2023

            My friend I don’t see how?
            Russia, went unto the continent of Africa and tried to do as China is doing now in Dominica, they took black students to Russia which was at the time the Soviet Union; what the African faced when they got there, was segregation.

            They did not allow them to live among their people, they had them live in places design as a camp.

            That is well documented; as a result the Africans returned, and oscrasted the explusion of Russia from the Africation nations they were in.

            The same has happened to the the Chines; I don’t only make up these things.

            My last and youngest daughter is married to a Russian, okay and you could not give her all the gold in the world to set foot into Russia again as far as I hear oui!


            Russia and China are no world power, that is only in the mind of Miss/Mr. MEME or Mrs. MEME eh!
            If Russia, and China were world power they would have already taken Taiwan. What has Biden told China, if the try…

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    • ???
      August 26, 2023

      How can a country that has mastered all kinds of technology lack a good education system? It makes no sense.The Chinese education system is more than good. In many areas it may be better than the USA.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 28, 2023

        Okay, here is your answer; they little lilliputian, (Chines) has taken over you country “Dominica” they run your hospitals, the dispense death; its when you decide to go into the butcher shop, you take along with you a body bag, because you know you are cumming out dead!
        What happen to their medical technology?
        Tell me in detail what type of technology has the Chines mastered?
        You can thank them for the discovery of gun-power, which has taken more life’s than those alive. The technology you believe the Chines mastered, arr all stolen, from America, and Britain.
        It is because of their mastered technology, that caused them to sell Radiator Coolant to the government of telling it is cough medication, and when the drank it thousand of people died baby’s and all.
        Do you have any idea of how many Chines are serving life in jail for stealing American technology, and sold to China, and do you know that 9% of companies in China are American, and British?
        Cheap labor too them there.

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          August 28, 2023

          The radiator coolant was sold to the government of Haiti, where it killed thousands mostly children!

          Deny that if you can.

        • Marie
          August 29, 2023

          Exactly, all stolen and copied from the US and the EU. Let’s be objective here.

          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            September 1, 2023

            Marie, I doh want to laugh, I farid me belly go burst!

            I would not be surprise if the came here and thief all the radiator in the dark of night believing it was cough mdicine, and sold it to the Haitians.

            Mark information are not hidden in the United States, if you wish to find out how many Chines spies are in Jail here for stealing American technology you can find out very easily!

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    • Matt
      August 27, 2023

      Because the United States has used your people primarily as cheap labor and drooped the ball when your children need them most, until China stepped in to fill the neglected void.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 30, 2023

        Matt, what nonsense are you talking United States use your primarily for cheap labor: Man what the hell are you talking about?
        In America, one earns as much as their skills and academics affords them. There are laws in America, varies from state, that governs a minimum wage, the employer cannot pay anyone less than the minimum wage law dictates, so you take it or leave it!
        Right now nobody can offer a complete illiterate person less than $15.00 dollars per hour: what is your pay in Dominica? Less than four damn measly EC dollars. If our people were so poorly paid, here the barrel industry, which perhaps keep even you alive would not exists.
        If I did not make a lot of money here, when hurricane blew away my sister house, in 2020 I would not be able to build her a house not begging Roosevelt, for help and without the United States, the people, plural I support financially year round, at home I would not be able to do so. Shut up without America some of you stave, China feed you

    • Man bite dogs
      August 27, 2023

      @Francisco, And Why’s it China, is overtaking the USA and the rest of the world as a mighty power? Answers this one please! Something else I would rather be a China man, than being an American nutter.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 28, 2023

        But Man Dog, how on earth is China taking over America and the rest of the world?

        Now if you tell me that China has taken over Dominica under Roosevelt nose without him suspecting it I will agree. I invite you to do some research, to find out how many American companies went to China in the mid 1970’s to now, more than 9% of industries in China are foreign owned!
        They went there due to cheap labor, they pay a skilled worker less than one dollar per hour, and in most cases per day. So, to you and people like Me; think what is going to happen when all the American, British, and Canadian companies decides to pull out of China.
        The rest of the industrial world can destroy China in one day by simple halting their operation.
        There are billions of Chines yes, but without Western nations buying what is manufactured in China the power you all believe China has is in the hands of Western world consumers!

      • Hmmmmmm
        August 28, 2023

        @Man bite dogs
        Francisco does not know what he is talking about. There are hundreds of Americans studying in China, even as we chat!

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          August 28, 2023

          Studying what in China?

          Tell me in what discipline; when I say something I am able to verify what I say; so tell me what are Americans studying in China, and where in America, a degree in China’s education is accepted!

          After 40 years in America, I have yet to meet a single American who went to Study in China, not even on a student exchange, if you know of any pleas let me know.
          Who in their right mind would go to China or Russia to Study.

          You all Dominicans are rely all dumb and crazy people e

          How come we fool so nuh?


  11. Really
    August 25, 2023

    So many years now studies are ongoing in China is now allyou find to find problems? Thousands of Americans and other foreigners are studying in China but is you jealous and destructive people who will criticize and allyou haven’t got a patat to your name.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 10 Thumb down 15
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 26, 2023

      Now when people like to talk crap, there is always a way to prove them liars; some of you sit in Dominica, or wherever in some hole talking crap to justify Roosevelt nonsense:
      Student mobility between the US and the UK
      “The great news is that the transatlantic flow of students is stronger than ever. More Americans are choosing the UK for study abroad and exchange (34,660), as well as almost 15,000 for a full degree. There are also almost 10,000 Brits choosing to study in the US, a market that has seen particular growth with increased tuition fees in the UK.
      More American students are studying overseas as part of their US education, globally 10,000 more students went abroad for a semester, or a year, or a summer etc. than last year, an increase of 3.4%. With a 4.5% increase in the number travelling to the UK, the UK is outperforming the global average (see IIE’s infographic  for a summary of the findings).
      Where Is China Mentioned?
      Some Americans are dumb but not as a Dominican.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 27, 2023

      By the way governments in America, Federal, State. or City government do not send anybody (any student) to study in any foreign country to my knowledge.

      It is an individual decision; if the student family; or the student have their money they go abroad to Study I’ve even know that American Students has chosen the UWI for studies in pursuing a Ph.D.

      Even at that; the only State in the United Stats, to my knowledge which honors degrees from the University of the West Indies is California.

      So, this lie you tell about American go to China to study; tell that you you and Roosevelt Skerrit, but I know that you are a confound liar, who the hell in America would go to China to study with the knowledge that a Chinese education is not accepted in America.

      Let me simply show you this. A medical doctor, lawyer, nurse teacher, Canadian born don’t just come over the boarder and apply for a job in those field and be employed, okay!
      Never mind China!
      Food for thought; say I told you!

  12. Lin clown
    August 25, 2023

    I agree with MEME.There is racial prejudice in Canada,USA and England.Read racial discrimination in Great Britain.It is not about owing or not owing,it is about getting an education,America owe Japan,China and Brazil.Countries owe each other.That thing about Dominica owing university shows how idiotic some people can be.That opinion from ZANDOLI is a stupid opinion,and MEME know that.

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    • Matt
      August 27, 2023

      Kinda boring 😴 to read your writing devoid of space after quotations when you try so hard to distinguish your ulter ego from other names you use. :lol:

  13. Old skool
    August 25, 2023

    Congratulation to these students go out there and excel and make yourself and family and people back home proud. But now my question is, if education is a major priority according to pampalam lady to this government, why university students are having outstanding tuition fees for universities like msu, gsu, uwi and others that this government committed to pay? and most of them cya go back until their tuition is settled and they dont even know when. I feeling sorry for some of these students. Allu giving ppl hope and promises and it is unfulfilled and you all expect people to be grateful. Stupessssss.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 4
  14. Roseau
    August 25, 2023

    Let us hope that they will not face any racial prejudice in China.
    What field of studies will they be engaged in? Will their degrees be used in Dominica?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 7
    • MEME
      August 25, 2023

      If racial prejudice occurs, it will be few and far between, but it happens in America and all western countries too. So that’s not a China thing!

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      • Malick
        August 25, 2023

        That’s not a thing in China? Really? Are you for real?

        Are you not seeing all the African people who post there video experiences online? While a number of them are positive, saying that this is not a thing in China is false. People of African decent continue to face racial prejudice in China.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 5
        • MEME
          August 25, 2023

          Your reading skills new a little refining.. Few and far between. Some students even went as far as telling me that they never experience it. Same thing in the west and America. It exists, but few and far between.

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          • August 25, 2023

            Among us Dominicans in Dominica prejudice e exists so it is in my opinion a non issue.

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
        • Matt
          August 27, 2023

          Things happen all over, just look how you consider Chinese in dominica.

          • Lin clown
            August 28, 2023

            Francisco if what you say is true,why is China America’s second biggest trading partner after Japan?You went to America late,very late,at one time it was said China owned America.Every state in America has a Chinatown,Carnal street in New York is one of the biggest.Right now China has bigger and breadth taking MEGA projects being constructed in China than in America.You Francisco have lived on FIGUEROA street in Los Angeles for too long.You have lived amoung the homeless and prostitutes for too long.America is known for it’s high level of racial discrimination and for having murdered more innocent men,women and children in foreign conflicts than any other country.All arms and ammunition in Dominica we use to kill each other are American made,not one Chinese.I, the Clown is a product of the 82nd Airborne Division 7th Special Forces from Forte Bragg,North Carolina.

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            September 1, 2023

            “Francisco if what you say is true,why is China America’s second biggest trading partner after Japan”

            Clown it’s a matter of economics, and a thing called a balance in trade.

            There is a reason for that; there is also a reason why the United States borrows hard cash from the Chines.
            I cannot educate you on that subject; but rather than talking crap supporting that corrupted crook. me Almost Nearly Cousin Roosevelt Skerrit these are the sort of things you should educated yourself about!

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
      • JustMe
        August 25, 2023

        Please…go ask the Uyghurs and other Muslim minority, and Christians about discrimination in China.

        • Just Asking
          August 27, 2023

          Is it worse than discrimination by white supremacy(ws) in the U.S?

    • Dominican
      August 25, 2023

      We have students in the world’s most racist countries (America, England, germany…etc) yet we do not complain about students being awarded study opportunities there.

      Yet, we think that they will face racial prejudice in China? Guess what, they will be just fine in China!

      Thanks to the Chinese government for these opportunities for our children.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 28, 2023

        Here goes another no name talking crap; liar; I lived in Cuxhaven West Germany North of Hamburg; we had a Ship, a cargo ship transporting cargo from Denmark, to West Germany.
        I lived on Hamburg America StraBe: Note, StraBe -in Deutsche means “Street.
        I was never one day discriminated against any German!
        I lived in England; Harlow Essex England, I was never discriminated against a single day for the years I lived in both countries!
        When I returned home living in Antigua, on Kentish Road Germans use to come visit me; we one night we lit a wood fire on the side of the on Kentish Road, and roast Chicken; right where the late Richardson had his supermarket, closed now the building was still there the last time I went to Antigua.
        When you ready to lie, there are always people who can refute your lie!
        And do you mind naming a single Dominica studying in Germany, and what are they studying.
        Short Wave radio Station Dutsche:

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 28, 2023

        And so I can refute your damn lie: There was a Short Wave Radio Station in Antigua ” Radio Deutsche Welle (DW) is a Germany’S International Broadcasting system: I am not sure if it still operates in Antigua, I am talking about more than thirty years ago.
        That Radio station in Antigua was jointly operated by the British and German.
        All of the Electronic Engineers who kept the station running would at some point find themselves at my electronic business, later friendship would develop.
        Now where it pertains to the British, I don’t see lots of discrimination there when there are so many interracial marriage; the first white girl I got hooked up to in England, Ron Abraham who owned Mapin Television, until you all thief it from him was also married to one of her relative, to this day I have long left England, they still keep in touch; came here to visit: Ron if you are reading this: Sally died, Mandy was trying to get in touch with you without success.
        Passed not long after she…

  15. MEME
    August 25, 2023

    To all recipients, do maximise the opportunity accorded to you to academically move on in life, even though you most likely will be working outside of Dominica upon completion of your studies. That’s the strength of education though. It gives you the cutting edge to move on and to adapt to a changing environment!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 5
  16. Putin
    August 25, 2023

    Congratulations to the recipients. Work diligently, stay focused, stay humble, and stay close to the Creator. We look forward to your contribution to national development!

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  17. Zandoli
    August 25, 2023

    If education is so important to the government, why isn’t it paying its bill to Grambling and SMU?
    Agriculture and reducing the food import bill are also important, but they are letting feeder roads get to the point where they are impassable.
    This government is only good at talking.
    I am surprised Skerrit was not the one making the speech.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 6
    • August 25, 2023

      Keep your mouth shut, Zandoli. The more you keep your mouth shut, the better we all feel.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 22
      • MEME
        August 25, 2023

        Not at all. Shut up why? And for what reason? Everyone has a right to express his or her opinion…If you disagree, skip his opinion and move on.!!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 3
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        August 26, 2023

        The reason you want him to keep his mouth shut, is because the truth is not in you; hence you would be better satisfied if he was all over the place perpetrating lies; and promoting Roosevelt Skerrit lies!

        Shut up you lying scoundrel; you upholder of evil; political corruption, and thievery!

        The more you find out how a certain politician in Dominica thief, is the more support you give to him.

        That damn thief, one day ds, he is going to thief your eyes out in your dumb head, leaving you more blind than you are at the moment oui!


        Let me see if you going to simply sit and let a certain politician at the top tieff your eyes, and leaving blind so that can’t see how tieff him is!

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      • Spoonerz
        August 28, 2023

        ds when someone makes a good comment people like you need to shut up because you are blind to the situation at hand but you will see it talk zandoli

    • Dominica
      August 25, 2023

      I suspect that is the only Zandoli that does wake up without a Head start.

      My boy start waking up like a Zandoli and your brain will grow

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