Wagner mercenary group threatens to march on Moscow if demands not met; Putin bluntly responds

Yevgeny Prigozhin – photo taken from Russian Government Site

In a bizarre and unprecedented twist in the Russia-Ukraine conflict Yevgeny Prigozhin the head of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group (a private Russian military company) has threatened to march on Moscow if demands to meet with top military brass in Russia are not met.

This development is after the Wagner group has reportedly occupied Russian territory by seizing at least part of the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don in a bid to have their concerns taken seriously.

Prigozhin claims the Russian military launched a deadly missile strike on his own troops on Friday.

Putin has vowed to defend Russia and punish what he has deemed as treason and rebellion.

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  1. Lin clown
    June 26, 2023

    Prigozhin is a crook and a traitor.Putin is weak,from the time Prigozhin started disobeying orders from military command he should be executed.Aholes like IBO should read the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis,which almost led to world was 3.The Americans did not want Russia to install missiles in Cuba,because Florida was too close.The war going on in Ukraine was started by NATO and supported by America,when they decided to make Ukraine a member of NATO and install missiles on the Russia /Ukraine border.In that case I support MEME.

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    • Shane
      June 26, 2023

      Lots of Bullsh… What the hell are you talking about CLOWN? Shane on you with all these half truth which is a lie. What is your IQ boy?

  2. Lin clown
    June 26, 2023

    I agree with MEME 99.99%.Prigozhin should be arrested tried for treason and executed just like Skerrit is too soft on the crooks and traitors who constantly try to destroy Dominica.As a law enforcement officer who was present at government headquarters on May 29th 2979.The people has totally rejected UWP.I can say the power is with the PEOPLE.As for Ibo France,a Jacka from the black lagoon.Ibo may be educated,but commonsense is so common yet this jacka does not have 1% of it.America killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men,women and children in Japan,Korea,Vietnam,Iraq,Lybia,Afghanistan,Somalia and Syria.Remember the word is INNOCENT.Also remember Lennox Linton said people within the UWP had backstabbed,betray and vilified him.

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  3. Pat
    June 26, 2023

    If you get the feeling that things will get worse on that precious continent to all, Africa, you are right. They all unleash these lethal people and weapons on our people. Just consider the U.S alone, not counting Germans, have reportedly over 700 MILITARY bases on Africa, and do no manufacturing; yet, they use their Blacks to unleash LGBTQxi on them in exchange for the globally dreaded “aid”. It will get worse as we choose to remain unaware; we watch mainstream tv set us up to defend what is indefensible.

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    • MEME
      June 26, 2023

      Good point. But it’s over 750 bases America has, spread all over the world. But they get upset if China wants bases too!!! This is laughable. It’s only those with a brain that understands that. The African countries (most), are largely telling the Americans “NO” to this new style of democracy, where they want little children to be immersed in their LGBTQ sodomic democracy for economic aid.

  4. MEME
    June 25, 2023

    I was waiting for the rascal, Prigozhin, to go into Moscow. Sure he would be killed, but he didn’t. Going forward, he should be found wherever he is now hiding in Belaurus, and be liquidated as quickly as possible!!!. He is a coward, but he is dangerous and stupid. Luckily for him, Putin did not give orders to bomb his convoy of vehicles into smithereenes. No aircrafts, no tanks, no artillary, limited ammunition, no air support and you are going to Moscow?? TO DO WHAT??? WHAT A JOKER!!!

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  5. MEME
    June 24, 2023

    I love President Putin 100%. He is indeed a great leader, but if by the end of the day, or early Sunday, Prigozhin is not captured, hanged, killed or imprisoned, then Putin himself needs to go!!!! Ukraine is losing badly on the battlefield, seem like Prigozhin was bought, with the sole purpose of instilling fear on the people of the Russian Federation.. Since 2 weeks ago, the British intelligence was talking about this event. This time the CIA is not actively involved, its smells British intelligence all the way. But i suspect most of Prigozhin’s 25000 Wagnerites will not follow him (Prigozhin). Most will lay down their arms. Putin needs to take the gloves off and deal with this scamp to the maximun. Public execution, hanged or imprisoned for life, should be his punishment! He is a traitor and a disgrace, so you disgrace him Putin!!. He has discredited only himself, though he has stained the honour of his brave followers/fighters.
    I wait, read and watch with bated breath.

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    • facts
      June 26, 2023

      Pure Crap. How you give so much praise to the KGB when he killed all these innocent Ukrainians and Russian soldiers. No sense for this war. How can someone be great and commanded all these young people to join the military and have them killed. It is peoples kids. They never signed up to join the war they were forced into it. Okay why dont you signed up as a spare?.time will tell. Putin has a heart of stones. Prigozhin had him scared and he was very scared and stated he would not punish them. Do I believe this KGB absolutely not.

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      • MEME
        June 26, 2023

        You don’t know what you are talking about. You are a mess of confusion!! You are a second Ibo France.
        Do you understand what Wagner is?Do you know who is Prigozhin? The answer is NO! So just shut the hell up!!

    • lmckoy
      June 26, 2023

      Since you love the man so much, instead of pure talking, why don’t you do the world a favour, pack your belongings and go and help him? And while you are at it, don’t forget to bring some bullets, because it is reported, things are bad there! A word of caution, don’t be distracted by the lipstick on the Ukrainian women snipers – it is reported that they hardly miss their targets.

    • Ibo France
      June 26, 2023

      This is what you called unadulterated filth. This is tantamount to diarrhoea coming from a warped mind. This guy needs psychiatric help he is completely unhinged.

  6. MEME
    June 24, 2023

    This feud between Wagner’s head Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Ministry of defence led by Sergey Shoigu and general Gerasimov has been going on for about 6 months now. Prigozhin accused the Russian military of launching missile strikes against his men and killing many. He accused Shoigu and Gerasimov of starving his men of ammunition. Can Prigozhin march to Moscow and remove Shoigu and Gerasimov? NO! He has made a HUMONGOUS blunder.Coups only work when generals and politicians are on your side.They are not on his side..END RESULT? Prigozhin will be KILLED or ARRESTED, jailed, and the Russians with deal with his loyal followers. Ramzam Kadyrov the Chechen leader was the first to condemn Prigozhin. Who to blame? I blame President Putin 100%.He is too SOFT a leader..Prigozhin should have been dealt with months ago..Putin must relinquish power let a tougher leader like Medvidev rule.Leaders must be tough on matters that concern the state. Putin is very liked, but definitely not a TOUGH…

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    • Ibo France
      June 26, 2023


      Your devotion and reverence to this psychopath is an affront to common sense. You deserve our collective condemnation.

      Thousands of Putin’s minions are all over social media disseminating mis and dis – information all over the world everyday. MEME, you with your miniscule bird brain has fallen victim.

      Curse me now. I laugh to know that I occupy real estate in your mind rent free.

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      • MEME
        June 26, 2023

        @Ibo france
        Fact is you tend to write on things you know nothing about. You don’t know who is Prigozhin, what is Wagner. You are simply a shameless embarrassment, who cant stand up to facts and reality. So for your edification, glean a little more knowledge about what is in front of you and stop being an ill informed nuisance!! Thought you were sober, but you seem high on a banned substance, with you moronic horse manure little boy.

    • facts
      June 26, 2023

      Putin does not have a heart he would have his mother killed. How can anyone with common sense agreed to this senseless killings. Little girls are rapped women are rapped, grandmas have lost family this really hurts. I am sure you are agreeing with all the evil that the one term, orange head president has done. Donald Trump you are not above the law. Putin you are not above the law. You appear to have all in control but one of his own people will get him. Putin has no heart none whatsoever. I am sure that he damaged that Dam where the people use for every day living. The only thing thats left is the NUC and he cant use it. To agree with a scumb bag have me to wonder. I hope he and Donald Trump are put in the same cell.

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      • MEME
        June 26, 2023

        Your buffoon that’s about Wagners boss Prigozhin and Russia’s ministry of defence. Do you know anything about Wagner? You surely don’t!!! Putin has ALL THE SUPPORT he needs in Russia, and all over the world except few places in Europe. Did you know thst? Why do you think the Russian economy is still growing inspite of Western sanctions?
        Go read a book!!!

        • Facts
          June 27, 2023

          You are …….. Ignorant and your strength is in your mouth criticizing people who are more highly intelligent than you. Since Russia is so strong according to your nasty rhetoric. Tell me why is little Ukraine giving them the fight of their life. He thought he could go in there and wipe them off. Ukraine gave them and is still giving them strong resistance. They have we China. Iran . North Korea and other communist like yourself still loosing hundreds of thousands of Soldiers. Has nothing to do with the West…NATO is not involved. Boy go back to the drawing go board.

  7. Ibo France
    June 24, 2023

    Evil begets evil. Putin launched an unnecessary invasion of a sovereign country. He has killed and maimed many thousands of civilians with his indiscriminate military attacks. Babies, children, orphanages, old women, disabled men, clinics, hospitals, ambulances with the wounded, schools, civilian areas are his favourite targets.

    He surely miscalculated the resolve of the Ukrainian people to fight until the last man standing. Some of his own countrymen are now turning their guns and ammunition at him.

    When he loses this senseless war that he started, the International Court of Justice should exact justness on this sub-human being. Mandatory isolation, no human contact in a dark, moist, rat infested cell until he rots to death.

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    • MEME
      June 26, 2023

      Garbage as usual. Putin was defending his country against evil forces of NATO. That’s what real leaders do. Would you let the criminal, thief and drug addict, Zelensky, a Western puppet, kill your people in the Donbass and don’t act?
      Should Putin sllow NATO to come install their nuclear weapons on its doorstep???.
      Your block headed idiot, you just cant think! Stop involve in matters you know nothing about!!
      You know absolutely nothing about what is going on in Ukraine!! You are just exposing your ………

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      • Ibo France
        June 26, 2023

        Finland shares a border of 832 miles in length with Russia. This is the longest border between Russia and any other European country.

        Finland just recently became a member of NATO without incident after declaring its neutrality for umpteen of years. So your argument as to the reason Russia initiated this fatuous war with Ukraine is based on sand. Can’t stand up.

        It’s not surprising that a brainless ………. like you fall for such cheap Kremlin propaganda. You are badly in need of neurosurgery to reconstruct your cerebrum.

        You, MEME, are nothing more than an inane EGOTIST.

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