Petite Soufriere
November 17, 2023
HE WAS THE SONOF: Myrick Durand and Jeanne Flerin-Durand
HE WAS THE FATHER OF: Virginia Durand-Simon - A nurse in Maryland USA, Scolastique Durand, George Durand – an employee of Fine Foods, Hyacinth Durand-Ducreay- an employee of CorpEFF Insurance.
. Adopted daughter and primary caregiver Evetlyn Durand.
- His secondary caregiver, Joyce
- His brother Johnathan Durand in Petite Soufriere and Esau Durand in the United Kingdom
- Sons in Law: Eric Simon, Dexter Ducreay
- Daughters in Law: Sandra Peter- Durand
- Brother-in-Law: Leonard Durand
- Sisters in Law: ZilliaBewtalow in Martinique, Delphine Laudat in Boston, Sylvia Durand in Antigua, Jenya & Debra Durand in Dominica
- 12 Grand Children: Dahlia, Drexler & Alexia Ducreay, Jefferson Shillingford, Jodi Hern, Vaughn, Craig & Evan Simon, Netisha, Uriah, Isaiah & Elise Durand.
- 4 Great Grand Children
- 15 Nieces including Jacqueline Theodore
- 16 Nephews
The Parliamentary Representative of the Castle Bruce Constituency & the “Yes We Care Program”, Lucy Newton, Glen & Beverly Holstead in Florida, The Durand, Stoute, Flerin’, Laudat, Rolle families in Dominica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, the United States and the United Kingdom. The Cadette family in Petite Soufriere. The Pilgrim Holiness Community in Dominica and the United States. Numerous relatives and friends are too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Abner, George Durand better known as “brother Abner” of Petite Soufriere can be viewed from 12.30pm on December 1st at the pilgrim holiness church, the funeral service will take place at 1 pm and will be followed by interment at the castle Bruce public cemetery.
The management and staff of the Dominica broadcasting corporation extend their deepest condolences to the family of the late Abner Durand better known as brother Abner of Petite Soufriere.
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