In Loving Memory of


25 Independence Street. Roseau


April 24, 2024

Five (5) children: Geraldine, Minister of the Word Pastor Gerard Benjamin, Patrick, Margaret and Keith Benjamin

Thirteen (13) Grand Children: Giselle, Khalid, Malik, Sahara, Jason, Jasmine, Candace, Christal,
Rhillah, Jabari, Kianne, Jade, and Kaiden

Five (5) Step Children: Marlene, Grania, Stalin, Roudolph, Pastor Peterson Benjamin

Six (6) Siblings: Raymond Benjamin, Peter James, Raphael James, Marguerite James-Asker, Christine
James-Salandy, and Carolyn James

Two (2) Daughters-in-law: Bernadette Benjamin, Annie Baron-Benjamin

Sister-in-law: Erry Benjamin

Nephews & Nieces: Gilda, Michelle, Cheryl, and Jonathan Benjamin, and George James

Close Relatives:
- Family of deceased Ashton James (Tobago)
- Family of deceased Marina Johnson in the UK and Dominica
- Julian James and family (UK)
- Gerard and Una James and family (UK)
- Alexandrian James Burton (deceased) and her family in the UK
- Valentine and Curtis Tonge and family
- Jeane James-Finucane and family (USA)
- Family of deceased Patrick James (USA)
- Flavia James-Edwards and family (USA)
- Manley and Valda James and family
- Miranda James-Lugay and family (USA)
- Grantley and Medina James and family
- Dr. Annette James (USVI)
- Esther James-Thomas and family
- Lyndon (Big-6) and Ivera James
- Jason and Kathleen James and family (USA)
- Ermine and Coleth Leblanc and family (USA)
- Odelle and Kervin Carette and family (USA)
- Thomas Aubrey Jr and family (USA)

Other relatives:
- Christabel, Tommy, Stedman, Marian, and Clem James and family
- Lucia James and family (USA)
- Joanna Casimir & family
- George and Melissa James and family
- Aunty Pep of Giraudel
- Henry Dyer and family

Close Friends & Neighbours Including:
- Connie Astaphans & Family
- Bertha Toulon & Family
- Ma Bass & Family
- Clem Paul & Family
- Celia Nicholas & Family
- Rita Riviere & Family
- Angie Depooter & Family
- Edith Garbriel & Family
- Mrs Mason & Family
- Eutah Jones & Family
- Ernie Vidal & Family
- Virginia Johnson-Offley & Family
- Rosie Rivière & Family
- Carcas & Mavis Johnson & Family
- Joan Douglas Cools-Lartigue & Family
- Eleanora Douglas Lambert & Family
- Roslyn Augustus & Family in New York
- Roseau Cathedral Choir Members
- Members of the Girl Guides Association
- Marcia Dublin, Yvette JnoBaptiste, Valencia Webb
- Magistrate Gloria Septra Augustus
- Janita Joseph-Armantrading
- Gail Benjamin & Janice James – Kalinago Territory
- Roslyn Phillips
- Miranda Browne
- Decima Sharplis
- Sister Perle Ogarro in Trinidad
- Seraphine Fagan
- Monsignor JnoLewis
- Monsignor Thomas
- Fr. Karam
- Fr. Elveau

Care Givers:
- Dr Lisa Jolly
- Dr Portia Meade
- Tessaline Joseph
- Letha Angol
- Nurse Rosie Felix
- Nurse Pamela Bellot
- Physiotherapist Lucia Corriette
- Physiotherapist Joan James

Other family connections:
The James’, Weilands, Coutoirs, Laudats, Larocques, Alfred, Bell, Giraudel, and
Chaseau families and others, too numerous to mention.

The funeral Mass of Patricia Elaine Benjamin (Nee James) will take place at the Roseau Cathedral Chapel on Friday, May 17, 2024.
Viewing will be from 2:00 pm and Mass at 3:00 pm followed by interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.

Mrs. Patricia Elaine Benjamin Nee James, commonly known as Teacher Pat, Auntie Pat, and Ma Benjie; of Independence Street, Roseau. She died at home at the age of 91 on Wednesday, April 24 2024. She was former principal of St. Martin Small School, Wotten Waven, Giraudel Government Schools, and the Roseau Girls’ School and tutored hundreds of private students over many years. She was also a former Girl Guides’ Commissioner and member of the Roseau Cathedrale Senior Choir.

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  1. May 21, 2024

    Condolences to the Benjamin family on the loss of their matriarch. Mrs. Benjamin was a well-respected educator and nation-builder. We need more young women to join the Brownie and Guide movement and the Dominica Cadet Corps. Her son Patrick – or Benjie as we fondly called him – was one of our best trumpet players in the cadet band of the 1970s. Where we are to honor the legacy of Ma Benjie or those like her, we must comport ourselves in a manner gracious, disciplined, and committed to nation-building as she was. On behalf of the Christian family of Dominica, I render a warm salute.

  2. Ren
    May 15, 2024

    Condolences to the family & friends of Mrs Benjamin. She was a phenomenal woman & a great educator. SIEP Mrs Benjamin.

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